Obituary: Jon Arild Olsen 1965–2024


2024-03-27 23:00 CLARIN


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Written by colleagues at the National Library of Norway It is with great sadness that we received the message that Jon Arild Olsen passed away on March 16, 2024, after long-term illness. He was the coordinator of the Norwegian Language Bank at the National Library of Norway and involved in multiple international language technology research initiatives, among them CLARIN. Jon Arild was also the Norwegian national delegate to the CLARIN General Assembly for many years. Jon Arild was a humanist at heart as a scholar of French philology. He earned his PhD in French literature studies at the University of Oslo in 2002, with a dissertation on the theory of the novel. He later worked in the research administration at the University of Oslo until he joined the National Library of Norway in 2009, where he became the head of the research department in 2011. He was in later years very inspired by the advances within digital humanities and language technology and he also published within these areas. Jon Arild was a true European and believer in international cooperation, having lived in France for many years. He had friends everywhere and was surrounded by an aura of calmness, rationality and humour, which we will deeply miss.
由挪威国家图书馆的同事撰写 我们非常悲伤地收到了乔恩·阿里德·奥尔森在长期患病后于2024年3月16日去世的消息。 他是挪威国家图书馆挪威语言库的协调员,并参与了多项国际语言技术研究计划,其中包括WARIN。乔恩·阿里德也是挪威国家代表,参加了多年的联合国大会。 作为一名法国语言学学者,乔恩·阿里德本质上是一位人文主义者。他于2002年在奥斯陆大学获得法国文学研究博士学位,论文是关于小说理论的。他后来在奥斯陆大学的研究管理部门工作,直到2009年加入挪威国家图书馆,2011年成为研究部门的负责人。他在晚年非常鼓舞数字人文和语言技术的进步,他也在这些领域出版。 乔恩·阿里德是一个真正的欧洲人,他在法国生活了多年,相信国际合作。他在各地都有朋友,被一种平静、理性和幽默的气氛所包围,我们将深深怀念这种气氛。

