In Memoriam Rune Kyrkjebø 1968–2023


2024-01-10 01:50 CLARIN


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We are saddened to announce the sudden passing of Rune Kyrkjebø on December 22, 2023. He was the assistant national coordinator of CLARINO and a member of the CLARIN Center Assessment Committee and a member of the User Involvement Committee. Rune leaves behind his wife Tone Merete Bruvik (who is on the Standing Committee for CLARIN Technical Centres ) and two children. Rune was a true humanistic scholar. He studied philology and got his PhD at the University of Bergen in 2001 with a text-critical analysis of Old Norse Kings’ sagas. He also studied theology and published a Norwegian psalm lexicon. In his work as researcher and later senior librarian, he was involved in very many Digital Humanities projects, such as the Wittgenstein Archives at Bergen, the Norwegian Language Collections, the lexicographical projects, and others. He published widely on mediaeval philology, transcription, OCR, Text Encoding Initiative See: and other aspects of digital text scholarship. Rune became very engaged in CLARIN activities. With others, he gave CLARINO courses on language data management, produced a series of instructional videos on how to use CLARINO data and services, and kept the CLARINO Bergen Centre running. He was co-author of a chapter in the 2022 CLARIN book. We will miss Rune not only because he was always interested, helpful and dedicated, but also because he did so with a smile and a genuine modesty and friendliness. Written by Koenraad de Smedt
我们很遗憾地宣布Rune Kyrkjebeirs于2023年12月22日突然去世。他曾是WARINO的助理国家协调员、WARININ中心评估委员会成员和用户参与委员会成员。鲁恩留下了他的妻子Tone Merete Bruvik(谁是在 技术中心常设委员会 )和两个孩子。 鲁恩是一位真正的人文学者。他学习语言学,并于2001年在卑尔根大学获得博士学位,对古挪威国王的传奇进行了文本批判性分析。他还学习神学,并出版了一本挪威诗篇词典。在他作为研究员和后来的高级图书管理员的工作中,他参与了许多数字人文项目,如卑尔根的维特根斯坦档案馆,挪威语言收藏,词典编纂项目等。他在中世纪语言学、抄写、OCR、 文本编码倡议 参见: 和其他方面的数字文本奖学金。 鲁恩开始非常投入到网络安全的活动中。他与其他人一起,为CIMINO提供语言数据管理课程,制作了一系列关于如何使用CIMINO数据和服务的教学视频,并保持CIMINO卑尔根中心的运行。他是2022年《圣经》一书中一章的合著者。 我们会想念Rune,不仅因为他总是很感兴趣,乐于助人和专注,而且还因为他带着微笑和真诚的谦虚和友好。 作者:Koenraad de Smedt

