What Is a Subcontractor? Understanding Subcontractor Management


2021-05-07 07:00 project manager


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Projects aren’t a one-man show. They require professionals with an array of skills, and the more complex a project is, the more skills they require. Because of this, owners hire contractors to manage the project, and contractors use subcontractors to fulfill niche roles. Construction projects are complex in nature. They demand extensive planning, manual labor, and they call for various specializations. Realistically, no individual on the team has all of these specialized skills and, even if they did, it would be impossible to do it all themselves. This makes construction subcontractors a necessity for most modern construction projects. Create and track subcontractor work on construction projects with Construction Project Management Software. Try it for yourself today! What Is a Subcontractor? A subcontractor is a free agent employed on a job-by-job basis when their skills are needed. Usually, these skills are specialized, rather than generalized. Subcontractors are oftentimes self-employed and choose the jobs they wish to take, which can make it difficult to find work when they don’t already have a large network of clients. Even then, if these clients don’t have projects to complete, there is no demand for a subcontractor’s skills. One solution to this problem is finding contractors to work for, rather than independent clients. Subcontractor v. Contractor: What’s the Difference? To fully understand the relationship between contractors and subcontractors, we must define what a contractor is. Contractors are people or organizations hired by owners to “build” a project, or at least some part of it. More often than not, contractors are used for construction projects where they are responsible for physically building something. Subcontractors are then hired by contractors to work on a project when the contractor doesn’t have the time or expertise to do the tasks themselves. Subcontractors are hired and paid by the contractor. The ideal relationship between contractors and subcontractors is a symbiotic one. Contractors need subcontractors for their skills and hard work, and subcontractors need a contractor’s large network of clients. This network ensures there is always work to be done. It also allows subcontractors to focus on their role in the project, rather than finding projects in the first place. Examples of Contractors The most common example of a contractor is a construction contractor. Generally, the party who needs to execute a construction plan won’t be able to complete the work themselves. For example, a company opening a new office will hire a contractor to manage the project. Examples of Subcontractors Subcontractors are individuals with special skills. In construction projects, contractors will hire subcontractors who specialize in different aspects of the project, such as plumbing, electricity, painting, etc. Why Do Contractors Use Subcontractors? Contractors and subcontractors aren’t unlike agents and the talent they represent. If contractors want to continue expanding their network of clients, they must take on more jobs. The scope of these jobs will typically necessitate the hiring of subcontractors. Note that subcontractors aren’t just hired labor. Subcontractors are stakeholders hired for their expertise, which makes them valuable. Electricians have a unique skill set that others working on a construction