Video Fix: How Technology Influences Language?


2020-09-20 17:00 terminology Coordination


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Have you ever noticed how much your language has changed throughout time? This happens not only because of age or environmental factors, but also because of a new element that is present in our daily life and whose influence we cannot avoid: technology. In today’s Video Fix we bring to you a video that reflects on how technology affects our language and way of communicating. The author – Dave Cullen, who often creates Social Commentaries and produces Tech Videos – seems to know the answer to this question. In the video, he explains that the introduction of email in the 90s quickly sparkled the replacement of hand writing and led to the emergence of a number of abbreviations. This economy of language, which was needed to speed up the communication process, was also encouraged with the emergence and widespread use of text messages, which included the use emoticons or emojis, a popular, visual and concentrated way of adding meaning and content to our messages. Furthermore, technology has shaped language in many ways over the last decades, e.g. influencing changes in the meanings of the words or increasing the creation and use of buzzwords and shortcuts. The video shows various examples of the evolution processes experienced by language under the influence of digital technologies. We encourage you to watch this video and share with us what is your opinion on the positive and negative changes that technologies have inevitably brought to our lives! Cullen, Dave “How technology influences Language”, Computing Power. Available at: (Accessed: 06 June 2017) Written by Yuliia Kusa– Study Visitor at the Terminology Coordination Unit, Master Student in Learning and Communication in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts at the University of Luxembourg.
你是否注意到你的日常用语随着时间的推移发生了多大的变化?之所以发生这种情况,不仅是因为年龄或环境因素,还因为我们生活中存在着一种新的元素,而我们却无法回避的影响:技术。 在今天的视频修复中,我们将带给你一段关于科技如何影响我们的语言和交流方式的视频。作者Dave Cullen经常创建社会评论并制作技术视频,似乎知道这个问题的答案。在视频中,他解释说上世纪90年代电子邮件的引入迅速推动了手写的发展,并将手写取代,还导致了某些缩写词的出现。文字信息的出现和广泛使用也促进了语言经济的发展,其中包括表情符号(emoticons)的使用,这是一种流行、值观、集中的方式,可以为信息增添意义和内容。 此外,在过去的几十年里,技术以多种方式塑造了语言。例如影响单词含义的变化或增加流行语和捷径的创建和使用。 该视频展示了语言在数字技术影响下所经历演变过程的各种例子。我们期待你观看这段视频,并与我们分享你对科技给生活带来的积极和消极变化的看法! Cullen,Dave《技术如何影响语言》,《计算能力》 网址:访问日期:2017年6月6日) 由Yuliia Kusa撰写-术语协调部的研究访问者,卢森堡大学多语言和多元文化背景下的学习和交流硕士。

