Discovering AI Solutions


2024-03-12 10:00 lionbridge


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Embracing AI solutions is critical to offering better language services. Whether it’s translation services, localization, or content solutions, Generative AI can help create a faster, cost-effective, enhanced process. Lionbridge has been working with AI since its inception — and even earlier. We’ve used what some people consider to be AI’s predecessor, Machine Translation (MT), for over a decade. (Conversely, some people consider MT an example of AI itself.) To immerse ourselves in AI, Lionbridge has developed our AI sandbox, a tool for securely testing AI solutions. This tool helps everyone at Lionbridge sharpen and share our AI understanding and skills. Importantly, our team can also safely test and prepare prototypes of new solutions for customers. Read on to learn more about Lionbridge’s AI Sandbox. Building a Sandbox for AI Solutions Lionbridge began developing its AI sandbox in Summer 2023. This environment is a safe space for Lionbridge employees to experiment with AI services, both to assist with internal processes and prepare for potential language solutions for customers. The AI sandbox is a secure, private GPT-4 environment that all employees can access. In fact, Lionbridge heavily encourages all employees to use the sandbox. Lionbridge management has required everyone to set at least one AI-oriented yearly goal. They’re also hosting an AI contest with a prize for the most creative ideas for AI usage. The environment presents as a simple interface with a chatbot appearance. The most critical factor is the security of Lionbridge’s AI Sandbox. It’s fully isolated and cuts all risks of data privacy concerns, which public AI tools don’t protect against. Testing Internal AI Solutions The best way to prepare reliable, innovative workflows for translation or AI content generation is by practicing with AI. Lionbridge’s AI sandbox has over 1,000 users daily. Some are taking advantage of AI to speed up their own work or deliverables. Some employees are using an array of AI tools to build solutions for complex translation, localization, and content problems that our customers face. Every Lionbridge department is finding ways to implement AI to automate and enhance their daily work activities. Here are a few examples: Sales: Many sales team members use AI to create initial drafts of their messages to prospects. They then personalize and edit these drafted messages before sending. This AI usage saves the team hours every week. It also allows the sales team to connect with more current and potential customers daily. Community Experience Team: This team automated the process of sending training invitation emails. They created an AI-powered form to collect training journey data and then used it to auto-populate invitation emails. Their automation saves around 100 hours of human labor on this task. It also lets the Community Training Team focus on other essential tasks to support our partners. Technology Deployment: This department automated the tedious process of converting eLearning course materials from PowerPoint to PDF. They used Lionbridge’s AI tools to generate Python scripts. This solution streamlined batch-processing work, thus saving the department significant time. Games: This division of Lionbridge used AI to automate most of a data analysis task for ensuring translation accuracy. Using AI in this instance saved the team 5-6 hours per project. Notably, this workflow can also expedite future projects. Marketing: This Lionbridge team uses AI to refine vital content elements, especially when there are rigid word or character counts to meet. These sections often include titles, meta titles, etc. Another marketing usage is implementing an AI content generator. The team asks the AI tool to change the tone of content. Changing the tone helps the content appeal to different audiences. While the team of writers can achieve this, AI can significantly expedite the process. Safely Testing AI Solutions for Customers Lionbridge uses the AI sandbox for practicing with internal use cases to operate more efficiently. However, we’re also using AI solutions with system at scale to safely test and develop solutions for our customers. These tested solutions allow us to offer customers lower-cost services and volume discounts. (Notably, we never use confidential customer data in these procedures.) Here’s an example of an AI solution we tested, then started implementing at scale for customers: Automating testing for translation procedures to ensure correct applications of terminology, tone, and other linguistic aspects required by customers. Conducting quality evaluation exercises for Machine Translation output. Implementing automated improvements to Machine Translation output as dictated by specific customer needs. We’ve been using tested solutions (such as the one above) to provide large-scale AI-powered services for customers via our OpenAI business subscription. Currently, Lionbridge has served almost 500 customers with tailored AI solutions – with at least 50 more pilots in our pipeline. In short, Lionbridge isn’t just prepared for an AI-dominated future. We’re already there, testing and implementing solutions internally and for our customers daily. Get in touch Considering AI solutions to improve your content creation, website content optimization, translation, or other language needs? Lionbridge is ready to help. Let’s get in touch.
