Business Process Improvement: Steps & Methodologies


2024-10-14 21:40 project manager


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Technology, labor, distribution and consumer demographics have all massively changed just in the last few years. As such, business processes need to be constantly evolving to adapt and bring satisfaction to the customer as efficiently as possible. Organizations are continually looking for leadership team that’s experienced in business process management (BPM). It can seem like a tall order to disrupt the status quo at your company, but with the implementation of smart business process improvement strategies, you’ll be able to make these changes as fluidly as possible. Let’s look at business process improvement (BPI), define it, explore strategies and then note the business and project management tools that can help implement and analyze progress in your company. What Is Business Process? Before we can improve the business process, we must first understand it. Business process is simply a series of tasks that you and your team perform repeatedly to create a product or service for your stakeholder, sponsor or customer. Business process can be modeled as a flowchart, which details the tasks necessary to serve that business goal. A business process starts with an objective and ends with the achievement of that goal, which provides value for the customer. A business process can often be broken down into smaller processes, allowing for divisions of labor. In general, the business process is broken down into three types. Operational: This includes the core business and creates a value stream, such as orders from customers, opening accounts, manufacturing, etc. Management: This includes such processes as corporate governance, budget and employee oversight. Supporting: This includes those processes that support other processes such as accounting, recruitment, technical support, etc. Each of those types also exhibits the six characteristics of a business process: It has definite boundaries, inputs and outputs It has an ordered list of activities in sequence It asks: “Who is the customer?” It must add value for the customer It is embedded in an organizational process It usually spans several functions Lastly, when working on a business process it helps to have an owner, someone who is responsible for overseeing and improving this process. What Is Business Process Improvement? Business process improvement (BPI) is a systematic process for analyzing, redesigning and optimizing business processes. The goal is to achieve greater adaptability and efficiency by reducing bottlenecks and redundancies. When the workflow is improved, it leads to better quality, lower costs and increased customer satisfaction. To achieve continuous process improvement, teams first need to examine their current processes to find inefficiencies or bottlenecks. This could come from analyzing metrics such as resource utilization rates, cycle times and error rates. From there, BPI helps redesign the process such as automating certain tasks or eliminating unnecessary steps. Finally, organizations need to implement the changes which may include allocating resources, adjusting roles, implementing new technologies, etc. Process Improvement Methodologies These are systematic approaches to improving processes and increasing quality, efficiency and performance. Each has its strengths and are tailored to fit the organization’s needs or project requirements. Some methodologies include balanced scorecard (BSC), Six Sigma, total quality management (TQM), Kaizen, agile, business process reengineering (BPR), root cause analysis (RCA), value stream mapping (VSM), value chain analysis, and theory of constraints (TOC), to name a few. We’ll learn more about some specific methodologies below. Balanced Scorecard (BSC) BSC is a strategic management tool that connects business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization by measuring performance across four different areas; financial, customer, internal processes and learning and growth. It tracks and monitors key performance indicators (KPIs) to help managers make data-driven decisions. It’s a comprehensive view of how improvements can help reach overarching business goals. Value Stream Mapping Value stream mapping, as the name suggests, visually maps process steps that are both value-adding and non-value-adding from start to finish. VSM helps with process improvement to pinpoint inefficiencies and waste in production. As a result, businesses can optimize processes and improve productivity. This methodology eliminates waste and can result in customer-focused business operations. It’s commonly used in industries that want to achieve leaner, more agile business models such as manufacturing, construction or healthcare. Value Chain Analysis Value chain analysis is a process improvement methodology that looks at all activities within an organization that help create customer value. This could include raw material procurement to final product delivery. Businesses can analyze each activity to identify areas where quality improvements or cost savings can give them a competitive advantage. Value chain analysis often helps make outsourcing and supply chain decisions. Strategic Process Improvement Another one of the process improvement methodologies is strategic process improvement (SPI). This focuses on aligning process enhancements with the company’s long-term strategic initiatives and goals. SPI revolves around transforming processes that are important to achieving business growth and a competitive advantage. It drives organizational change by focusing on areas such as customer relationship management, financial planning and supply chain management. Kaizen or Continuous Improvement Kaizen is a Japanese word that translates to continuous improvement. This method encourages employees on all levels of an organization to contribute small and incremental improvements to processes over time. Everyone feels inspired to be involved in identifying and resolving inefficiencies, from frontline workers to the leadership team. This helps businesses adapt to change, reduce costs and improve quality. PDCA: Plan, Do, Check, Act PDCA, or plan, do check and act, is also referred to as the Deming Cycle. Similar to Kaizen, this is a continuous process improvement method that helps with iterative improvements in business processes. First comes “plan” where an improvement opportunity area is identified. Next comes “do,” where the change is implemented, followed by “check” which monitors the results. Finally, “act” consists of implementing the needed adjustments. Six Sigma Six Sigma is a data-driven methodology that focuses on improving process quality. It achieves this by identifying and removing the causes behind defects to minimize variability. It leverages statistical analysis to measure and control quality. This helps ensure that processes are always meeting high quality standards while keeping operational inefficiencies low. It helps reduce defects and variability to result in noteworthy cost savings and customer satisfaction. Total Quality Management (TQM) TQM is another process improvement tool that looks at the organization as a whole. It aims to embed a culture of quality in every process and decision by focusing on factors like continuous improvement, customer satisfaction and employee involvement. TQM shows that quality isn’t solely the responsibility of the quality control team but is embedded in all aspects of the organization. Process Improvement Steps By streamlining your business process you’ll have fewer errors and delays, and customer satisfaction will improve. Sounds great right? Well, here are some steps you can take to cut waste, boost efficiency and improve your business process. 1. Identify What Needs to Change Analyze your business process at a high level and identify what needs changing. You can uncover areas ripe for improvement by conducting a process audit to discover where issues and risks lurk. 2. Analyze Your Pain Points Through Process Mapping After you’ve figured out which parts of your process need improvement, it’s time to analyze them fully to understand what’s happening and how to realistically make improvements. Ask yourself the tough questions, for example: What steps are creating roadblocks? What aspects are the most time-consuming? Is there an undue increase in cost and resources? Is quality impacted? You can find your answers by using business process mapping to outline everything with a flowchart or a swim lane diagram. These tools visualize all steps in your business process. You want to dive deep into each phase of the process to make sure you’re not leaving out any steps, regardless of how minor they might appear. This will help to discover the source of the problems occurring in your process. To further your understanding of where the process is breaking down, you’ll want to talk to those people who are directly involved in it. Get their perspective on what’s wrong and what they think can be done to improve the process. 3. Make a Process Improvement Plan Now you’re going to redesign the inadequate part of your process and apply the improvements you deem necessary to add efficiency. The best way to do this is by making a process improvement plan. This will facilitate working with those people involved in the part you’re focusing on. Include what you learned when mapping the process but continue getting input from them as part of the improvement plan writing process. Be clear about what you want to change, then work on brainstorming or other group activities to collect ideas. At this point don’t stifle any suggestions, regardless of the cost or resources involved. You want to explore first. After the exploratory step, you narrow the solutions by considering the ideas within a realistic context. Apply impact and risk analysis. Work to uncover risks and potential failure points to further help you understand the full consequences of the proposal you’re building. Once you and the group have come to a realistic process improvement plan that has been agreed upon, then you’ll want to create a new diagram to document the steps involved. 4. Get Buy-In from Stakeholders Once you’ve identified and analyzed the issues, you’re going to need to get support from senior management to okay your plans for improvement. These improvements can take time and use resources, so without a commitment from senior management, you won’t have the power to proceed. 5. Estimate Resource Requirements Now that you have a process improvement plan, you need to determine what resources are needed to implement it. List everything required. Go through the proper channels to approve these resources and communicate clearly why they are necessary to refine and improve the process. A business case might be a good way to justify your request. 