Creating a Request for Quote (RFQ) for Procurement

为采购创建询价(Request for Quote,简称询价)

2024-03-19 19:00 project manager


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Projects need resources, often consistently. Suppliers and contractors deliver those products and services that help fulfill the project. Managers want to stay on budget and resources cost money, which is why they use a request for quote (RFQ) to get pricing from suppliers and contractors. A request for quotation differs from a request for proposal or request for information. We’ll show you why and when you need to use an RFQ. Then we’ll list what should be included in the request for quote, the industries that use it and we’ll even have an example to illustrate what we mean. What Is a Request for Quote (RFQ)? A request for quote is when a company solicits suppliers or contractors to submit a price quote for what their product or service will cost for a particular task or project. It’s sometimes referred to as an invitation for bid (IFB). This process is especially important to companies that need a constant supply of a standard product, such as manufacturers. Using a request for quotes is part of a company’s procurement process and helps identify suppliers or contractors who can deliver what’s needed, when it’s needed and for a price that’s acceptable to the project budget. It provides project details and the service or product and materials needed, including the price. Once the request for quotation has been approved and you’re contracted with the supplier or contractors you’ll be using for the project, you’ll want to track those costs as you move through the project’s life cycle. ProjectManager is award-winning project and portfolio management software with robust Gantt charts to monitor resources to ensure they’re aligned with the terms and conditions of the contract. Setting a baseline captures your schedule and costs so you can track that planned effort against your actual effort in real time. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. Request for Quote (RFQ) vs. Request for Proposal (RFP) While a request for quote looks to secure products or services at a cost that complies with the budget of a project, it differs from other requests. For example, there’s also a request for proposal, which is another business document. The request for proposal differs from the request for quote as it announces a project, describes that project and solicits bids from contractors who will be hired to complete the project. It’s farther-reaching than a request for quote, which deals with the project materials or specific contractors who will focus on a part of the larger project. Request for Quote (RFQ) vs. Request for Information (RFI) Another business document used in projects, such as manufacturing and construction, is a request for information. This, too, is not the same as a request for quote as the request for information is more of a formal process. Customers use this to request information from suppliers or contractors of the goods and services that they might contract with. The request for information is usually many requests that are intended to narrow down the choices of bids to determine which supplier or contractor is the best fit for the job. Therefore, it can be seen as part of the request for quote process. Gathering this information leads to a more informed decision and a better fit for all involved parties. When Should You Use a Request for Quotation? A request for quotation should be used when one knows what product or service they want, but need more information to help them decide on the purchase. When you write an RFQ, you already know the quantity and requirements, so price becomes the deciding factor. For example, whenever you need project resources such as raw materials, you should send an RFQ to as many qualified suppliers as possible, so you can compare the prices and quality they offer and choose the one that best fits the needs of your project. Once you’re ready to purchase those project resources, you can send a purchase order to the vendor. Other times when one will use a request for quote is when your procurement is goods rather than services. But mostly, the primary evaluation factor for a winning vendor is price. What Should Be Included In a Request for Quote? Now that we understand what a request for quotation is, how it differs from other request documents and when it’s used in a project, let’s get into specifics. What should be included in a request for quote to ensure it’s thorough? A request for quote should have these parts. Information About the Buyer and Vendor: The first part of any request for quotation is to add contact information for both the buyer and the vendor. This includes the company name, address, contact information, such as name, phone, and email, as well as the date the RFQ is issued and the deadline for a response. Product Description: Describe the product goal and detail for the project. This allows the vendor to have a clear picture of what your final project deliverables will look like and how they’ll contribute to its completion. Quantity: This is how many items you’ll want to purchase. Unit Price: The unit price is how much one of the items will cost. Cost: This is the total price. It’s calculated by multiplying the unit price by the quantity. Shipping Information: Finally, the shipping information isn’t only where the items should be shipped, but how you want them shipped, such as how they’re packed, what sort of transportation and payment details. What Can a Request for Quote Be Used For? A request for quotation is used for procurement. It’s part of a process that’s used when soliciting quotes for a specific item or service in a project. This is commonly used in two industries: construction and manufacturing. Construction RFQ Besides helping with the procurement of construction project resources, there are various uses for RFQs in construction. For example, project owners might submit a request for quotation to a contractor to find out how much would it cost to execute the construction activities in a scope of work. Manufacturing RFQ In manufacturing, a request for quote is one of the steps in purchasing materials. It specifies the part needed in detail and submits the request to vendors. This buying process allows manufacturers to get a cost-effective price for parts and ensures that those