Continuous Localization – a bridge between development and translation


2021-09-17 08:56 Ciklopea


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Digital products (such as software, games, apps, websites, and so on) are never finished since they are continuously improved and are updated often. People always strive for something new, and users have come to anticipate it. Continuous content generation and integration are essential for greater customer engagement, and this content must be translated and localized. Localizing products and services is a strategic concern if global growth is the primary goal of a certain company. It’s critical not just to get it right, but also to accomplish it at the appropriate time. When large chunks of material throughout the entire customer experience are not translated and localized, user experience becomes disjointed and inconvenient for international customers. To avoid this, it is important to ensure that localization is not an afterthought, but rather an essential business process for going global and committing to continuous localization. This is the main reason why continuous localization plays a fundamental role in a continuous delivery cycle. Especially if you’re in the software or SaaS industry, where quick and frequent upgrades are expected. Continuous Localization vs. Traditional Method Continuous localization is a process of continuous software localization using agile development technique. Without continuous localization, you risk experiencing drawbacks of the waterfall product development model, which requires each phase to be completed in order. Developers complete a development sprint, and project managers package string resources into localization kits and deliver them to translators in a normal waterfall situation. Developers are already involved in a new development sprint when translations begin to arrive. They must then return to the prior sprint and resolve any questions, coding modifications, feature retesting, or other issues that arise from the localization work. Continuous localization overcomes this by keeping up with development rather than slowing it down or disrupting it. Translators and translation or localization managers are always aware of what developers are working on and can communicate with them about translation concerns as soon as possible. It is considered to be the best practice in the industry for developing global software and may be used by a variety of businesses. Benefits of Continuous Localization Continuous localization serves as a link between development and localization. It incorporates the translation process into agile development, enabling the delivery of localized products alongside each new feature release. Continuous localization, when done right, nearly always leads to improved team productivity, more collaboration, faster time to market and reduced risk than traditional techniques, and includes benefits such as: Simultaneous release – Rather than introducing a product in one market and then translating it for new markets, continuous localization allows localization to work in lockstep with development, allowing products to be localized in parallel with each sprint. Multilingual development – Localized products can be produced in various languages and launched in multiple markets at the same time by including localization into development. In other words, your localized content is always ready to go. Faster communication between developers and translators and vice versa – Translators can ask their questions while the information is still fresh in the developers’ minds. Developers don’t have to change their focus or look through previous code submissions to figure out what the translators are asking about. As a result, translators are more likely to receive prompt responses to their questions. A translator will certainly discover any flaws in the text. If a passage is ambiguous enough for a translator to inquire about it, the developer can rework it to make it clearer. Less work for product managers – The purpose of continuous localization is to synchronize translation with development. When this is achieved, the complexity of the project is significantly reduced. Workflows become seamless and tightly connected because of automation. It also relieves product managers of a lot of boring work that they would otherwise have to do. Continuous localization may be successfully implemented at scale, resulting in enhanced focus, higher-quality products, faster launches, significant cost savings, and complete flexibility to work with your requirements.
数字产品(游戏邦注:如软件、游戏、应用程序、网站等)永远不会完成,因为它们会不断完善和更新。人们总是在努力追求新的东西,用户对它充满期待。持续的内容生成和集成对于提高客户参与度至关重要,而且这些内容必须经过翻译和本地化。 如果某个公司的主要目标是全球增长,那么本地化产品和服务就是一个战略问题。重要的是不仅要把它做好,而且要在适当的时间完成它。 当整个客户体验的大量材料没有翻译和本地化时,国际客户的用户体验就会变得脱节和不方便。为了避免这种情况,必须确保本地化不是事后的想法,而是走向全球并致力于持续本地化的必要业务流程。这就是为什么持续本地化在持续交付周期中扮演着基本角色的主要原因。特别是在软件或SaaS行业,这类行业需要快速和频繁的升级。 连续定位与传统定位 持续本地化是使用敏捷开发技术进行软件持续本地化的过程。 如果没有持续的本地化,您可能会遇到瀑布式产品开发模型的缺陷,该模型要求按顺序完成每个阶段。开发人员完成一个开发sprint,项目经理将字符串资源打包成本地化工具包,并在正常的瀑布式情况下交付给翻译人员。当翻译开始到来时,开发人员已经参与了一个新的开发冲刺。然后他们必须返回到之前的sprint并解决任何问题、编码修改、特性重新测试或其他本地化工作中出现的问题。 持续本土化通过紧跟开发而不是减缓或破坏开发而克服了这一问题。翻译人员和翻译或本地化经理总是知道开发人员在做什么,并能够尽快与他们沟通有关翻译的问题。 它被认为是业界开发全球软件的最佳实践,并可能用于多种业务。 持续本地化的好处 持续本地化是连接开发和本地化的纽带。它将转换过程整合到敏捷开发中,使得在每个新特性发布时都能交付本地化产品。与传统技术相比,持续本地化如果做得正确,几乎总是能够提高团队生产力、更多的协作、更快的上市时间和降低风险,并包含如下好处: 同步发布——比起在一个市场推出产品,然后再将其翻译到新的市场,持续本地化可以让本土化与开发同步进行,允许产品在每个sprint同步进行本地化。 多语言开发——本地化产品可以用不同的语言生产,并通过在开发中加入本地化,同时在多个市场推出。换句话说,您的本地化内容总是准备就绪。 开发人员和翻译人员之间更快的交流,反之亦然——翻译人员可以在开发人员还记忆犹新的时候提出问题。开发人员不需要改变他们的关注点或查看以前提交的代码来弄清楚翻译人员想问什么。因此,翻译人员的问题更有可能得到及时的回答。翻译人员肯定会发现文本中的任何缺陷。如果一段内容很模糊,译者需要询问,开发者可以重新编写使其更清晰。 减少产品经理的工作量——持续本地化的目的是使翻译与开发同步。当实现这一点时,项目的复杂性就会显著降低。由于自动化,工作流变得无缝且紧密相连。这也将产品经理从许多枯燥的工作中解脱出来,否则他们将不得不做这些工作。 持续的本地化可能会成功地在规模上实现,有更高的关注度,更高质量的产品,更快的发布,显著的成本节约,以及完全的灵活性来满足您的需求。

