Best MS Project Alternatives 2021 for Project Managers


2021-07-23 02:00 project manager


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As projects grow in complexity and workforces expand globally, the need for online project management tools is no luxury. There is no lack of products to choose from, with varying degrees of usefulness. Microsoft has thrown its considerable weight into the ring with Microsoft Project. While MS Project has become an industry-standard in project management, it comes with problems. Why People Seek a Microsoft Project Alternative Microsoft Project can do much of what you need when managing a project but it’s not a perfect tool. There are many reasons why people who use it are searching for an MS Project alternative. Thankfully, there are many other software solutions on the market that offer users a great alternative to MS Project. We’ll get to those in a moment, but first, let’s outline the reasons people are dissatisfied with MS Project. Steep Learning Curve: MS Project is not for beginners. The software is very technical and not user-friendly. That might be fine if you have an advanced degree in project management, but for the rest of us it’s going to require a lot of work, time and training to get a handle on how to use the tool. If you struggle with project management software, your project struggles too. Poor Team Communication: MS Project falls short in this category. You can’t easily message your team in the app, which means you’re going to have to jump onto one of the messaging tools that Microsoft offers, such as Teams, Outlook or Skype. Why do you want an add-on when it’s so much more efficient to have your communication tool embedded in the software? Lack of Integration: While MS Project works okay with other Microsoft products, that’s not the case if you want to use a tool outside of the Microsoft family of apps. So, if you’re looking to integrate with Salesforce, Slack or other tools you’re probably going to find yourself frustrated and looking for an MS Project alternative. High Price: If money is your bottom line, then MS Project’s price tag will be a tough pill to swallow. What makes matters worse is that you have to pay for each license. You may have to selectively license MS Project to your team. Some will get to use it, others won’t, which is going to block collaboration and slow down progress on your project. Hard to Share Data: It’s almost as if MS Project doesn’t want your team to work together. If anyone on your team works on an Apple product, they’re out of luck. It’s such a problem that a cottage industry of online tools has emerged that offer ways to take MSP files, convert them into friendlier formats to edit and share, then convert them back to MS Project files. That’s not very efficient! Best Microsoft Project Alternatives of 2021 Rankings ProjectManager ProjectManager is a cloud-based work management software that provides real-time data for more insightful decision-making. It organizes tasks, teams and projects (including portfolios) with ease and effectiveness. This is likely the best MS Project alternative for your team, as it matches Microsoft Project in terms of having extensive features and beats it as a team collaboration platform. It also can import and export MS Project files, so making the switch is easy! Schedule on Gantt Charts Like MS Project, ProjectManager is equipped to manage one project, a program or a portfolio of projects with the same easy usability. For example, its Gantt chart does everything expected of this fundamental tool, but can also filter the