Retail TouchPoints: The Value of Localization as a Competitive Advantage in Accessing Multicultural Consumers


2023-04-05 03:50 United Language Group


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Original Publication: Retail TouchPoints The turbulence of the past few years has left the world in a state of economic and political uncertainty, and the severity and impact of these varied events continue to unfold. What we know for sure is that consumer perceptions and choices are affected by culture, which also affects spending habits. To succeed in reaching potential customers where they are, your team must employ a culturally competent localization strategy to establish a competitive advantage. Here are three insights to support your localization strategy: As researchers from the University of Illinois wrote in a paper in the Journal of Retailing, “despite the global similarities in many retail environments, consumers themselves differ.” Culture shapes consumer motivations, deliberation styles and decision-making, affecting every stage of the customer journey. A few examples of these differences include: Asian-American consumers tend to be more conscious of social status than other American consumers and are therefore more likely to choose brand name items that signal their status, according to a study cited in the University of Illinois report. Similarly, both American and Chinese high net worth individuals, defined as those with more than $1 million in assets, have different spending patterns. Wealthy Chinese consumers are more likely to spend on things such as luxury items, according to Agility Research and Strategy. American consumers, even those in the top 1% of wealth, are more focused on saving. According to ING Bank, Germans and Belgians are more price-sensitive than French consumers, who are more apt to prioritize quality over price. According to Hofstede Insights, Brazil’s national culture tends toward collectivism (loyalty to a group, such as extended family) and indulgence (prioritizing leisure time). American consumers also prioritize indulgence but are less likely to prioritize collectivism. These cultural frameworks will influence how people from different cultures react to the current climate of uncertainty. As a result, simply translating your existing campaign will likely not have the outcomes you’re hoping to achieve. That’s why cultural understanding is critical when designing a successful localization strategy. This is important even if you’re targeting U.S.-based consumers only. Consider that a 2019 report from the U.S. Census Bureau found that nearly one in five U.S. residents speak a language other than English at home. Therefore, if your team is hoping to succeed in today’s multicultural environment, cultural competence is a strategic must-have, no matter your location. It’s essential that you get the language piece right, but to be truly successful, your localization strategy must go deeper than words. A relevant recent example is Ebay’s operations in China. The company was outperformed by a much smaller local competitor, Taobao. Chinese consumers tend to seek peer-to-peer interactions with sellers and other consumers as they decide whether or not to make an online purchase. Taobao’s convenient peer-to-peer instant messaging support gave it a competitive edge because the company’s customer experience was better suited to the target market. Ebay did not update its Chinese-language site to align with Chinese consumer culture, and because of that it was forced to pull out of the Chinese market completely. The lesson from this story is that cultural competence, or the lack of it, can make or break your connection with your audience and is a known driver of success. With tools available online such as ChatGPT or Google Translate, everyone has direct access to language technology. For business use cases and applications, however, this publicly available language technology often falls short. Many language solutions partners (LSPs) offer their own curated neural machine translation (NMT) solutions that are trained and customized to your business verticals, resulting in higher-quality output that better matches your brand’s voice, style and tone. When matched with post-editing from trained human translators, curated NMT leads to faster turnaround times and cost efficiencies without sacrificing quality. It’s a benefit to use these apps to create efficiency, but it would be a mistake to leave out knowledgeable humans entirely from the process. Their cultural knowledge and judgment cannot be matched by technology. Language technology is most effective when it’s combined with human cultural understanding. Effectively maintaining a consistent brand across cultures is a balancing act. LSPs are full of experts with cultural understanding relevant to your industry. They should focus on training to ensure that their linguists understand your brand, your business and your goals. Effective localization requires a culturally competent approach. By combining efficient technology with a marketing plan that takes into account not only your customers’ preferred language but also contains their cultural buying behaviors and communication preferences, you can turn localization into a powerful competitive advantage.
