Ivana Barišić Oharek promoted to Ciklopea chief operating officer

Iyoung Barišić Oharek晋升为Ciklopea首席运营官

2024-04-10 16:14 multilingual


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While women comprise the majority of workers in the language industry, studies show they’re underrepresented in top leadership roles. But the path toward a more equitable share of responsibility starts one position at a time, including at Ciklopea with the installation of Ivana Barišić Oharek as chief operating officer (COO). Already a company of women leaders with founder and CEO Sandra Boljkovac Stojak at the helm, Oharek is a Ciklopea veteran who brings deep expertise and company familiarity to her promoted role. ”She possesses a unique blend of operational expertise and a deep understanding of our company’s values and purpose. As chief operating officer, Ivana brings experience and vision, as well as expertise in the company’s daily operations. Her focus on individual team members, dedication to open communication, and commitment to team success make her an indispensable leader within Ciklopea,” Stojak said. It’s a step in the right direction for an industry still working toward a more equal distribution of high-level positions reflecting the ratio of male and female language workers. According to a study by CSA Research, with 70% of respondents were female, men are overrepresented in leadership positions. “Roughly even numbers of men and women work in upper management, showing that men are proportionally more common in positions of authority and women are less likely to advance to top management positions,” a CSA Research blog summing up the report states. “Men and women generally receive equal pay if they are in the same positions, but women are far less likely to reach the best-paying positions.” “The global language industry is frequently considered to be female-dominated,” CSA researcher Arle Lommel adds in the blog. “Our results confirm this perception. However, despite the fact that language professionals tend to be female, a male employee is almost twice as likely to have an upper managerial (including executive) position than a woman is.” Progress comes one step at a time, however, and with Oharek’s promotion at Ciklopea, company leaders are more confident than ever that a new era of productivity is right around the corner. “With Ivana as our COO, we are confident in Ciklopea’s ability to achieve even greater milestones and continue delivering innovative solutions to the market,” Stojak said.
虽然女性在语言行业占大多数,但研究表明,她们在高层领导职位中的代表性不足。但是,通往更公平的责任分担的道路是一次从一个职位开始的,包括在Ciklopea,将IbergBarišić Oharek任命为首席运营官(COO)。 Oharek已经是一家由女性领导者组成的公司,创始人兼首席执行官Sandra Boljkovac Stojak掌舵,她是Ciklopea的资深员工,为她晋升的职位带来了深厚的专业知识和公司的熟悉度。 “她拥有独特的运营专业知识和对公司价值观和宗旨的深刻理解。作为首席运营官,Ibern带来了经验和远见,以及公司日常运营的专业知识。她对团队成员的关注,对开放沟通的奉献,以及对团队成功的承诺,使她成为Ciklopea内部不可或缺的领导者,”Stojak说。 对于一个仍在努力实现更平等的高层职位分配的行业来说,这是朝着正确方向迈出的一步,反映了男性和女性语言工作者的比例。根据CSA Research的一项研究,70%的受访者是女性,男性在领导职位上的代表性过高。 CSA Research的一个博客总结了这份报告,称:“在高层管理人员中,男性和女性的人数大致相等,这表明男性在权威职位上的比例更高,女性晋升到高层管理职位的可能性更小。”“如果职位相同,男性和女性通常获得同等报酬,但女性获得最高薪酬职位的可能性要小得多。” “全球语言行业通常被认为是女性主导的,”CSA研究员Arle Lommel在博客中补充道。“我们的研究结果证实了这一观点。然而,尽管语言专业人员往往是女性,但男性雇员担任高级管理(包括行政)职位的可能性几乎是女性的两倍”。 然而,随着Oharek在Ciklopea的晋升,公司领导人比以往任何时候都更有信心,一个新的生产力时代即将到来。 Stojak说:“有了Icons作为我们的首席运营官,我们对Ciklopea实现更大里程碑的能力充满信心,并继续为市场提供创新的解决方案。”

