Peru Language Overview: Getting to Know the Languages of Peru


2021-12-06 21:25 Morningside


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The South American country of Peru is known around the world for its incredible natural environment. Its landscape ranges from stunning mountains to sand dunes to the rich, planet-protecting biodiversity of the Amazon rainforest. Peru is also known as the home of Machu Picchu, the ancient Incan citadel that draws in tourists from around the globe. This fascinating country is also home to an incredibly rich linguistic landscape. Peru is home to dozens of languages, many of them spoken by remote communities within the Amazon rainforest. Some of those languages are poorly documented and remain unclassified to this day due to lack of interaction between those who speak them and the world beoynd the rainforest. Below, I’ll take you on a tour of Peru’s languages, from the most widely spoken to those we still know very little about. Let’s jump straight in. What Language Do They Speak in Peru? Let’s address the obvious question first. Is Peru Spanish speaking? Yes, very much so. The vast majority of Peru’s population, some 87%, speak Spanish as their native tongue. The Spanish language arrived in Peru with Spanish colonists/invaders back in 1532. As the colonists increased their occupation of the country, their language spread with them, with a mixture of natural growth and active oppression of local tongues meaning that Spanish has now come to dominate the linguistic landscape of Peru. In total, around 29 million of Peru’s nearly 33 million residents speak Spanish as their native tongue, with a further 2 million speaking it as a second language. However, as always when it comes to languages, the situation isn’t as clear cut as all that. The Official Language of Peru Does Peru speak Spanish? Yes, indeed, but not just one version. There are actually five distinct versions of Spanish spoken in Peru. These dialects change as you cross the country, with speaker numbers falling into four very broad bands running across the country from the northwest to the southeast (with the exception of Equatorial Spanish, whose speakers are clustered mainly in the northwest – more on that below). To discover more about the varieties of Spanish spoken elsewhere in the world, you can click the link below. To find out more about the dialects of Spanish in Peru, read on. Read more: Spanish Speaking Countries Andean Spanish As the name implies, Andean Spanish is spoken mainly in the Andes. It is clearly identifiable by its unique rhythm, the sounding of certain vowels and the force with which some consonants are pronounced. In many ways, it is similar to the most commonly spoken Spanish dialects in Bolivia and Ecuador. Peruvian Coastal Spanish Again, the clue is in the name, with Peruvian Coastal Spanish being spoken along the length of the country’s