Netflix’s Squid Game subtitles change the meaning of the dialogue


2021-10-05 09:28 insight video interpreting


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Netflix’s new show ‘Squid Game’ is set to be one of the most popular of all time for the streaming service, even more so than highly viewed shows like Bridgerton. Squid Game is a Korean series that is available to stream on UK & US Netflix with the option to watch the dubbed version or with English subtitles. Although the series has been a hit with English-viewers, Korean speakers have claimed that the closed-caption version, and the English subtitled version to an extent, change the dialogue so dramatically that some of the storyline and the character development may be misunderstood by non-Korean speakers. Squid Game fits into the gory-horror genre and the main premise of the show involves people competing in a series of ‘games’ in order to win a cash prize. However, these games aren’t all they seem and contestants pay with their lives if they do not pass each round. After watching the closed-caption version of the show, viewers soon took to Twitter to discuss their disappointment with the translations. New York-based comedian and Korean speaker Youngmi Mayer revealed how some of the subtitles in English are ‘so bad’ that the original meaning is often lost completely. ‘Not to sound snobby but I’m fluent in Korean and I watched squid game with English subtitles and if you don’t understand Korean you didn’t really watch the same show,’ Youngmi said in a viral Twitter post. ‘Translation was so bad. The dialogue was written so well and zero of it was preserved.’ Since then Youngmi has made several TikTok videos where she shows specific examples of where the Korean dialogue gets lost in translation with the subtitled version. However, Youngmi has since stated that the English language subtitles are ‘substantially better’ than the closed caption version but both miss important nuances & metaphors which give the show more context. In response to Youngmi’s content about Squid Game, several other viewers have also expressed their concerns, especially those who work in the language industry. ‘Someone said it!!! Thank you!!! I also watched it in Korean and as a multi-lingual speaker with translation and subtitling experience I just noticed a lot of messy areas and it was so basic. I also (just to see what it was like) started to watch the dubbed version – it was worse,’ said another Twitter user. Although these translation issues don’t seem to have affected Squid Game’s popularity, it still brings to light how important translation is and how subtle changes in dialogue can alter the meaning in not only the storyline but affect character development throughout the show too. Have you watched Netflix’s Squid Game yet? If you have then we’d love to know your thoughts on the translated versions, let us know in the comments below!
Netflix的新剧《鱿鱼游戏》将成为该流媒体服务有史以来最受欢迎的剧集之一,甚至比《布里奇顿》这样高收视率的剧人气还要高。《鱿鱼游戏》是一部韩剧,在英国和美国的Netflix上可以收看,观众可选择观看配音版本或带英文字幕版本。虽然这部剧集在英语观众中大受欢迎,但韩国人声称,隐藏字幕版和英文字幕版在一定程度上明显地改变了对白,以至于一些故事情节和角色塑造可能会被非韩语人士误解。 《鱿鱼游戏》属于血腥恐怖类电视剧,节目的主要内容是人们通过一系列的“游戏”来赢得现金奖励。然而,这些游戏并不完全像他们看到的那样,参赛者如果不能通过每一轮比赛,就得付出生命的代价。 看了隐藏字幕版的《鱿鱼游戏》后,观众们很快就在推特上讨论起他们对z这个版本翻译的失望。纽约的韩裔喜剧演员Youngmi Mayer透露,有些英文字幕“太糟糕了”,常常完全失去了原意。 Youngmi在她一篇被疯狂转发的帖子中说:“不是自命不凡,我韩语说得很流利,我看的是有英文字幕的《鱿鱼游戏》,如果不懂韩语的话,你看到的剧和原剧事实上根本不是同一部剧。” “翻译得实在糟糕。写得很棒的对白一点儿都没保留下来。 那之后,Youngmi制作了几个TikTok视频,在视频中她展示了韩语对话在字幕版本翻译中意义丢失的具体例子。然而,Youngmi随后表示,英文字幕比隐藏字幕版本“好得多”,但两者遗漏了一些重要的细节和比喻上,恰恰是它们丰富了该剧的语境。 针对Youngmi视频内容,很多其他观众也纷纷表达了自己的担忧,尤其是那些在语言行业工作的观众。 “终于有人发声了!!!感谢!!!我也看了韩语版的,作为一个有翻译和做字幕经验的多语言者,我注意到了很多翻译得乱七八糟的地方,而且都是些基础错误。另一位推特用户说:“我也(只是想看看是什么样的)开始看配音版的--更糟糕。” 虽然这些翻译问题似乎并未影响到《鱿鱼游戏》的大火,但它仍然揭示出翻译是多么重要,对白中一点儿不起眼的改动不单单会改变故事情节的意思,还会影响整部剧角色的塑造。 你看过Netflix的《鱿鱼游戏》了吗?如果看了,我们很想知道你对译制版的看法,请在下面写上你的评论让我们知道吧!