critical path and set a baseline to compare actual to the planned effort, which keeps you on track. Multiple Project Views ProjectManager has multiple project views, too, including kanban boards, task lists and calendars. If you want to see more columns on the Gantt, then toggle over to the sheet view. This loses the visual timeline of the Gantt and adds an expanded spreadsheet. Add as many customized columns as you need and then select the ones you want reflected on the timeline when you return to the Gantt view. Plan Projects from Start-to-Finish on Roadmaps If you’re managing more than one project, use the roadmap view, which is like a Gantt, but with a timeline that tracks multiple projects on the same page. This allows users to chart all their projects and discern how to more efficiently distribute resources. There’s also a portfolio dashboard that automatically calculates metrics across all your projects for an instant status report. Track Progress on Real-Time Dashboards Speaking of dashboards, there’s a real-time dashboard that tracks single projects as well. Displaying live data on workload, timesheets and more in easy-to-read charts and graphs. For more in-depth information, one-click reports can be filtered to show only the data you want to see. They can also be easily shared with stakeholders to keep them updated. Stay Up-to-Date with Notifications ProjectManager has email and in-app notifications, fostering collaboration and keeping you in one tool rather than having to log into several to manage your project. There are resource management features to balance workload, security settings, budgeting and much more. Of all the software tested, ProjectManager is the best MS Project alternative. Try it free today. Smartsheet Smartsheet is online project management software. It functions like a spreadsheet but adds collaborative features that connect teams. Its focus on collaboration means that the scheduling and task management features are lighter than some might want, but they’re not absent from the tool. It’s powerful like MS Project but more customizable, supporting automation. However, because of its limited reach in terms of managing projects, users will have to spend extra to get such tools as time tracking, budgeting and resource management. There is no real-time updates, and autosave can be a little slow, which is frustrating if you lose data before it has been saved. If your needs are strictly connecting teams, though, this is a good MS Project alternative. ProofHub ProofHub is another MS Project alternative that also pushes the collaborative nature of its tool as it’s selling point. It has kanban boards to visual workflow and help teams work on their tasks as they work together. The tool is easy to use, which gives it an advantage over the difficult MS Project, and it has a less expensive point of entry for users. However, like many MS Project alternatives, it does one thing very well and then relies on third-party integration to fill in the gaps. That solution is a frustrating one. Ideally, users want one tool to carry the load of their project management needs. Here you have to integrate and the tool doesn’t even have very many integrations available. GanttProject GanttProject has one giant advantage over MS Project and even most of the MS Project alternatives—it’s free. Gantt charts are the heavy lifters in project management and a free one is sure to be attractive. Especially one that’s easy to use and that can export documents to MS Project. That means this could prove a major asset to MS Project users. That is also its