5 ways LSP businesses can increase productivity in 2021


2020-12-02 21:40 Smartcat


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“How can my business be more productive?” is a hot question on the minds of leaders and managers today, especially in the translation industry. If you want your LSP company to grow in 2021 — gain more clients, handle more projects, and be a bit faster than last year — you’ll have to ensure your productivity levels are in check. So how can you and your current team get more work done without breaking a sweat — or the bank? 1. Assess your productivity level right now and where you want it to be To start, being productive means being fully aware of your company’s operations and assessing the current project management productivity level to identify how far you are from your target. While analyzing the status quo, you’ll run into friction areas or bottlenecks that might be causing chaos in your workflow and output. The pain points holding you back could be caused by a technical issue or some individuals — a project manager may not be pulling their full weight. Draw out a scheme of your present flow; start from the beginning when a client makes a request to the point of delivery, and see where there are lags. You can either take care of this sort of productivity audit in-house, or, if you don’t have the system in place to do it, use Smartcat’s Team Performance Intelligence reports. Once you’ve figured out what needs ironing out, we recommend re-assessing productivity quarterly to avoid new problems sprouting up. 2. Assemble all project activities in one spot: Multiple tabs be gone! If you’ve had firsthand experience dealing with translation requests, deliveries, and feedback loops, then you know it takes a lot of juggling work. But matters get even worse when you have many communications streams like TMS, CAT, Slack, Skype, Gmail, Notion, Trello, Hangouts, etc. A Microsoft study shows that workers switch windows on average 373 times per day or circa every 40 seconds while completing their tasks. This chaotic jumping around leads to things getting missed, and clients are often left disappointed. Besides, employees often burn out if pushed too hard to make do with inadequate tools. According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, over half of the 550 million working days lost annually in the U.S. from absenteeism are stress-related. The ultimate time-saving (not to mention life-saving) alternative to this mess of channels to adopt a one-channel approach in an all-in-platform that ideally allows you to: Automate project distribution to freelancers, Agree on quotes, Reduce the number of clicks and data entry, Upload and download source texts, Avoid spreadsheets, and Easily control quality. There are many options out there, such as Smartcat’s all-in-one Connected Translation platform. Before you settle for any, make sure you run a real-life demo. Try out the functions and features beforehand, so you’re not surprised later. Most importantly, write down a checklist of current needs and gaps, and go with the system that can fulfill them. 3. Automate incoming and outgoing payments Language service providers need to embrace automation in 2021 even more. Using systems and programs to automatically process different operations is paramount to boosting productivity. Without it, it’s like you’re stuck in 2011 and not in 2021. One of the key areas for automation is payments, both received and made. Paying your freelancers and other workers, accepting payments from companies — project managers and accountants need to be completely aligned and not miss the mark. It can get chaotic if numbers aren’t meticulously filed. Not only that, the actual act of payment can be a major headache without a good system. Smartcat’s Payment Automation subsystem allows you to make payments to anywhere in the world, and you only have to make one transaction — the amounts owed to individual suppliers will be aggregated and included in one invoice. Once the invoice is settled, Smartcat will automatically distribute the amounts owed and let the suppliers withdraw them using their favorite payout methods. Similarly, you can accept payments from anywhere in the world, whether to withdraw later or to keep on your Smartcat balance to pay your own suppliers. 4. Hire the right talent and fast You’ve managed to score a huge project, but you realize that your translators aren’t the right fit or that you don’t have enough of them. Do you stick with the ones you have and hope for the best or scramble to find the right fit by searching for one individually via multiple platforms? LSPs need to have a stable and dependable pool of translators to draw from, for whatever the topic. With Smartcat, you have a marketplace with readily available freelancers even before taking on new tasks. And why stop at freelancer language professionals? If you need more helping hands for particularly important clients, you can outsource project managers to jump on board with your project — or even partner with other LSPs. 5. Get your machine translation gears in motion Machine translation has many benefits; it speeds up the work for translators, independently translates large bodies of text, and offers tremendous savings. Some language service providers have even dropped their price per word by 30% by offering machine translation post-editing, a sure-fire way to land new clients. Machine translation doesn’t have to be to the dismay of translators. Humans are still greatly needed to maintain quality, the right tone of voice, and other localization aspects. Depending on the translation, translators can whiz through machine translated texts and cover more ground than before. In Smartcat, you can implement machine translation as part of your workflow in a single click, with over a dozen engines available depending on the source and target languages, some of those are even free. (Some MT words of wisdom: Set up guidelines for your translators to know just how much they need to change the MT result. Also, we advise notifying your clients that you use machine translation for your work, especially if you don’t involve humans.) 2021 productivity goals: more clients in less time The ultimate goal, year after year, is to acquire, serve, and manage clients at the same time. But without auditing your productivity levels, reviewing them quarterly, and using technology and automation tools, you just won’t be able to handle it. Make 2021 great by streamlining your operations and embracing technology. Try Smartcat’s all-in-one platform today to get ready for tomorrow.
