South Africa Joins CLARIN ERIC as Member


2024-02-28 20:50 CLARIN


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After a fruitful five years as an observer of CLARIN European Research Infrastructure Consortium See: , South Africa has become an official member of the distributed digital infrastructure as of 1 January 2024. South Africa is the first member country outside of Europe, and SADiLaR is the proud representative body for SA. Currently, CLARIN ERIC has 24 members and 2 observers. This milestone aligns impeccably with SADiLaR’s strategic objective of strengthening stakeholder relationships and building mutually beneficial partnerships. The network will therefore extend to increase SADiLaR’s impact in the Digital Humanities space. About SADiLaR The South African Centre for Digital Language Resources, hosted by the North-West University, is the first research infrastructure in Africa that promotes indigenous languages and is sponsored by the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) as part of the South African Research Infrastructure Roadmap (SARIR). The digital research hub has an enabling function, with a focus on all official languages of South Africa, supporting research and development in the domains of language technologies and language-related studies in the humanities and social sciences. The centre supports the creation, management, and distribution of digital language resources, as well as applicable software, which are freely available through the Language Resource Catalogue. SADiLaR comprises several member institutions that are centrally integrated into the functioning of the centre. Each of the partner institutions has a specialisation area: University of Pretoria (Department of African Languages) University of South Africa (Department of African Languages) CSIR (HLT Research Group) North-West University (CTexT®) Inter-Institutional Centre for Language Development and Assessment (ICELDA) Child Language Development Node (Department of General Linguistics at Stellenbosch University). Vision SADiLaR’s vision is to stimulate and enable digital research and development in South Africa’s 12 official languages, to cultivate, create awareness and grow DH scholarship in South Africa and the continent, while creating strategic synergies with local and international partners with a similar or complementary infrastructure. Through its affiliation with CLARIN in the past five years, SADiLaR created meaningful connections that have led to collaborations with other entities with a similar mandate. The membership provides access to expertise and standards that help to unify the South African infrastructure with international research systems and best practices.
在作为联合国非洲发展新伙伴关系网观察员富有成效的五年之后, 欧洲研究基础设施联盟 请访问: 南非将于2024年1月1日成为分布式数字基础设施的正式成员。南非是欧洲以外的第一个成员国,SADiLaR是SA的骄傲代表机构。目前,该组织有24名成员和2名观察员。 这一里程碑与SADiLaR加强利益攸关方关系和建立互利伙伴关系的战略目标完全一致。因此,该网络将扩大SADiLaR在数字人文领域的影响。 关于SADiLaR 由西北大学主办的南非数字语言资源中心是非洲第一个促进土著语言的研究基础设施,由科学和创新部(DSI)赞助,作为南非研究基础设施路线图(SARIR)的一部分。该数字研究中心具有促进功能,重点关注南非的所有官方语言,支持人文和社会科学领域的语言技术和语言相关研究领域的研究和开发。该中心支持数字语言资源的创建、管理和分发,以及通过语言资源目录免费提供的适用软件。 SADiLaR由几个成员机构组成,这些机构被集中纳入该中心的运作。每个合作机构都有一个专业领域: 比勒陀利亚大学(非洲语言系) 南非大学(非洲语言系) CSIR(HLT研究组) 西北大学(CTexT®) 语言发展和评估机构间中心(ICELDA) 儿童语言发展节点(斯泰伦博斯大学普通语言学系)。 愿景 SADiLaR的愿景是激励和实现南非12种官方语言的数字研究和开发,在南非和非洲大陆培养、提高认识和发展DH奖学金,同时与具有类似或互补基础设施的当地和国际合作伙伴建立战略协同效应。 通过在过去五年中与联合国反洗钱信息网的联系,南部非洲反洗钱行动建立了有意义的联系,导致与具有类似任务的其他实体开展合作。成员资格提供了获得专业知识和标准的机会,有助于将南非的基础设施与国际研究系统和最佳做法统一起来。