deterrent. You’re still wedded to MS Project. Though, perhaps you’d use GanttProject all by itself to manage your project. After all, Gantts are great tools. The problem is that this Gantt is limited in what it can do. You’re going to have to use a suite of other apps to get the coverage that MS Project offers. Trello Trello is a tool that manages projects and helps teams collaborate. Trello uses a kanban board interface that allows users to visualize their workflow. It provides transparency and fosters collaboration. It has real-time updates, which is definitely a plus and has easy onboarding for teams. It’s a fun and easy-to-use project management solution. As an MS Project alternative, Trello falls short. It has a project bar chart instead of a Gantt. While that feature might try to mimic the usefulness of a Gantt it doesn’t set a baseline to track your actual progress against your planned effort, there are no inter-project dependencies and it can’t filter for the critical path in your schedule. It’s recommended only for the most rudimentary of projects. Zoho Projects Zoho Projects is a project management software with kanban boards that organizes tasks, a social feed that captures updates on those tasks and forums for lengthier discussions. It definitely connects teams to foster productivity, and even has a timesheet feature for managers to see how much time each team member spends on their tasks. It offers issue tracking and a Gantt project view. What it lacks as an MS Project alternative is resource management tools and reporting. In a sense, a manager is flying blind if they can’t generate status reports and then reallocate resources to keep their teams working at capacity. There is also no function for managing more than one project at a time, leaving the tool limited in what it can do for users. Teamwork Teamwork is an easy-to-use project management software. It organizes tasks and subtasks, labeling priority and identifying dependencies to avoid bottlenecks. There are messages at the task level to connect teams as they work on their tasks and time tracking for managers to monitor progress. Like many MS Project alternatives, it also features a Gantt chart view. There’s a free version that has limited features. Reviewing all these apps shows the shortcomings of MS Project when it comes to teamwork, hence the name of this product. But the tool is not great for every type of collaboration. For example, you can’t mark up files, which is a problem if teams are working on visual materials. But it’s still miles ahead of MS Projects. What’s Right For You? There are a lot of MS Project alternatives out there, and for good reason. Microsoft has clunky, expensive and hard-to-use project management software. While it might be the default for many organizations, you don’t want to follow the crowd. Get a more nimble tool, one that’s easier to use, less expensive and fosters live collaboration. ProjectManager is award-winning software that organizes tasks, teams and projects. It’s the best Microsoft alternative, with all the features and none of the frustration. You can use it to import and export MS Project files or better yet, abandon the expensive tool and subscribe to ours with multiple payment tiers. Try it free today. Best Asana Alternatives of 2021 for Project Management Best Basecamp Alternatives of 2021 for Project Management Best Wrike Alternatives of 2021 for Project Management Best Construction Project Management Software of 2020
