7 Free Estimate Templates for Excel


2024-10-09 19:00 project manager


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Better estimates lead to better projects. An accurate forecast of costs, time and more is essential to creating a realistic project plan and schedule. This is where an estimate template can help set a project up for success. Download these free estimate templates to deliver projects on time, within budget, and according to stakeholders’ expected quality standards. Use these estimate templates for projects, contractors, budgets and many more. While an estimate template is a good starting point, read on to learn how project management software can take you across the finish line. 1. Project Estimate Template One of the more important estimate templates is the free project estimate template for Excel. It helps project managers build the budget by accurately forecasting project costs, such as resources and their duration. Use this estimate template to secure funding and increase the profit margin. To ensure accuracy, this free estimate template starts with a space to describe the job. This puts the project into context, which is an essential part of a good estimate. Then the project is broken into phases. Each phase has columns to list the vendor or contractor, the cost of labor and materials, which is then added up. At the bottom of the estimate template, there’s a total, which is the project budget. The trouble with free estimate templates is that they’re static documents. They may help create a budget, but after that, they’re useless as collaborative tools or living documents as they have to be manually updated. Why not upgrade to project management software? ProjectManager is award-winning project and portfolio management software with dynamic Gantt charts that help with budget planning. They provide a detailed breakdown of all project costs, including both human and nonhuman resources. Not only that, but they link all four types of task dependencies to avoid cost overruns due to delays and can set a baseline to track cost variance in real time. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. 2. Job Estimate Template The budget or project schedule cannot be accurately built without first estimating how long the work will take and what it will cost. For that, download this free job estimate template for Excel. Subcontractors use this estimate template to capture the project’s costs. Using this free estimate template helps to streamline work to keep projects on time and within their budgets. A job estimate lists the labor, materials and cost estimate for the contracted work. This free estimate template isn’t only valuable for estimating the project budget but also for building a better relationship between the project owner and client. It allows them to agree on what will be done when the project begins, including the costs associated with the work. Doing this ahead of time avoids confusion and misunderstandings when the project is being executed. The estimate template is simple and easy to use. List all the project resources that will be needed for the project, including a description, dates when it will be needed, how many days and the price. That list is then added up, including tax, for a labor total. The same thing is done with the materials needed for the job. These two figures are then added together and an accurate estimate is delivered for the project budget. 3. Construction Estimate Template An accurate estimate for a construction project is doubly important. As with any project, the more accurate the estimate, the less likely to have to seek additional funding. However, general contractors build a profit margin for the job. An estimate that doesn’t properly forecast costs means those extra costs are coming out of their pocket. That’s why they need this free construction estimate template for Excel. This estimate template allows for a more realistic budget and better profit margins for the general contractors and facilitates the construction bidding process. The more details that can be hammered out on the free estimate template, the more likely this bid will beat the competition. Then, when the bid is won, the estimation template can help with budget tracking, comparing actual costs to the budget. There are other ways estimate templates benefit construction projects. This estimate template provides a detailed breakdown of costs, which can pinpoint areas where savings can be achieved. It can also be used in change order management by comparing the costs of the proposed change with the original contract estimates to find discrepancies and determine how the budget is impacted. 4. Contractor Estimate Template This free contractor estimate template for Excel is used to forecast the expected direct, indirect and overhead costs of a construction project. The general contractor creates it, often assisted by subcontractors, and then submits it to potential clients. They create this estimate template by looking at the construction project’s specifications and determining the raw materials and labor needed to complete the work. Labor costs are measured per hour. Material costs are estimates based on a unit of measurement for raw materials. Indirect costs are such items as overhead, equipment rental fees and other hard or soft construction costs. The profit margin is agreed upon by the general contractor and project owners and the free estimate template has a field to set the profit margin percentage for the project. Use this estimate template based on construction design documents, such as blueprints or computer-aided designs. The general contractor will then send it to the project owners for them to consider during the bidding process. The more accurate the estimate, the more likely one is to get the job and not regret the cost eating into their profit margins. 