Accessibility in Healthcare: Language Access & Alternative Formats


2022-06-07 20:25 United Language Group


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Is the information your healthcare plan provides truly accessible to all of your members? A number of barriers can stand in the way of understanding needed information, including language and disability. Helping your members overcome these barriers is a key part of providing equal access as required under laws like Section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act or Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. It also makes it easier for people to enroll in and maintain health insurance coverage. This can require that information be available in members’ preferred languages or in alternative formats, like audio files, large print, or Braille. California now requires Medi-Cal managed care plans to track members’ alternative format selections, so now is a great time to re-examine your procedures for handling these requests. Here are our top tips for ensuring that all of your members’ language access and alternative formatting needs are met as efficiently and thoroughly as possible. Types of Accessibility To keep their members informed and comply with applicable laws, health plans must be able to accommodate both language access requests and alternative format requests. Language Access Language access means providing members with limited English Proficiency (LEP) the information they need in the languages of their choice. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, “21.9 percent of U.S. residents speak a foreign language at home — more than double the 11 percent in 1980.” As America becomes more culturally diverse, it becomes more important (and more challenging) to provide linguistically and culturally appropriate communication options. Ensuring language access means offering written translations as needed, as well as over-the-phone interpreting for phone calls. Additionally, health plans must notify members that these services are available by including translated statements to that effect in important plan communications. Alternative Formatting According to the CDC, 1 in 4 US adults live with a disability. Members with certain disabilities will require alternative formatting for written documents. Alternative formatting is not “one size fits all.” Your organization needs to be prepared to accommodate a range of alternative formatting requests. For example: Audio: Audio files are usually offered in an MP3 format. Some expertise is required to ensure that listeners can accurately understand the information conveyed in the original document. Braille: Braille is often the most effective way for visually impaired people to access complicated texts. Braille is a code/writing system, not a language of its own. Large print: Large print is useful for people who are visually impaired, as well as those with certain cognitive conditions. Documents will often need to be reformatted from the original layout. Digital Accessibility: Online content or electronic documents may require adjustments to ensure accessibility by individuals with visual, auditory, mobility, or other disabilities. It’s important to note that some individuals may have both language access needs and alternative formatting needs. Also, keep in mind that your members know their own needs best, and your organization should provide information in the language and format they prefer as much as possible. What ULG Recommends Whether a patient has LEP, has a disability that requires alternative formatting, or both, here are some expert tips to help you offer full access to all of your members. Be prepared Audit and streamline procedures for requesting translations in the most commonly spoken languages in your area. Our experts are happy to offer recommendations! Also, have commonly used documents immediately available in alternative formatting whenever possible. For example, ULG works with a number of clients every year to translate their plans’ annual enrollment documents, as well as to provide large print versions at the same time. Having these alternative formats on hand, in both English and your threshold languages, can greatly save on time and costs. Be responsive Blind and visually impaired members have a number of ways they could access printed information. Ask them what works best for them. Have a plan in place for members who are LEP and visually impaired, including a way to produce audio files, Braille, and large print documents in other languages. You will need qualified translators who are also well-versed in reformatting print information to ensure accessibility for the visually impaired. Be efficient Consider how to make your procedures more efficient, both for members with LEP and for members who are blind, visually impaired or otherwise disabled. ULG has worked with clients to create and implement a Language Access Plan to facilitate effective communication with their specific membership populations, including their members with LEP and/or disabilities. A Language Access Plan involves assessing the needs of your members and developing procedures to meet these needs. Having all of this in writing ensures that everyone in your organization knows what their role is when it comes to accessibility. And it protects your organization by demonstrating the steps you’re taking to comply with applicable regulations. How ULG Can Help: Language Access and Alternative Formatting Services United Language Group has been offering language solutions for the healthcare industry for over 35 years. We offer “one-stop shopping” for full language access expertise, healthcare compliance knowledge, and improving health access and equity. We use our deep knowledge of the healthcare industry to design innovative solutions that ensure organizational compliance and an exceptional member experience. To learn more, contact us for a free consultation today.
