World Food Day 2020


2020-10-16 16:50 terminology Coordination


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Each year, World Food Day is an event that is celebrated for the sole purpose of combating hunger around the world. The 16th of October is the day of the year when people work together in the fight against hunger with the aim of eradicating it from people’s lives once and for all. The event commemorates the formation of the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) which was first established on the 16th of October 1945 in Quebec, Canada. World Food Day has been celebrated by millions of people in almost every single country around the world since its inception in 1979. World Food Day has adopted a different theme each year in order to highlight areas needed for action and provide a common focus. The theme for the year 2020 is Grow, Nourish, Sustain. Together. The event is not only about celebrating the amazing food that we have the privilege of indulging in, but it is also about raising awareness for people who do not have this privilege. Starvation is a massive issue in a number of countries, and this day was created to raise awareness and combat this problem. The COVID-19 pandemic changed everything – including what and how we eat. Some people faced long lines at supermarkets, others could not buy food at all. Favourite restaurants were shut down. With street and food markets closed, many producers could not sell their produce. Countless family meals were missed, and millions have been pushed into hunger. The vast majority of those worst affected by hunger are people living in poorer countries. 805 million people, one in nine worldwide, live with chronic hunger and 60% of the people around the world who are hungry are women. Every year, almost 5 million children aged 5 and below die of causes related to malnutrition and 4 in 10 children in severely deprived countries are malnourished, which has damaged their bodies and brains. Each and every one of us can take part in this event. Not only will we be able to contribute to the fight against hunger, but we can also apply all the experiences and lessons we gain and learn from World Food Day in our daily lives. All over the world, in many countries, government agencies, charities, schools, universities and other organisations set up conferences, seminars and exhibitions about hunger. Everyone can take part or attend these events and activities, which usually also raise funds for the eradication of hunger. We can also use World Food Day to raise awareness about healthy diets and what our bodies need. In recent times, education has grown about healthy diets and what foods are good and bad for our bodies, but there is still some way to go. World Food Day gives us a great opportunity to further education and awareness in this area. In the frame of TermCoord’s project Terminology without Borders, we created YourTerm FOOD, a terminology project aimed at creating multilingual glossaries about the food industry and gastronomy fields and promoting gastronomy as an essential part of our European heritage and education, but also to raise awareness on all issues linked to the food industry. We also publish a weekly I·ATE term of the week feature: a post on food terminology presenting the similarities and differences of gastronomic culture between and in different countries. Countries, the private sector, and civil society need to make sure that our food systems grow a variety of foods to nourish a growing population and sustain the planet, together. We all have a role to play, be it by increasing the overall demand for nutritious food by choosing healthy options, or by not letting sustainable habits fall by the wayside, despite these uncertain times. Written by Eva Gozlan. She is currently validating her Master’s degree in Translation and International Communication at ISIT School.
每年的世界粮食日只有一个目标,那就是在全世界范围内消除饥饿问题。每年的10月16日这一天,是人们携手同饥饿作斗争的日子,是为了彻底消除饥饿问题而奋斗的日子。 世界粮食日的创立是为了纪念于1945年10月16日在加拿大魁北克成立的联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO),自设立至今,几乎每个国家都会有数百万人庆祝该节日。 为了突出行动方向和工作重点,世界粮食日每年都会提出一个不同的主题。2020年的主题是“齐成长、同繁荣、共持续。行动造就未来。” 该纪念日不仅仅是为了庆祝我们有幸享用美食,也旨在提醒人们并不是所有人都有这份运气。在一些国家,饥饿仍然是一个大问题,世界粮食日的设立就是为了提高人们的认识,并呼吁其与之作斗争。 突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情改变了一切,包括人们吃什么和怎么吃。有的人为买吃的在超市排长队,而有的人根本都买不到。曾经火爆的餐馆也关门了。由于封城闭市,许多厂商卖不出去产品,不计其数的家庭食物短缺,数以百万计的人被迫挨饿。受饥饿影响最严重的绝大多数是生活在较贫穷国家的人。全球约有8亿人长期处于饥饿状态,占世界人口的九分之一,其中60%是妇女。每年都有近500万名5岁以下儿童死于营养不良等问题。在极端贫困的国家,每10名儿童中就有4名营养不良,他们身体和大脑因此受损。我们每个人都可以参与到有关世界粮食日的活动中,不仅能为消除饥饿问题贡献力量,而且还能将所学知识应用到日常生活中,节约粮食,减少浪费。 在世界上,很多国家的政府机构,慈善组织,学校以及其他组织都召开了有关饥饿问题的会议、研讨会,举办相关演出。每个人都能参加这些活动,或为其举办的筹款项目捐款。 世界粮食日还可以帮助我们提高健康饮食意识,了解身体所需营养。近来,尽管此方面的教育活动已经有所增加,但未来仍有一段路要走。世界粮食日为我们提供了一个很好的机会,帮助人们进一步开展健康饮食方面的教育,提高人们的认识。 在欧洲议会术语协调组(TermCoord)创建的“无国界术语”栏目中,我们创建了食品术语(YourTerm FOOD)项目,旨在整理多个国家食品加工和烹饪行业的词汇,促进美食学成为欧洲文化传承和教育的重要组成部分,同时提高人们对与食品行业的认识。 每周,我们还会发布一个关于美食术语的专题,介绍各个国家以及一个国家不同地区之间美食文化的异同。 各个国家,私营部门和社会需要共同努力,确保我们的粮食系统生产出丰富的食物,以供养持续上涨的人口,并保持地球的可持续发展。 无论是选择健康食品,增加社会对营养丰富的食物的总体需求,还是在这个特殊时期,继续保持可持续的习惯,每个人都有其发挥作用的地方。 作者:伊娃·戈兹兰。目前在法国高等翻译学院(ISIT)攻读翻译和国际传播硕士学位。

