Preparing for Localization: How to Produce the Source Content the Right Way


2021-11-16 07:58 Ciklopea


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Determine what should be localized Most of the time, once they reach the stage when the business operations require expansion into international markets, organizations simply decide to localize their existing content that was not originally written for localization. While there is essentially nothing wrong with this approach, the problem is that such content was primarily developed for the home market and that it includes various materials and references that may be irrelevant on the new target markets. In cases of localization of the existing content, it is therefore essential to determine the real scope of localization by deciding what should be localized and what should be left out. Writing for localization Internalization can also be described as stripping the content from the local flavor. In addition to avoiding any slang terms or terms specific for the home market and culture, it is also advisable to avoid references to any national laws, institutions or positions that would be irrelevant to the international audiences. There are two main reasons for this: one is that the official translations for these elements usually do not exist and the other is that inclusion of such elements may confuse the target audiences and/or it may not be in accordance with the legal requirements of the target market. In short, there is nothing to achieve here but an increased wordcount and another headache for the translators. Note: This does not include references to EU, UN or any other international organizations or documents. Taglines. Catchy phrases. Portmanteaus. Alliterations. Rhymes. Puns. It is almost impossible to imagine marketing content without these elements. The problem is that they usually work in one language and within one culture. They may lose their desired effect and color in translation or, even worse, they may send an ambiguous, offensive or simply wrong message to the target audiences. While it would be easy to advise avoiding these elements when writing for localization, we also know that it would be impossible in most cases. The solution for this is called transcreation, or creative translation of marketing phrases, a process designed to adapt the style, tone and purpose of the marketing message to the target market environment. Of course, it is advisable to transcreate the essential marketing phrases at the early stages of content production as the transcreated versions may have an impact on how the rest of the content would be composed or formatted, not to mention that this will also speed up the localization process. Remember that visuals and multimedia files require localization too. Different languages and different scripts may also have different lengths, so designing the visual elements with the possibility of space extension is highly recommended. Save your graphics, infographics and other files for localization in their native editable formats. CAT software can easily process this type of content, enabling the linguist and technical localization teams to do their job smoothly and efficiently. Universal tips for writing for localization Avoid ambiguities. Be careful with synonyms and avoid homonyms. Avoid long sentences and stick to the purpose of the material. Use the terms consistently.
确定本地化的内容 大多数时候,一旦企业达到业务运营需要扩展到国际市场的阶段,企业仅仅只是更改他们的现有内容,但这些内容却并不是为本地化所写的。虽然这种做法基本上没有错,但问题是,这些内容主要是为本国市场开发的,且包含许多可能与新的目标市场无关的各种材料和参考资料。 因此,在对现有内容进行本地化的情况下,通过决定哪些内容应该本地化,哪些内容应该省略来确定本地化的真正内容是至关重要的。 本土化写作 内化也可以是将内容从当地的乡土气息中剥离出来。 除了避免使用俚语或专门使用于本国市场和文化的措辞外,还应避免提及与国际受众无关的任何国家法律,机构或立场。 这主要有两个原因:一是这些因素通常没有官方的译文,二是列入这些要素可能会让目标受众难以理解,亦或是这些要素不符合目标市场的法律要求。 简而言之,除了多翻译一些字数还有另一个让译员头疼的问题外,没有其他什么多余的让译员做到的。 注:此处不包括对欧盟,联合国或任何其他国际组织或文件的引用。 标题句。朗朗上口的短语。合并词。头韵。押韵。双关语。我们几乎所有能想到的营销内容都包含这些元素。问题是他们通常使用的是一种语言在一种文化工作。而在翻译过程中可能会丢失掉他们所能传达的效果和语言色彩,甚至更糟的是,它们可能会向目标受众传递一个模棱两可,冒犯的或完全错误的信息。 虽然建议在本地化内容时避免这些因素是很容易的,但我们也知道在大多数情况下这是不可能的。 解决这一问题的方法被称为“创译”,即对营销短语的创造性翻译,这是旨在使营销信息的风格、基调和目的适应目标市场环境的过程。 当然,最好是在创作内容的早期阶段对基本的营销短语进行创译,因为创译的版本可能会影响到其他内容的组合或被格式化,更不用说这还会加快本地化进程。 记住,视觉和多媒体文件也需要本地化。 不同的语言和不同的稿本也可能会有不同的长度,因此强烈建议设计具有空间延伸可能性的视觉元素。 以本地化可编辑格式保存您的图像,信息图形和其他用于本地化的文件。CAT软件可以轻松地处理这类内容,使语言学家和技术本地化团队能够顺利,高效地完成他们的工作。 本地化写作的通用技巧 避免模棱两可。慎用同义词,避免使用同音异义词。 避免使用长句,紧扣材料目的。 使用一致的术语。

