What Is OpenProject? Uses, Features and Pricing


2024-09-25 19:00 project manager


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Project management professionals are looking for the best way to deliver their projects. That leads them to products like OpenProject. It’s a Microsoft Project alternative that’s free, less complicated and fosters collaboration. It’s especially popular in the IT community. Why? Open-source software is free. Anyone can view, modify and distribute it. That makes it designed for collaboration and the price is certainly right. But there are issues with open source, too. Let’s look critically at OpenProject, its uses, features and pricing to help users decide if it’s right for them. What Is OpenProject? OpenProject is open-source project management software designed to be used in traditional project management methodologies, but also in an agile environment or hybrid methodology. It’s collaborative and has project tracking as well as a suite of comprehensive features that can be used for managing complex projects. It is a powerful tool, popular because of its ability to manage projects of varying complexity. Teams that gravitate towards OpenProject tend to want a customizable and collaborative project management solution, unlike more rigid tools such as Microsoft Project. Its website can be barebones and can look like spam or a phishing site, which could alienate users who want a more secure tool. Because OpenProject is open-source software, there are valid security concerns. For a safe and reliable OpenProject alternative, there is ProjectManager, award-winning project and portfolio management software that keeps customer data secure with servers and an onlinr platform that meets standards for SOC 2 audit compliance with a NIST cybersecurity framework. Data is securely encrypted and stored in AWS using industry-standard best practices. ProjectManager also has an API to collaborate with the developer community. This newly redesigned API gives customers the tools to develop, implement and manage their bespoke integrations between two systems. Developers can connect our software to any system their team uses to create organizational transparency, more reliable data and better reporting. Plus, it’s free to use on all ProjectManager editions. Our software is also compatible with Macs, Windows and Linux operating systems. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. OpenProject Views Before deciding on the right project management software, it’s best to get a full picture. The first thing most will want to know is what project views are offered by OpenProject. Let’s look at the project views that this open-source software provides. Gantt Charts: Visualizes project timelines, links dependencies and tracks milestones and deadlines Task Lists: Create and manage tasks with various status and priorities Kanban Boards: Visualize workflow, support agile environments OpenProject Features Project views are only one aspect of OpenProject. As with any project management software, some features help project managers and their teams plan, manage and track work throughout the life cycle of the project. Project Planning and Scheduling: Gantt charts organize tasks, link dependencies and set milestones to mark important project dates. There are also work packages to manage tasks, deliverables and issues. Task Management: With task lists, users can create tasks, assign them to team members and prioritize the order in which they’re executed to ensure critical work is done first. Agile Project Management: Above are more traditional project management methodologies, but OpenProject is also designed to work in an agile environment, with scrum boards for managing sprints and backlogs, kanban boards and flexible and efficient workflow management. Time Tracking: Managers can track the time teams spend on tasks, monitor productivity and manage budgets. There are also detailed time reports. Collaboration Tools: Communicate with the team and share knowledge through forums and wikis, upload and manage project documents to ensure everyone has access to relevant files. Reporting and Analytics: Create and view custom reports on project metrics, such as progress, time tracking and resource allocation. Dashboards provide an overview of project status and key performance indicators (KPIs) Plans and Pricing This is the main selling point of OpenProject and all open-source software, it’s free. There is no pricing structure. Just download the software. That’s true for one version, but other plans will require payment. Community: Free, no minimum number of users Basic: $7.25 per user per month, a minimum of five users Professional: $13.50 per user per month, a minimum of 25 users Premium: $19.50 per user per month, with a minimum of 100 users Enterprise: available upon request While ProjectManager doesn’t have a free edition, its plans and pricing structure are competitive with OpenProject. Users get the same tools, but with the added security and encryption they want to protect their data. ProjectManager is just as flexible for waterfall, agile or hybrid projects, and has multiple project views, reporting and dashboards that track projects, programs and portfolios, including roadmaps and resource management tools when managing multiple projects. Pros and Cons of OpenProject We’ve