coastline. Many linguists consider this dialect to be one of the ‘purest’ spoken in Latin America and it is viewed as the standard version of the language in Peru. Andean-Coastal Spanish Interestingly, Andean-Coastal Spanish is a relatively young dialect, in linguistic terms, having originated within the last half-century or so. This variation of the language blends Andean Spanish with the form of the language spoken in Lima. It also contains a fair smattering of newly coined words, slang and influences from the Quechua language. Amazonic Spanish The influences of the languages of the Amazon can be clearly felt in this Peruvian Spanish dialect, along with a mix of Andean Spanish and the Spanish spoken in Lima. Equatorial Spanish Equatorial Spanish is spoken mainly in Ecuador, but still has a number of speakers in the very northwestern tip of Peru, in the Tumbes region. What Are the Two Official Languages of Peru, Aside from Spanish? Although Spanish is the country’s primary language, it is not the only Peru official language. The other two official languages in Peru are Quechua and Aymara. Both of these indigenous tongues are protected by the Constitution of Peru. Indigenous Languages Spoken in Peru Though Peru used to be home to hundreds of indigenous languages, today the country’s native tongues show the impact of centuries of suppression and discrimination. Broadly speaking, Peru’s indigenous languages can be classed as native to the Andes or to the Amazon. Let’s look at each of these in turn. Languages Native to the Andes The world’s longest continental mountain range, running through a total of seven countries in South America, the Andes are home to myriad languages. By far the most widely spoken in Peru is… Around 10% of Peru’s population speak Quechua natively, equating to around 3.5 million individuals. The language is called Runasimi by its speakers, which means “people’s language”. Quechua was in use across huge swathes of the Andes long before the Inca (who themselves spoke a form of Quechua) began building their empire. Different varieties of Quechua are spoken in Peru and its neighbouring countries, with around eight to ten million speakers of Quechuan languages in total. I’ll go into some of the Quechuan languages and dialects a little later in this article (and if you want more info on the difference between a language and a dialect in the meantime, you can click the link below). The Quechuan languages make up the most widely spoken pre-Colombian language family in South America, with Quechua initially adopted by many Spanish colonists as a means of communicating with the locals – and converting them to Catholicism. However, after Peru’s indigenous people rebelled under the leadership of Túpac Amaru II in the late 18th century, the language was banned from public use, with colonial officials also dropping its use for religious and administrative