How to Build and Implement a Project Strategy


2024-03-14 19:00 project manager


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Every project is different. While they all have a timeframe and end with a deliverable, they require unique methodologies and steps to reach their goals. Project strategy is the plan that defines a project, which is why project management strategy is so important. To better manage projects, one must clearly understand project strategy, who’s responsible for it in the organization and the steps to create a project strategy. We’ll go over that and link to free project management templates that can help you in this process. What Is Project Strategy? Project strategy is made up of your plan and the tools that are used to complete the project. This should align with the larger goals and objectives of the organization. The project strategy works to meet the organization’s mission, but its goals are specific to the individual project it’s directing. Once you have a basic project strategy, it can be reused for multiple projects by tweaking it to fit the new goals. That’s because whatever that future project might be it will still have to align with the organization’s long-term goals and the project strategy has already done this. However, organizations use project strategy for more complicated strategic projects rather than operational projects. The importance of a project strategy is simple: it helps deliver projects on time, within budget and aligned with larger strategic goals. It also streamlines project planning, which increases efficiency as you work on new projects and don’t have to start at square one. Project strategy is also useful in sharing the details of a project plan with stakeholders. To effectively plan and manage your project strategy, you’ll need a Gantt chart. ProjectManager is award-winning project and portfolio management software with robust Gantt charts that give managers transparency into how the project progresses in real time and the resources it needs to achieve its goals. Beyond organizing tasks and adding milestones, resources and costs, users can link all four types of task dependencies to avoid costly delays. Use the filter to easily identify the critical path and set a baseline to track planned versus actual progress and costs. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. Strategic Projects vs. Operational Projects As noted, a strategic project isn’t the same as an operational project. Strategic projects can be anything that helps deliver the organization’s strategic goals. For example, creating a website or mobile app to sell products online, marketing to promote new stores or building a facility to increase production. Organizations need operational projects, on the other hand, for daily functions. These operational projects aren’t necessarily aligned with the organization’s strategic planning goals but are needed to keep the organization running. Some examples of operational projects are routine maintenance, training programs and upgrades to the IT infrastructure. Who’s Responsible for Creating the Organization’s Project Strategy? The creation process for an organization’s project strategy is in the hands of leadership and management. These are people who have interest or input on the organization’s future direction. Whoever is in charge of the organization will be involved in the project strategy, such as an owner, CEO or managing director. The following professionals will handle the actual creation of the project strategy. Project Management Office (PMO): A PMO is responsible for defining and maintaining the standards for an organization’s project management. They can be an internal department or an external group or an agency. They help with prioritizing projects, providing governance guidelines and ensure that projects are beneficial to the organization by aligning with larger strategic goals. Project Manager: This is a professional responsible for leading the project, making its schedule and budget as well as leading and managing the project team. The project manager is responsible for delivering the project on time and within budget while meeting quality standards. They’ll help align the project with the organization’s strategic goals. Program Manager: If the project strategy involves multiple related projects, they’re called a program and managed by a program manager. This is a more strategic position than a project manager as they’re responsible for overseeing the delivery or project strategy across multiple projects without directly managing each project. Portfolio Manager: If multiple projects aren’t related as in a program, it’s a portfolio. A portfolio manager is responsible for delivering them. Just as with a program manager, they oversee multiple projects to ensure that they’re all delivered successfully while also meeting the project strategy of the organization. How to Create a Project Strategy An organization must conceive a project strategy before identifying projects that will help achieve its long-term goals. Leadership and stakeholders should follow the steps listed below as it’s the process by which a viable project strategy can be made. 1. Define the Purpose of Your Project The first step is knowing the underlying reason for the project you plan on initiating. One must know the why of the project: why are we doing this? The more precise and compelling your definition of the project’s purpose, the more likely it will be planned and delivered successfully. 2. Make Sure The Project Aligns With the Organization’s Strategic Plan Once you have the purpose of the project clearly defined, look at your organization’s strategic plan. If the project’s goals are aligned with the organization’s long-term goals, then the project can move forward. If not, then you’ll need to reexamine the project. If it can’t be made to fit into the larger strategy of the organization, then you’ll have to pass. 3. Set Project Goals & Success Criteria If the goals align with the project strategy of the organization, then you can move forward. The next step is to clearly define those goals. You’ll want to make sure that they’re SMART goals, which means they should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based. At the same time, determine the success criteria for the project such as scope, budget, timeline, goals, deliverables, etc. 4. Define Your Project Scope Identify all the work that must be completed to deliver a successful project. That’s the project scope. When defining project scope you should also identify what’s out of scope so everyone is clear on what needs to be done and what’s not necessary to the project. This sets boundaries on the project and defines its goals, deadlines and deliverables to help hit your goals. 