project do not. This is a specialized trade, and someone without training would not be able to complete the work up to code. So, ideally, hiring subcontractors and effective subcontractor management increases output and improves the quality of the work being done. This allows contractors to grow their business and increase profits, and ultimately it can mean being able to take on projects with greater size and scope. Subcontractor management isn’t about just hiring an extra set of hands: it’s about ensuring that specific outcomes for a project are achieved. The Risks of Using Subcontractors Ideally, subcontractors make life easier for contractors and improve the quality of the end results, but there are risks that come along with using them. Subcontractors represent contractors. When they complete quality work, it reflects positively on the contractor. But this goes both ways. Because subcontractors are autonomous parties, bringing them onto a project is a risk. A few examples of this include subcontractors showing up late to a job, not showing up at all, completing unsatisfactory work or acting unprofessionally. If this happens, it can be difficult for contractors to fire subcontractors, depending on the terms of their contract. So, if contractors continue to hire subcontractors, what steps are they taking to protect themselves? Two good ways for contractors to protect themselves are being selective when hiring subcontractors and practicing good subcontractor management with daily construction reports. How to Hire A Subcontractor For a Project Finding a trustworthy subcontractor for a project is absolutely critical, but that doesn’t mean it has to be difficult. A good place to start is establishing a set criteria that every subcontractor should meet. This takes the guesswork out of the process and allows you to focus on the highest quality candidates for the job. This criteria can include references, work samples and more. Once a contractor finds the right subcontractors for their project, they will agree on the terms of a contractor-subcontractor contract, a key document for subcontractor management. This holds both parties responsible for fulfilling their end of the bargain. Subcontractors are held accountable for doing quality work on time. Contractors are accountable for providing a safe work environment and paying wages. A solid construction estimate can help ensure that enough of your budget is set aside to pay subcontractors. What is Subcontractor Management? When contractors hire subcontractors, they must practice subcontractor management in order to keep projects running smoothly. This begins by identifying the project owner’s needs and choosing quality subcontractors accordingly. Creating the criteria we mentioned previously can be part of this process. Once contractors hire subcontractors, it is their duty to fill them in on expectations and employer policies. This establishes communication and ensures everyone is on the same page. With practicing good subcontractor management, this debrief will be structured the same way for every project to ensure all information is addressed. When everyone is on the same page, the bulk of subcontractor management begins. The contractor must constantly monitor subcontractors and the status of the project in order to be sure everything is running smoothly and subcontractors are meeting expectations. Subcontractors must also make sure that work conditions and communication remain top-notch. Examples of Good Subcontractor Management