How to Calculate Resource Utilization for a Project


2020-09-10 02:00 project manager


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Your most important resource when managing a project is your team. They need tools, equipment, materials and more to get the job done, of course. But without people who have the skills and experience to use those tools and materials, your project isn’t going anywhere. Therefore, those who are tasked with managing a project and delivering it successfully must know how to keep their teams productive. One of the most important aspects of that is properly planning their work, and making sure they have the time and capacity to do what they’re asked to complete. In other words, project managers must hone the crucial skill of resource management. Your resources are more than just the team, naturally, and every resource plays a part in a project that moves forward without obstruction. When you’re specifically talking about your team’s time, though, then you’re dealing with resource utilization. What Is Resource Utilization? Resource utilization is how project managers find out how much capacity their team has over a period of time, and ascertain which of their resources are under or over-utilized. It gives managers a window into how many hours their team is spending on the project. Resource utilization differs from resource allocation, and that difference is important to understand. Resource allocation is how a project manager picks his team for the project, and manages them throughout that project. This includes any reassignments and changes to their workload as needs arise. However, resource utilization is more strategic, in that it measures how effective your resources are. So, you organize your project with resource allocation, and then drive its success with resource utilization. Both processes work hand in hand, so it’s critical that you have a resource tool that can help you measure effectiveness. Why Is Resource Utilization Important? It should be clear why resource utilization is critical to running a project, but it doesn’t hurt to get deeper into the benefits of such a process. For one, utilizing your resources is key to staying productive in your project. If your team is overburdened, they’re not going to perform at their optimum level. Resource utilization also provides visibility into your project. The more transparency and the better you monitor your project, you’ll be less likely to miss important steps, and you’ll be more likely to catch risks before they develop into problems that could sidetrack you. All of this means that you’re going to get more bang for your buck—or in business terms, ROI. If you’re making sure your resources are not overtaxed or not being used, then you’re going to work more efficiently, which impacts your bottom line. Finally, the process of resource utilization gives project managers the tools to work more agilely. They have the flexibility to reschedule their resources fast, which means they can avoid problems or untangle themselves from issues quickly. It keeps the project on track. How to Calculate Resource Utilization There are many formulas that calculate resource utilization. One of the simplest is: Resource utilization = busy time / available time This will give you a value that can be then changed to a percentage of how much of your team’s time is spent working. But even this simple formula can get complicated as you begin to question the figures to use in the equation. For example, are you using actual working time from timesheets, or what you planned the working time to be prior to execution? Two more variables are holidays and whatever paid time off your team has. Therefore, you