Stamp Released to Honor Communist Manifesto Translation


2020-08-27 19:00 multilingual


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In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the first Chinese translation of The Communist Manifesto, China released a commemorative stamp last weekend in Shanghai and Yiwu marking the anniversary. In Shanghai, the ceremony was held at the former residence of Chen Wangdao, the first person to translate the complete Communist Manifesto into Chinese, originally written by Karl Marx in 1848. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Chen served as president of the university from 1949-1977. Fudan University Shanghai renovated the residence of Chen into a museum in 2018 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx’s birthday. Created by Chinese stamp designer Li Chen, the 50x30mm stamp has a face value of 1.2 Chinese Yuan, or about 17 cents USD, and will be issued in a total of 7.5 million copies. The stamp contains a portrait of Chen writing with his right hand and holding with his left a zongzi — a traditional glutinous rice dumpling — soaked in ink. The story of this stamp tracks a parable that surrounds Chen’s original impetus for writing. As Chen sat consumed in his translation work of The Communist Manifesto, the story goes, Chen’s mother placed a zongzi with a bowl of brown sugar on his desk. When she asked him if he had enough sugar, he answered it was sweet enough. However, when she returned to the room, she saw Chen’s lips covered in ink. It is said that the sweetness came from Chen’s pleasure in translating such a revolutionary work. The stamp also includes covers of two editions of the Chinese version of The Communist Manifesto, and a photograph of Chen’s former residence in Shanghai on Guofu Road. The release of the stamp follows news last month of an original first edition copy of Chen’s translation of The Communist Manifesto found at the Library of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. Only one of 1,000 copies released, library curators noted the signature red cover with a photo of Karl Marx, as well as a miswrite of the title translation. The original publishing house went on to print 17 more editions of the translation.
为了庆祝《共产党宣言》第一个中译本出版100周年,上周末,中国在上海和义乌发行了一种纪念邮票,以此纪念这一周年。 在上海,该仪式在陈望道的故居举行,陈望道是把《共产党宣言》全书翻译成中文的第一人,原著是卡尔·马克思于1848年写成的。新中国成立后,陈望道于1949年至1977年期间担任大学校长。2018年,上海复旦大学为纪念卡尔·马克思诞辰200周年,将陈望道的故居改建为博物馆。 这枚邮票由中国邮票设计师李晨设计的,50毫米长,30毫米宽,面值为1.2元人民币,约合17美分,共发行750万枚。邮票上有一张陈先生的肖像,他右手写字,左手拿着一个浸透了墨水的粽子--一种传统的糯米团子。 这枚邮票的故事是关于陈望道最初的写作动力的一个寓言。据说,就在陈先生忙于翻译《共产党宣言》的时候,陈先生的母亲在他的书桌上放了一个粽子和一碗红糖。当她问他糖够不够时,他回答说够甜了。然而,当她回到房间时,却看到陈的嘴唇上沾满了墨汁。据说,这种甜蜜来自于陈先生翻译这样一部革命作品的乐趣。 关于《共产党宣言》邮票的中文版封面,这有两个版本,以及位于上海国府路他故居的照片。 上个月,在上海社会科学院图书馆发现了陈望道关于《共产党宣言》的第一版原版译文。在发行的1000册副本中只有一本原版,图书馆馆长注意到它带有卡尔·马克思照片的红色封面,书名也存在错译。原出版社接着又加印了17个版本的译本。

