Writing Clinical Trial Results for Multi-Regional Clinical Trials


2023-05-26 09:00 lionbridge


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Being a strong professional writer requires more than encyclopedic and professional knowledge. It’s a craft and technical discipline in language and communication. Additionally, writing always takes place in context, and, most importantly, an interaction between author and reader. Any text, including clinical trial results, should be written with an understanding of this context. Styles of Clinical Trial Results Reporting The reader-writer relationship is well defined in a scientific clinical trial report. Content follows a fixed format and often a timeline. As Stephen Pinker says in his book, The Sense of Style, this is a “practical writing style.” The writer aims to satisfy the readers’ needs in this text style. Practical writing style contrasts with “classic style,” which takes any form or length, and the writer-reader relationship is often undefined or general. The clinical trial report typically follows the ICH E3 guidance on Structure and Content of Clinical Study Reports. Medical writers create reports, and they’re trained in the medical community’s specific jargon and academic writing style. The intended reader is a professional peer, trained in the same communication style. For example, a regulatory scientific reviewer commonly reads these reports. In this context, the writer and reader are in well-defined roles. However, when a medical writer authors a plain language summary of the same results, it brings different communication challenges. The intended reader may be any member of the public or a patient who participated in the trial. The reader may not have any prior knowledge or familiarity with jargon to leverage when interpreting the text. Also, most readers won’t have the necessary literacy skills to process medical language. In this type of plain style, content should therefore be, as Pinker says, “in full view, and the reader does not need any help in seeing anything.” Producing Plain Language Summaries for Clinical Trial Results Plain language summaries have become a standard requirement under the EU Clinical Trial Regulation published in 2014. Since then, different guidelines have been published on the content and style of such summaries. In 2021, a practical handbook on Good Lay Summary Practice (GLSP) was published on EudraLex volume 10. The GLSP describes the multi-faceted skill set required to produce these plain language summaries. This includes several competencies: Scientific knowledge (for example, on clinical research, disease, research methodology, and biomedical statistics) Communication skills (for example, plain language writing/editing, unbiased writing, and health literacy principles) Translation skills (including natural and target language skills, and translation process) Visual design skills (for example, sound scientific graphic design principles and accessibility principles for visually impaired people) Legal/compliance knowledge Patient involvement insights The recommendations provided in the GLSP guidance can be applied in other professions where technical content is re-written or summarized in plain language style. For example, plain language summaries are written within the finance or legal industries, with text created for industry professionals and non-professional readers. Get in touch Need language assistance for your multi-lingual clinical trial results communication? Lionbridge is a contributor to the GLSP handbook on language aspects. We have deep knowledge of life sciences translation services, clinical trial translation services, and plain language writing style. Contact us today to find out more about Lionbridge as a life sciences language service provider.
作为一个强大的专业作家需要的不仅仅是百科全书和专业知识。它是语言和交流中的一门手艺和技术学科。此外,写作总是发生在上下文中,最重要的是,作者和读者之间的互动。任何文本,包括临床试验结果,都应在理解该上下文的情况下编写。 临床试验结果报告方式 在科学的临床试验报告中,读者-作者关系得到了很好的定义。内容遵循固定的格式,通常还有时间轴。正如斯蒂芬·平克在他的《风格感》一书中所说,这是一种“实用写作风格” 作者以这种文体来满足读者的需要。实用写作风格与“古典风格”形成对比,后者采取任何形式或长度,作者与读者的关系通常是不确定的或一般的。 临床试验报告通常遵循ICH E3关于临床研究报告结构和内容的指南。医学作家撰写报告,他们接受过医学界特定术语和学术写作风格的培训。预期读者是专业同行,在相同的沟通风格训练。例如,监管科学审查员通常会阅读这些报告。在这种情况下,作者和读者的角色是明确的。 但是,当一位医学作家对同样的结果撰写一篇平实的语言总结时,却带来了不同的沟通挑战。预期读者可以是参与试验的任何公众成员或患者。读者可能没有任何先前的知识或熟悉的行话,以利用时,解释文本。此外,大多数读者没有必要的读写技能来处理医学语言。在这种类型的朴素风格中,内容因此应该,如平克所说,“在全视图中,读者不需要任何帮助就能看到任何东西。” 为临床试验结果制作简明的语言摘要 根据2014年发布的欧盟临床试验法规,简明语言摘要已成为标准要求。自那时以来,就这类摘要的内容和风格发表了不同的准则。2021年,一本有关《药品注册质量管理规范概要》(GLSP)的实用手册在EudraLex第10卷上发布。 GLSP描述了生成这些简单语言摘要所需的多方面技能集。这包括几种能力: 科学知识(例如,临床研究、疾病、研究方法和生物医学统计) 沟通技巧(例如,平实的语言写作/编辑,无偏见的写作和健康素养原则) 翻译技能(包括自然语言和目标语言技能,以及翻译过程) 视觉设计技能(例如,健全的科学图形设计原则和视障人士的无障碍原则) 法律/合规知识 患者参与见解 GLSP指南中提供的建议可应用于其他专业,其中技术内容以简单的语言风格重写或总结。例如,在金融或法律行业中编写简单的语言摘要,并为行业专业人士和非专业读者创建文本。 联系我们 需要语言帮助进行多语言临床试验结果交流?Lionbridge是GLSP语言方面手册的撰稿人。我们在生命科学翻译服务、临床试验翻译服务和平实语言写作风格方面有着深厚的知识。立即联系我们,了解有关Lionbridge作为生命科学语言服务提供商的更多信息。