defined OpenProject and reviewed its features, but that was done factually and without bias. Now’s the time to add a bit of critical distance from the open-source app. Below is a list of the pros and cons of OpenProject. Pros Comprehensive features, including task management, timelines, Gantt charts, agile boards, time tracking and reporting Collaborative tools for team collaboration, such as messaging, document sharing and project forums Customizable as users can tailor workflows, issue tracking and project structures to fit their needs across multiple methodologies Open source allows users to inspect, modify and extend the software, which is free at the basic tier Security isn’t as strong as with other tools, but users do review and contribute to the security of the software and there are frequent updates Cons Complex features can be hard to set up and use, especially for smaller teams or those unfamiliar with project management software Performance issues can occur, depending on the scale and configuration of the software, especially with larger projects or extensive user bases Security and encryption aren’t as strong as with commercial products Learning curve required to understand the broad range of functionalities, especially for new users, who will need time and training User interface is not modern or intuitive compared to commercial project management software Resource intensive, especially for self-hosted deployment, which can lead to higher infrastructure costs Integration limitations don’t support many third-party tools Missing advanced project management tools, such as resource management or complex portfolio management Mobile experience is less than robust FAQ Is OpenProject Free? Yes and no. The basic tier is free, but the more advanced features come with a cost. What are the differences between the free edition and the paid version of OpenProject? The free version of OpenProject has basic project management features with community support. The paid versions offer hosted solutions with additional features and professional support. Can OpenProject be hosted on my own servers? Yes. OpenProject can be installed on-premises with your own servers, providing greater control over the software and data, but requires managing the infrastructure and maintenance. Is OpenProject SOC 2 compliant? No. The service provider hasn’t implemented controls to protect data and maintain security at that level. Is OpenProject portfolio management software? No. It’s project management software, it doesn’t include features for managing multiple projects. ProjectManager Is the Best OpenProject Alternative ProjectManager has multiple project views, task and resource management features, but also risk management, portfolio management and workflow automation with task approval settings to ensure quality deliverables. It’s not free, but the pricing is comparable to OpenProject if one considers the advanced features available in its paid versions. Plus, there’s greater security, encryption and API giving customers tools to develop, implement and manage integrations. Our software is just as collaborative but can handle projects big and small across methodologies, and with a more modern and intuitive interface. It also works across multiple operating systems, including Mac, Windows and Linux. Use Integrated Tools and Advanced Reporting While OpenProject has multiple project views, ProjectManager does, too. But our software has Gantt charts, task lists, kanban boards, but also a sheet and calendar view. There’s time tracking, task and resource management all in one platform. OpenProject has a modular approach where some advanced functionalities might require additional plugins. One thing missing from OpenProject is advanced reporting. ProjectManager has real-time project and portfolio dashboards and customizable reports that track status, portfolio, time, cost, variance, workload timesheets and more. Balance Workload With Resource Management Tools OpenProject has basic resource management features, preliminary focused on time tracking and task assignments. However, managing a project successfully requires the kind of robust resource management found with ProjectManager. Users can allocate resources, balance workload and do capacity planning with Gantt charts and the color-coded workload page. These tools optimize resource use across one or multiple projects, keeping teams working at capacity without eroding morale. Managers can also set availability when onboarding teams and forecast resource availability and needs. Those are just some of the features. There are also automated and custom workflows to streamline business processes, with task approvals to ensure only quality deliverables. Risk management features help to identify and track issues until they’re mitigated. Unlimited file storage turns the software into a hub for project documentation and global search makes it easy to find anything. Sometimes you get what you pay for. To better manage projects, invest in ProjectManager. ProjectManager is online project and portfolio management software that connects teams whether they’re in the office, out in the field or anywhere in the world. They can share files, comment at the task level and stay updated with email and in-app notifications. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.
