Jira Kanban Board: Pros, Cons & Alternatives


2024-04-02 19:00 project manager


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Jira is project management software designed for agile software development teams. It has tools that allow you to plan sprints, track the completion of tasks, balance your team member’s workload and create product roadmaps. Does Jira Have a Kanban Board? Yes, Jira’s kanban view is one of its most popular features and software developers commonly use it for sprint planning. However, a Jira kanban board can also be used for managing simple workflows, tracking project progress and improving team collaboration by organizations in other industries. In addition to the kanban board, Jira only offers one more project management tool: the timeline view. Jira’s timeline tool is similar to a Gantt chart but lacks some Gantt chart software features, such as critical path management, resource scheduling or cost tracking. This timeline maker, however, can show your project timeline in a stacked bar chart like a Gantt chart, which allows software developers to make product roadmaps. If you’re looking for software that offers more than two project management views, use ProjectManager. ProjectManager has kanban boards, Gantt charts (that filter for the critical path, link all four types of task dependencies and can set a baseline to track project variance in real time), project dashboards, workload management charts and many other tools to help you manage projects of any size, complexity or industry. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. Now that you have a general idea of what Jira is and what a Jira kanban board can be used for, let’s dive into the key features, pros and cons of Jira kanban boards so you know what to look for when comparing Jira against other kanban software alternatives. Key Features and Pros of a Jira Kanban Board Jira kanban boards can help you assign work to your team members, monitor their performance and communicate with them as they complete their tasks and sprints. Here are some of the key features of a Jira kanban board. Jira offers a product backlog prioritization tool, which helps agile teams better prioritize their tasks on a Jira kanban board Basic workflow automation features configure the kanban board so that it takes task management actions automatically, such as moving cards from one column to another whenever certain conditions are met Create subtasks that help track your team’s progress more accurately Link task dependencies, such as whenever the completion of a task is blocking the beginning of other tasks Set a priority level for your project tasks and epics Cons of a Jira Kanban Board The main disadvantage of Jira kanban boards is that they lack many standard features for most kanban software. Jira doesn’t have other project management tools such as Gantt charts, task lists or project calendars. Here are some of the main cons of using Jira kanban boards. Can’t export kanban board data as a CSV or Excel file, which is a standard feature for most kanban software Doesn’t link all four types of project task dependencies (start-to-start, start-to-finish, finish-to-finish and finish-to-start) There are no resource utilization or cost-tracking features Jira kanban boards don’t let you track the percentage of completion of your tasks No features for managing recurring tasks Can’t track the work hours that team members spend on tasks Jira kanban boards don’t automatically sync with project dashboards for a high-level view of your projects We hope these advantages and disadvantages provide a better understanding of what a Jira kanban board can do and its limitations. However, the best way to learn