purposes. Fast forward to 1975 and Peru became the first country in South America to give official language status to Quechua. Quechua remains largely a spoken language, which over the years has incorporated hundreds of loanwords from Spanish (just as Peruvian Spanish has been influenced by Quechuan words and phrases). Though Quechua has been incorporated into education in some ways in Peru, the lack of written materials in the language continues to pose problems. Read more: What Is the Difference Between a Language and a Dialect? The other Peruvian official language, Aymara, is spoken by just over 1% of Peru’s population, with speaker numbers halving over the past few decades. The language has approximately half a million speakers, many of whom can be found in the southern Peruvian cities of Puno, Moquegua, and Tacna. Aymara includes many words borrowed from Quechua (and vice versa) and is spoken across the border in Bolivia as well as in Peru. Another language of the Aymaran family, Jaqaru now has no more than around 700 native speakers. Most of them live in the Lima Region, where the 2,000 or so remaining ethnic Jaqaru migrated. Kawki is a divergent dialect of Jaqaru, with a lack of contact between speakers of the two languages leading to a notable loss of mutual intelligibility. Kawki had just nine remaining speakers back in 2005, meaning the language will be extinct shortly, if it isn’t already. Together, Jaqaru and Kawki are referred to as Tupe. Amazonian Languages Peru is home to dozens of Amazonian languages, which together have around 105,000 speakers. Speakers are clustered in the north and eastern parts of Peru. Two of the most widely spoken Amazonian languages are Asháninka and Aguaruna. Asháninka is an Arawakan language spoken in Peru and Brazil by the Asháninka people. It has around 35,000 speakers in total. In areas in which it is spoken, Asháninka is classed as an official language in Peru, meaning it enjoys protection under the Constitution (this is the same for other languages of Peru that predominate in a given region). Called Awajún by those who speak it natively, Aguaruna is spoken by around 53,000 people in northern Peru. Literacy rates are high, at between 60% and 90% (literacy rates for Asháninka, by comparison are between 10% and 30%). Unlike many of the native languages of Peru, Aguaruna has written materials that include a dictionary, albeit a modest one. It is used for schooling alongside Spanish in areas where it is spoken (mainly the eastern foothills of the Andes), meaning that most people who speak Aguaruna natively also speak Spanish as a second tongue. Peruvian Native Language Families While it’s not possible to classify or group every language of Peru in a family due to lack of information, we do know that there are more than 15 language families within Peru. These language families include: • Aru – this language family includes Aymara, Jaqarru