should consider how often you need to track your team’s utilization. Depending on your project, you might want to do so more regularly. There’s also something called full-time equivalent (FTE), which is also a means to figure out the available work hours of your team. Basically, it’s the hours worked by one full-time team member. FTE converts the hours of part-time workers into that of a full-time worker. This helps you determine how well your resources are used. You come up with that figure by dividing the planned hours by the total workable hours in the project. Multiply that by 100, and you have a percentage to find out how effective your resource is working. You want to see about 80 percent, for less than that is under-utilized and more leads to burn out. Resource Utilization Tips There are some more things to think about when working on resource utilization. For one, if you’re managing a program or portfolio, resource utilization works to see all these projects on a holistic level. In other words, you can leverage the visibility of your resources to improve performance over all your projects rather than just one. One thing to stay alert about is scope creep. As you put time and effort into managing your resources, you don’t want to neglect schedule and budgets. It’s best to have a resource management tool that gives you a centralized location by which to see all your projects, tasks and resources, so you can make more informed decisions. Being able to adjust your team’s workload is essential to good resource utilization. Therefore, it’s crucial that you have a way to measure your actual progress with that of your plan. The only way to know if you’re proceeding according to schedule is by having a baseline, and then repeatedly comparing your current project metrics to that set number. Another tip, which is one that goes for all project management, is the old Boy Scout’s code: be prepared. Always have a contingency plan in place for when unexpected changes occur. For that matter, have a well-thought-out risk assessment in order to anticipate potential problems, and cut them off before they negatively impact your project. How Calculates Resource Utilization for You Using different equations to calculate your resource utilization takes time. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a tool that automatically made those calculations, so you don’t have to? is an award-winning project management software that does just that. We have a full suite of project management tools that are integrated to work together, sharing data and keeping you from having to jump to different programs to manage your project. One essential feature is our resource management software that allocates resources and lets you track their costs, while giving visibility to the availability of your team. You can even balance their workload, all from one tool. Real-Time Data Here’s how it works. Because our software is cloud-based, all your data is up to date, helping you make decisions with real-time information. You can always see who’s working on what with our team management page. There, you get a list of team members with details on their tasks, due dates and their progress. Before you can know who’s doing what, so you can assign them tasks, you need to map out their availability. You can set this up on the team management page, which allows you to determine your team’s working days, holidays and paid time off. This can be done if your team is on site or distributed anywhere in the world, with our global holidays feature. Online Gantt Chart Once you’ve blocked out your team’s availability you can allocate them resources on the online Gantt chart. From this project view you