Introducing Mugais Jahangir, Head of the Americas hub at memoQ

Mugais Jahangir,memoQ美洲中心负责人

2023-09-14 17:25 MemoQ


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As part of our series about the people of memoQ, let us introduce Mugais Jahangir, who has recently taken over as Head of the Americas hub at memoQ. Commemorating his new role, we interviewed him about his experience and insights on the industry, about his vision for the memoQ team, and more. Hi Mugais, please introduce yourself in a few words! Hi, I’m Mugais Jahangir. I’m heading the Americas region at memoQ. I was born in Kashmir and lived in four different cities across three continents before settling in Canada in 2019. When and why did you join memoQ? I joined memoQ back in 2020 and what intrigued me was how much the industry appreciated memoQ’s approach towards its customers. I liked memoQ’s customer-first approach and how its users become memoQ ambassadors. What does your current position entail? I’m responsible for leading a team of vibrant individuals with the goal of providing custom solutions for the professionals in the industry while ensuring that we create a collaborative environment for our customers to make their lives easier with memoQ TMS. What is your vision for the Americas Hub? I am quite excited to continue our journey in the Americas with even more innovative solutions on our roadmap. My vision is to continue empowering linguists, translators, and enterprises in the region by introducing them to memoQ TMS. We are also committed to continuing our focus on innovation along with customer feedback. As a result, we recently announced memoQ AGT, our latest patent-pending product innovation. I cannot wait to showcase the capabilities of memoQ combined with the remarkable power of AI later this year. All of this is in line with our vision of ensuring our users are at the center of our innovation, enabling them to thrive in their work. What do you like most about the translation industry? The collaborative culture and a sense of community that fosters innovation without the cut-throat approach of the corporate world. How would you describe the memoQ team? Our team is a group of extraordinarily talented individuals, and the talent is nurtured by the exceptional culture that we have in the company. We also have a dedicated team in the Americas region where every individual has joined us after switching to memoQ as a user and appreciating how impactful it has been for them. What has been your greatest achievement so far at memoQ? Being part of memoQ Americas and watching our customers become awestruck when we show them the capabilities of memoQ TMS. Over the years, I’ve also led the memoQ Americas Enterprise sales division and I am quite proud of how far we’ve come. The Americas is our fastest growing region and we’ve grown to become the tool of choice amongst the major sectors here. What are your hobbies? I like to watch football (soccer) and when I’m not watching the game, I generally talk about it with fellow football fans on X.
作为我们关于memoQ人的系列的一部分,让我们介绍Mugais Jahangir,他最近接任了memoQ美洲中心的负责人。为了纪念他的新角色,我们采访了他,了解他对行业的经验和见解,以及他对memoQ团队的愿景等等。 你好,Mugais,请用几句话介绍一下自己! 嗨,我是穆盖斯·贾汉吉尔。我负责美洲地区的备忘录。我出生在克什米尔,在2019年定居加拿大之前,曾在三大洲的四个不同城市生活过。 你是什么时候加入memoQ的? 我在2020年加入了memoQ,让我感兴趣的是业界对memoQ对待客户的方式有多欣赏。我喜欢memoQ以客户为先的方法,以及它的用户如何成为memoQ大使。 你目前的工作是什么? 我负责领导一个充满活力的团队,目标是为行业内的专业人士提供定制解决方案,同时确保我们为客户创造一个协作环境,使他们的生活更轻松。 您对美洲中心的愿景是什么? 我很高兴能继续我们在美洲的旅程,在我们的路线图上提供更多创新的解决方案。我的愿景是通过向该地区的语言学家、翻译人员和企业介绍memoQ TMS来继续赋予他们权力。 我们还致力于继续专注于创新以及客户反馈。因此,我们最近宣布了emoQ AGT,这是我们最新的正在申请专利的产品创新。我迫不及待地想在今年晚些时候展示memoQ的能力和人工智能的非凡力量。所有这些都符合我们的愿景,即确保用户处于创新的中心,使他们能够在工作中茁壮成长。 你最喜欢翻译行业的什么? 协作文化和社区意识,促进创新,而不是企业界的残酷做法。 你会怎么形容回忆录团队? 我们的团队是一群非常有才华的人,而这些人才是由我们在公司中拥有的特殊文化所培养的。我们在美洲地区也有一个专门的团队,每个人都在切换到memoQ作为用户后加入了我们,并赞赏它对他们的影响。 到目前为止,你在回忆录上最大的成就是什么? 作为memoQ Americas的一员,看着我们的客户在我们向他们展示memoQ TMS的功能时感到敬畏。多年来,我还领导了memoQ美洲企业销售部门,我为我们所取得的成就感到自豪。美洲是我们增长最快的地区,我们已经成长为主要行业中的首选工具。 你的爱好是什么? 我喜欢看足球比赛,当我不看比赛的时候,我通常会在X上和其他球迷谈论足球比赛。