5. Painting Estimate Template We’ve been looking at more general estimate templates so let’s review a couple more specific examples that will come in handy during most construction projects. For example, this free painting estimate template for Excel can capture all information necessary to complete a paint job at a price agreeable to both contractor and customer. Use this estimate template to create a professional, accurate and consistent estimate for business clients. Painting estimate templates capture the general information about the job, such as the color, trim work, etc., that the customer wants. Then it goes into detail about both the interior and exterior, which makes it useful for any building painting job. Whether the job is for the interior or exterior of the building, the breakdown is the same. There’s a column for material descriptions, quantity, cost and amount. The same structure follows for the labor description, but with hours, rate and amount. Add it up for an accurate estimate for the job. 6. Roofing Estimate Template Another specialized estimate template is the free roofing estimate template for Excel. There are many different types of roofs in a construction project and they demand different materials, maintenance and other issues that are addressed in free estimate templates. This estimate template offers a broad overview of what a customer can expect from a roofing service. There is basic information on cost, materials and the scope of work. This allows the contractor to prepare the customer for the job so they know what to expect once the work begins. Information covered in the estimate template includes customer contact and property information, including the type of roof, size and material. There’s then a space for general information to explain the scope of work. Under that is a chart with a description of the materials, labor, equipment, etc., how much is needed, cost and more. 7. Project Budget Template No matter what type of project is being managed, there’s going to be a budget to pay for its execution. This free project budget template for Excel is flexible enough to forecast costs for construction, manufacturing, professional services, IT or whatever else one is working on. The estimate template is color-coded to monitor project expenses when tasks are being executed. Users can see when they’re in the red. In terms of forecasting costs, this free estimate template collects labor costs, consultant fees, raw materials, software licenses and travel expenses. Those costs are unique to the specific project. However, there are other project costs that may change or carry over from one project to another. These costs, such as telecommunications, office space and office equipment rentals, general administration and company insurance, are also included in this estimate template. ProjectManager Is Better Than an Estimate Template We encourage you to download all these free estimate templates and try them out. They can be incredibly helpful. However, anyone managing a project will quickly see how they fall short of project management software. Estimate templates are static documents that must be manually updated and aren’t collaborative. Yes, they’re free, but you get what you pay for. ProjectManager is award-winning project and portfolio management software that has multiple project views for managers to build budgets on Gantt charts and then teams to execute their tasks on kanban boards and task lists that monitor costs. Stakeholders can use the calendar view to stay updated on progress. Use Robust Cost Management Features Once the budget is completed, the real work begins. Our resource management features allow managers to set availability, including PTO, vacation time and global holidays, to easily allocate resources and track their associated costs with secure timesheets, which provide a window into labor costs. Cost overruns can occur when teams are burned out by overburdening them with work. Managers can avoid this by going to the team page or the color-coded workload page to get a live overview of resource utilization. There, they can balance workload to keep teams working at capacity and staying productive without eroding morale. Get Real-Time Data Cost, Time and Budget Tracking Monitoring costs is how project managers deliver projects within the budget and keep their profit margin, and our software has many ways to do this. For a high-level overview, toggle over to the real-time project and portfolio dashboards. Whether managing one or multiple projects, live data is collected and displayed on easy-to-read graphs and charts that show project metrics such as time, cost, workload and more. For a deeper understanding of project costs, use customizable reports. These reports can be filtered to get details for project managers and their teams or a more general overview for stakeholders. Related Project Estimating Content There’s more to project estimating than free estimating templates. Check out these recent posts from our blog on everything from project cost estimating to parametric estimating in project management. Project Cost Estimation: How to Estimate Project Cost Calculating Estimate at Completion (EAC) Parametric Estimating in Project Management Best Construction Estimating Software of 2024 Construction Estimating Guide ProjectManager is online project and portfolio management software that connects teams whether they’re in the office or on the job site. They can share files, comment at the task level and stay updated with email and in-app notifications. Join teams at Avis, Nestle and Siemens who use our software to deliver successful projects. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.
