memoQ Introduces Accessibility Enhancements for Linguists who are Visually Impaired


2024-04-02 08:54 multilingual


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memoQ, a leading provider of translation management solutions, announces significant enhancements aimed at improving accessibility for linguists who are visually impaired. Using a translation management system or a CAT tool helps linguists all over the world land more jobs and facilitates their processes—now, in an effort to foster inclusivity within the language industry, memoQ has implemented changes to their product and documentation to make them more accessible for people with visual impairments. For the past few years, digital accessibility has been a priority at memoQ. The memoQ team has been extensively researching the subject, interviewing linguists, and developing Accessibility Mode based on a continuous conversation with affected users. The aim was to ensure that people with visual impairments have access to the same services as those who are sighted, and to provide equal opportunities for all linguists. As a first step towards accessibility, memoQ 10.1 introduced Accessibility Mode, a feature designed to integrate memoQ WebTrans with screen reading software such as JAWS, NVDA, Windows Narrator, and macOS VoiceOver. Before Accessibility Mode, there was no way for screen-reading software to navigate within the tool or to read the source or target text. Users needed to rely on another person to help them get started with memoQ. Now, with Accessibility Mode enabled, users who are visually impaired can navigate memoQ’s web-based platform independently, ensuring full access to more features and functionalities than before. Moreover, the memoQ team has made significant changes to its Documentation and has also started to revamp the Help Center page to enhance accessibility. The team also introduced alt text descriptions for images, allowing screen reading software to provide accurate descriptions of screenshots and visuals. Furthermore, documentation links are being replaced with descriptive and meaningful alternatives, improving overall usability for all users. Additional updates to the Documentation and Help Center include structural changes for better searchability, improvements to wording and readability, as well as color contrast. memoQ’s push towards accessibility is just the beginning. The memoQ team is committed to further improving memoQ’s accessibility for users with different disabilities and ensuring a more inclusive user experience for all linguists. So far, feedback from users has been overwhelmingly positive, with linguists who are visually impaired expressing appreciation for the enhanced accessibility features. By prioritizing accessibility, memoQ aims to empower linguists of all abilities and to create a more inclusive environment within the translation industry. “memoQ is a success story of inclusion and accessibility. I was so desperate to find accessible CAT tools/TMSs. In 2023, memoQ announced the official launch of accessibility mode in their new version, memoQ 10.1. My visually impaired team and I were so happy and eager to use it. Eventually, my team tested the accessibility of the new version with both JAWS and NVDA, and they could use the online version smoothly and successfully. We are so grateful to memoQ for their consideration and eagerness for the inclusion of visually impaired translators.”
memoQ是翻译管理解决方案的领先提供商,它宣布了旨在改善视障语言学家无障碍环境的重大改进。 使用翻译管理系统或CAT工具可以帮助世界各地的语言学家找到更多的工作,并简化他们的流程-现在,为了促进语言行业的包容性,memoQ对其产品和文档进行了更改,使其更容易为视障人士所用。 在过去的几年里,数字可访问性一直是memoQ的优先事项。memoQ团队一直在广泛研究这个主题,采访语言学家,并根据与受影响用户的持续对话开发无障碍模式。其目的是确保视力障碍者能够获得与正常人相同的服务,并为所有语言学家提供平等的机会。 作为迈向无障碍的第一步,memoQ 10.1引入了无障碍模式,该功能旨在将memoQ WebTrans与JAWS、NVDA、Windows Narrator和macOS VoiceOver等屏幕阅读软件集成。 在无障碍模式之前,屏幕阅读软件无法在工具中导航或阅读源文本或目标文本。用户需要依靠另一个人来帮助他们开始使用memoQ。现在,启用了无障碍模式,视障用户可以独立浏览memoQ的基于网络的平台,确保比以前更多的功能和功能的全面访问。 此外,memoQ团队对其文档进行了重大更改,并开始修改帮助中心页面以增强可访问性。该团队还为图像引入了alt文本描述,允许屏幕阅读软件提供对屏幕截图和视觉效果的准确描述。此外,文件链接正在被描述性和有意义的替代方式所取代,从而提高了对所有用户的总体可用性。 文档和帮助中心的其他更新包括结构更改以提高搜索能力,改进措辞和可读性以及颜色对比度。 memoQ对可访问性的推动只是一个开始。memoQ团队致力于进一步提高memoQ对不同残疾用户的可访问性,并确保为所有语言学家提供更具包容性的用户体验。 到目前为止,用户的反馈是压倒性的积极,语言学家谁是视障人士表示赞赏增强的无障碍功能。通过优先考虑可访问性,memoQ旨在增强各种能力的语言学家,并在翻译行业内创造一个更具包容性的环境。 “memoQ是一个包容性和可访问性的成功故事。我非常渴望找到可访问的CAT工具/TMS。2023年,memoQ宣布在其新版本memoQ 10.1中正式推出无障碍模式。我和我的视障团队非常高兴并渴望使用它。 最终,我的团队用JAWS和NVDA测试了新版本的可访问性,他们可以顺利成功地使用在线版本。我们非常感谢memoQ对视障翻译的考虑和热情。”