about Jira kanban boards is to look at a Jira kanban board example and inspect its features more closely. Jira Kanban Board Example This is what a Jira kanban board looks like. As you can see it comes with three kanban board columns by default, “to do,” “in progress” and “done,” which can help you track the progress of any task. However, create unique columns to accurately depict the various steps of your workflows. To use a Jira kanban Board from scratch, you’ll need to click “Create issue” and then enter a name for your first task. For example, create a task called “Write a project kickoff meeting agenda.” Now, you’ll need to add details to this task such as a description, assignee, subtasks, priority level and due dates. Some of these settings aren’t available on your kanban cards by default, so you’ll need to manually configure them. Additionally, you can attach files and share comments with your team. ProjectManager Has a Better Kanban Board Than Jira Jira kanban boards might be a good option for software developers, but even then, their task management features are overly basic and lack project planning, scheduling and tracking features that are important for managing any type of project. ProjectManager on the other hand, is a fully-featured project management software that offers various project management tools, including kanban boards. Here are some features that make ProjectManager’s kanban board a more robust project management solution than a Jira kanban board. Track Costs and Resource Utilization Unlike Jira kanban boards, ProjectManager kanban boards allow you to estimate the costs for each of your project tasks during the project planning phase and then track the actual costs of your project as tasks are executed. ProjectManager’s kanban board tracks the work hours your team members spend on their tasks, calculates labor costs based on their pay rate and automatically syncs with a timesheet feature that helps you with payroll processing. They also sync with real-time project dashboards that allow you to monitor resource utilization, progress and costs. Manage Recurring Tasks and Automate Kanban Workflows ProjectManager also offers kanban workflow automation features, which allow you to automate task management actions such as moving tasks from one column to another depending on their percentage of completion, automatically grouping tasks in a kanban board column by tags, or assigning it to a certain team member if it has a particular priority level. These and many other workflow automation settings will facilitate managing your team’s work. Plus, task approval settings ensure that nothing of poor quality moves forward. How to Edit a Jira Kanban Board With ProjectManager in 3 Simple Steps Paradoxically, you can’t export the data from Jira kanban view, but you can export the data from the timeline view and import it into ProjectManager so you can use its advanced kanban software features. 1. Create a New Project and Select the CSV File You Want to Import Start a free trial of ProjectManager and then click “New” and then select “Project” as shown in the image below. A window will open. Follow the instructions and name your project, select who you’d like to share it with and click “Import File” whenever you’re ready. 2. Select the Data from the CSV File You’d Like to Import Into Your Kanban Board Now you can choose the data from your Jira kanban board that you’d like to show in ProjectManager’s kanban board or any of its project management views and features. 