parts meet quality standards and project requirements. Request For Quote Example Let’s take a look at a construction request for quote example. A general contractor needs to purchase concrete to build the foundation of a building. They fill out a request for quote document with the name of their company and contact information. There’s also a section to write the name and contact information for the vendor to whom they’ll be sending the request for quote. Other general information on the RFQ form includes the date of the request, quotation ID, customer ID and the date until which the quote is valid. Finally, there’s a section to note who prepared the quote. Beneath that is a place for special comments that aren’t addressed in the RFQ. There’s a section under that to note the salesperson who is supplying the quote, the PO number for the invoice, ship data, how it’ll be shipped, the FOB point, which stands for free on board. This indicates whether the buyer or the seller is liable for goods that are lost, damaged, or destroyed during shipment. Then the terms of the agreement are sketched out out. The next section defines the actual good or service. There’s a place to note how many you want, describe the item and add its unit price and tax. The total amount of each line item is then added and at the bottom of the RFQ is the subtotal, tax rate, sales tax, any other taxes and the total. Request For Quote Template To facilitate the request for quote process, use our free request for quote template for Word. Everything a general contractor or manufacturer needs to send to a vendor so they can make a bid on the project is enclosed. Using our free RFQ template streamlines the process and allows project managers to agree on price. Use our free RFQ template for Word to get the goods or services you need at a price that fits your budget. Benefits of Using a Request for Quote The main benefit for the buyer is they can gather competitive bids from different suppliers and vendors. This allows buyers to better evaluate the pricing and quality of the items and make more informed purchasing decisions. It also serves to help them find the lowest price. This competitive environment encourages suppliers and vendors to offer their best prices, which leads to cost savings for the buyer. Related Procurement Management Templates The request for quote is only one part of the larger procurement management process by which general contractors and manufacturers get supplies for their projects. If you want free templates for other aspects of the procurement process, we have those too. Below are a few free templates that relate to procurement management. Request for Information Template A request for information (RFI) is a document used to collect data on products, goods and services from existing or potential suppliers. Our free RFI template for Word is broken into two parts: one for the description and the second for the response. Request for Proposal Template A request for proposal enables the project owner to review all professional submissions from general contractors, vendors and more. Our request for proposal template keeps information organized and ensures you choose the right submission for your project requirements. Purchase Order Template Another piece of the procurement process is the purchase order. It’s the contract between the buyer and the seller. Our free purchase order template for Excel can be used as a legally binding contract to outline the price, quantity, delivery and terms of payment. How ProjectManager Helps Manage Procurement The above templates are great for getting information and setting a price before signing a contract between the buyer and the seller. But templates are dead ends after you’ve contracted with the seller. There’s no way to track the item in the project, for example. To do that you need project management software. ProjectManager is award-winning project and portfolio management software that helps you track procurement throughout the project’s life cycle and allows users to monitor their work to ensure they’re staying on schedule and within budget. Track Procurement With Kanban Boards The procurement process can be charted on our kanban boards, a tool that visualizes workflow. Kanban boards are divided into columns that represent a stage in a workflow. Kanban cards are tasks that move from one column to the next as they are being worked on. In terms of procurement, attach your RFQ or whatever procurement document to the card and use our customizable columns to note the various stages of your procurement process. Now you can see where you are in the process and manage your procurement better. Monitor Your Progress With Real-Time Dashboards Once you’ve contracted with supplies, you’ll want to keep an eye on the progress of your project to avoid costly delays and overspending. Get a high-level overview of the project with our real-time dashboards or portfolio dashboards. You can track project key performance indicators, such as time and cost to ensure that you’re staying on schedule and keeping to your budget. Unlike lightweight competitors, there’s no complicated and time-consuming setup. Our dashboard is ready when you are. When you need more detail, use our customizable reports to get status and portfolio reports, as well as reports on timesheets, variance and workload, to name only a few. Each report can be filtered to show only the data you want to see and then shared across multiple formats to keep stakeholders updated. Related Purchase Management Content The purchase management process is critical for the successful execution and delivery of projects. For that reason, we’ve created dozens of blogs, templates and guides about different aspects of purchase management and other related topics. Here are some of them. Purchase Management: A How-To Guide With Best Practices What Is a Purchase Order? (Example Included) Project Procurement Management – A Quick Guide How to Make a Procurement Management Plan What Is Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)? ProjectManager is online project and portfolio management software that connects teams whether they’re in the office, out on the job site, on the manufacturing floor as well as anywhere else. They can share files, comment at the task level and stay updated with email and in-app notifications. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.
