7 Free Resource Management Templates


2024-10-16 19:00 project manager


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Resources include the needed people, equipment, raw materials and so on to execute project tasks. Managing resources helps structure information to make it easier to track timelines and tasks. From manufacturing to construction, these free resource management templates add consistency and efficiency to processes to result in better project outcomes. There are resource allocation templates, resource management Excel templates, resource planning Excel templates and resource forecasting templates to ensure that projects have the resources they need when they need them to deliver projects on time, within budget and while meeting quality standards. 1. Resource Plan Template A resource plan is when project managers identify, list and organize the resources required to complete the project. This resource management template helps determine the amount of resources needed, how much they’ll cost and when they’ll be required in the project. This includes storable (available unless used up) and non-storable resources (must be restocked periodically or used during specific times). Download this free resource plan template for Excel to integrate with the project schedule and budget to keep on track and not overspend when in the execution state. This resource management template is critical to the planning phase of any project. But it’s not a one-and-done activity. The resource plan template for Excel must be regularly reviewed and updated throughout the project life cycle as changes occur and impact the plan. The problem is that templates aren’t a great tool for that. They can be helpful for planning, but because they’re static documents and must be manually updated. On top of that, it’s not collaborative, which means teams aren’t aware of the changes until they’re informed. Project management software can solve those problems. ProjectManager is award-winning project and portfolio management software that has robust Gantt charts to plan resources and their costs and share with teams to keep them updated on deadlines, changes and more. Once the resource plan is done, set a baseline to capture it and compare that plan against the actual progress in real time. Templates can’t do that. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. 2. Capacity Planning Template It’s often said that people are one’s most valuable resource. To deliver projects on time, within budget and meeting quality standards, resource capacity must be well-planned. This free capacity planning template for Excel is the perfect tool to ensure an organization has an effective operational or project plan to meet future resource requirements. Capacity planning is used to determine how much production capacity is needed to meet demand for products. It can be tricky as demand is constantly changing. To do this, managers have to integrate resource, time, team and work management processes. This resource management template helps balance available resources to meet customer demand or the project’s capacity needs. This resource utilization template shows the time and effort used by everyone on the project team for them to do their assigned tasks. This allows managers to make the necessary changes to future projects based on skill set and team availability. Keep track of autonomous teams, stay aware of changing priorities, prepare for unpredictable tasks and manage remote workers. 3. Workload Analysis Template Managing a team’s workload is crucial for many reasons. If some have more tasks than others it’s going to erode morale, reduce productivity and threaten burnout. To avoid those pitfalls, use this free workload analysis template for Excel. This resources management template helps to evenly distribute tasks across project teams. This is done by identifying, measuring and evaluating the work that must be completed by team members to deliver the project. Workload analysis is used to avoid overallocation and underutilization, which can negatively impact the project schedule, budget, quality and more. This aspect of workload management gives managers a process to get the best performances from their teams and allows them to produce the highest-quality deliverables. Use this resource management template and reap those benefits by first listing all the team members by name and hourly pay rate. Then, enter their total available work hours per month. At this point, the manager will begin to allocate work hours to each team member and, as they execute those tasks, monitor the resource utilization rate and costs. Of course, this must all be done manually, which can be frustrating, but there is a solution, which we’ll get to shortly. 4. Timesheet Template Timesheets aren’t necessarily top of mind when thinking about resource management. They’re more associated with payroll and human resources. While that is true, there is more to timesheets than simply capturing the hours a team member has worked. Using a free timesheet template for Excel can provide more benefits than one would first expect. Yes, this resource management template will help employers to keep track of the hours their employees work. It collects all the pertinent information needed to streamline that process, from the personnel data, such as the employee’s name, department, supervisor and hourly rate. The timesheet is then divided into a week’s worth of work and the hours the employee works over that time are collected and added up. How does this help with managing resources? It’s a window into labor costs, which is essential if one hopes to stay within budget. Managers can access these templates to look at where the team member is in terms of completing their tasks and how much that costs. If they’re behind, resources can be allocated to get the project schedule back on track before cost overruns threaten the project budget. 