采用人工智能解决方案对于提供更好的语言服务至关重要。无论是翻译服务、本地化还是内容解决方案,Generative AI都可以帮助创建更快、更具成本效益的增强流程。自成立以来,甚至更早,Lionbridge就一直在与AI合作。我们已经使用了一些人认为是人工智能的前身,机器翻译(MT),超过十年。(相反,有些人认为MT本身就是AI的一个例子。为了让自己沉浸在人工智能中,Lionbridge开发了我们的人工智能沙箱,这是一种用于安全测试人工智能解决方案的工具。此工具可帮助Lionbridge的每个人提高并分享我们对AI的理解和技能。重要的是,我们的团队还可以为客户安全地测试和准备新解决方案的原型。请继续阅读以了解有关Lionbridge AI Sandbox的更多信息。 为AI解决方案构建沙盒 Lionbridge于2023年夏季开始开发AI沙盒。该环境为Lionbridge员工提供了一个安全的空间,让他们可以尝试人工智能服务,以协助内部流程并为客户准备潜在的语言解决方案。AI沙箱是一个安全的私有GPT-4环境,所有员工都可以访问。事实上,Lionbridge大力鼓励所有员工使用沙箱。Lionbridge管理层要求每个人至少设定一个以人工智能为导向的年度目标。他们还举办了一场人工智能竞赛,为人工智能使用的最具创意的想法颁奖。环境呈现为具有聊天机器人外观的简单界面。最关键的因素是Lionbridge AI Sandbox的安全性。它是完全隔离的,并减少了所有数据隐私问题的风险,而公共AI工具无法保护这些风险。 测试内部AI解决方案 为翻译或人工智能内容生成准备可靠、创新的工作流程的最佳方法是使用人工智能进行实践。Lionbridge的AI沙箱每天有超过1,000名用户。有些人正在利用人工智能来加快自己的工作或交付。一些员工正在使用一系列人工智能工具来为客户面临的复杂翻译、本地化和内容问题构建解决方案。每个Lionbridge部门都在寻找实施人工智能的方法,以自动化和增强其日常工作活动。以下是一些示例: 销售:许多销售团队成员使用人工智能来创建他们向潜在客户发送的信息的初稿。然后,他们在发送之前对这些草拟的消息进行个性化和编辑。这种人工智能的使用节省了团队每周的时间。它还允许销售团队每天与更多的当前和潜在客户联系。 社区体验团队:该团队自动化了发送培训邀请电子邮件的过程。他们创建了一个AI驱动的表单来收集培训旅程数据,然后用它来自动填充邀请电子邮件。他们的自动化在这项任务上节省了大约100个小时的人力。它还使社区培训团队能够专注于其他重要任务,以支持我们的合作伙伴。 技术部署:该部门自动化了将电子学习课程材料从PowerPoint转换为PDF的繁琐过程。他们使用Lionbridge的AI工具生成Python脚本。该解决方案简化了批量处理工作,从而为该部门节省了大量时间。 游戏:该部门使用人工智能自动执行大部分数据分析任务,以确保翻译准确性。在这种情况下,使用AI为每个项目节省了5-6个小时。值得注意的是,这种工作流程还可以加快未来的项目。 市场营销:该Lionbridge团队使用人工智能来优化重要的内容元素,特别是在需要满足严格的字数或字符数要求时。这些部分通常包括标题,Meta标题等。另一种营销用途是实现AI内容生成器。团队要求AI工具改变内容的基调。改变语气有助于内容吸引不同的受众。虽然作家团队可以做到这一点,但人工智能可以大大加快这一过程。 为客户安全测试AI解决方案 Lionbridge使用AI沙箱来练习内部用例,以提高运营效率。然而,我们也在大规模使用人工智能解决方案和系统,为我们的客户安全地测试和开发解决方案。这些经过测试的解决方案使我们能够为客户提供更低成本的服务和批量折扣。(值得注意的是,我们在这些程序中从不使用机密客户数据。下面是我们测试的一个AI解决方案的例子,然后开始为客户大规模实施: 对翻译程序进行自动化测试,以确保正确应用客户要求的术语、语气和其他语言方面。 对机器翻译输出进行质量评估。 根据特定客户需求对机器翻译输出进行自动化改进。 我们一直在使用经过测试的解决方案(例如上面的解决方案),通过我们的OpenAI业务订阅为客户提供大规模的人工智能服务。目前,Lionbridge已经为近500家客户提供了量身定制的人工智能解决方案,至少还有50家正在进行试点。 简而言之,Lionbridge不仅为人工智能主导的未来做好了准备。我们已经在那里,测试和实施解决方案内部和我们的客户每天。 取得联系 考虑AI解决方案来改善您的内容创建、网站内容优化、翻译或其他语言需求?Lionbridge随时准备提供帮助。让我们保持联系。