and Kawki • Aruanas – including Kulina in Peru • Arawak – including Resígaro, Yine, Asháninca, Asheninca, Axininca, Campa de Pajonal, Caquinte, Machiguenga and Nomatsiguenga, plus the extinct Iñapari and Mashko-Piro languages • Bora-Witoto – including Bora, Muinane, Coixama, Meneca, Murui, Nonuya, Nüpode Witoto and Ocaina • Cahuapanas – including Jébero and the extinct Cayahuita-Cahuapana language • Candoshi-Chirino – including Candoshi and Chirino (the latter of which is now extinct) • Harákmbet – including Amarakaeri and Huachipaeri • Hibito-Cholón – including Cholón and Hibito • Jívaras – including Aguaruna, Achuar and Huambisa • Pano-Tacanas – including Amahuaca, Cashinahua, Sharanahua, Yaminawa, Capanahua, Isconahua, Marubo, Shipibo, Cashibo, Mayo-Pisabo, Mayoruna, Nahua, Esse’ejja and the extinct Arazaire, Atsahuaca, Yamiaca, Pánobo, Remo, Nocamán and Sensi languages • Peba-Yagua – including Yagua, Peba and Yameo (of which only Yagua still survives) • Quechua – including Quechua Ancashino, Quechua Huanca, Quechua Yaru, Quechua de Pacaraos, Quechua Cajamarquino, Quechua Incawasi-Cañaris, Quechua Yauyino, Quechua Chachapoyano, Quechua Lamista, Quichua Norteño, Quechua Ayacuchano and Quechua Cuzqueño • Tallán-Sechura – including Catacaos, Colán, Olmos and Sechura • Tucanas – including Orejón • Tupí – including Cocama-Cocamilla and Omagua • Záparas – including Iquito, Arabela, Conambo (extinct) and Cahuarano, Andoa-Shimigae and Záparo, which are believed to have either died out within the last couple of decades or else be on the brink of doing so Peru’s Amazon rainforest is also home to a handful of isolated languages. Sadly, many of these languages, along with those that fit into the groups listed above, face imminent extinction. They include Taushiro, Tikuna and Urarina, with Quingnam, Puquina, Culli, Mochica and Munichi already having died out. How Many Languages Are Spoken in Peru? Peru’s languages range from having just a couple of speakers to many millions, but how many languages are actually spoken there? Well, the answer depends on quite how you define a language (versus a dialect). Within the rainforest alone, there are around 40 languages, which encompass well over 100 local variations. Overall, Peru is home to more than 50 distinct languages. Add dialects into the mix and there are a total of 72 languages in Peru. This may seem like a lot, but it is only a fraction of the languages that used to be spoken in Peru. Estimates vary widely, but it is believed that Peru was home to somewhere between 300 and 700 native languages prior to the arrival of Spanish. Imported Languages Spoken in Peru I’ve talked a lot about Spanish above as it’s the primary language in Peru, but it’s not the only imported tongue that’s spoken there. Travel the length and breadth of Peru and you’ll hear people speaking languages ranging from Arabic to Urdu to French. The