The KPIs of Language Part 1: 3 Customer-Centric Metrics to Track Today


2021-03-24 12:35 unbabel


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Often, when customer service (CS) teams embark on a multilingual translation effort, they want to know how to measure success. One of the clearest indicators of a CS organization’s success as a whole are customer-centric metrics such as: When these KPIs are measured in the context of language, CS leaders can see a clearer picture of how native-language translations impact customer happiness and willingness to recommend the brand to others. The subjectivity of translations makes them difficult to measure in terms of translation quality alone. (However, there are many efforts underway to improve the quality measurement process, including our own COMET framework for automated machine translation.) Even so, quality metrics must be viewed in context of the customer’s actual experience. What’s the best way to find out? Turns out, it’s as easy as asking. CSAT as a tool to collect language insights CSAT scores are the gold standard of customer-centric metrics. These scores can be incredibly useful in the context of language. Specifically, CSAT can be a powerful data collecting tool that comes with actionable insights that shape your CS strategy. Here are a few examples of how to examine CSAT: NPS to measure team performance with language The NPS has been used in the business world for over a decade to understand how likely a customer is to recommend your product or service to a friend or peer. NPS can be used to identify customers who may spend more with your organization (or Promoters), or those who have a negative impression of your brand and can potentially be turned around (or Detractors). For CS, NPS can be a powerful indicator of team performance. A little known fact is that 40 percent of customers will not buy from a brand in another language. Another 74 percent say they’re more likely to buy from a brand a second time if they’re offered post-sales support in their native language. Something as simple as offering native language support could be a major boon to your NPS and turn those Detractors into Promoters. However, NPS isn’t a catch-all for every brand to use, and frequency really matters. For example, a behind-the-scenes B2B software company may deal with the same customers again and again. For that reason, measuring NPS too regularly may not make sense. However, a direct-to-consumer company should measure NPS after the customer has time to adjust to the product. Some companies make the mistake of measuring NPS directly after purchase, which may not give the customer enough time to weigh in accurately. CES: a powerful metric combined with CSAT According to Gartner, effort is the strongest driver of customer loyalty. Nearly all (96 percent) customers with a high-effort service interaction become more disloyal compared to 9 percent who have a low-effort experience. High-effort experiences could include interactions such as channel switching, repetition of information, generic service, or transfers. Measuring CES is as easy as asking customers to respond to a prompt ranking how easy it was for the company to handle their request. Getting service seamlessly in their native language through a low-friction website helpdesk, email or chat interaction can help reduce effort. Even better, low effort can increase other customer-centric metrics such as NPS. According to the same Gartner study cited above, NPS is 65 points higher for top-performing, low-effort companies than for high-effort companies. CES and CSAT can be measured together to understand the impacts of language on customer satisfaction. For example, measuring CES at the beginning can show how native-language requests reduced customer effort. CSAT, on the other hand, can be measured on a monthly basis, depending on the type of product or service you offer. Both B2B and consumer companies should measure CSAT after every customer interaction (and then filter by agent, language and location to gain additional insights). B2B companies can take it a step further by measuring end-user satisfaction in addition to these two KPIs. Mastering both customer-centric and operational KPIs When measuring the success of a CS team’s language operations, it’s important to weigh these customer-centric KPIs alongside operational metrics focusing on language flexibility, performance improvements and cost-savings. In part two of our blog series, we’ll focus more on internal operational metrics that drive team performance and success, such as first call resolution and average handle time. About the AuthorsSophia Malina is a Customer Success Manager and Diana Afonso is Head of Customer Happiness
通常,当客户服务(CS)团队开始多语言翻译工作时,他们想知道如何衡量成功。CS组织整体成功的最清晰的指标之一是以客户为中心的度量标准,例如: 当这些KPI在语言的背景下被测量时,CS领导者可以更清楚地看到母语翻译如何影响客户的幸福感和向他人推荐品牌的意愿。译文的主体性使其难以单从翻译质量的角度来衡量。(然而,有许多努力正在进行,以改进质量测量过程,包括我们自己的用于自动机器翻译的COMET框架。) 即使如此,质量度量必须根据客户的实际体验来看待。最好的方法是什么?事实证明,这就像问一样简单。 CSAT:一种收集语言洞察力的工具 CSAT分数是以客户为中心的度量标准的黄金标准。这些分数在语言环境中非常有用。具体地说,CSAT可以是一个强大的数据收集工具,提供可操作的洞察力,从而形成您的CS策略。以下是如何检查CSAT的几个示例: NPS用语言衡量团队绩效 NPS在商业领域已经使用了十多年,用来了解客户向朋友或同行推荐你的产品或服务的可能性。NPS可以用来识别那些可能在您的组织中花费更多的客户(或推广者),或者那些对您的品牌有负面印象并有可能被扭转的客户(或诋毁者)。对于CS来说,NPS可以是团队绩效的有力指标。 一个鲜为人知的事实是,40%的顾客不会购买另一种语言的品牌。另有74%的人说,如果他们能得到用母语提供的售后支持,他们更有可能第二次购买某品牌的商品。像提供母语支持这样简单的事情对NP来说可能是一个很大的好处,并且把那些诋毁者变成了推动者。 然而,NPS并不是所有品牌都可以使用的,使用频率真的很重要。例如,一个幕后的B2B软件公司可能会一次又一次地与同样的客户打交道。因此,过于定期地测量核动力源可能没有意义。然而,直接面向消费者的公司应该在客户有时间适应产品之后再测量NPS。有些公司犯的错误是在购买后直接测量NPS,这可能没有给客户足够的时间来准确地称重。 CES:与CSAT相结合的强大度量 根据Gartner的研究,努力是客户忠诚度最强的驱动力。几乎所有(96%)有高努力的服务互动的客户都变得更不忠诚,而有低努力体验的客户只有9%。高投入的体验可以包括诸如频道切换,信息重复,通用服务或传输等交互。 衡量CES就像让客户对一个即时的排名做出反应一样容易,公司处理他们的请求有多容易。通过低摩擦的网站帮助台,电子邮件或聊天互动,以他们的母语无缝地获得服务可以帮助减少努力。更好的是,低工作量可以增加其他以客户为中心的度量,如NPS。根据上面提到的Gartner的同一项研究,表现最好,工作效率低的公司的NPS比工作效率高的公司高65个百分点。 CES和CSAT可以一起测量,以了解语言对顾客满意度的影响。例如,在开始时测量CES可以显示母语请求如何减少了客户的努力。另一方面,根据您提供的产品或服务的类型,CSAT可以按月进行测量。B2B和消费者公司都应该在每次客户交互之后测量CSAT(然后按代理,语言和位置进行过滤以获得额外的洞察)。B2B公司可以更进一步,除了这两个KPI之外,还可以测量最终用户满意度。 掌握以客户为中心的KPI和运营KPI 在衡量CS团队语言操作的成功时,重要的是权衡这些以客户为中心的KPI以及关注语言灵活性,性能改进和成本节约的操作指标。在我们的博客系列的第二部分中,我们将更多地关注驱动团队绩效和成功的内部操作指标,例如首次呼叫解析和平均处理时间。 Malina是客户成功经理,Diana Afonso是客户幸福主管

