The History of TMS Technology: From the 80s to 2010


2020-08-17 17:00 Nimdzi Insights


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Before the rise of Translation Management Systems (TMS), there were CAT tools. A CAT (Computer-Assisted or Computer-Aided Translation) tool is software that allows a user to work with bilingual text – the source and the target (translation). Its core components include: Over time, to get the translation job done faster and making it more scalable, those components were no longer enough. That’s how a variety of business management features appeared in a CAT environment, resulting in the birth of TMS. For easier and quicker performance, many CAT tools emerged in the cloud too. They are the essence of a TMS. The Nimdzi Language Technology Atlas 2020 features over 140 of TMS solutions. Let’s have a look at the history of this technology and the oldest tools' background, from the 80s to 2010. Click on the image below to see an enlarged version you can zoom further. After 2010, this sector has been booming, with tens of TMS being pushed to the market yearly. Today, a new TMS is born each month, on average.
在翻译管理系统(TMS)兴起之前,当时使用工具的是CAT。用户可以通过CAT(计算机辅助或计算机辅助翻译)工具处理双语文本--源语文本和译语文本(互译)。其核心部分在于: 随着时间的推移,为了更快、更多地完成翻译工作,CAT的性能以及无法满足需求。于是各种业务管理功能应运而生,紧接着TMS问世了。为了让操作更快、更简单,云翻译中也插入许多CAT工具,为TMS的出现奠定了基础。 2020年《Nimdzi 语言技术图集》包含140多种TMS解决方案。 从中我们可以解1980s到2010年期间该项技术发展的历史以及早期背景。点击下方图片可以实现放大或缩小。 2010年后,这一领域开始蓬勃发展,市场上每年都会生产数十台TMS。如今,已经达到平均每月生产一台TMS。

