AI as a Creative Enabler: An Interview with Ofer Tirosh on the Future of Translation

人工智能作为创造性的推动者:关于翻译未来的Ofer Tirosh访谈

2024-10-17 21:00 Morningside


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Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way the language industry works at an exponential rate. While many fear that AI might replace human translators in the near future, Ofer Tirosh, the CEO of Tomedes, thinks that technology will only make humans better at what they do, not replace them. In this exclusive interview, Ofer talks about his forward-thinking approach to AI. He explains how it allows translators more time to focus on creativity, strategy, and nuance. By combining AI-driven efficiency with human insight, Tomedes is setting a new standard for the translation industry—one where both technology and human talent can coexist and thrive together. Interview with Ofer Tirosh, CEO of Tomedes Q1: Ofer, AI has become a hot topic in the translation world, with many translators worried about their job security. How do you address these concerns? Q2: Can you give us an example of how AI is improving the work of translators today? Q3: It sounds like you're positioning AI as an enhancer, not a replacement. How do you envision this balance between AI and human expertise evolving in the future? Q4: With AI becoming more advanced, what role do you see human creativity playing in the future of translation? Q5: What would you say to freelance translators and LSPs who are still hesitant about adopting AI into their workflows? Q6: What excites you the most about the future of human-AI collaboration in translation? Q7: Tomedes has been at the forefront of developing AI tools for the translation industry. Could you tell us more about your approach to creating these tools and how they are designed to complement human translators? Q8: You've mentioned how important it is to give translators more freedom to focus on creativity. Could you explain how Tomedes’ tools enable this shift from technical tasks to more creative ones? Q9: Tomedes has launched a number of AI-driven platforms recently. What inspired this investment in AI, and how do these tools reflect the company's broader vision for the future? Q10: Tomedes has emphasized the importance of blending human expertise with AI. How do you ensure that your AI tools preserve the human element that’s so essential in translation? Conclusion: AI and Humans Thriving Together As Ofer Tirosh points out, the future of translation is not about competition between humans and machines; it's about collaboration. If translators accept AI as a tool, they can focus on creativity and strategy while AI takes care of the repetitive tasks. Tomedes is at the forefront of developing AI tools that let humans do what they do best, making the future of translation one where both can succeed.
人工智能(AI)正在以指数速度改变语言行业的工作方式。虽然许多人担心人工智能可能会在不久的将来取代人类翻译,但Tomedes的首席执行官Ofer Tirosh认为,技术只会让人类在他们所做的事情上做得更好,而不是取代他们。 在这次独家采访中,Ofer谈到了他对人工智能的前瞻性思维方法。他解释了它如何让译者有更多的时间专注于创造力、策略和细微差别。通过将人工智能驱动的效率与人类洞察力相结合,Tomedes正在为翻译行业设定一个新的标准——在这个标准中,技术和人才可以共存并共同繁荣。 专访Tomedes首席执行官Ofer Tirosh Q1:Ofer,人工智能已经成为翻译界的热门话题,许多翻译人员担心他们的工作保障。您如何解决这些问题? Q2:你能给我们举一个例子,说明人工智能是如何改善当今翻译人员的工作的吗? Q3:听起来您将人工智能定位为增强器,而不是替代品。你如何设想人工智能和人类专业知识之间的平衡在未来的发展? Q4:随着AI越来越先进,你认为人类的创造力在翻译的未来扮演什么角色? Q5:你会对那些仍在犹豫是否在工作流程中采用人工智能的自由译者和LSP说些什么? Q6:关于翻译领域人机协作的未来,最让你兴奋的是什么? Q7:Tomedes一直处于为翻译行业开发人工智能工具的最前沿。你能告诉我们更多关于你创建这些工具的方法,以及它们是如何被设计来补充人工翻译的吗? 问题8:你提到给译者更多的自由来专注于创造力是多么重要。你能解释一下Tomedes的工具是如何实现从技术任务到更具创造性任务的转变的吗? Q9:Tomedes最近推出了多个人工智能驱动的平台。是什么激发了对人工智能的投资,这些工具如何反映公司对未来更广阔的愿景? Q10:Tomedes强调了将人类专业知识与人工智能融合的重要性。你如何确保你的人工智能工具保留翻译中如此重要的人的因素? 结论:人工智能和人类共同繁荣 正如Ofer Tirosh指出的,翻译的未来不是人类和机器之间的竞争;这是关于合作。如果翻译人员接受人工智能作为一种工具,他们可以专注于创造力和策略,而人工智能会处理重复性的任务。Tomedes处于开发人工智能工具的最前沿,这些工具可以让人类做他们最擅长的事情,使翻译的未来成为两者都能成功的未来。