3. Your Jira Kanban Board Is Ready to Edit Once the success window appears, you’re ready to edit your Jira kanban board with ProjectManager and begin to track more aspects of your project such as resource utilization, costs, priority level, risks and much more. We’ll explore these features in the next section. Related Kanban Content We’ve created dozens of blogs, templates and guides about kanban boards to help you master this versatile task management tool. Here are some of them. Kanban Board Template for Excel (Free Download) Kanban Principles & Best Practices Explained Gantt Chart vs. Kanban Board: Pros, Cons, Similarities & Differences How to Make an Ideal Kanban Workflow for Your Team Best Kanban Software of 2024: Top 10 Free & Paid ProjectManager is online project and portfolio management software that connects teams in the office, out in the field and anywhere in between. They can share files, comment at the task level and stay up to date with email and in-app notifications. Join teams at Avis, Nestle and Siemens who are using our tool to deliver successful projects. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.
Jira是专为敏捷软件开发团队设计的项目管理软件。它提供的工具可以让你计划冲刺,跟踪任务的完成情况,平衡团队成员的工作量,并创建产品路线图。 Jira有看板吗? 是的,Jira的看板视图是其最受欢迎的功能之一,软件开发人员通常将其用于sprint计划。然而,Jira看板也可以用于管理简单的工作流程,跟踪项目进度,并改善其他行业组织的团队协作。 除了看板,Jira只提供了一个项目管理工具:时间轴视图。Jira的时间轴工具类似于图表,但缺乏一些图表软件功能,如关键路径管理、资源调度或成本跟踪。然而,这个时间轴制作器可以在堆叠的条形图中显示您的项目时间轴,如图表,这允许软件开发人员制作产品路线图。 如果您正在寻找提供两个以上项目管理视图的软件,请使用ProjectManager。ProjectManager拥有看板、工作量图表(筛选关键路径,链接所有四种类型的任务依赖关系,并可以设置基线以实时跟踪项目差异)、项目仪表板、工作量管理图表和许多其他工具,可帮助您管理任何规模、复杂性或行业的项目。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 现在,您已经大致了解了Jira是什么以及Jira看板可以用于什么,让我们深入了解Jira看板的主要功能,优点和缺点,以便您知道在将Jira与其他看板软件进行比较时应该寻找什么。 Jira看板的主要特点和优点 Jira看板可以帮助您将工作分配给团队成员,监控他们的表现,并在他们完成任务和冲刺时与他们沟通。以下是Jira看板的一些关键特性。 Jira提供了一个产品backlog优先级排序工具,它可以帮助敏捷团队在Jira看板上更好地确定任务的优先级 基本的工作流自动化功能配置看板,以便看板自动执行任务管理操作,例如,只要满足某些条件,就将卡片从一列移动到另一列 创建有助于更准确地跟踪团队进度的子任务 链接任务相关性,例如当一个任务的完成阻碍了其他任务的开始时 为项目任务和史诗设置优先级 Jira Kanban Board的缺点 Jira看板板的主要缺点是它们缺乏大多数看板软件的许多标准功能。Jira没有其他的项目管理工具,如工作图表、任务列表或项目日历。以下是使用Jira看板的一些主要缺点。 无法将看板数据导出为CSV或Excel文件,这是大多数看板软件的标准功能 不链接所有四种类型的项目任务依赖关系(开始到开始、开始到完成、完成到完成和完成到开始) 没有资源利用或成本跟踪功能 Jira看板不允许您跟踪任务完成的百分比 没有管理定期任务的功能 无法跟踪团队成员在任务上花费的工作时间 Jira看板不会自动与项目仪表板同步,以获得项目的高级视图 我们希望这些优点和缺点能让您更好地了解Jira看板的功能及其局限性。然而,了解Jira看板的最佳方法是查看Jira看板示例并更仔细地检查其功能。 Jira看板示例 这就是Jira看板的样子。正如你所看到的,它默认带有三个看板栏,“待办事项”,“进行中”和“完成”,这可以帮助你跟踪任何任务的进度。但是,请创建独特的列以准确描述工作流的各个步骤。 要从头开始使用Jira看板,您需要单击“创建问题”,然后输入第一个任务的名称。例如,创建一个名为“编写项目启动会议议程”的任务。 现在,您需要为此任务添加详细信息,例如描述、受理人、子任务、优先级和截止日期。默认情况下,这些设置中的一些在您的看板卡上不可用,因此您需要手动配置它们。此外,您还可以附加文件并与团队共享评论。 ProjectManager拥有比Jira更好的看板 Jira看板板可能是软件开发人员的一个很好的选择,但即使这样,它们的任务管理功能也过于基本,缺乏对管理任何类型的项目都很重要的项目规划,调度和跟踪功能。 另一方面,ProjectManager是一个功能齐全的项目管理软件,提供各种项目管理工具,包括看板。以下是一些使ProjectManager的看板成为比Jira看板更强大的项目管理解决方案的功能。 跟踪成本和资源利用率 与Jira看板不同,ProjectManager看板允许您在项目计划阶段估计每个项目任务的成本,然后在执行任务时跟踪项目的实际成本。 ProjectManager的看板跟踪您的团队成员在其任务上花费的工作时间,根据他们的工资率计算人工成本,并自动与帮助您处理工资单的时间表功能同步。它们还与实时项目仪表板同步,使您可以监控资源利用率,进度和成本。 管理重复性任务并自动化看板工作流 ProjectManager还提供了看板工作流自动化功能,使您可以自动执行任务管理操作,例如根据任务的完成百分比将任务从一列移动到另一列,按标签自动对看板栏中的任务进行分组,或者将任务分配给特定的团队成员(如果任务具有特定的优先级)。这些和许多其他工作流自动化设置将有助于管理团队的工作。此外,任务审批设置可确保质量较差的任务不会向前推进。 如何通过3个简单的步骤使用ProjectManager编辑Jira看板 巧合的是,您无法从Jira看板视图导出数据,但可以从时间轴视图导出数据并将其导入ProjectManager,以便使用其高级看板软件功能。 1.创建新项目并选择要导入的CSV文件 开始免费试用ProjectManager,然后单击“新建”,然后选择“项目”,如下图所示。 一扇窗会打开。按照说明命名您的项目,选择您想与之共享的对象,然后在准备就绪时单击“导入文件”。 2.从CSV文件中选择要导入看板的数据 现在,您可以从Jira看板中选择要在ProjectManager的看板或其任何项目管理视图和功能中显示的数据。 3.您的Jira看板已准备好进行编辑 一旦成功窗口出现,您就可以使用ProjectManager编辑Jira看板,并开始跟踪项目的更多方面,如资源利用率、成本、优先级、风险等。我们将在下一节中探讨这些特性。 相关看板内容 我们已经创建了数十个关于看板的博客、模板和指南,以帮助您掌握这个多功能的任务管理工具。以下是其中的一些。 Excel看板模板(免费下载) 看板原则和最佳实践解释 看板图与看板板:优点,缺点,相似性和差异 如何为您的团队制定理想的看板工作流程 2024年最佳看板软件:十大免费和付费软件 ProjectManager是一款在线项目和投资组合管理软件,可连接办公室、现场和任何地方的团队。他们可以共享文件,在任务级别发表评论,并通过电子邮件和应用内通知保持最新状态。加入安飞士、雀巢和西门子的团队,他们正在使用我们的工具交付成功的项目。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。

