TermCoord’s Communication Tools | Online Workshop


2021-01-12 23:00 terminology Coordination


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For a long time now, study visitors from the University of Luxembourg to TermCoord have been participating in the everyday work of the unit and exploring different aspects of it – some of them focusing on terminology research, management and coordination activities and others focusing on communication activities for delivering messaging on research and management results to the wider audience. This experience was recognized by the University as an internship and counted towards the total amount of a student’s ECTS credits. In light of the COVID-19 development, study visits have been cancelled until further notice. To try to give the students a glimpse of the work done in TermCoord, Janna Mack and Lara Karlović – former TermCoord Communication trainees – have held an online workshop for Master’s students from the University of Luxembourg. The first edition was held in June, while the second took place in December, with an appropriate jumper dress code (see gallery below). Workshop Content The purpose of the workshop was to give the students an insight into tools used by the Communication team for research, content creation and SEO website and content optimization. It covered a presentation of Airtable, Canva, Zencastr, WordPress, Google Forms and various keyword research tools that are used in TermCoord’s office daily. For the practical part of the workshop students were asked to create visuals for a Video-Fix article, perform their own keyword research and create a short SEO optimized piece of content. An interactive quiz was run at the end of the workshop to check how much of the information the students managed to retain, but also to conclude the presentation in a positive, relaxed mode. We believe that the students’ feedback on the workshops says it all: All of these tools can be used for personal purposes and to facilitate the students’ everyday work. We hope that the participants found it useful and are looking forward to future collaboration with the University of Luxembourg! Written by Lara Karlović, a digital marketing enthusiast with experience in social media management, SEO content writing and optimization and content marketing.
长期以来,卢森堡大学访问TermCoord的学习人员一直参与该单位的日常工作,并一起探讨其各个不同方面问题——其中一些人侧重于术语的研究、管理和协调活动,另一些人侧重于向更广泛的受众传递关于研究和管理成果信息的交流活动。且此活动被学校算作实习,可计入学生的ECTS学分。 鉴于COVID-19疫情的发展,该学习访问已经取消,等待进一步通知。为了让学生们一窥TermCoord所做的工作,前TermCoord交流培训生Janna Mack和Lara Karlovic为卢森堡大学的硕士研究生举办了一个在线讲习班。第一期在6月举行,第二期在12月举行,有相应的上衣着装规定(见下图)。 讲习班内容 该讲习班目的是让学生深入了解协调组用于研究、内容创建、SEO网站以及内容优化的工具。包括对Airtable、Canva、Zencastr、WordPress、Google Forms以及TermCoord办公室每天使用的各种术语研究工具的介绍。在讲习班的实践部分,要求学生们为视频修复文章创建视觉效果,进行自己的术语研究并创建一个简短的SEO优化内容片段。在讲习班结束时进行了一个互动式的测验,检查学生们成功保留了多少信息,同时也以一种积极、轻松的方式结束了演讲。 我们相信学生对研习班的反馈说明了一切: 所有这些工具都可以出于个人目的使用,并方便学生的日常工作。我们希望与会者发现它的用处,并期待着未来与卢森堡大学的合作! 作者Lara Karlovic,一位具有社交媒体管理、SEO内容编写和优化以及内容营销经验的数字营销爱好者。