更好的估计会带来更好的项目。对成本、时间等的准确预测对于创建现实的项目计划和进度至关重要。这就是评估模板可以帮助项目取得成功的地方。 下载这些免费的评估模板,按时、在预算内并根据利益相关者预期的质量标准交付项目。将这些估算模板用于项目、承包商、预算等。虽然评估模板是一个很好的起点,但请继续阅读,了解项目管理软件如何带您越过终点线。 1.项目估算模板 一个更重要的评估模板是免费的Excel项目评估模板。它通过准确预测项目成本(如资源及其持续时间)来帮助项目经理制定预算。使用此估算模板来获得资金并提高利润率。 为了确保准确性,这个免费的评估模板以一个空格开始来描述工作。这将项目置于上下文中,这是良好评估的重要组成部分。然后项目被分成几个阶段。每个阶段都有列列出供应商或承包商、劳动力和材料成本,然后将其相加。在估算模板的底部,有一个总计,即项目预算。 免费评估模板的问题在于它们是静态文档。它们可能有助于创建预算,但在那之后,它们作为协作工具或活文档毫无用处,因为它们必须手动更新。为什么不升级到项目管理软件?ProjectManager是屡获殊荣的项目和投资组合管理软件,具有动态甘特图,有助于预算规划。它们提供了所有项目成本的详细明细,包括人力和非人力资源。不仅如此,它们还链接了所有四种类型的任务依赖关系,以避免由于延迟而导致的成本超支,并可以设置一个基线来实时跟踪成本差异。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 2.工作估算模板 如果不首先估计工作需要多长时间和成本,就无法准确地制定预算或项目进度。为此,下载这个免费的Excel工作评估模板。分包商使用此估算模板来获取项目成本。使用这个免费的评估模板有助于简化工作,使项目按时完成并在预算内。 工作估算列出了合同工作的劳动力、材料和成本估算。这个免费的估算模板不仅对估算项目预算有价值,而且对在项目所有者和客户之间建立更好的关系也有价值。它允许他们就项目开始时要做的事情达成一致,包括与工作相关的成本。提前这样做可以避免项目执行时的混乱和误解。 评估模板简单易用。列出项目所需的所有项目资源,包括描述、需要的日期、天数和价格。然后将这份名单加起来,包括税收,得出劳动力总数。工作所需的材料也是如此。然后将这两个数字相加,得出项目预算的准确估计。 3.施工估算模板 建筑项目的准确估算尤为重要。与任何项目一样,估计越准确,寻求额外资金的可能性就越小。然而,总承包商为这项工作建立了利润率。没有正确预测成本的估算意味着这些额外的成本来自他们的口袋。这就是为什么他们需要这个免费的Excel施工估算模板。 该估算模板为总承包商提供了更现实的预算和更好的利润率,并促进了施工投标过程。在免费评估模板上可以敲定的细节越多,这个出价就越有可能击败竞争对手。然后,当中标时,估算模板可以帮助跟踪预算,将实际成本与预算进行比较。 还有其他方法来估计模板有利于建筑项目。此估算模板提供了详细的成本明细,可以确定可以实现节约的领域。它还可以用于变更单管理,方法是将提议变更的成本与原始合同估算进行比较,以发现差异并确定预算受到的影响。 4.承包商估算模板 这个免费的Excel承包商估算模板用于预测建筑项目的预期直接、间接和间接成本。总承包商通常在分包商的协助下创建它,然后提交给潜在客户。他们通过查看建筑项目的规格并确定完成工作所需的原材料和劳动力来创建此估算模板。 人工成本按小时计算。材料成本乃根据原材料计量单位估算。间接成本是指管理费用、设备租赁费和其他硬或软建筑成本等项目。利润率由总承包商和项目业主商定,免费估算模板有一个字段用于设置项目的利润率百分比。 根据施工设计文档(如蓝图或计算机辅助设计)使用此估算模板。然后,总承包商将把它发送给项目业主,供他们在投标过程中考虑。估计越准确,就越有可能得到这份工作,而不会后悔成本侵蚀了他们的利润率。 5.涂装估价模板 我们一直在寻找更通用的评估模板,所以让我们回顾几个更具体的例子,这些例子在大多数建筑项目中会派上用场。