随着项目复杂性的增长和全球员工队伍的扩大,对在线项目管理工具的需求已经不再是奢侈的了。其中不乏可供选择的产品,有用程度不一。 微软在微软项目中投入了相当大的力量。虽然MS Project已经成为项目管理的行业标准,但它也带来了一些问题。 为什么人们寻求Microsoft Project替代方案 MicrosoftProject可以完成您在管理项目时所需的许多工作,但它并不是一个完美的工具。有很多原因,为什么使用它的人正在寻找MS项目的替代方案。值得庆幸的是,市场上有许多其他软件解决方案为用户提供了MS Project的一个很好的替代方案。我们稍后将讨论这些问题,但首先,让我们概述一下人们对MS Project不满意的原因。 陡峭的学习曲线:MS项目不适合初学者。该软件技术性很强,不便于用户使用。如果你有项目管理方面的高级学位,那可能还不错,但对于我们其他人来说,要掌握如何使用这个工具,需要大量的工作,时间和培训。如果你在项目管理软件上挣扎,你的项目也会挣扎。 糟糕的团队沟通:MS Project在这一类别中不合格。你不能轻易地在应用程序中给你的团队发消息,这意味着你必须跳转到微软提供的一个消息工具上,比如Teams,Outlook或Skype。在软件中嵌入通信工具会更有效,为什么还要加一个插件呢? 缺乏集成:虽然MS Project可以与其他Microsoft产品配合使用,但如果您想使用Microsoft应用程序家族之外的工具,情况就不是这样了。因此,如果您想要与Salesforce,Slack或其他工具集成,您可能会发现自己在寻找MS项目替代方案时感到沮丧。 高昂的价格:如果金钱是你的底线,那么MS Project的价格标签将是一颗难以下咽的药丸。更糟糕的是,你要为每一张执照付费。您可能必须有选择地将MS Project许可给您的团队。有些人会使用它,有些人则不会,这将阻碍协作并减缓项目的进展。 难以共享数据:这几乎就像MS Project不希望您的团队一起工作一样。如果你的团队中有人在研发苹果产品,那他们就不走运了。这是一个问题,出现了一个家庭手工业的在线工具,提供方法,以获取MSP文件,将它们转换成更友好的格式编辑和分享,然后将它们转换回MS项目文件。那不是很有效率! 2021年最佳Microsoft Project备选方案排行榜 项目管理器 ProjectManager是一款基于云的工作管理软件,为更有洞察力的决策提供实时数据。它轻松有效地组织任务,团队和项目(包括投资组合)。 对于您的团队来说,这可能是最好的MS Project替代方案,因为它与Microsoft Project在具有广泛功能方面不相上下,并且作为团队协作平台胜过Microsoft Project。它还可以导入和导出MS项目文件,所以使切换很容易! 甘特图上得计划 与MS Project一样,ProjectManager也能以同样的易用性管理一个项目,一个程序或一个项目组合。例如,它的甘特图完成了这一基本工具所期望的所有工作,但也可以过滤关键路径并设置基线,将实际工作与计划工作进行比较,从而使您保持在正轨上。 多个项目视图 ProjectManager也有多个项目视图,包括看板,任务列表和日历。如果要在甘特图上查看更多列,请切换到工作表视图。这将丢失甘特图的可视时间线,并添加一个展开的电子表格。根据需要添加尽可能多的自定义列,然后选择要在返回“甘特图”视图时反映在时间线上的列。 在路线图上从头到尾规划项目 如果您正在管理多个项目,请使用roadmap视图,该视图类似于甘特图,但具有跟踪同一页面上多个项目的时间线。这使用户可以绘制所有项目的图表,并了解如何更有效地分配资源。还有一个portfolio dashboard,它自动计算所有项目的度量值,以生成即时状态报告。 在实时仪表板上跟踪进度 说到仪表板,还有一个实时仪表板可以跟踪单个项目。在易于阅读的图表中显示有关工作负荷,时间表和更多的实时数据。有关更深入的信息,可以对一键式报表进行筛选,以只显示您想要查看的数据。它们也可以很容易地与涉众共享,以保持其更新。 保持最新通知 ProjectManager有电子邮件和应用程序内通知,促进了协作,使您在一个工具中,而不是必须登录到几个工具来管理您的项目。有资源管理功能来平衡工作负载,安全设置,预算等等。 在所有测试的软件中,ProjectManager是最好的MS项目替代方案。今天就免费试试吧。 智能工作表 Smartsheet是在线项目管理软件。它的功能类似于电子表格,但增加了协作功能,将团队连接起来。它对协作的关注意味着调度和任务管理功能比某些人想要的要轻,但它们并不是不存在的。它像MS Project一样强大,但更可定制,支持自动化。 然而,由于它在管理项目方面的影响有限,用户将不得不花费额外的费用来获得诸如时间跟踪,预算编制和资源管理等工具。没有实时更新,autosave可能会有点慢,如果在数据保存之前就丢失了,这是令人沮丧的。但是,如果您的需求是严格地连接团队,这是一个很好的MS Project替代方案。 校对中心 ProofHub是另一个MS Project替代方案,它也将其工具的协作特性作为卖点。它具有可视化工作流程的看板,并帮助团队在一起工作时完成他们的任务。该工具易于使用,这使其相对于困难的MS项目具有优势,而且对于用户来说,它有一个不那么昂贵的入口点。 但是,像许多MS项目替代方案一样,它把一件事情做得很好,然后依靠第三方集成来填补空白。这是一个令人沮丧的解决方案。理想情况下,用户希望一个工具来承载他们的项目管理需求。在这里,您必须进行集成,而该工具甚至没有太多可用的集成。 甘特项目 相对于MS Project,甚至大多数MS Project替代品,GanttProject有一个巨大的优势--它是免费的。甘特图是项目管理中的重物,一个免费的甘特图肯定是有吸引力的。尤其是一个易于使用并且可以将文档导出到MS Project的程序。这意味着这对MS Project用户来说可能是一个重要的资产。 这也是它的威慑力。你还是和MS Project结了婚。不过,您可能会单独使用GanttProject来管理您的项目。毕竟,甘特图是很棒的工具。问题是,这幅甘特图所能做的是有限的。你将不得不使用一套其他应用程序来获得MS Project提供的覆盖范围。 特雷洛 Trello是一个管理项目和帮助团队协作的工具。Trello使用看板板界面,允许用户可视化他们的工作流程。它提供了透明度并促进了合作。它有实时更新,这绝对是一个加分,并有容易的团队登机。这是一个有趣且易于使用的项目管理解决方案。 作为MS项目的替代方案,Trello还不够。它有一个项目条形图而不是甘特图。虽然该功能可能试图模仿甘特图的有用性,但它没有设置基线来跟踪您的实际进度,也没有项目间的依赖关系,而且它无法筛选出日程中的关键路径。仅推荐用于最初级的项目。 Zoho项目 ZohoProjects是一个项目管理软件,它具有组织任务的看板板,一个捕捉这些任务更新的社交源和用于更长时间讨论的论坛。它明确地将团队连接起来,以提高生产力,甚至还有一个时间表功能,让经理们可以查看每个团队成员在任务上花费了多少时间。它提供问题跟踪和甘特项目视图。 作为MS项目的替代方案,它缺少的是资源管理工具和报告。从某种意义上说,如果一个经理不能生成状态报告,然后重新分配资源以保持他们的团队的工作能力,那么他就是在盲目地飞行。同时也没有用于一次管理多个项目的功能,使得该工具在为用户所能做的事情方面受到限制。 团队合作 Teamwork是一款易于使用的项目管理软件。它组织任务和子任务,标记优先级并识别依赖项以避免瓶颈。任务级别的消息用于在团队处理其任务时连接团队,时间跟踪用于经理监视进度。与许多MS Project备选方案一样,它也具有甘特图视图的功能。 有一个免费版本,但功能有限。回顾所有这些应用程序就会发现MS Project在团队合作方面的不足,这款产品也因此得名。但该工具并不适合每种类型的协作。例如,您不能标记文件,如果团队正在处理可视化材料,这是一个问题。但它仍然远远领先于MS项目。 什么适合你? 有很多MS Project的替代方案在那里,而且有很好的理由。微软的项目管理软件笨重,昂贵,难以使用。虽然它可能是许多组织的默认设置,但您不想随大流。获得一个更灵活的工具,一个更容易使用,更便宜和促进实时协作的工具。 ProjectManager是组织任务,团队和项目的获奖软件。它是微软最好的选择,拥有所有的功能,没有任何的挫折感。您可以使用它来导入和导出MS项目文件,或者更好的是,放弃这个昂贵的工具,订阅我们的多个付费层次。今天就免费试试吧。 2021年项目管理最佳体位替代方案 2021年项目管理最佳Basecamp替代方案 2021年项目管理最佳Wrike备选方案 2020年度最佳建设项目管理软件