5. Estimate Resources Resources are the people, equipment and materials you need to complete the project. To ensure you have what you need when you need it and those costs align with your budget, estimate the resources necessary to complete the project. This will inform your schedule and budget. 6. Create a Project Budget The project budget will determine the resources, which is the estimated costs of the project. By creating a budget, the project manager can forecast the project costs. This includes resources and how long you’ll need them. 7. Make a Project Timeline The project timeline is a visual representation of the schedule, showing the start and end dates of the entire project and mapping the various tasks on that timeline. It also breaks the larger project down into phases, milestones and tasks, which makes it easier to manage. 8. Choose a Project Management Methodology There are many ways to manage projects. You can use a traditional project management methodology, such as waterfall, which clearly defines the sequence of project phases, where one starts after the one before has ended. There are also agile practices, which are more iterative and collaborative with cross-functional teams. That’s only two of many sets of tools and guidelines that organize projects for greater efficiency and performance. 9. Assemble a Team Your team will be the ones who execute the project. Selecting those team members with the right skills and experience is important, but it also helps flesh out the project’s organizational structure. The strategic goals should also be at the forefront of the project manager’s mind; the team should be chosen because they fit the bill for what’s needed to deliver the project and achieve its goals. 10. Establish Project Tracking Methods Once the project is in motion and tasks are being worked on, the project manager needs a method to monitor and track the team’s progress and performance. The project manager will look at the project plan and compare it to the actual progress and costs to see if they’re the same. If not, then the project could be off track and adjustments to the scope, time or cost can get it back on track. Project Management Templates That Help You Make a Project Strategy ProjectManager isn’t only a powerful tool, but our site is an online hub for free project management templates that can help you with each phase of your project. Our free templates for Excel and Word also address various industries that run projects, such as construction, manufacturing, professional services, event planning and IT. Here are a few free templates that are related to project strategy. Project Plan Template A project strategy needs a project plan. Our free project plan template for Word helps you figure out everything you need from the project scope to the schedule and the budget. Project Budget Template To forecast an accurate budget, use our free project budget template for Excel. It lays out tasks and subtasks and their associated labor, materials and miscellaneous costs and even has columns to track the actual costs versus the budget. Project Timeline Template Our free project timeline template for Excel is made up of two parts. On the left is a spreadsheet for tasks and their duration. On the right is a visual timeline that populates as you fill in the left side of the template. How ProjectManager Helps You Build Your Project Strategy Templates are fine, but they fall short of project management software. Templates are static documents that need to be manually updated, which isn’t efficient. They’re not even good for collaboration. ProjectManager is award-winning project and portfolio management software that helps you build and execute your project strategy. Managers plan on robust Gantt charts or our sheet view, while teams can work on multiple project views, such as the visual workflow of a kanban board or task lists. You can keep stakeholders updated with the calendar view. Track Project Costs, Time and Progress A project strategy can’t be achieved without closely monitoring your projects. You can get a high-level overview of a project’s progress and performance anytime you want by toggling over to our real-time dashboard. Here, you’ll see KPIs such as project cost, time and progress displayed in easy-to-read graphs and charts. There’s even a portfolio dashboard for tracking multiple projects. For more detail, use our customizable reports, such as status, portfolio, timesheet, workload, variance and more. All can be filtered to show only what you want to see and then shared with stakeholders to keep them updated. Allocate Resources Across Projects When you onboard teams, our software lets you set their availability, including PTO, vacation and global holidays for remote workers. This makes it easy to assign resources to tasks. As you allocate resources, use our color-coded workload chart. There, you can see at a glance who’s overallocated and balance the team’s workload from the chart. This keeps the team working at capacity and productively achieving project strategy goals. Related Strategic Content There’s more to project strategy and strategic planning than we could write about here. If you’re interested in going deeper, our site is full of free content, videos and templates to explore. Here are a handful of links that will take you to more articles, templates and guides on business strategy. Strategic Project Management: Planning Strategic Projects How to Create a Strategic Roadmap for Your Organization Strategic Planning in Business Strategic Plan Template for Word (Free Download) A Quick Guide to Strategic Initiatives ProjectManager is online project and portfolio management software that connects teams in the office, out in the field and anywhere else they’re working. They can share files, comment at the task level and stay updated with email and in-app notifications. Join teams at Avis, Nestle and Siemens who are using our software to deliver successful projects. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.