5. Job Estimate Template There are many angles by which to approach resource management. One is by estimating the job, such as the materials and labor that will be needed to complete it on time and within budget. Using this free job estimate template for Excel is the first step to compile the costs and create a realistic schedule and budget. This resource management template helps managers estimate costs for contracted work as well as a timeframe for completing the job. This is an essential step towards building an accurate budget for the work. Therefore, this resource forecasting template should be used in the early stages of a project, when soliciting quotes from vendors and contractors during the initiation phase. The resource management template is broken into three distinct parts. There’s space to add the project description, which is important to put the work in context. Following that there is a chart where the labor needed is listed, including the dates required, duration and price. Following that is a similar chart for the materials, with dates, quantities and unit prices. These two subtotals are then added together and with tax will provide an accurate estimate of project costs. 6. Work Breakdown Structure Template Before project managers can move on to identifying and allocating resources, they have to know the work that must be completed in the project. This free work breakdown structure for Excel is a tool that does just that. It’s a hierarchical chart with the final deliverable on top and the various other deliverables mapped below. From that, one can determine the tasks needed to create those deliverables. This resource management template allows managers to visualize the deliverables in their projects and, in so doing, the tasks and subtasks that create them. It decomposes the total scope of work that will be done by the project team. Therefore, it’s an important tool to provide a place to start understanding cost estimating, control and the project schedule. The work breakdown structure is divided into two sections. There’s a spreadsheet where all the project tasks can be listed. These tasks are broken down into sections that correspond to each of the five phases of the project. The other spreadsheet is the tree diagram with the main deliverable on top and the other deliverables that build to that point listed below. 7. Team Charter Template The team charter is a document that sets the agenda for the project team before they start collaborating during the execution phase. It helps define who does what in the project and establishes boundaries, which is what makes it a useful resource management template. Like the project charter, this free team charter template for Word should be created early in the project. The team charter is a way to set up human resources for the coming project. It offers guidance and support, identifies the team leader, sets up goals and defines the reason for the project. This resource management template is also a means to provide transparency for better alignment, accountability, etc. Project managers can use this resource management template to educate their teams before assigning them tasks and moving into the execution phase of the project. It should answer all their questions and put them in a better place to do their jobs when the project manager allocates the resources. ProjectManager Is Better Than an Estimate Template All of these resource management templates are helpful, but only to a degree. The truth is templates are limited in scope. They’re not collaborative, which is necessary when managing resources, nor do they save time. Because managers must manually update resource management templates, they’re inherently inefficient. Download these free templates and find out. Then the upgrade to project management software is going to be a no-brainer. ProjectManager is award-winning project and portfolio management software that captures real-time data, is collaborative and has interactive Gantt charts to plan human and nonhuman resources with more control than a static template can provide. Manage Resources in Real Time Resource management templates can monitor resources in real time. This makes balancing workload a game of catch-up as resource utilization is at best old news. With real-time data collection, our software has multiple ways for managers to monitor and manage resources. Once teams are onboarded, where their availability is set to help make it easier to assign them to tasks, managers can view the team page or color-coded workload chart. From there they can balance the workload to keep everyone working at capacity and avoid burnout and poor morale. Monitor Costs, Time and More Another thing resource management templates aren’t equipped to handle is time and cost tracking. Once resources are planned, they must be monitored to ensure they’re meeting schedule and budget demands. Templates to that by manually inputting old data, but our software is constantly collecting live data. For example, get a high-level overview of the project or projects with real-time dashboards. They display metrics such as time, cost, workload and more in easy-to-read graphs and charts. Customizable reports offer more detailed data and secure timesheets to track labor costs and streamline payroll. Related Project Estimating Content When planning resources, estimating costs is essential to build and maintain a project budget. Resource management templates can help and project management software can do even more. But for those not ready to upgrade and want to learn more about project estimating, here are a handful of links to recent posts that can help with estimating project costs. Project Cost Estimation: How to Estimate Project Cost Calculating Estimate at Completion (EAC) Parametric Estimating in Project Management Best Construction Estimating Software of 2024 Construction Estimating Guide ProjectManager is online project and portfolio management software that connects teams whether they are in the office, out in the field or anywhere else in the world. They can share files, comment at the task level and stay updated with email and in-app notifications. Join teams at Avis, Nestle and Siemens who use our software to deliver successful projects. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.
