Localizing Internal, Yet Global Communications


2020-11-07 05:50 CSOFT


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Many different individuals, agencies, and companies have their distinct idea about business best-practices, and the role each department plays in their operations. Outward engagement best practices vary from industry to industry, country to country, and even between sectors, and different emphases are put on different tactics such as brand position, differentiation, and customer experience, to name a few. It is easy for brands who heavily prioritize how they are perceived from the outside to overlook efforts to streamline internal communications and realize from within the role that different departments play in their company. In this increasingly difficult pandemic year, more attention has turned to internal communications to enhance outward-facing operations. Communicating internally, yet on a global level, is a skill companies must possess when operating to successfully enter foreign markets and communicate with employees across borders. Streamlining a company-wide marketing process through high quality localization best practices, communicating its goals and values, and finally implementing that process requires very specifically localized internal communications. A recent article Is your Marketing Organization Ready for What’s Next? draws from analysis of the current marketing climate to speculate on the future. While describing the ways that marketers struggle to find not only a definitive objective and standard for themselves, but it also elucidates the ways marketing is rather ambiguous in processes. Some view it to be the capability of AI to output consumer preferences, and some measured the role of marketing through story telling capabilities, while others a standard metric on perceivability and engagement. The fundamental basis of marketing and the role of technology are becoming ambiguous, fragmented, and hard to navigate, ultimately affecting the transformation process. For a company operating in different languages, another level of complexity exists when it comes to communicating enterprise goals and intentions. With this problem at the top of many multinational companies’ list of things to remedy as cross border streamlining is particularly difficult, effective internal as well as external communications are needed to operate at a global level. As many companies share this goal to streamline and designate clear core processes, it is important to realize the core competency centric to this issue: communication. Global businesses must find a way to balance customizable and localized consumer engagement tactics with standard intrinsic processes. Quoted in Forbes, Kelley Steven-Waiss highlights the importance of aligning communications when she says “Productivity is often the first casualty of unaligned teams”. Bridging the language gaps that exist inside in order to streamline marketing efforts as well as properly communicating marketing processes to colleagues operating in international markets is an imperative step for companies operating in varying cultures and languages. CSOFT’s global network of over 10,000 subject matter experts and in-country linguists can provide your company with cost-efficient and quality driven multilingual localization solutions in 250+ languages to help streamline information, communication processes, and more. CSOFT’s quality assured software uses linguistic testing and terminology management systems to ensure that all of your communication processes are localized precisely according to regional regulatory, cultural, and linguistic standards to clarify objectives and create value for your stakeholders. CSOFT specializes in the following services to help your company enhance its internal communication process: eLearning Translation Enterprise Translations Training Document Translation Learn more at csoftintl.com!
许多不同的个人、机构和公司对商业最佳实践有不同的想法,以及每个部门在其运作中所扮演的角色。对外接触的最佳实践因行业不同、国家不同、甚至部门不同而不同,不同策略的侧重点也不同,例如品牌定位、差异化和客户体验等。对于那些非常重视外界对他们的印象的品牌来说,他们很容易忽视流线化内部沟通的努力,并从内部认识到不同部门在公司中所扮演的角色。在这大流行日益困难的一年,更多的注意力已转向内部交流,以加强面向外部的行动。 公司要想成功进入外国市场,并与跨国员工进行沟通,就必须具备内部沟通的能力,而在全球层面上也是如此。通过高质量的本地化最佳实践来优化整个公司的营销过程,传播公司的目标和价值,最后实现这个过程需要非常明确的本地化内部沟通。 最近的一篇文章《你的营销组织准备好做什么了吗?》从分析目前的市场环境来推测未来。在描述营销人员努力寻找的方式,不仅为自己确定的目标和标准,但也阐明了营销是相当模糊的过程。一些人将其视为AI输出消费者偏好的能力,一些人通过故事讲述能力来衡量营销的作用,而另一些人则将其视为感知能力和参与度的标准度量。市场营销的基本基础和技术的作用正变得模糊不清、支离破碎、难以驾驭,最终影响到变革过程。对于使用不同语言运营的公司来说,在沟通企业目标和意图时还存在另一种复杂程度。由于跨境精简特别困难,这个问题是许多跨国公司需要补救的首要问题,因此需要在全球一级进行有效的内部和外部通信。 由于许多公司都有精简和指定清晰的核心流程的目标,因此认识到以沟通为中心的核心能力是很重要的。全球企业必须找到一种方法来平衡可定制和本地化的消费者参与策略与标准的内在流程。《福布斯》引用Kelley Steven-Waiss的话,强调了协调沟通的重要性,她说“生产力往往是不协调团队的第一个牺牲品”。对于使用不同文化和语言的公司来说,消除公司内部存在的语言差异,以简化营销工作,并与在国际市场上工作的同事恰当地沟通营销流程,是必不可少的一步。 CSOFT在全球拥有超过10,000名专家和语言专家,可以为您的公司提供250多种语言的高性价比和高质量的多语言本地化解决方案,帮助您简化信息、沟通过程等。CSOFT的质量保证软件使用语言测试和术语管理系统,以确保您所有的沟通过程都精确地本地化,符合地区法规、文化和语言标准,以明确目标,为利益相关者创造价值。CSOFT专门提供以下服务,帮助贵公司加强内部沟通流程: 网络学习翻译: 企业翻译: 培训文档翻译: 若您需要了解更多信息,敬请访问终端csoftintl.com!