例如,这个免费的Excel油漆评估模板可以捕获以承包商和客户都同意的价格完成油漆工作所需的所有信息。 使用此评估模板为企业客户创建专业、准确和一致的评估。油漆评估模板捕获有关工作的一般信息,如颜色、修剪工作等。,客户想要的。然后,它详细介绍了内部和外部,这使得它对任何建筑油漆工作都很有用。 无论这项工作是针对建筑物的内部还是外部,分解都是一样的。有一栏是材料描述、数量、成本和金额。劳动力描述遵循相同的结构,但有小时、费率和金额。把它加起来,就能对这项工作做出准确的估计。 6.屋面估算模板 另一个专门的评估模板是Excel的免费屋面评估模板。建筑项目中有许多不同类型的屋顶,它们需要不同的材料、维护和其他问题,这些问题都在免费评估模板中得到解决。 该评估模板提供了客户对屋面服务的期望的广泛概述。有关于成本、材料和工作范围的基本信息。这使得承包商能够让客户为工作做好准备,这样他们就知道一旦工作开始会发生什么。 评估模板中涵盖的信息包括客户联系方式和物业信息,包括屋顶类型、尺寸和材料。然后有一个一般信息的空间来解释工作范围。下面是一张图表,描述了材料、劳动力、设备等。,需要多少,成本等等。 7.项目预算模板 无论管理什么类型的项目,都有预算来支付其执行费用。这个免费的Excel项目预算模板足够灵活,可以预测建筑、制造、专业服务、IT或任何其他正在进行的工作的成本。 估算模板采用颜色编码,以在执行任务时监控项目费用。用户可以看到他们何时处于亏损状态。在预测成本方面,这个免费的估算模板收集劳动力成本、顾问费、原材料、软件许可证和差旅费。 这些成本是特定项目特有的。但是,还有其他项目成本可能会发生变化或从一个项目结转到另一个项目。电信、办公空间和办公设备租金、一般行政和公司保险等这些费用也列入本概算模板。 ProjectManager优于估算模板 我们鼓励您下载所有这些免费的评估模板并试用它们。他们会非常有帮助。然而,任何管理项目的人都会很快发现他们是如何缺乏项目管理软件的。评估模板是静态文档,必须手动更新,并且不具有协作性。是的,它们是免费的,但是一分钱一分货。ProjectManager是屡获殊荣的项目和项目组合管理软件,它具有多个项目视图,供经理在甘特图上构建预算,然后团队在看板和监控成本的任务列表上执行任务。利益相关者可以使用日历视图来了解最新进展。 使用强大的成本管理功能 一旦预算完成,真正的工作就开始了。我们的资源管理功能允许经理设置可用性,包括PTO、休假时间和全球假期,以轻松分配资源并通过安全的时间表跟踪其相关成本,这提供了了解劳动力成本的窗口。当团队因工作负担过重而精疲力竭时,就会发生成本超支。经理可以通过转到团队页面或颜色编码的工作负载页面来获得资源利用率的实时概览来避免这种情况。在那里,他们可以平衡工作量,以保持团队满负荷工作,并在不削弱士气的情况下保持生产力。 获取实时数据成本、时间和预算跟踪 监控成本是项目经理在预算内交付项目并保持利润率的方式,我们的软件有许多方法可以做到这一点。要获得高级概述,请切换到实时项目和投资组合仪表板。无论是管理一个还是多个项目,都会收集实时数据并显示在易于阅读的图形和图表上,显示时间、成本、工作量等项目指标。要更深入地了解项目成本,请使用可定制的报告。可以过滤这些报告,以获得项目经理及其团队的详细信息,或者为涉众提供更全面的概述。 相关项目估算内容 项目评估不仅仅是免费的评估模板。看看我们博客上最近的帖子,从项目成本估算到项目管理中的参数估算。 项目成本估算:如何估算项目成本 计算竣工估算(EAC) 项目管理中的参数估计 2024年最佳施工估算软件 施工估算指南 ProjectManager是一款在线项目和项目组合管理软件,可将团队联系起来,无论他们是在办公室还是在工作现场。他们可以共享文件,在任务级别发表评论,并通过电子邮件和应用内通知保持更新。加入Avis、Nestle和Siemens的团队,他们使用我们的软件交付成功的项目。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。