latter, in particular, is deeply rooted in the Iquiteña area. One of the most spoken imported languages is Portuguese, as a result of Peru sharing a land border with Brazil, where 98% of the population speak Portuguese natively (you can click the link below to discover more about the languages of Brazil). Portuguese is particularly prevalent in areas such as Ucayali, Loreto, and Madre de Dios, which lie along the Brazilian border. It is also increasingly common to hear English spoken in Peru, as global tourism patterns have seen visitors from English-speaking countries flock to enjoy the wonders that Peru has to offer. Read more: Which Languages Are Spoken in Brazil? Wrap Up I hope you’ve found this article interesting and informative. I’ve covered everything from what languages are spoken in Peru to what language is spoken in Peru more than any other. Do you speak one of the languages of Peru that I’ve mentioned above? If so, we would love to hear your views on Peru’s fascinating linguistic heritage. You can leave a comment below to share your insights. And if you’re hungry for more language facts, why not head over to my article on the languages of South America? You can get to it via the link below. Read more: Languages of South America: the Most Spoken and Indigenous South American Languages
南美国家秘鲁以其令人难以置信的自然环境而闻名于世。 它的景观范围从令人惊叹的山脉到沙丘,再到亚马逊热带雨林中丰富的、保护地球的生物多样性。 秘鲁也被称为马丘比丘的故乡,这是一座古老的印加城堡,吸引着来自世界各地的游客。 这个迷人的国家还拥有极其丰富的语言景观。 秘鲁拥有数十种语言,其中许多语言由亚马逊热带雨林中的偏远社区使用。 由于使用这些语言的人与热带雨林之外的世界之间缺乏互动,其中一些语言的记录很差并且至今仍未分类。 下面,我将带您游览秘鲁的语言,从使用最广泛的语言到我们仍然知之甚少的语言。 让我们直接跳进去。 他们在秘鲁说什么语言? 让我们先解决一个显而易见的问题。 秘鲁会说西班牙语吗? 是的,非常会说。 秘鲁的绝大多数人口(约 87%)以西班牙语为母语。 西班牙语于 1532 年与西班牙殖民者(入侵者)一起抵达秘鲁。随着殖民者增加对该国的占领,他们的语言随之传播,自然增长和对当地语言的积极压迫的混合意味着西班牙语现在已经成为主导着秘鲁的语言景观。 总的来说,秘鲁近 3300 万居民中约有 2900 万人以西班牙语为母语,另有 200 万人将西班牙语作为第二语言。 然而,在语言方面,情况并不是那么明显。 秘鲁的官方语言 秘鲁人会说西班牙语吗? 是的,确实如此,但不仅仅是一个版本。 秘鲁实际上有五种不同的西班牙语版本。 这些方言会随着您穿越全国而发生变化,从西北到东南,从西北到东南横跨全国,讲者人数分为四个非常广泛的频段(赤道西班牙语除外,其讲者主要集中在西北部——更多内容见下文) . 要了解更多关于世界各地西班牙语的变体,您可以单击下面的链接。想了解有关秘鲁西班牙语方言的更多信息,请继续阅读。 阅读更多:西班牙语国家 安第斯西班牙语 顾名思义,安第斯西班牙语主要在安第斯山脉地区使用。 通过其独特的韵律、某些元音的发音以及某些辅音发音的力度都可以清楚地识别出来。 在许多方面,它类似于玻利维亚和厄瓜多尔最常用的西班牙方言。 秘鲁沿海西班牙语 再次,线索在名字中,秘鲁沿海西班牙语沿着该国海岸线的长度被使用。 许多语言学家认为这种方言是拉丁美洲最“纯粹”的方言之一,它被视为秘鲁语言的标准版本。 安第斯-沿海西班牙语 有趣的是,安第斯海岸西班牙语是一种相对年轻的方言,就语言而言,起源于过去半个世纪左右。 这种语言的变体将安第斯西班牙语与利马语言的形式融合在一起。 它还包含少量新造词、俚语和来自克丘亚语的影响。 亚马逊西班牙语 在这种秘鲁西班牙语方言中,可以清楚地感受到亚马逊语言的影响,以及安第斯西班牙语和利马西班牙语的混合。 赤道西班牙语 赤道西班牙语主要在厄瓜多尔使用,但在秘鲁最西北端的通贝斯地区仍有一些使用者。 除西班牙语外,秘鲁的另外两种官方语言是什么? 尽管西班牙语是该国的主要语言,但它并不是秘鲁唯一的官方语言。 秘鲁的另外两种官方语言是克丘亚语和艾马拉语。 这两种土著语言均受秘鲁宪法保护。 秘鲁所说的土著语言 虽然秘鲁曾经是数百种土著语言的发源地,但今天该国的母语显示出几个世纪以来压制和歧视的影响。 从广义上讲,秘鲁的土著语言可以归类为安第斯山脉或亚马逊地区的本土语言。 让我们依次看看这些语言。 安第斯山脉土生土长的语言 安第斯山脉是世界上最长的大陆山脉,贯穿南美洲的七个国家,是无数语言的家园。 到目前为止,秘鲁最广泛使用的是…… 秘鲁约 10% 的人口以克丘亚语为母语,相当于约 350 万人。 这种语言被它的使用者称为Runasimi语,意思是“人民的语言”。 早在印加人(他们自己说一种克丘亚语)开始建立他们的帝国之前,盖丘亚语就在安第斯山脉的大片地区上使用。 秘鲁及其邻国使用不同种类的克丘亚语,共有八至千万克川语使用者。 我将在本文稍后介绍一些阙川语言和方言(如果您同时想了解更多关于语言和方言之间区别的信息,您可以单击下面的链接)。 