项目需要资源,而且往往是持续不断的。供应商和承包商提供有助于完成项目的产品和服务。管理人员希望保持预算和资源成本,这就是为什么他们使用报价请求(Request for Quote,简称REQ)从供应商和承包商那里获得定价。 询价不同于征求建议书或征求信息。我们将向您展示为什么以及何时需要使用一个按钮。然后,我们将列出报价请求中应包含的内容,使用它的行业,我们甚至会有一个例子来说明我们的意思。 什么是询价(Request for Quote)? 询价是指公司要求供应商或承包商就其产品或服务在特定任务或项目中的成本提交报价。它有时被称为招标邀请书(IFB)。这一过程对于需要持续供应标准产品的公司(如制造商)尤为重要。 使用询价是公司采购流程的一部分,有助于确定能够在需要时以项目预算可接受的价格提供所需产品的供应商或承包商。它提供了项目的详细信息和所需的服务或产品和材料,包括价格。 一旦报价请求获得批准,并且您与项目将使用的供应商或承包商签订合同,您将需要在项目生命周期中跟踪这些成本。ProjectManager是一款屡获殊荣的项目和投资组合管理软件,具有强大的图表来监控资源,以确保它们符合合同的条款和条件。设置一个基准可以捕获你的进度和成本,这样你就可以根据你的实际工作实时跟踪计划工作。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 询价(Request for Quote,RFP) 虽然询价寻求以符合项目预算的成本获得产品或服务,但它与其他询价不同。例如,还有一个征求建议书,这是另一个业务文档。 征求建议书不同于询价书,因为它宣布一个项目,说明该项目,并向将被雇用完成该项目的承包商征求投标。它比询价单影响更深远,询价单涉及项目材料或将专注于更大项目的一部分的特定承包商。 询价(Request for Quote,RFI) 在项目中使用的另一个业务文档,如制造和建筑,是信息请求。这也与询价不同,因为询价更多的是一个正式的过程。客户使用此功能向他们可能与之签订合同的商品和服务的供应商或承包商索取信息。 索取信息的要求通常是许多要求,目的是缩小投标的选择范围,以确定哪个供应商或承包商最适合这项工作。因此,它可以被视为询价流程的一部分。收集这些信息会导致更明智的决策,并更适合所有相关方。 什么时候应该使用询价? 当一个人知道他们想要什么产品或服务,但需要更多的信息来帮助他们决定购买时,应该使用报价请求。当你写报价单的时候,你已经知道了数量和需求,所以价格就成了决定因素。 例如,每当您需要原材料等项目资源时,您应该向尽可能多的合格供应商发送电子邮件,以便您可以比较他们提供的价格和质量,并选择最适合您项目需求的供应商。一旦您准备好购买这些项目资源,您就可以向供应商发送采购订单。 其他时候,当一个人将使用询价是当你的采购是商品,而不是服务。但大多数情况下,获胜供应商的主要评估因素是价格。 报价请求中应包含哪些内容? 现在我们已经了解了什么是报价单,它与其他请求文档的区别以及它在项目中的使用情况,让我们进入细节。报价请求中应包含哪些内容以确保其完整性?报价请求应包含这些部分。 关于买方和供应商的信息:任何报价请求的第一部分是添加买方和供应商的联系信息。这包括公司名称,地址,联系信息,如姓名,电话和电子邮件,以及发出电子邮件的日期和回复的截止日期。 产品描述:描述项目的产品目标和细节。这使供应商能够清楚地了解您的最终项目交付成果的样子以及它们将如何有助于完成项目。 数量:这是你想要购买的物品数量。 单价:单价是其中一个项目的成本。 价格:这是总价。它的计算方法是单价乘以数量。 运输信息:最后,运输信息不仅是物品应该被运送到哪里,而且是你希望它们如何运送,比如它们如何包装,什么样的运输和支付细节。 询价单可用于什么用途? 询价单用于采购。它是在为项目中的特定项目或服务征求报价时使用的流程的一部分。这通常用于两个行业:建筑业和制造业。 建筑工程 除了帮助采购建筑项目资源外,RFQ在建筑中还有各种用途。例如,项目所有人可能向承包商提出报价请求,以了解执行某个工程范围内的施工活动需要多少费用。 制造业 在制造业中,询价是采购材料的步骤之一。它详细指定所需的部件并将请求提交给供应商。这种购买过程使制造商能够获得具有成本效益的零件价格,并确保这些零件符合质量标准和项目要求。 询价示例 让我们来看看一个施工请求报价的例子。