6. Make the Change Implement your redesign. This might mean changing existing systems, teams and processes. Sounds like a project in and of itself? That’s because it is, and you should organize it as one. Plan, allocate time and resources, consider risk and assemble a team to get the work done. 7. Review, Review, Review Just as you reviewed the existing processes to discover where improvements could be made, you’ll want to review your improvements. Monitor their progress and make sure they’re meeting the milestones you’ve set up. Be ready to adjust your plan accordingly as issues arise. Stay in communication with your team throughout. Get input from them on how the new process is working. Ask if they’re finding it frustrating on any level. Take this information and tweak your plan to make sure that the process is in fact making improvements and not meaningless change. ProjectManager Can Help with Business Process Improvement There can be a lot of preparation, administration and management involved when implementing BPI, so it can be very useful to use project management tools. ProjectManager has features that can help with business process improvements, such as online Gantt charts, kanban boards, workload management software, real-time dashboards and more. Plan with Gantt Charts As you work to redesign you process, you’ll want to have a timeline on which to place tasks and deadlines, to make sure you’re scheduling the project as efficiently as you can. That’s where an online Gantt chart comes in. All you need to do is take your task list and import it into ProjectManager and the timeline is populated with those tasks, which can be linked and progress can be tracked. Visualize Workflow with Kanban ProjectManager’s Kanban is a visual tool to help you see your current process. It’s very flexible and allows you to visualize your work and divide your Kanban board as you see fit. You can break the Kanban board down as far as you want. This visibility creates clarity, so you can evolve your process as needed to add efficiencies. It helps everyone on the team see the process at a glance, which allows for a more collaborative effort at improving those processes. By visualizing the process, you can quickly see where there are bottlenecks in your process and resolve them. Track with Dashboards Because ProjectManager is a cloud-based project management software it captures the progress of your work in real time. The real-time dashboard, therefore, gives you one screen in which you can see all the data you collect on the progress, cost, workload, etc., related to the process. From this overview, the issues that are preventing you from improving productivity often come quickly into focus. Business process improvement is key to keeping your project productive and aligned with the overall organizational strategy of your business. Fortunately, ProjectManager has the tools you’ll need to plan, implement, monitor and share those improvements. Try it yourself with this free 30-day trial.