原始出版物:零售接触点 过去几年的动荡使世界处于经济和政治不确定状态,这些不同事件的严重性和影响继续显现。我们可以肯定的是,消费者的认知和选择受到文化的影响,文化也会影响消费习惯。为了成功地接触到潜在客户,您的团队必须采用文化上胜任的本地化策略,以建立竞争优势。 以下是支持您的本地化策略的三个见解: 正如伊利诺伊大学的研究人员在《零售杂志》上发表的一篇论文中所写的那样,“尽管许多零售环境在全球范围内具有相似性,但消费者本身却各不相同。”文化塑造消费者的动机、审议风格和决策,影响客户旅程的每个阶段。这些差异的几个例子包括: 伊利诺伊大学(University of Illinois)的报告援引的一项研究显示,亚裔美国消费者往往比其他美国消费者更注重社会地位,因此更有可能选择能表明自己地位的名牌商品。 同样,美国和中国的高净值个人(定义为资产超过100万美元的人)有不同的消费模式。根据Agility Research and Strategy的数据,富裕的中国消费者更有可能在奢侈品等方面花钱。美国消费者,即使是那些财富最高的1%的人,也更注重储蓄。 根据荷兰国际集团银行的数据,德国和比利时的消费者比法国消费者对价格更敏感,法国消费者更倾向于将质量置于价格之上。 根据Hofstede Insights的研究,巴西的民族文化倾向于集体主义(忠于一个群体,如大家庭)和放纵(优先考虑休闲时间)。美国消费者也优先考虑放纵,但不太可能优先考虑集体主义。 这些文化框架将影响来自不同文化背景的人们对当前不确定性气候的反应。因此,简单地翻译您现有的活动可能不会有您希望实现的结果。这就是为什么在设计成功的本地化策略时,文化理解是至关重要的。 即使你的目标是美国-只有消费者。美国人口普查局2019年的一份报告发现,近五分之一的美国居民在家里说英语以外的语言。因此,如果您的团队希望在当今的多元文化环境中取得成功,那么无论您位于何处,文化能力都是一项战略必备。 正确地使用语言是至关重要的,但要真正成功,您的本地化策略必须比文字更深入。最近的一个相关例子是Ebay在中国的业务。该公司的表现被规模小得多的本土竞争对手淘宝网超越。 中国消费者倾向于寻求与卖家和其他消费者的点对点互动,因为他们决定是否进行在线购买。淘宝便利的点对点即时通讯支持使其具有竞争优势,因为该公司的客户体验更适合目标市场。 eBay没有更新其中文网站以适应中国消费文化,因此被迫完全退出中国市场。 这个故事告诉我们,文化能力的高低,可以建立或破坏你与受众的联系,也是成功的驱动力。 通过ChatGPT或Google翻译等在线工具,每个人都可以直接访问语言技术。然而,对于业务用例和应用程序,这种公开可用的语言技术往往不够。许多语言解决方案合作伙伴(LSP)提供自己的策划神经机器翻译(NMT)解决方案,这些解决方案经过培训并根据您的业务垂直领域进行定制,从而提供更高质量的输出,更好地匹配您的品牌的声音,风格和音调。 当与训练有素的人工翻译的后期编辑相匹配时,策划的NMT可以在不牺牲质量的情况下缩短周转时间并提高成本效率。使用这些应用程序来提高效率是有好处的,但将知识渊博的人完全排除在这个过程之外是错误的。他们的文化知识和判断力是技术无法比拟的。 当语言技术与人类的文化理解相结合时,它是最有效的。在不同文化中有效地保持一致的品牌是一种平衡行为。LSP充满了与您的行业相关的文化理解的专家。他们应该专注于培训,以确保他们的语言学家了解您的品牌,您的业务和您的目标。 有效的本地化需要一种文化上胜任的方法。通过将高效的技术与市场营销计划相结合,您可以将本地化转化为强大的竞争优势。市场营销计划不仅要考虑客户的首选语言,还要考虑他们的文化购买行为和沟通偏好。