每个项目都是不同的。虽然它们都有一个时间框架,并以交付成果结束,但它们需要独特的方法和步骤来实现其目标。项目战略是定义项目的计划,这就是为什么项目管理战略如此重要。 为了更好地管理项目,必须清楚地了解项目战略,组织中谁负责项目战略以及创建项目战略的步骤。我们将详细介绍这一点,并链接到可以帮助您完成此过程的免费项目管理模板。 什么是项目战略? 项目策略由您的计划和用于完成项目的工具组成。这应与本组织的更大目标和目的保持一致。项目策略是为了满足组织的使命,但它的目标是特定于它所指导的单个项目的。 一旦你有了一个基本的项目策略,它就可以通过调整来适应新的目标,从而在多个项目中重用。这是因为无论未来的项目是什么,它仍然必须与组织的长期目标保持一致,而项目战略已经做到了这一点。然而,组织将项目战略用于更复杂的战略项目,而不是业务项目。 项目战略的重要性很简单:它有助于在预算范围内按时交付项目,并与更大的战略目标保持一致。它还简化了项目规划,提高了新项目的工作效率,而不必从头开始。项目战略在与涉众分享项目计划的细节方面也很有用。 为了有效地计划和管理你的项目策略,你需要一个计划表。ProjectManager是一款屡获殊荣的项目和投资组合管理软件,具有强大的图表,使管理人员能够实时了解项目的进展情况以及实现目标所需的资源。 除了组织任务和添加里程碑、资源和成本之外,用户还可以链接所有四种类型的任务依赖关系,以避免代价高昂的延迟。使用过滤器可以轻松识别关键路径,并设置基线来跟踪计划进度和实际进度及成本。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 战略项目vs.运营项目 如前所述,战略项目与运营项目不同。战略项目可以是任何有助于实现组织战略目标的东西。例如,创建一个网站或移动应用程序来在线销售产品,营销以推广新店或建立一个设施来增加产量。 另一方面,组织需要业务项目来实现日常功能。这些运营项目不一定与组织的战略规划目标保持一致,但需要保持组织的运行。运营项目的一些例子是日常维护、培训计划和IT基础设施的升级。 谁负责制定组织的项目战略? 组织项目战略的创建过程掌握在领导和管理层手中。这些人对组织的未来方向感兴趣或有意见。负责组织的人将参与项目战略,例如所有者,CEO或常务董事。以下专业人员将处理项目策略的实际创建。 项目管理办公室(PMO):PMO负责定义和维护组织的项目管理标准。他们可以是一个内部部门或外部团体或机构。它们有助于确定项目的优先级,提供治理指导方针,并通过与更大的战略目标保持一致来确保项目对组织有益。 项目经理:这是一个专业负责领导项目,制定其时间表和预算,以及领导和管理项目团队。项目经理负责按时在预算内交付项目,同时满足质量标准。他们将帮助项目与组织的战略目标保持一致。 项目群经理:如果项目策略涉及多个相关的项目,它们被称为项目群,由项目群经理管理。这是一个比项目经理更具战略性的职位,因为他们负责监督多个项目的交付或项目战略,而不是直接管理每个项目。 项目组合经理:如果多个项目不像在一个项目群中那样相互关联,那么它就是一个项目组合。投资组合经理负责交付它们。就像项目经理一样,他们监督多个项目,以确保它们都成功交付,同时也符合组织的项目战略。 如何创建项目战略 一个组织在确定有助于实现其长期目标的项目之前,必须构想一个项目战略。领导层和利益相关者应该遵循下面列出的步骤,因为这是制定可行的项目策略的过程。 1.确定项目的目的 第一步是了解你计划启动项目的根本原因。我们必须知道这个项目的原因:我们为什么要这样做?你对项目目的的定义越精确、越有说服力,它就越有可能被成功地计划和交付。 2.确保项目符合组织的战略计划 一旦你清楚地定义了项目的目的,看看你的组织的战略计划。如果项目的目标与组织的长期目标保持一致,那么项目就可以向前推进。如果没有,那么你需要重新审视这个项目。如果它不能适应组织的更大战略,那么你就必须通过。 3.设定项目目标和成功标准 如果目标与组织的项目战略一致,那么您就可以继续前进。下一步是明确这些目标。你要确保它们是SMART目标,这意味着它们应该是具体的,可衡量的,可实现的,相关的和基于时间的。同时,确定项目的成功标准,如范围、预算、时间轴、目标、可交付成果等。 4.定义项目范围 确定交付一个成功的项目必须完成的所有工作。这就是项目的范围。在定义项目范围时,你还应该确定什么超出了范围,这样每个人都清楚什么需要做,什么不是项目所必需的。这为项目设定了界限,并定义了其目标,最后期限和可交付成果,以帮助实现您的目标。 