资源包括执行项目任务所需的人员、设备、原材料等。管理资源有助于组织信息,使跟踪时间表和任务变得更容易。从制造到施工,这些免费的资源管理模板增加了流程的一致性和效率,从而获得更好的项目成果。 有资源分配模板、资源管理Excel模板、资源规划Excel模板和资源预测模板,以确保项目在需要时拥有所需的资源,以便在预算范围内按时交付项目,同时满足质量标准。 1.资源计划模板 资源计划是指项目经理确定、列出和组织完成项目所需的资源。此资源管理模板有助于确定所需资源的数量、成本以及项目中何时需要这些资源。这包括可存储资源(可用,除非用完)和不可存储资源(必须定期补充或在特定时间使用)。 下载此免费的Excel资源计划模板,以便与项目进度和预算集成,从而保持跟踪,并且在执行状态下不会超支。此资源管理模板对于任何项目的规划阶段都至关重要。但这不是一个一劳永逸的活动。在整个项目生命周期中,必须定期审查和更新Excel的资源计划模板,因为发生了变化并影响了计划。 问题是,模板并不是一个很好的工具。它们对规划很有帮助,但因为它们是静态文档,必须手动更新。最重要的是,它不是协作的,这意味着团队在得到通知之前不会意识到这些变化。项目管理软件可以解决这些问题。ProjectManager是屡获殊荣的项目和投资组合管理软件,具有强大的图表来规划资源及其成本,并与团队共享,使他们随时了解最后期限,更改等。一旦资源计划完成,设置一个基线来捕获它,并将该计划与实际进度进行实时比较。模板不能这样做。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 2.能力规划模板 人们常说,人是最宝贵的资源。为了在预算范围内按时交付项目并达到质量标准,必须妥善规划资源能力。这个免费的Excel容量规划模板是确保组织拥有有效的运营或项目计划以满足未来资源需求的完美工具。 产能规划用于确定需要多少生产能力来满足产品需求。这可能是棘手的,因为需求是不断变化的。要做到这一点,管理者必须整合资源,时间,团队和工作管理流程。此资源管理模板有助于平衡可用资源,以满足客户需求或项目的容量需求。 此资源利用率模板显示项目团队中的每个人为完成分配给他们的任务所花费的时间和精力。这允许管理人员根据技能集和团队可用性对未来的项目进行必要的更改。跟踪自治团队,了解不断变化的优先级,为不可预测的任务做好准备,并管理远程工作人员。 3.分析模板 管理团队的工作量是至关重要的,原因有很多。如果有些人比其他人有更多的任务,这将削弱士气,降低生产力和威胁倦怠。为了避免这些陷阱,请使用这个免费的Excel工作负载分析模板。此资源管理模板有助于在项目团队之间均匀分配任务。 这是通过识别、测量和评估团队成员为交付项目而必须完成的工作来完成的。可持续性分析用于避免过度分配和利用不足,这可能会对项目进度,预算,质量等产生负面影响。工作量管理的这一方面为管理人员提供了一个从团队中获得最佳绩效的过程,并使他们能够产生最高质量的可交付成果。 使用此资源管理模板,首先按姓名和小时工资率列出所有团队成员,从而获得这些好处。然后,输入他们每月的总可用工作时间。此时,经理将开始为每个团队成员分配工作时间,并在他们执行这些任务时监控资源利用率和成本。当然,这一切都必须手动完成,这可能会令人沮丧,但有一个解决方案,我们很快就会得到。 4.时间模板 在考虑资源管理时,时间表不一定是最重要的。他们更多地与工资和人力资源有关。虽然这是真的,但时间表不仅仅是简单地记录团队成员的工作时间。使用免费的Excel时间表模板可以提供比人们最初预期的更多的好处。 是的,此资源管理模板将帮助雇主跟踪员工的工作时间。它收集简化流程所需的所有相关信息,例如员工的姓名、部门、主管和小时费率等人事数据。然后将时间表划分为一周的工作时间,并将员工在这段时间内的工作时间收集起来并相加。 这对管理资源有何帮助?这是一个了解劳动力成本的窗口,如果一个人希望保持在预算范围内,这是必不可少的。管理人员可以访问这些模板,以查看团队成员在完成任务方面的进展以及成本。如果他们落后了,可以在成本超支威胁到项目预算之前分配资源,使项目进度回到正轨。 5.职位评估模板 有许多角度来探讨资源管理。一种是通过估计工作,如在预算内按时完成所需的材料和劳动力。使用这个免费的Excel工作估计模板是编制成本和创建一个现实的时间表和预算的第一步。 