克丘亚语是南美洲使用最广泛的前哥伦比亚语系。克丘亚语最初被许多西班牙殖民者采用,作为与当地人交流的一种方式——并将他们皈依天主教。 然而,在 18 世纪后期秘鲁土著人民在图帕克阿马鲁二世的领导下起义后,该语言被禁止公开使用,殖民官员也停止将其用于宗教和行政目的。 快进到 1975 年,秘鲁成为南美洲第一个给予克丘亚语官方语言地位的国家。 克丘亚语在很大程度上仍然是一种口语,多年来,它已经从西班牙语中吸收了数百个借词(就像秘鲁西班牙语受到克丘亚语单词和短语的影响一样)。 尽管在秘鲁,克丘亚语以某种方式被纳入教育,但缺乏该语言的书面材料仍然是一个问题。 阅读更多:语言和方言有什么区别? 另一种秘鲁官方语言艾马拉语仅占秘鲁人口的 1% 以上,在过去几十年中,使用该语言的人数减半。 该语言大约有 50 万使用者,其中许多人居住在秘鲁南部城市普诺、莫克瓜和塔克纳。 艾马拉语包括许多从克丘亚语借来的词(反之亦然),并且在玻利维亚和秘鲁的边境使用。 加卡鲁语是艾马拉语系的另一种语言,现在母语人士不超过 700 人。 他们中的大多数生活在利马地区,那里有大约 2,000 名剩余的加卡鲁族迁移。 卡基语是加卡鲁语的一种方言变体,两种语言的使用者之间缺乏接触,导致明显的相互理解性丧失。 早在 2005 年,卡基语就只剩下 9 个使用者了,这意味着该语言很快就会灭绝,如果它还没有消失的话。 加卡鲁语和卡基语一起被称为土坡(Tupe)语 亚马逊语言 秘鲁拥有数十种亚马逊语言,共有约 105,000 名使用者,主要集中在秘鲁的北部和东部。其中两种最广泛使用的亚马逊语言是阿沙宁卡语和阿瓜鲁纳语。 阿沙宁卡语是一种阿拉瓦坎语,由生活在秘鲁和巴西阿沙宁卡人使用。它总共有约35,000个使用者。 在使用阿沙宁卡语的地区,该语言被列为秘鲁的官方语言,这意味着阿沙宁卡语受到《宪法》的保护(在特定地区占主导地位的秘鲁其他语言也是如此)。 阿瓜鲁纳语被当地人称为阿瓦茹语,秘鲁北部约有 53,000 人使用者。该语言识字率很高,在 60% 到 90% 之间(相比之下,阿沙宁卡语言的识字率在 10% 到 30% 之间)。 与秘鲁的许多母语不同,阿瓜鲁纳语编写的材料包括一本字典,尽管是一本普通的字典,但它用于在讲西班牙语的地区(主要是安第斯山脉的东部山麓)与西班牙语一起上学,这意味着大多数以阿瓜鲁纳语为母语的人也将西班牙语作为第二语言。 秘鲁土著语系 虽然由于缺乏信息,无法将秘鲁的每种语言归类或分组到一个家庭中,但我们确实知道秘鲁有超过 15 个语言家庭。 这些语系包括: •阿鲁语--这一语系包括艾马拉语,加卡鲁语和卡基语 •阿鲁阿纳斯——包括秘鲁的库利纳 阿拉瓦克语 - 包括 Resígaro、Yine、Ashaninca、Asheninca、Axininca、Campa de Pajonal、Caquinte、Machiguenga 和 Nomatsiguenga,以及已灭绝的 Iñapari 和 Mashko-Piro 语言 •Bora-Witoto-包括Bora,Muinane,Coixama,Meneca,Murui,Nonuya,Nüpode Witoto和Ocaina •卡瓦帕纳语--包括杰贝罗语和已绝迹的卡瓦帕纳语(Cayahuita-Cahuapana) •Candoshi-Chirino-包括Candoshi-Chirino和Chirino(后者现已灭绝) •Harákmbet----包括Amarakaeri和Huachipaeri •Hibito-Cholón-包括Cholón和Hibito •希瓦拉斯----包括Aguaruna,Achuar和Huambisa •帕诺-塔卡纳语----包括阿马瓦卡语,卡希纳瓦语,沙拉纳瓦语,亚米纳瓦语,卡帕纳瓦语,伊斯科纳瓦语,马鲁博语,希皮博语,卡希博语,马约鲁纳语,纳瓦语,埃塞伊贾语,以及已灭绝的阿拉扎伊尔语,阿特萨瓦卡语,亚米阿卡语,帕诺博语,雷莫语,诺卡曼语和森西语 •peba-yagua-包括Yagua,Peba和Yameo(其中只有Yagua还活着) •克丘亚语----包括Ancashino克丘亚语,Huanca克丘亚语,Yaru克丘亚语,Pacaraos克丘亚语,Cajamarquino克丘亚语,Incawasi-Cañaris克丘亚语,Yauyino克丘亚语,Chachapoyano克丘亚语,Lamista克丘亚语,Norteño克丘亚语,Ayacuchano克丘亚语和Cuzqueño克丘亚语 •Tallán-Sechura----包括Catacaos,Colán,Olmos和Sechura •图卡纳斯----包括Orejón •图皮----包括可可----可可米拉和奥马瓜 •Záparas----包括Iquito,Arabela,Conambo(已灭绝)和Cahuarano,Andoa-Shimigae和Záparo,据信这些物种在过去几十年中已经灭绝或濒临灭绝 秘鲁的亚马逊雨林也是少数几种孤立语言的家园。可悲的是,这些语言中的许多,连同上面列出的那些语言,都面临着即将灭绝的危险。它们包括Taushiro,Tikuna和Urarina,Quingnam,Puquina,Culli,Mochica和Munichi已经灭绝。 秘鲁说几种语言? 秘鲁的语言从只有几个人到数以百万计的人不等,但那里实际使用的语言有多少? 好吧,答案取决于您如何定义语言(相对于方言)。 仅在热带雨林中,就有大约 40 种语言,其中包含超过 100 种地方变体。 总的来说,秘鲁拥有 50 多种不同的语言。 再加上方言,秘鲁共有 72 种语言。 这可能看起来很多,但这只是秘鲁过去使用的语言的一小部分。 估计差异很大,但据信,在西班牙语到来之前,秘鲁拥有 300 到 700 种母语。 秘鲁所说的外来语言 我在上面谈了很多关于西班牙语的内容,因为它是秘鲁的主要语言,但它并不是那里唯一使用的进口语言。 在秘鲁各地旅行,您会听到人们说的语言从阿拉伯语到乌尔都语再到法语。 尤其是法语,在伊基泰尼亚地区根深蒂固。 使用最多的进口语言之一是葡萄牙语,因为秘鲁与巴西共享陆地边界,那里 98% 的人口以葡萄牙语为母语(您可以单击下面的链接以了解有关巴西语言的更多信息)。 葡萄牙语在巴西边境沿线的乌卡亚利、洛雷托和马德雷德迪奥斯等地区尤为盛行。 在秘鲁听到英语也越来越普遍,因为全球旅游模式已经看到来自英语国家的游客蜂拥而至,享受秘鲁所提供的奇观。 阅读更多:巴西人说哪些语言? 结束 我希望您发现这篇文章有趣且内容丰富。 我已经涵盖了从秘鲁使用的语言到秘鲁使用的语言比其他任何语言都多的所有内容。 你会说我上面提到的秘鲁语言之一吗? 如果是这样,我们很想听听您对秘鲁迷人的语言遗产的看法。 您可以在下方发表评论以分享您的见解。 如果您渴望了解更多语言知识,何不阅读我关于南美洲语言的文章? 您可以通过下面的链接访问它。 阅读更多:南美洲的语言:最常用的南美洲土著语言

