UN Arabic Interpreter Exam Applications About to Close


2024-08-02 07:20 slator


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The United Nations (UN) Office of Public Information and Conference Management announced the application period for the November 2024-January 2025 competitive examination process for Arabic interpreters. The deadline to apply is August 5, 2024. Candidates must have a perfect command of Arabic, and documented fluency and active interpreting experience in English or French. For the examination, candidates must specify their interpretation language combinations in what the UN calls a 250-word motivation statement as part of the application. The examination process includes multiple phases, the first of which takes place on November 29, 2024, and consists of an online simultaneous interpretation pre-selection test. Approximately two weeks before the pre-selection test, candidates will be able to take a mock test to ensure equipment and internet connection work well. Those who pass the pre-selection test are invited to the Session 1 online simultaneous interpretation exam on January 24, 2025. Finally, those who pass the Session 1 examination will take the Session 2 exam on January 25, 2025. Besides the language requirements, interpreters must have knowledge of multiple subjects, including political, social, legal, and other subject matters common in the UN business. The selection process also includes a competency-based interview for those who pass all examination sessions. Successful candidates will be eligible for job assignments in the UN Department for General Assembly and Conference Management (DGACM) at headquarters in New York, Geneva, Vienna, and Nairobi. Interpreters who are offered jobs may interpret from and into Arabic at an average of seven meetings per week, lasting up to three hours. Some interpreters could also act as team leaders or be assigned other duties. Although salary details for this post are not included in the UN announcement, it is classified as “P-2,” which on the UN Talent website is described as paying a range of USD 57,661-78,318 per year. More details can be found in the full job description.
联合国新闻和会议管理办公室宣布了2024年11月至2025年1月阿拉伯语口译员竞争性考试流程的申请期。申请截止日期为2024年8月5日。 候选人必须精通阿拉伯语,并有流利的英语或法语口译经验。对于考试,考生必须在联合国所谓的250字的动机陈述中指定他们的口译语言组合,作为申请的一部分。 考试过程包括多个阶段,第一阶段将于2024年11月29日举行,包括在线同声传译预选测试。在预选考试前大约两周,考生将能够参加模拟考试,以确保设备和互联网连接正常。 通过预选考试的考生将被邀请参加2025年1月24日举行的第一场在线同声传译考试。最后,通过第1阶段考试的人员将于2025年1月25日参加第2阶段考试。 除了语言要求外,口译员还必须具备多个学科的知识,包括政治、社会、法律和联合国业务中常见的其他主题。 甄选过程还包括对通过所有考试的人进行基于能力的面试。成功的候选人将有资格在纽约、日内瓦、维也纳和内罗毕总部的联合国大会和会议管理部(大会部)任职。 获得工作机会的口译员平均每周可进行7次会议的阿拉伯语口译,每次最多3小时。 有些口译员还可以担任组长或被分配其他职责。虽然联合国的公告中没有包括这一职位的详细薪金,但它被列为“P-2”,联合国人才网站上说,这一职位的年薪在57 661美元至78 318美元之间。 更多细节可以在完整的职位描述中找到。

