Key Takeaways from SlatorCon Silicon Valley 2024

SlatorCon Silicon Valley 2024的关键要点

2024-09-06 13:35 slator


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On September 5, 2024, over 150 language industry and technology leaders converged in Silicon Valley at the Hotel Nia in Menlo Park. The event had a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere, fostering both networking and reconnecting among attendees. Delegates from over a dozen countries and four continents highlighted the value of these in-person Slator events alongside virtual ones. The expo hall also saw active engagement. Esther Bond, Slator Head of Advisory, welcomed attendees to the event, providing an overview of the day’s presentations and panels, and inviting delegates to connect with one another. Slator Managing Director, Florian Faes, began the sessions by sharing key data points of Slator’s most recent research on the state of the industry, practical applications of large language models (LLMs) in localization workflows, and a set of predictions for the next couple of years. RWS took on the first presentation slot, with Vasagi Kothandapani and Mark Lawyer speaking about service diversification into AI solutions, and content as currency for digital transformation, business innovation, customer experience, corporate growth, global engagement, and market evolution. The first panel presentation of the day, moderated by Esther Bond, centered around investing. Andrew Doane from K1 Investment Management and Aditya Govil from VSS Capital Partners discussed the impact of AI in the language technology sector, particularly in the healthcare and B2B SaaS domains. They also touched on the role of private equity in the language tech space, and the strategic considerations surrounding investments and acquisitions. Helena Batt, who oversees localization operations for the TED Conferences, took the podium next to provide unique insights on the organization’s implementation of AI dubbing for TED Talks. Among the technical challenges encountered, Batt mentioned preserving vocal characteristics and emotional nuance, and achieving seamless lip sync. The language AI stack panel was moderated by Anna Wyndham, Slator Head of Research. Phrase’s Georg Ell and Uber’s Hameed Afssari shared their perspectives on AI as a tech stack, addressing the practical applications of LLMs in various aspects of localization, including MT, workflow optimization, and linguistic asset management. A second technology panel, moderated by Florian Faes, delved into the particulars of interpreting, with Oddmund Braaten from Interprefy, Fardad Zabetian from KUDO, and Jeremy Woan from CyraCom International each offering interesting insights on the ways in which automation is altering the interpreting services landscape. An additional panel discussion, moderated by Alex Edwards, Slator Senior Research Analyst, featured perspectives on localization systems integration, global 24/7 services, and enterprise program management from Pavel Soukenik from Acolad, Nitin Singhal from SnapLogic, and Agustín Da Fieno Delucchi from Microsoft. Another afternoon session was a thought-provoking presentation brought by Silvio Picinini from eBay Localization, who walked the audience through a scenario where AI as a new technology is either applied to existing localization processes or processes are reimagined, with the potential consequences for either approach. Florian Faes delivered the closing remarks, inviting the audience to continue the conversation at SlatorCon Remote in November 2024, or in person again in 2025, at SlatorCon London (for details coming soon, check the Slator’s Events page). Stay tuned for more comprehensive follow-up coverage.
2024年9月5日,超过150位语言行业和技术领导者齐聚硅谷门洛帕克的Nia酒店。 活动有一个轻松和欢迎的气氛,促进网络和与会者之间的重新连接。来自四大洲十多个国家的代表强调了这些面对面Slator活动以及虚拟活动的价值。博览会大厅也积极参与。 Slator咨询负责人Esther Bond欢迎与会者参加活动,概述了当天的演讲和小组讨论,并邀请代表们相互联系。 Slator董事总经理Florian Faes在会议开始时分享了Slator最近对行业状况的研究的关键数据点,大型语言模型(LLM)在本地化工作流程中的实际应用,以及对未来几年的一系列预测。 RWS担任了第一个演讲嘉宾,Vasagi Kothandapani和Mark Lawyer谈到了人工智能解决方案的服务多样化,以及内容作为数字化转型、业务创新、客户体验、企业增长、全球参与和市场演变的货币。 当天的第一个小组演讲由Esther Bond主持,围绕投资展开。 K1 Investment Management的Andrew Doane和VSS Capital Partners的Aditya Govil讨论了人工智能在语言技术领域的影响,特别是在医疗保健和B2B SaaS领域。他们还谈到了私募股权在语言技术领域的作用,以及围绕投资和收购的战略考虑。 负责TED会议本地化运营的Helena Batt走上讲台,就该组织为TED演讲实施人工智能配音提供了独特的见解。在遇到的技术挑战中,巴特提到了保留声音特征和情感细微差别,并实现无缝的嘴唇同步。 语言AI堆栈小组由SLATOR研究负责人Anna Wyndham主持。Phrase的Georg Ell和Uber的Hameed Afssari分享了他们对人工智能作为技术栈的看法,讨论了LLM在本地化各个方面的实际应用,包括MT,工作流程优化和语言资产管理。 由Florian Faes主持的第二个技术小组深入研究了口译的细节,来自Interprefy的Oddmund Braaten,来自KUDO的Fardad Zabetian和来自CyraCom International的Jeremy Woan都对自动化正在改变口译服务格局的方式提出了有趣的见解。 由Slator高级研究分析师Alex Edwards主持的另一个小组讨论会,重点介绍了来自Acolad的Pavel Soukenik、SnapLogic的Nitin Singhal和Microsoft的Agustín Da Fieno Delucchi对本地化系统集成、全球24/7服务和企业项目管理的观点。 另一个下午的会议是由eBay本地化的Silvio Picinini带来的发人深省的演讲,他带领观众通过一个场景,AI作为一种新技术要么应用于现有的本地化流程,要么重新想象流程,无论哪种方法都有潜在的后果。 Florian Faes发表了闭幕词,邀请观众于2024年11月在SlatorCon Remote继续对话,或于2025年在SlatorCon London再次亲自对话(有关即将到来的详细信息,请查看Slator的活动页面)。 请继续关注更全面的后续报道。