总承包商需要购买混凝土来建造建筑物的基础。他们填写一份报价申请文件,其中包含公司名称和联系信息。还有一个部分写的名称和联系信息的供应商,他们将发送的请求报价。 报价单上的其他一般信息包括请求日期、报价ID、客户ID和报价有效期截止日期。最后,有一个部分要注意谁准备了报价。 下面是一个地方的特殊评论,没有解决的问题。在那下面有一个部分,记录提供报价的销售人员,发票的PO编号,运输数据,如何运输,FOB点,代表船上免费。这表明买方或卖方是否对货物在运输过程中丢失、损坏或毁坏负责。然后,协议的条款就草拟出来了。 下一节定义了实际的商品或服务。有一个地方注明你想要多少,描述项目,并添加其单价和税。然后将每个行项目的总金额相加,在表格的底部是小计,税率,销售税,任何其他税收和总额。 询价模板 为简化询价流程,请使用我们免费的Word询价模板。总承包商或制造商需要发送给供应商的所有内容,以便他们可以对该项目进行投标。 使用我们的免费报价模板简化了流程,并允许项目经理就价格达成一致。使用我们的免费Word模板,以符合您预算的价格获得您所需的商品或服务。 使用询价的好处 买方的主要好处是他们可以从不同的供应商和供应商那里收集有竞争力的投标。这使买家能够更好地评估物品的价格和质量,并做出更明智的购买决定。这也有助于他们找到最低的价格。这种竞争环境鼓励供应商和销售商提供最优惠的价格,从而为买方节省成本。 相关采购管理模板 报价请求只是总承包商和制造商为其项目获得供应的更大采购管理流程的一部分。如果您需要采购流程其他方面的免费模板,我们也有。下面是一些与采购管理相关的免费模板。 索取资料模板 信息请求书(RFI)是一份用于从现有或潜在供应商收集产品、货物和服务数据的文件。我们免费的Word RFI模板分为两部分:一部分用于描述,另一部分用于响应。 征求建议书模板 征求建议书使项目所有者能够审查总承包商、供应商等的所有专业意见书。我们的建议模板请求保持信息的组织,并确保您选择正确的提交您的项目要求。 采购订单模板 采购流程的另一部分是采购订单。这是买卖双方的合同我们的免费Excel采购订单模板可用作具有法律约束力的合同,概述价格、数量、交货和付款条件。 ProjectManager如何帮助管理采购 上述模板非常适合在买方和卖方签订合同之前获取信息和设定价格。但是,模板是死胡同后,你已经与卖方签订合同。例如,无法跟踪项目中的项。要做到这一点,你需要项目管理软件。 ProjectManager是屡获殊荣的项目和投资组合管理软件,可帮助您在整个项目生命周期中跟踪采购,并允许用户监控其工作,以确保他们按计划和预算进行。 使用看板跟踪采购 采购流程可以在我们的看板上绘制图表,这是一种可视化工作流程的工具。看板板被划分为表示工作流中的一个阶段的列。看板卡是在工作过程中从一列移动到下一列的任务。在采购方面,将您的订单或任何采购文件附加到卡上,并使用我们的可定制列来记录您采购流程的各个阶段。现在,您可以看到您在流程中的位置,并更好地管理您的采购。 使用实时仪表板监控您的进度 一旦你与供应商签订了合同,你就要密切关注项目的进展,以避免代价高昂的延误和超支。使用我们的实时仪表板或产品组合仪表板,全面了解项目。您可以跟踪项目的关键绩效指标,如时间和成本,以确保您按计划进行并保持预算。与轻量级竞争对手不同,没有复杂和耗时的设置。我们的仪表板已准备就绪。 当您需要更多详细信息时,使用我们的可定制报告来获取状态和投资组合报告,以及时间表、差异和工作量报告,仅举几例。每个报告都可以过滤,只显示您想要查看的数据,然后跨多种格式共享,以保持利益相关者的更新。 相关采购管理内容 采购管理流程对于项目的成功执行和交付至关重要。出于这个原因,我们创建了数十个关于采购管理和其他相关主题的不同方面的博客,模板和指南。以下是其中的一些。 采购管理:最佳实践指南 什么是采购订单?(包括示例) 项目采购管理-快速指南 如何制定采购管理计划 什么是供应商关系管理(SRM)? ProjectManager是一款在线项目和投资组合管理软件,无论团队在办公室、工作现场、生产车间还是其他任何地方,它都能将团队连接起来。他们可以共享文件,在任务级别发表评论,并通过电子邮件和应用内通知保持更新。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。