can also assign team members tasks by seeing how many hours they have to do their job. Note whether they’re over or under allocated. Even get estimates on resource costs. Robust Resource Management Features The bread and butter of our resource utilization software is the workload page. Here, you get a color-coded chart of every team member’s workload and whether they have too many or too few tasks assigned to them. No resource utilization equations necessary. Best of all, if you want to balance their workload to add productivity and avoid burnout, just reallocate right from the workload page. Don’t worry if you’re managing many teams, you can filter the page by project, team or date. There’s so much more that can do to add efficiencies to your project. We have timesheets that automatically update as teams work on tasks. You can track their hours. There’s also a real-time dashboard for high-level views of progress and one-click reporting to get deeper into the data. Plan, monitor and report with one tool. See how it can help you become more productive by taking this free 30-day trial today. 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管理一个项目最重要的资源就是团队。当然,团队成员需要工具,设备,材料等来完成工作。但是如果没有具备使用这些工具和材料的技能和经验的人,你的项目无法取得成果。 因此,负责管理项目并成功交付项目的人必须知道如何保持团队高效。其中最重要的一个方面是合理规划工作,并确保团队成员有时间和能力去完成所要求完成的任务。 换句话说,项目经理必须磨练资源管理的关键技能。当然,你的资源不仅仅是团队的资源,而且每种资源都在一个顺利向前推进的项目中发挥作用。当你专门讨论到团队的时间,就会涉及到资源利用问题。 什么是资源利用? 资源利用是项目经理如何查找团队在一段时间内能力的容量,并确定其哪些资源未得到充分利用或过度利用。资源利用经理们提供了一个窗口,可以了解团队在项目上花费的时间。资源利用不同于资源分配,去理解这种差异至关重要。 资源分配是项目经理挑选项目团队的方式,并在整个项目中对其进行管理。 这包括根据所需对其工作量进行更改和重新分配。 然而资源利用更具有战略性,在于可以衡量资源的有效性。因此,你可以先通过资源分配来组织项目,再通过资源利用来推动项目的成功。两个过程相辅相成,因此拥有一个可帮助你评估有效性的资源工具至关重要。 为什么资源利用很重要? 你应该清楚资源利用对于运行项目至关重要的原因,但是更深入地了解这一过程的好处也无碍。首先,利用你的资源是项目保持高效的关键。如果团队负担过重,团队成员就无法发挥最佳水平。 资源利用为项目提供可见性。透明度越高,你能越好地监控项目,就越不可能错过重要的步骤,也就越有可能在风险发展成为困扰之前发现它们,以免项目偏离正轨。 所有这些都意味着你将得到更多收益--从商业角度来说是投资回报率。如果你确保自己的资源没有被过度使用,那么你可以更高效地工作,同时也影响着利润。 最后,资源利用过程为项目经理提供了工具,使他们的工作更灵活。这些工具拥有快速重新安排资源的灵活性,也就是说可以迅速避免问题或解决问题。还能使项目保持正常进度。 如何计算资源利用率 有很多计算资源利用率的公式。最简单的一种是: 资源利用率=忙碌时间/空闲时间 这将给你提供一个值,然后可以将其更改为团队工作时间的百分比。 但是,即使这个简单的公式也会变得复杂,因为你开始质疑公式中使用的数字。例如,你使用的是工时表中的实际工作时间,还是执行前计划的工作时间? 另外两个变量是假期和团队的带薪休假。因此,你应该考虑需要多长时间跟踪团队的利用率。你可能会希望根据项目定期去做。 还有一种称为全职当量(FTE)的方法,可以计算出团队的可用工作时间。这基本上是一个全职团队成员的工作时间。全职当量将兼职人员的时间转换为全职员工的时间。 全职当量还可以帮助你确定资源的使用情况。通过将计划时数除以项目中的总工作时数来得出该数字。将其乘以100,这样就有了一个百分比来确定资源工作效率。你希望看到大约80%,少于这个意味着没有得到充分利用,则导致更多资源消耗殆尽。 资源利用技巧 进行资源利用工作时,还有更多事情需要考虑。首先,如果你要管理程序或项目组合,则可以通过资源利用来整体上查看所有这些项目。换句话说,你可以利用资源的可视性来提高所有项目的性能,而不仅仅是一个项目。 要对范围蔓延保持警惕。你不想在投入时间和精力来管理资源时忽视时间表和预算。最好有一个资源管理工具,为您提供一个集中的位置,通过该工具集中查看所有的项目,任务和资源,以便你可以做出更明智的决策。 能够调整团队的工作量对于良好的资源利用至关重要。因此,关键是拥有一种方法来衡量实际进度和计划的进度。要想知道你是否按照计划进行是先确定一个基准,然后反复将当前项目指标与设定值进行比较。 另一个技巧适用于所有项目管理,童子军的旧守则:做好准备。即发生意外变化始终要有一个应急计划。因此,你要进行深思熟虑的风险评估,以便预测潜在的问题,并在意外对项目产生负面影响之前将其消除。 ProjectManager.com如何为你计算资源利用率 使用不同的等式来计算资源利用率需要花费时间。如果有一种工具能自动进行计算,免去麻烦,那不是很棒吗?ProjectManager.com就是这样运作的,还是一款屡获殊荣的项目管理软件。 我们提供一套完整的项目管理工具,这些工具集成在一起工作,共享数据,避免你跳转到不同的程序来管理项目。我们的资源管理软件基本特性是可以分配资源,帮助你跟踪其成本,同时可以查看团队的可用性。你甚至可以通过一种工具平衡他们的工作量。 实时数据 运作方式如下。我们的软件基于云端,因此你所有的数据都是最新的,帮助你利用实时信息做出决策。你随时可以在我们的团队管理页面上看到谁在做什么。 你在此将获得一个团队成员列表,其中包含有关他们的任务,截止日期和进度的详细信息。 你必须先确定其可用性,然后才能知道谁在做什么,以便为他们分配任务 。你可以在“团队管理”页面中进行设置,以便确定团队的工作日,假期和带薪休假。这可以做到,如果你的团队在现场或分布在世界各地,则可以通过全球假期功能进行设置。 在线甘特图 屏蔽了团队的可用性之后,你可以在在线甘特图上为他们分配资源。在这个项目视图中,你还可以通过查看团队成员完成工作的时间来为其分配任务。注意它们是超额分配还是不足分配。甚至可以估算资源成本。 强大的资源管理功能 我们的资源利用软件的主要内容是工作负载页面。 你将在此处获得一个彩色编码的图表,上面显示每个团队成员的工作量,以及查看分配给他们的任务太多还是太少。无需资源利用率公式。最重要的是,如果你想要平衡他们的工作量以提高生产力并避免工作倦怠,只需从工作量页面重新分配即可。如果管理着众多团队,请不要担心,还可以按项目,团队或日期筛选页面。 在提高项目效率方面,ProjectManager.com还有很多可用之处。我们的时间表会在团队处理任务时自动更新。你可以追踪团队工作时间。还有一个实时仪表板,用于高级进度视图和一键报告,以便你更深入地了解数据。使用一个工具进行计划,监控和报告。立即免费试用30天,看看它如何帮助你提高工作效率。 2020年最佳资源管理软件 2020年度最佳建设项目管理软件 2020年度最佳项目管理软件 2020年最佳项目规划软件