“如何使我的企业更有生产力?”,这是当今领导者和管理者们思考的热点问题,在翻译行业尤其如此。如果你想让你的语言服务公司在2021年实现增长,想要获得更多的客户,处理更多的项目,并且增加速度高于去年,你必须保证你的生产力水平得到控制。那么,你和你现在的团队怎样才能完成更多的工作,又不至于太过伤财劳众? 1. 评估你现在的生产力水平,以及你希望它达到的水平。 首先,富有成效意味着,你要充分了解你公司的运营情况,评估当前项目管理的生产率水平,以确定你离目标有多远。在分析现状时,你会遇到阻力或瓶颈,这可能会导致工作流和输出的混乱。阻碍你工作的痛点可能是由技术问题或某些个人造成的——项目经理可能没有尽全力工作。 把你现在的流程画出来:从客户发出请求到交付产品这个环节开始,看看哪里有滞后。你可以在公司内部进行这种生产率审计,或者,如果你没有合适的系统来进行这种审计,就使用Smartcat的团队绩效情报报告(Team Performance Intelligence Reports)。一旦你找到了需要解决的问题,我们建议你每季度重新评估一下生产力,以避免新问题的出现。 2. 将所有项目活动集中在一个位置:多窗口该消失了! 如果你有处理翻译请求、交付和反馈这一循环的第一手经验,那么你就知道这需要大量的周旋工作。而当你有很多交流通道时,比如TMS,CAT,Slack,Skype,Gmail,Noint,Trello,Hangouts等等,情况就会变得更糟。微软的一项研究显示,员工在完成任务时,平均每天切换373次窗口,或者大约每40秒切换一次窗口。 这种乱七八糟的窗口跳转会导致漏掉事情,客户往往会失望而归。此外,如果员工被逼得太紧,同时还用着不合适的工具来凑合,他们往往会精疲力竭。根据欧洲工作安全与健康机构的数据,美国每年因旷工而损失的5.5亿个工作日中,有一半以上与压力有关。 在一个全集成平台中采用单通道方法交流,可以最大限度地节省时间(更不用说节省生命),以取代这些乱七八糟的交流通道,理想情况下,您可以: 自动向自由职业者分发项目, 就报价达成一致, 减少点击次数和数据输入次数, 上传和下载源文本, 避免使用电子表格,并且 易于控制质量。 你有很多选择,比如Smartcat的多合一联通翻译平台。在你确定选择任何平台之前,先确保你运行了一个真实的演示版本。事先试一下功能和特性,这样之后就不会有意外情况。最重要的是,写下当前需求和问题的核对表,并使用可以解决这些需求和问题的翻译平台。 3. 自动收付款 语言服务提供商更需要拥抱2021年的自动化。使用系统和程序来自动处理不同的操作,这对提高生产率而言至关重要。没有它,你就像困在2011年,而不是2021年。 自动化的一个关键领域是收付款。支付你的自由职业者和其他工人,接受公司的付款——项目经理和会计需要完全对齐,不能错过标记。如果数据没有一丝不苟地归档,它可能会变得混乱。不仅如此,如果没有一个好的制度,收付款会是一个很令人头痛的问题。 Smartcat的支付自动化子系统允许你向世界任何地方进行支付,而且你只需进行一次交易——欠单个供应商的金额将被汇总,并包含在一张发票中。一旦发票结清,Smartcat就会自动分配欠款,并让供应商使用自己喜欢的付款方式提取欠款。同样,你可以接受来自世界任何地方的付款,不管是以后提款,还是保留你的Smartcat余额来支付你自己的供应商,这些都支持。 4. 迅速雇佣合适的人才 你已经成功地接到了一个巨大的项目,但是你发现你的译者并不合适,或者你的译者不够多。那么,你是坚持任用现有译员,希望他们做到最好,还是在多个平台一个一个胡乱搜索,找到合适人选?无论出于何种目的,语言服务提供商都需要有一个稳定可靠的译员库。 有了Smartcat,你就有了一个自由职业者的市场,甚至在你的新任务开始之前就有自由职业者待命。此外,何必停留在只是寻找自由职业者的语言专业人员这一层面?如果您需要更多帮助来服务特别重要的客户,您可以外包项目经理来参与您的项目——或者甚至与其他语言服务提供商合作。 5. 启用机器翻译系统 机器翻译有很多好处:它加快了译者的工作速度,独立地翻译大量的文本,还能节省大量开支。一些语言服务提供商甚至通过提供机器翻译后期编辑,将每个单词的价格降低了30%,这是吸引新客户的可靠途径。 机器翻译并不一定会让译者感到沮丧。人们仍然非常需要保持译本质量,保证口吻正确以及其他本地化方面。根据翻译的不同,译者可以快速浏览机器翻译的文本,并且比以前覆盖更多的内容。在Smartcat中,您只需点击一下就可以实现机器翻译,将其作为工作流程的一部分。根据源语言和目标语言的不同,有十几个翻译引擎可用,其中有些甚至是免费的。 (一些关于机器翻译的智慧之言:为你的译者制定指导方针,让他们知道他们需要多少时间来改变机器翻译的结果。此外,我们建议向你的客户告知你在工作中使用了机器翻译,特别是如果你没有涉及到人工翻译的话。) 2021年生产力目标:用更少的时间获得更多的客户 年复一年的最终目标是同时获取服务和管理客户。但是如果不审计你的生产力水平,每季度审查它们,也不使用技术和自动化工具,你就没法达成这一目标。简化运营,拥抱科技,让2021变得更好。 今天就来试试Smartcat的多合一翻译平台,为明天做好准备吧。