项目管理专业人员正在寻找交付项目的最佳方式。这让他们选择了像OpenProject这样的产品。这是微软项目的一个替代方案,免费,不太复杂,促进协作。它在IT社区特别受欢迎。 为什么?开源软件是免费的。任何人都可以查看、修改和分发它。这使得它是为协作而设计的,而且价格当然也是合适的。但是开源也有问题。让我们批判性地看看OpenProject,它的用途、特性和定价,以帮助用户决定它是否适合他们。 什么是OpenProject? OpenProject是开源项目管理软件,旨在用于传统的项目管理方法,但也用于敏捷环境或混合方法。它是协作的,具有项目跟踪以及一套可用于管理复杂项目的综合功能。 它是一个强大的工具,因为它能够管理不同复杂程度的项目而广受欢迎。倾向于OpenProject的团队往往想要一个可定制的协作项目管理解决方案,不像Microsoft Project这样更僵化的工具。它的网站可能是准系统的,看起来像垃圾邮件或钓鱼网站,这可能会疏远想要更安全工具的用户。 因为OpenProject是开源软件,所以存在合理的安全问题。对于安全可靠的OpenProject替代方案,有ProjectManager,这是一款屡获殊荣的项目和投资组合管理软件,可通过服务器保护客户数据安全,还有一个onlinr平台,符合NIST网络安全框架的SOC 2审计合规性标准。数据使用行业标准最佳实践进行安全加密并存储在AWS中。 ProjectManager还有一个API来与开发人员社区协作。这个新设计的API为客户提供了开发、实施和管理两个系统之间定制集成的工具。开发人员可以将我们的软件连接到他们团队使用的任何系统,以创建组织透明度、更可靠的数据和更好的报告。此外,它可以在所有ProjectManager版本上免费使用。我们的软件也兼容MAC、Windows和Linux操作系统。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 OpenProject视图 在决定合适的项目管理软件之前,最好先了解一下。大多数人想知道的第一件事是OpenProject提供了哪些项目视图。让我们看看这个开源软件提供的项目视图。 甘特图:可视化项目时间表、链接依赖关系并跟踪里程碑和截止日期 任务列表:创建和管理具有各种状态和优先级的任务 看板:可视化工作流,支持敏捷环境 OpenProject功能 项目视图只是OpenProject的一个方面。与任何项目管理软件一样,一些功能可以帮助项目经理及其团队在项目的整个生命周期中计划、管理和跟踪工作。 项目规划和调度:甘特图组织任务、链接依赖关系并设置里程碑来标记重要的项目日期。还有工作包来管理任务、可交付成果和问题。 任务管理:通过任务列表,用户可以创建任务,将它们分配给团队成员,并优先考虑它们的执行顺序,以确保关键工作首先完成。 敏捷项目管理:以上是更传统的项目管理方法,但OpenProject也是为在敏捷环境中工作而设计的,scrum板用于管理sprints和backlog,看板和灵活高效的工作流管理。 时间跟踪:经理可以跟踪团队在任务上花费的时间,监控生产力和管理预算。还有详细的时间报告。 协作工具:通过论坛和维基与团队交流和分享知识,上传和管理项目文档,确保每个人都可以访问相关文件。 报告和分析:创建和查看有关项目指标的自定义报告,例如进度、时间跟踪和资源分配。仪表板提供了项目状态和关键绩效指标(KPI)的概述 计划和定价 这是OpenProject和所有开源软件的主要卖点,它是免费的。没有定价结构。下载软件就可以了。对于一个版本来说确实如此,但其他计划需要付费。 社区:免费,无最低用户数 基本:每个用户每月7.25美元,最少五个用户 专业:每个用户每月13.50美元,最少25个用户 Premium:每位用户每月19.50美元,最少100名用户 企业:可根据要求提供 虽然ProjectManager没有免费版本,但它的计划和定价结构与OpenProject相比具有竞争力。用户获得相同的工具,但通过增加安全性和加密,他们希望保护他们的数据。ProjectManager对于瀑布、敏捷或混合项目同样灵活,并且具有多个项目视图、报告和仪表板来跟踪项目、计划和投资组合,包括管理多个项目时的路线图和资源管理工具。 