5.估计资源 资源是完成项目所需的人员、设备和材料。为了确保您在需要时获得所需的资源,并且这些成本与预算保持一致,请估计完成项目所需的资源。这将有助于您的计划和预算。 6.创建项目预算 项目预算将确定资源,即项目的估计费用。通过创建预算,项目经理可以预测项目成本。这包括资源以及您需要它们的时间。 7.制作项目时间轴 项目时间轴是日程的可视化表示,显示整个项目的开始和结束日期,并将各种任务映射到该时间轴上。它还将较大的项目分解为阶段,里程碑和任务,这使得管理更容易。 8.选择项目管理方法 有很多方法可以管理项目。您可以使用传统的项目管理方法,例如瀑布,它清楚地定义了项目阶段的顺序,其中一个阶段在前一个阶段结束后开始。还有一些敏捷实践,它们与跨职能团队的迭代和协作更多。这只是组织项目以提高效率和性能的许多工具和指导方针中的两个。 9.组建一个团队 你的团队将是执行项目的人。选择那些具有正确技能和经验的团队成员很重要,但它也有助于充实项目的组织结构。战略目标也应该是项目经理头脑中最重要的部分;团队应该被选择,因为他们符合交付项目和实现其目标所需的条件。 10.建立项目跟踪方法 一旦项目开始运行,任务开始执行,项目经理就需要一种方法来监控和跟踪团队的进度和绩效。项目经理将查看项目计划,并将其与实际进度和成本进行比较,以查看它们是否相同。如果没有,那么项目可能会偏离轨道,对范围,时间或成本的调整可以让它回到正轨。 帮助您制定项目战略的项目管理模板 ProjectManager不仅是一个功能强大的工具,而且我们的网站是一个免费项目管理模板的在线中心,可以帮助您完成项目的每个阶段。我们的免费Excel和Word模板也适用于运行项目的各种行业,如建筑,制造,专业服务,活动策划和IT。这里有一些与项目策略相关的免费模板。 项目计划模板 一个项目需要一个项目计划。我们免费的Word项目计划模板可帮助您确定从项目范围到时间表和预算所需的一切。 项目预算模板 要预测准确的预算,请使用我们免费的Excel项目预算模板。它列出了任务和子任务及其相关的人工、材料和杂项成本,甚至还有列来跟踪实际成本与预算。 项目时间轴模板 我们免费的Excel项目时间轴模板由两部分组成。左侧是任务及其持续时间的电子表格。右侧是一个可视的时间轴,当您填充模板的左侧时,该时间轴会填充。 ProjectManager如何帮助您制定项目战略 模板是好的,但它们不符合项目管理软件。模板是静态文档,需要手动更新,效率不高。他们甚至不适合合作。ProjectManager是屡获殊荣的项目和投资组合管理软件,可帮助您构建和执行项目策略。管理人员在强大的工作表或工作表视图上进行计划,而团队可以在多个项目视图上工作,例如看板或任务列表的可视化工作流。您可以使用日历视图保持利益相关者的更新。 跟踪项目成本、时间和进度 如果不密切监视项目,就无法实现项目策略。通过切换到我们的实时仪表板,您可以随时获得项目进度和性能的高级概览。在这里,您将看到KPI,如项目成本,时间和进度,以易于阅读的图形和图表显示。 甚至还有一个用于跟踪多个项目的投资组合仪表板。有关更多详细信息,请使用我们的可定制报告,如状态、投资组合、时间表、工作量、差异等。所有这些都可以过滤,只显示您想要看到的内容,然后与利益相关者共享,以保持他们的更新。 跨项目分配资源 当您加入团队时,我们的软件可让您设置他们的可用性,包括远程工作人员的PTO、假期和全球假期。这使得将资源分配给任务变得容易。当您分配资源时,请使用我们的彩色编码工作负载图表。在那里,您可以一目了然地看到谁被过度分配,并从图表中平衡团队的工作量。这使团队能够以最大的能力工作,并有效地实现项目战略目标。 相关战略内容 关于项目战略和战略规划,我们可以在这里写得更多。如果您有兴趣深入了解,我们的网站充满了免费内容,视频和模板供您探索。这里有一些链接,将带你到更多的文章,模板和指南的业务战略。 战略项目管理:规划战略项目 如何为您的组织创建战略路线图 企业战略规划 Word战略计划模板(免费下载) 战略举措快速指南 ProjectManager是一款在线项目和投资组合管理软件,它可以连接办公室、现场和其他工作地点的团队。他们可以共享文件,在任务级别发表评论,并通过电子邮件和应用内通知保持更新。加入安飞士、雀巢和西门子的团队,他们正在使用我们的软件交付成功的项目。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。

