What Is the International Phonetic Alphabet?


2021-01-20 18:55 United Language Group


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There are approximately 6,500 languages in the world, each with pronunciations that vary depending on accents, dialects, and more. With the large majority of these languages, there are alphabets that form individual words for that language. But in the case of the International Phonetic Alphabet, the alphabet uses symbols to represent the sounds of language. At first glance, these languages have very little in common with each other in terms of inflection, pronunciation, and grammatical structure. But there is a common theme throughout all languages that might seem a little simple—humans speak them. There are only a finite amount of speech sounds that can be made. To address this, the International Phonetic Alphabet, also known as IPA, was created in the late 1800s to symbolize all human phonetics. To effectively condense all of these characters into an understandable format, a chart was also created. Many different fields use IPA on a daily basis, making it by far one of the most useful tools when studying language and human vocal anatomy. Vocal Anatomy Many speech sounds are created through air flow from the lungs through the trachea up to the larynx, where vocal cords are stretched over the larynx. When the vocal cords are forced apart by air flow, they snap back together to create vibrations. Linguistically, this is known as voicing. Some speech sounds don’t require these vibrations, and are unvoiced. The lips, teeth, tongue, and entire mouth as a whole are especially important elements of speech, and the IPA chart factors in all of these in association with speech sounds, such as where the tongue is placed on the roof of the mouth, how far back in the throat it’s positioned, the use of the lips, and so on. Each and every one of these speech elements are symbolized in the alphabet. IPA Symbols The symbols for IPA are mostly based on two basic character types. The first are alphabetic letters that come primarily from the letters of the Latin and Greek alphabets. However, there are some exceptions, with modified Latin and Greek characters and a few other characters being featured in IPA. While characters seen in the English alphabet are present, they don’t necessarily sound the same in IPA. The second character type are diacritics, which are signs that can be written above or below a letter. They indicate differences in pronunciation than the standard letter. These two character types are what make up the IPA chart, and are subcategorized according to particular sounds and anatomical movement. How It Sounds Some consonants are categorized by whether or not the vocal cords make a sound when that consonant is voiced. The sound “ssssss” doesn’t create sound from the vocal cords, but the sound “zzzzzz” does, for instance. Consonants are also categorized based on whether air is going outward from the lungs, known as pulmonic consonants, or if the consonant uses a different type of airflow mechanism, known as non-pulmonic consonants. Pulmonic consonants are further categorized vertically and horizontally based on the what areas of the vocal system are doing. Vertically, the pulmonic consonants are categorized on if the consonant is voiced or unvoiced. Bilabial plosives are the [p] and [b] IPA characters that represent the process of pressing both lips together and creating either the initial sound for “p” or “b”, respectively. Vowels are mapped on the IPA chart based on the position of the tongue. For example, the [i] and [y] characters are categorized as close front rounded vowels. They represent vowel sounds that can be made when the tongue is positioned as far forward in the mouth as possible without creating a consonant sound, while also being as close to the roof of the mouth without creating a consonant sound. Benefits of the International Phonetic Alphabet With an alphabet this expansive, these descriptions and examples just barely scratch the surface of the International Phonetic Alphabet. Mastering the alphabet requires a great deal of study and dedication. The traditional chart can also be extended upon with extIPA characters, which represent sounds for disordered speech, such as lisps, smacking lips, and so on. Luckily, there are many sources on the subject, with audio recordings, IPA keyboards, and more available. Linguists, translators, speech therapists, conlangers, opera singers, dialect coaches, and more use IPA regularly, allowing them to focus on the oral elements of speech across all spoken languages. In short, this alphabet is a fantastic tool that finds the commonality in each and every language. If you’re interested in learning more about phonetics and global languages, explore the rest of our blog! hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(3356907, '51f37d25-3736-447d-9019-fe0c8022177c', {});
世界上约有6500种语言,每种语言的发音都因口音、方言等因素而不同。这些语言中,大多数都有字母表,并由这些字母构成该语言的单个单词。但就国际音标而言,其字母表使用符号来表示语言的发音。 乍一看,这些语言在词形变化、发音和语法结构等方面几乎没有共同之处。但是所有的语言中都有一个共同的主题,这一主题似乎有点简单,那就是都用于人类表达。人们只能发出有限的语音数量。 为了解决这个问题,国际音标(IPA)在19世纪末被创造出来,目的是用来表示所有的人类语言。为了有效地将所有的字符压缩成易懂的格式,还创建了一个图表。 许多不同的领域每天都在使用IPA,这使它成为迄今为止研究语言和人类发声解剖学最有用的工具之一。 发声解剖学 许多语音是由气流从肺部经过气管到达喉部,然后声带在喉部紧缩而产生的。 当声带被气流强行分开时,它们会弹回一起产生振动。在语言学中,这一过程称为发声。有些语音不需要声带的振动,所以是清音的。 嘴唇、牙齿、舌头和整个嘴巴作为一个整体,是发音极为重要的元素,而IPA图表中所有这些元素都与发音相关联,例如舌头在口腔顶部的位置,舌头在喉咙后面的位置,嘴唇的使用等等。这些发音元素中的每一部分都在字母表中被符号化。 国际音标符号 IPA的符号主要基于两种基本的字符类型。第一种是字母,主要来自拉丁文和希腊文。 然而,也有一些例外,修改后的拉丁文和希腊文字符以及少数其他字符也在国际音标中出现。其中也有英语字母表中的字符,但它们的发音和英语中却不完全相同。 第二种字符类型是变音符号,这是一种可以写在字母上方或下方的符号。它们表示字母的发音与标准字母不同。 这两种字符类型共同构成了IPA图表,并根据特定的声音和解剖运动进行了细分。 语音怎样细分 有些辅音是根据发声时声带是否振动来分类的。例如,发ssssss时声带不会发出声音,但发zzzzzz时声带会发出声音。 辅音也可以根据气流是否从肺向外排出(称为肺辅音)或发音者是否使用不同类型的气流机制(称为非肺辅音)进行分类。 肺动气流辅音可以根据发声系统的活动区域进一步进行纵向和横向分类。纵向上,肺部气流辅音分为清辅音和浊辅音。双唇爆破音是[p]和[b]的IPA字符,表示双唇压在一起并分别产生“p”或“b”的起始音的过程。 元音根据舌头的位置映射到IPA图表上。例如,[i]和[y]字符被归类为前圆元音。它们代表了元音,当舌头在口腔中尽可能地靠前和靠近口腔顶部而不产生辅音时,便可以发出元音。 国际音标的益处 对于如此宽泛的字母表而言,这些描述和例子仅仅触及到IPA的皮毛。掌握字母表需要大量的学习和运用。传统的图表也可以用extIPA字符来扩展,extIPA字符表示杂乱无章的语音,如口齿不清,咂嘴等。 幸运的是,有很多关于国际音标的资料来源,包括录音、IPA键盘以及更多可获得的途径。 语言学家、翻译人员、言语矫治师、语言创造者、歌剧演员、方言教学者等经常使用IPA,使他们能够专注于所有口语的要素。简而言之,IPA字母表是一个实用的工具,可以找到每种语言的共性。 如果您有兴趣学习更多关于语音学和全球语言的知识,请浏览我们博客的其余部分! hbspt.cta._relativeURLS=truehbspt.cta.load(3356907,'51F37D25-3736-447D-9019-FE0C8022177C',{});