Almost all construction projects use subcontractors. In fact, subcontractors do the majority of the labor. Using subcontractors can be extremely advantageous, but it necessitates skilled subcontractor management to avoid organizational issues and lapses in communication. Keep Documents Organized Hiring and managing subcontractors means lots of incurred paperwork. This begins with the construction contracts subcontractors agree to and extends to timesheets, expense records, safety standards and many other documents. Because there are so many documents, they need to be found with ease. Create and Share Schedules Communication is one of the most crucial aspects of stakeholder management. This starts by creating and sharing a project schedule with the entire team. Because subcontractors will be most involved in the project, they should be able to see the big picture, rather than only knowing due dates for individual tasks. Assign Tasks Clearly Throughout construction projects, tasks will crop up and need to be assigned to subcontractors. When this is the case, contractors should use a purposeful method for creating, assigning, tracking and communicating about tasks. Relying solely on conversations or informal documentation is a recipe for miscommunication and, ultimately, incomplete tasks. Focus on Quality Communication Contractors and subcontractors must be in constant communication throughout the lifecycle of the project. This is the only way to guarantee everyone is collaborating effectively. Contractors, in particular, need a system for these communications. Contractors are managing multiple subcontractors, often working on different projects, at the same time. When this is the case, casual communication won’t cut it. Instead, document communication and make sure everyone can access the information afterward. Use Construction Project Management Software As you can see, successful subcontractor management comes down to creating systems and making sure everyone is abiding by the same processes. Otherwise, monitoring projects and making adjustments is inconsistent and creates confusion. Using construction project management software is the best way to implement the most effective strategies and ensure all team members are doing tasks the same way. Project management software creates this structure, and contractors can then teach subcontractors exactly how to use the tools. How ProjectManager.com Helps With Subcontractor Management ProjectManaager.com is a user-friendly, construction project management software that can be accessed from job sites or anywhere else you get work done. It’s important that subcontractors use the project management tool as it is for contractors. With our software, all subcontractors can view information, make updates and communicate with contractors on the go. Successfully managing subcontractors requires a project management solution that puts all the tools you need in one place. With our Gantt charts, project managers can create timelines that lay out their entire project in one view. Create milestones, link dependencies, and give your whole team a window into the project’s progress. ProjectManager.com allows you to see all project details and check project status from one real-time dashboard that can be customized to a contractor’s liking. Check task progress, key metrics, upcoming deadlines and more. Then, create project reports in seconds that can be shared with the entire team. ProjectManager.com is a cloud-based project management software that has the tools you need for subcontractor management. Our features make planning, monitoring and reporting on your project more efficient and effective. Try ProjectManager.com free with this 30-day trial offer. Best Construction Project Management Software of 2020 Best Construction Scheduling Software of 2021 for Managing Projects Construction Daily Report Template Risk Analysis 101: How to Analyze Project Risk