此资源管理模板可帮助管理人员估计合同工作的成本以及完成工作的时间表。这是为这项工作编制准确预算的重要一步。因此,应在项目的早期阶段,即在启动阶段向供应商和承包商征求报价时,使用这一资源预测模板。 资源管理模板分为三个不同的部分。有空间添加项目描述,这对于将工作置于上下文中很重要。下面是一个图表,列出了所需的劳动力,包括所需的日期,持续时间和价格。下面是一个类似的图表的材料,日期,数量和单位价格。这两个小计加在一起,加上税,将提供项目成本的准确估计。 6.工作分解结构模板 在项目经理可以继续识别和分配资源之前,他们必须知道项目中必须完成的工作。这个免费的Excel工作分解结构是一个工具,就是这样做的。这是一个层次结构图,最上面是最终的可交付成果,下面是各种其他可交付成果。由此,可以确定创建这些可交付成果所需的任务。 此资源管理模板允许经理可视化其项目中的可交付成果,并在此过程中可视化创建这些成果的任务和子任务。它分解了项目团队将完成的工作的总范围。因此,这是一个重要的工具,提供了一个地方开始了解成本估算,控制和项目进度。 工作分解结构分为两部分。有一个电子表格,其中所有的项目任务可以列出。这些任务分为与项目五个阶段中的每一阶段相对应的部分。另一个电子表格是树形图,上面是主要的可交付成果,下面列出了构建到该点的其他可交付成果。 7.团队章程模板 团队章程是一份文件,在项目团队开始执行阶段的协作之前为他们设定议程。它有助于定义谁在项目中做什么,并建立边界,这使它成为一个有用的资源管理模板。像项目章程一样,这个免费的Word团队章程模板应该在项目早期创建。 团队章程是为即将到来的项目建立人力资源的一种方式。它提供指导和支持,确定团队领导人,设定目标并定义项目的原因。这个资源管理模板也是一种提供透明度的手段,以实现更好的一致性、问责制等。 项目经理可以使用此资源管理模板在分配任务和进入项目执行阶段之前对其团队进行培训。它应该回答他们所有的问题,并在项目经理分配资源时让他们更好地完成工作。 ProjectManager比估算模板更好 所有这些资源管理模板都是有用的,但只是在一定程度上。事实上,模板的范围是有限的。它们不具有协作性,这在管理资源时是必要的,它们也不节省时间。因为管理人员必须手动更新资源管理模板,所以它们的效率本来就很低。下载这些免费模板并找出答案。然后升级到项目管理软件将是一个没有头脑。ProjectManager是一款屡获殊荣的项目和投资组合管理软件,它可以捕获实时数据,具有协作性,并具有交互式图表,可以计划人力和非人力资源,比静态模板提供更多的控制。 实时管理资源 资源管理模板可以实时监控资源。这使得平衡工作负载成为一种追赶游戏,因为资源利用率充其量只是旧闻。通过实时数据收集,我们的软件为管理人员提供了多种监控和管理资源的方式。一旦团队加入,他们的可用性被设置为有助于更容易地将他们分配到任务,经理可以查看团队页面或彩色编码的工作量图表。从那里,他们可以平衡工作量,让每个人都在工作能力,避免倦怠和士气低落。 监控成本、时间等 资源管理模板无法处理的另一件事是时间和成本跟踪。一旦计划了资源,就必须对其进行监控,以确保它们满足时间表和预算需求。通过手动输入旧数据的模板,但我们的软件不断收集实时数据。例如,通过实时仪表板获得项目的高级概览。它们以易于阅读的图形和图表显示时间、成本、工作量等指标。可定制的报告提供更详细的数据和安全的时间表,以跟踪劳动力成本和简化工资单。 相关项目估算内容 在规划资源时,估算成本对于建立和维护项目预算至关重要。资源管理模板可以提供帮助,项目管理软件可以做得更多。但是对于那些还没有准备好升级并想了解更多关于项目估算的人来说,这里有一些链接到最近的帖子,可以帮助估算项目成本。 项目成本估算:如何估算项目成本 计算竣工估价(EAC) 项目管理中的参数估计 2024年最佳建筑估算软件 建筑估价指南 ProjectManager是一款在线项目和投资组合管理软件,无论团队是在办公室,在现场还是在世界任何地方,它都可以将团队连接起来。他们可以共享文件,在任务级别发表评论,并通过电子邮件和应用内通知保持更新。加入安飞士、雀巢和西门子的团队,使用我们的软件交付成功的项目。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。