OpenProject的优点和缺点 我们已经定义了OpenProject并回顾了它的特性,但这是实事求是的,没有偏见。现在是时候与开源应用增加一点关键距离了。以下是OpenProject的优缺点列表。 优点 全面的功能,包括任务管理、时间表、甘特图、敏捷板、时间跟踪和报告 用于团队协作的协作工具,如消息传递、文档共享和项目论坛 可定制,因为用户可以定制工作流、问题跟踪和项目结构,以满足他们跨多种方法的需求 开源允许用户检查、修改和扩展软件,这在基础层是免费的 安全性不如其他工具强,但用户确实会查看并为软件的安全性做出贡献,并且经常更新 缺点 复杂的功能可能很难设置和使用,特别是对于较小的团队或不熟悉项目管理软件的团队 可能会出现性能问题,具体取决于软件的规模和配置,尤其是对于较大的项目或广泛的用户群 安全性和加密不如商业产品强 了解广泛功能所需的学习曲线,尤其是对于需要时间和培训的新用户 与商业项目管理软件相比,用户界面不现代或不直观 资源密集型,特别是对于自托管部署,这可能导致更高的基础架构成本 集成限制不支持许多第三方工具 缺少高级项目管理工具,如资源管理或复杂的项目组合管理 移动体验不够强大 常见问题 OpenProject是免费的吗? 是也不是。基本层是免费的,但更高级的功能是有成本的。 OpenProject免费版和付费版有什么区别? OpenProject的免费版本具有社区支持的基本项目管理功能。付费版本提供具有附加功能和专业支持的托管解决方案。 OpenProject可以托管在我自己的服务器上吗? 是的。OpenProject可以安装在您自己的服务器上,提供对软件和数据的更大控制,但需要管理基础设施和维护。 OpenProject是否符合SOC 2? 不会。服务提供商尚未实施控制措施来保护数据并维护该级别的安全性。 OpenProject是投资组合管理软件吗? 不。它是项目管理软件,不包括管理多个项目的功能。 ProjectManager是OpenProject的最佳替代方案 ProjectManager具有多个项目视图、任务和资源管理功能,还具有风险管理、项目组合管理和带有任务审批设置的工作流自动化,以确保高质量的可交付成果。它不是免费的,但如果考虑到其付费版本中可用的高级功能,其定价与OpenProject相当。此外,更高的安全性、加密和API为客户提供了开发、实施和管理集成的工具。我们的软件同样具有协作性,但可以跨方法处理大大小小的项目,并具有更现代和直观的界面。它还可以跨多种操作系统工作,包括Mac、Windows和Linux。 使用集成工具和高级报告 虽然OpenProject有多个项目视图,但ProjectManager也有。但是我们的软件有甘特图、任务列表、看板,还有工作表和日历视图。时间跟踪、任务和资源管理都在一个平台上。OpenProject有一个模块化的方法,其中一些高级功能可能需要额外的插件。OpenProject缺少的一点是高级报告。ProjectManager具有实时项目和投资组合仪表板以及可定制的报告,可跟踪状态、投资组合、时间、成本、差异、工作量时间表等。 利用资源管理工具平衡工作负载 OpenProject具有基本的资源管理特性,初步侧重于时间跟踪和任务分配。然而,成功地管理一个项目需要ProjectManager提供的那种健壮的资源管理。用户可以使用甘特图和彩色编码的工作负载页面来分配资源、平衡工作负载和进行容量规划。这些工具优化了一个或多个项目的资源使用,使团队在不影响士气的情况下保持满负荷工作。经理还可以在团队入职时设置可用性,并预测资源可用性和需求。 这些只是一些功能。还有自动化和定制的工作流来简化业务流程,任务批准来确保只有高质量的交付成果。风险管理功能有助于识别和跟踪问题,直到问题得到缓解。无限的文件存储将该软件变成了项目文档的中心,全局搜索使查找任何内容变得容易。有时候一分钱一分货。为了更好地管理项目,请投资ProjectManager。 ProjectManager是一款在线项目和项目组合管理软件,可将团队联系起来,无论他们是在办公室、在现场还是在世界任何地方。他们可以共享文件,在任务级别发表评论,并通过电子邮件和应用内通知保持更新。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。