项目不是独角戏。他们需要拥有一系列技能的专业人员,项目越复杂,他们需要的技能就越多。正因为如此,业主雇用承包商来管理项目,而承包商则使用分包商来履行利基角色。 建筑工程性质复杂。它们需要广泛的计划,体力劳动,并且需要各种专业化。实际上,团队中没有一个人具备所有这些专业技能,即使他们具备,也不可能自己做到这一切。这使得建筑分包商成为大多数现代建筑项目的必需品。 利用建筑项目管理软件创建并跟踪分包商在建筑项目上的工作。今天你自己试试吧! 什么是分包商? 分包商是在需要他们的技能时,按工作逐个雇用的自由代理人。通常,这些技能是专门的,而不是泛化的。 分包商通常是个体户,他们选择自己想做的工作,如果他们还没有一个庞大的客户网络,就很难找到工作。即便如此,如果这些客户没有项目要完成,也不需要分包商的技能。解决这个问题的一个办法是找承包商工作,而不是找独立的客户。 分包商诉承包商:有什么区别? 要全面理解承建商和分包商之间的关系,我们必须界定什么是承建商。承包商是业主雇佣来“建造”一个项目,或者至少是它的某一部分的人或组织。通常情况下,承包商被用于建筑项目,他们负责实际建造一些东西。 然后,当承包商没有时间或专业知识自己完成任务时,分包商被承包商雇用来从事项目工作。分包商由承包商雇用并支付报酬。 承包商和分包商之间理想的关系是共生关系。承包商需要分包商的技能和努力工作,而分包商需要承包商庞大的客户网络。这个网络确保总有工作要做。它还允许分包商专注于他们在项目中的角色,而不是一开始就寻找项目。 承包商实例 承包商最常见的例子是建筑承包商。通常,需要执行施工计划的一方将无法自己完成工作。例如,一家公司开设一个新办事处,就会聘请一名承包商来管理该项目。 分包商实例 分包商是具有特殊技能的个人。在建筑工程中,承建商会聘请分包商,这些分包商专门负责工程的不同方面,例如管道,电力,油漆等。 承包商为什么要使用分包商? 承包商和分包商并不像代理商和他们所代表的人才。如果承建商想继续扩大他们的客户网络,他们必须承担更多的工作。这些工作的范围通常需要雇用分包商。 注意,分包商不仅仅是雇佣的劳动力。分包商是因其专业知识而雇用的利益相关者,这使他们具有价值。电工有一套独特的技能,而其他从事建筑工程的人没有。这是一个专门的行业,没有受过培训的人将无法完成的工作达到代码。 因此,理想情况下,雇用分包商和对分包商进行有效的管理可以增加产出,提高所做工作的质量。这使得承包商能够发展他们的业务,增加利润,最终意味着能够承担更大的规模和范围的项目。分包商管理不仅仅是雇佣额外的人手,而是确保项目的具体结果得以实现。 使用分包商的风险 理想情况下,分包商使承包商的生活变得更容易,并提高最终结果的质量,但使用分包商也会带来风险。分包商代表承包商。当他们完成高质量的工作时,对承包商的影响是积极的。但这是双向的。 因为分包商是自主的当事方,把他们带到项目中是有风险的。这方面的一些例子包括分包商工作迟到,根本不到场,完成的工作不令人满意或行为不专业。如果发生这种情况,承包商很难解雇分包商,这取决于他们的合同条款。 那么,如果承建商继续雇用分包商,他们正在采取什么步骤来保护自己呢?承包商保护自己的两个好方法是:在雇用分包商时要有选择性,以及对分包商进行良好的管理,并提供每日施工报告。 如何为工程聘请分包商 为一个项目找到一个值得信赖的分包商是绝对关键的,但这并不意味着它一定是困难的。一个好的起点是建立一套标准,每个分包商都应该满足。这就把猜测从过程中去掉,让你把注意力集中在最优秀的应聘者身上。这个标准可以包括参考资料,工作样本等等。 一旦承包商为他们的项目找到了合适的分包商,他们就会就承包商-分包商合同的条款达成一致,这是分包商管理的关键文件。这要求双方都有责任履行他们的协议。分包商有责任按时完成高质量的工作。承建商须负责提供安全的工作环境及支付工资。一个可靠的施工估算可以帮助确保你的预算中有足够的资金用于支付分包商。 什么是分包商管理? 承包商在聘请分包商时,必须实行分包商管理,以保持工程的顺利进行。这首先要确定项目业主的需求,并据此选择高质量的分包商。创建我们前面提到的标准可以是这个过程的一部分。 一旦承包商雇用分包商,就有责任向他们填写期望和雇主政策。这建立了沟通,并确保每个人都在同一页上。通过实施良好的分包商管理,每个项目的汇报将以相同的方式进行,以确保所有信息都得到了处理。 当每个人都在同一页上时,分包商管理的大部分工作就开始了。承包商必须不断地监控分包商和项目的状态,以确保一切运行顺利,分包商符合预期。分包商还必须确保工作条件和沟通保持一流。 良好的分包商管理范例 几乎所有的建筑工程都使用分包商。事实上,分包商承担了大部分的劳动。使用分包商可能是非常有利的,但它需要熟练的分包商管理,以避免组织问题和沟通上的失误。 保持文档的组织 雇用和管理分包商意味着大量的书面工作。这从分包商同意的建筑合同开始,扩展到时间表,费用记录,安全标准和许多其他文件。因为文件太多了,需要轻松找到。 创建与共享计划 沟通是利益相关者管理中最关键的方面之一。这从创建并与整个团队共享项目时间表开始。因为分包商在项目中参与最多,他们应该能够看到全局,而不是只知道个别任务的到期日。 明确分配任务 在整个建筑项目中,任务会突然出现,需要分配给分包商。在这种情况下,承包商应该使用一种有目的的方法来创建,分配,跟踪和沟通任务。仅仅依靠对话或非正式文件会导致沟通错误,最终导致任务不完整。 注重质量沟通 承包商和分包商必须在整个项目生命周期中保持不断的沟通。这是保证每个人有效合作的唯一方法。承包者尤其需要一个用于这些通信的系统。承包商同时管理多个分包商,通常在不同的项目上工作。在这种情况下,随意的交流并不能切断它。相反,记录交流,并确保每个人都能在之后访问信息。 使用施工项目管理软件 正如您所看到的,成功的分包商管理归结于创建系统并确保每个人都遵守相同的流程。否则,监测项目和进行调整是不一致的,并造成混乱。使用建设项目管理软件是实施最有效的策略和确保所有团队成员都以同样的方式完成任务的最佳方法。项目管理软件创建了这种结构,然后承包商可以教分包商确切地如何使用这些工具。 ProjectManager.com如何帮助分包商管理 ProjectManaager.com是一个用户友好的建筑项目管理软件,可以从工作网站或任何其他你完成工作的地方访问。重要的是,分包商使用项目管理工具,因为它是为承包商。有了我们的软件,所有分包商都可以查看信息,进行更新,并随时与承包商进行沟通。 成功地管理分包商需要一个项目管理解决方案,将您需要的所有工具放在一个地方。通过甘特图,项目经理可以创建时间表,在一个视图中展示整个项目。创建里程碑,链接依赖关系,并为您的整个团队提供一个进入项目进度的窗口。 ProjectManager.com允许您从一个实时仪表板中查看所有项目详细信息并检查项目状态,该仪表板可以根据承包商的喜好进行自定义。检查任务进度,关键指标,即将到来的截止日期等。然后,在几秒钟内创建可以与整个团队共享的项目报告。 ProjectManager.com是一个基于云的项目管理软件,它拥有您所需的分包商管理工具。我们的功能使规划,监控和报告您的项目更加高效和有效。免费试用30天的ProjectManager.com。 2020年度最佳建设项目管理软件 2021年最佳施工进度管理软件 施工日报表模板 风险分析101:如何分析项目风险