您的医疗保健计划提供的信息是否真的对您的所有成员都可以访问?许多障碍可能阻碍理解所需信息,包括语言和残疾。帮助您的成员克服这些障碍是根据《患者保护和负担得起的医疗保健法》第1557条或《康复法》第508条等法律提供平等机会的关键部分。它还使人们更容易注册和维持健康保险覆盖范围。 这可能要求信息以成员首选的语言或其他格式提供,如音频文件、大号印刷体或盲文。加州现在需要Medi-Cal管理护理计划来跟踪成员的替代格式选择,所以现在是重新检查处理这些请求的程序的好时机。以下是我们的顶级提示,以确保您的所有成员的语言访问和替代格式需求得到尽可能有效和彻底的满足。 可访问性类型 为了让其成员了解情况并遵守适用的法律,健康计划必须能够满足语言访问请求和替代格式请求。 语言存取 语言访问是指为英语能力有限的成员提供他们所需的信息,使用他们选择的语言。根据移民研究中心的数据,“21.9%的美国居民在家里说外语--是1980年11%的两倍多。”随着美国文化变得更加多样化,提供语言和文化上合适的沟通选择变得更加重要(也更加具有挑战性)。 确保语言访问意味着根据需要提供书面翻译,以及电话口译。此外,健康计划必须通知成员,这些服务是可用的,方法是在重要的计划通信中包括这方面的翻译声明。 替代格式 根据疾病预防控制中心的数据,每4个美国成年人中就有1个患有残疾。具有某些残疾的成员将要求书面文档的替代格式。替代格式设置不是“一刀切”。您的组织需要准备好适应一系列替代格式设置请求。例如: 音频:音频文件通常以MP3格式提供。需要一些专门知识来确保听者能够准确理解原始文档中传达的信息。 盲文:盲文往往是视障人士获取复杂文本的最有效方式。盲文是一种代码/书写系统,而不是自己的语言。 大号字体:大号字体对有视力障碍的人以及有某些认知障碍的人是有用的。文档经常需要从原始布局重新格式化。 数字无障碍:在线内容或电子文档可能需要调整,以确保有视觉、听觉、行动不便或其他残疾的个人无障碍。 需要注意的是,一些个人可能同时有语言访问需求和其他格式需求。此外,请记住,您的成员最了解他们自己的需求,您的组织应该尽可能以他们喜欢的语言和格式提供信息。 ULG推荐的内容 无论患者有LEP,有需要替代格式的残疾,还是两者兼而有之,这里都有一些专家提示,可以帮助您提供对所有成员的完全访问。 做好准备 审核和简化要求翻译为您所在地区最常用语言的程序。我们的专家很乐意提供建议! 此外,只要有可能,就立即以替代格式提供常用文档。例如,ULG每年与许多客户合作,翻译他们的计划年度注册文件,同时提供大号印刷版本。手头上有这些可供选择的格式,包括英语和阈值语言,可以大大节省时间和成本。 有求必应 盲人和视力受损的成员有许多方法可以获得印刷信息。问他们什么对他们最有效。 为有LEP和视力障碍的成员制定一个计划,包括制作音频文件、盲文和其他语言的大型打印文件的方法。你将需要合格的翻译,他们也精通重新格式化印刷信息,以确保视力障碍者的可访问性。 有效率 考虑如何使您的程序更有效,无论是对有LEP的成员,还是对盲人、视力受损或其他残疾的成员。ULG与客户合作,制定和实施了一项语言访问计划,以促进与其特定成员群体的有效沟通,包括其患有LEP和/或残疾的成员。 语言访问计划包括评估您的成员的需求,并开发满足这些需求的程序。将所有这些都写在书面上可以确保组织中的每个人都知道他们在可访问性方面的角色。它通过演示您为遵守适用的法规而采取的步骤来保护您的组织。 ULG如何提供帮助:语言访问和替代格式设置服务 联合语言集团已经为医疗保健行业提供语言解决方案超过35年。我们提供“一站式购物”,以获得完整的语言访问专业知识、医疗保健合规知识,并改善健康访问和公平。我们利用我们对医疗保健行业的深厚知识来设计创新的解决方案,以确保组织的遵从性和卓越的成员体验。 要了解更多,请联系我们,今天免费咨询。