在过去的几年里,技术、劳动力、分销和消费者人口统计都发生了巨大的变化。因此,业务流程需要不断发展,以适应并尽可能有效地为客户带来满意度。组织一直在寻找在业务流程管理(BPM)方面经验丰富的领导团队。 打破公司现状似乎是一项艰巨的任务,但随着智能业务流程改进策略的实施,您将能够尽可能流畅地进行这些更改。让我们看看业务流程改进(BPI),定义它,探索策略,然后注意可以帮助实施和分析公司进度的业务和项目管理工具。 什么是业务流程? 在改进业务流程之前,我们必须首先了解它。业务流程只是您和您的团队重复执行的一系列任务,旨在为您的利益相关者、赞助商或客户创建产品或服务。业务流程可以建模为流程图,详细说明服务于业务目标所需的任务。 业务流程以目标开始,以实现该目标结束,该目标为客户提供价值。业务流程通常可以分解为更小的流程,以便进行劳动分工。 一般来说,业务流程分为三种类型。 运营:这包括核心业务并创建价值流,例如客户订单,开户,制造等。 管理:这包括公司治理、预算和员工监督等流程。 支持:这包括那些支持其他流程的流程,如会计,招聘,技术支持等。 这些类型中的每一种还展示了业务流程的六个特征: 它有明确的边界、输入和输出 它有一个按顺序排列的活动列表 他问:“谁是顾客?” 它必须为客户增加价值 它嵌入在组织过程中 它通常跨越几个功能 最后,当工作在一个业务流程,它有助于有一个所有者,有人谁是负责监督和改进这个过程。 什么是业务流程改进? 业务流程改进(BPI)是对业务流程进行分析、重新设计和优化的系统过程。目标是通过减少瓶颈和冗余来实现更大的适应性和效率。当工作流程得到改善时,它会带来更好的质量,更低的成本和更高的客户满意度。 为了实现持续的过程改进,团队首先需要检查他们当前的过程,以发现效率低下或瓶颈。这可能来自分析资源利用率、周期时间和错误率等指标。在此基础上,BPI帮助重新设计流程,例如自动化某些任务或消除不必要的步骤。最后,组织需要实施变革,这可能包括分配资源、调整角色、实施新技术等。 过程改进方法 这些都是改进流程和提高质量、效率和业绩的系统方法。每一种方法都有其长处,并根据组织的需要或项目要求进行调整。一些方法包括平衡计分卡(BSC),六西格玛,全面质量管理(TQM),改善,敏捷,业务流程再造(BPR),根本原因分析(RCA),价值流图(VSM),价值链分析和约束理论(TOC),仅举几例。我们将在下面了解更多关于一些特定方法的信息。 平衡计分卡(BSC) 平衡计分卡是一种战略管理工具,通过衡量四个不同领域的绩效,将业务活动与组织的愿景和战略联系起来;财务,客户,内部流程以及学习和成长。它跟踪和监控关键绩效指标(KPI),以帮助管理人员做出数据驱动的决策。这是一个关于改进如何帮助实现总体业务目标的全面视图。 价值流图 顾名思义,价值流映射直观地映射了从开始到结束的增值和非增值过程步骤。VSM有助于流程改进,以查明生产中的效率低下和浪费。因此,企业可以优化流程并提高生产力。这种方法消除了浪费,并可以实现以客户为中心的业务运营。它通常用于希望实现更精简、更敏捷的业务模式的行业,如制造业、建筑业或医疗保健业。 价值链分析 价值链分析是一种过程改进方法,它着眼于组织内有助于创造客户价值的所有活动。这可能包括原材料采购到最终产品交付。企业可以分析每项活动,以确定质量改进或成本节约可以为他们带来竞争优势的领域。价值链分析通常有助于做出外包和供应链决策。 战略流程改进 另一种过程改进方法是战略过程改进(SPI)。这侧重于使流程改进与公司的长期战略计划和目标保持一致。SPI围绕着对实现业务增长和竞争优势至关重要的流程进行转换。它通过专注于客户关系管理、财务规划和供应链管理等领域来推动组织变革。 改善或持续改进 Kaizen是一个日语单词,意思是持续改进。这种方法鼓励组织中所有级别的员工随着时间的推移对过程做出小而渐进的改进。从一线员工到领导团队,每个人都受到启发,参与识别和解决效率低下的问题。这有助于企业适应变化,降低成本和提高质量。 PDCA:计划、执行、检查、行动 PDCA,或计划,检查和行动,也被称为戴明循环。与Kaizen类似,这是一种持续的流程改进方法,有助于业务流程的迭代改进。首先是“计划”,其中确定了改进机会区域。接下来是“做”,在那里实现了更改,然后是“检查”,监视结果。最后,“行动”包括实施必要的调整。 六西格玛 六西格玛是一种数据驱动的方法论,专注于提高流程质量。它通过识别和消除缺陷背后的原因来实现这一目标,以最大限度地减少可变性。它利用统计分析来衡量和控制质量。这有助于确保流程始终符合高质量标准,同时降低运营效率。它有助于减少缺陷和可变性,从而显著节省成本和客户满意度。 全面质量管理(TQM) TQM是另一种将组织视为一个整体的过程改进工具。它旨在通过关注持续改进,客户满意度和员工参与等因素,将质量文化嵌入每个流程和决策中。TQM表明质量不仅仅是质量控制团队的责任,而是嵌入到组织的各个方面。 流程改进步骤 通过简化您的业务流程,您将减少错误和延迟,并提高客户满意度。听起来不错吧?那么,这里有一些步骤,你可以采取减少浪费,提高效率和改善您的业务流程。 1.确定需要更改的内容 从高层次分析您的业务流程,并确定需要更改的内容。您可以通过进行过程审计来发现问题和风险潜伏的地方,从而发现已经成熟的改进领域。 2.通过流程映射分析您的痛点 在您确定了流程的哪些部分需要改进之后,是时候对它们进行全面分析,以了解发生了什么以及如何切实地进行改进。问自己一些棘手的问题,例如: 哪些步骤会造成路障? 哪些方面最耗时? 成本和资源是否过度增加? 质量是否受到影响? 您可以通过使用业务流程映射来用流程图或泳道图概述所有内容来找到答案。这些工具将业务流程中的所有步骤可视化。您希望深入了解流程的每个阶段,以确保没有遗漏任何步骤,无论它们看起来多么微小。 这将有助于发现过程中出现问题的根源。为了进一步了解流程的问题所在,您需要与直接参与其中的人员交谈。了解他们对问题所在的看法,以及他们认为可以做些什么来改进流程。 3.制定过程改进计划 现在,您将重新设计流程中不足的部分,并应用您认为必要的改进来提高效率。最好的方法是制定一个过程改进计划。这将有助于与那些参与你所关注的部分的人一起工作。包括你在绘制过程时学到的东西,但继续从他们那里获得输入,作为改进计划编写过程的一部分。明确你想要改变什么,然后进行头脑风暴或其他小组活动来收集想法。在这一点上,不要扼杀任何建议,无论涉及的成本或资源。你想先探索一下。 在探索性的步骤之后,您可以通过在现实环境中考虑这些想法来缩小解决方案。应用影响和风险分析。努力发现风险和潜在的失败点,以进一步帮助您了解您正在构建的提案的全部后果。一旦您和团队达成了一致的现实的流程改进计划,那么您将需要创建一个新图表来记录所涉及的步骤。 4.获得利益相关者的支持 一旦你确定并分析了问题,你就需要得到高级管理层的支持,以批准你的改进计划。这些改进可能需要时间和资源,因此,如果没有高级管理层的承诺,您将无法继续下去。 5.估计所需资源 现在你有了一个过程改进计划,你需要确定需要什么资源来实施它。通过适当的渠道批准这些资源,并清楚地传达为什么需要这些资源来改进和改进流程。商业案例可能是证明您的请求的好方法。 6.做出改变 实施您的重新设计。这可能意味着改变现有的系统、团队和流程。听起来像一个项目本身吗?那是因为它是,你应该把它组织成一个。计划,分配时间和资源,考虑风险,组建团队完成工作。 7.复习复习复习 正如您回顾了现有的过程以发现可以改进的地方一样,您也希望回顾您的改进。监控他们的进度,确保他们达到了你设定的里程碑。当问题出现时,准备好相应地调整你的计划。 始终与您的团队保持沟通。从他们那里获得关于新流程如何工作的信息。问问他们是否在任何层面上感到沮丧。利用这些信息,调整你的计划,以确保这个过程实际上是在改进,而不是毫无意义的改变。 ProjectManager可以帮助改进业务流程 在实施BPI时,可能会涉及到大量的准备、行政和管理工作,因此使用项目管理工具非常有用。ProjectManager具有可帮助改进业务流程的功能,例如在线图表、看板、工作负载管理软件、实时仪表板等。 使用图表进行计划 当你重新设计你的过程时,你需要有一个时间轴来安排任务和截止日期,以确保你尽可能有效地安排项目。这就是为什么要使用在线图表。你所需要做的就是把你的任务列表导入到ProjectManager中,然后时间轴就会被这些任务填充,这些任务可以被链接,进度也可以被跟踪。 使用看板可视化工作流 Project Manager的看板是一个可视化工具,可帮助您查看当前流程。它非常灵活,允许您可视化您的工作,并根据您的需要划分看板。你可以把看板板分解到你想要的程度。 这种可见性使流程清晰明了,因此您可以根据需要改进流程,从而提高效率。它可以帮助团队中的每个人一目了然地看到流程,从而允许在改进这些流程时进行更多的协作。通过可视化流程,您可以快速查看流程中的瓶颈并解决它们。 使用仪表板进行跟踪 由于ProjectManager是一款基于云的项目管理软件,它可以实时捕获您的工作进度。因此,实时仪表板为您提供了一个屏幕,您可以在其中查看您收集的有关进度、成本、工作量等的所有数据,与过程有关。从这个概述中,阻碍您提高生产力的问题通常会很快成为焦点。 业务流程改进是保持项目生产力并与业务的整体组织战略保持一致的关键。幸运的是,ProjectManager拥有您需要的工具来计划,实施,监控和共享这些改进。试试这个免费的30天试用版。

