3 Must-Have Project Management Tools for Startups


2020-08-06 03:40 project manager


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Starting a new company, or working for a startup, is equal parts exciting and nerve-wracking. In a startup environment, budgets are often tight and the typical processes that keep companies running are often missing. Such a dynamic work environment can be punishing for even the most experienced employees because there will always be new problems to tackle and limited resources to tackle them. Most how-to books will tell you that in order for a startup to succeed, it takes a combination of hard work, good employees and ample funding. But most of these books don’t discuss the project management tools that the world’s best entrepreneurs use to organize and manage their companies. That’s why we’ve put together this list of startup project management tools that every young company can use to create a highly-efficient organization. 1. Work Management / Task Management Software There’s an old proverb about collaboration: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” This holds especially true in the startup world, where having a strong culture of collaboration is a key to success. In order to achieve success as a team, all employees need to be rowing in the same direction and working towards the same goals. Smart entrepreneurs have figured out that the way to achieve this is to utilize a collaborative work management platform. What is Work Management Software? “Work management” is a relatively new type of software that was designed to give teams a central place to collaborate and work together digitally. Work management software combines project management, task management, document management and communication into one place to get all employees on the same page. Benefits of Using Work Management Software Keep Things From Getting Lost in the Shuffle: Startups are dynamic and fast-paced, so there’s always something new that needs attention. Without a central collaboration tool, employees find their own ways to keep track of their to-do lists, which can lead to tasks not being completed and general confusion. A central collaboration platform solves this problem. Get Better Visibility: Startup employees are constantly busy attending to their work, and don’t always have time to connect with management to keep them in the loop. When all work is managed and tracked in one place, managers can see everything that their staff is working on, eliminating the need for constant check-ins. Improve Accountability: A central work management platform ensures that all employees are accountable for their work. When management can quickly see what all team members are working on, it is impossible for under performing employees to fly under the radar. Conversely, this gives management another way to identify their best and most productive employees. 2. Kanban Boards for Building Workflows In a startup environment, it’s crucial to build visual processes that act as guides for employees to follow in order to be successful. One of the best ways to create these processes is to use kanban board software. Kanban board software is a simple startup project management tool that’s used to visualize and track all of the different tasks happening within a company or team. Each task is created as a “card” that can be dragged-and-dropped into different areas of the screen to indicate the status of the task. The kanban board shows anyone looking at it what work needs to happen next, what work is in progress and what work has been recently completed. The simplest way to use a kanban board is to have three columns: to-do, doing and done. When a new task needs to be added, it goes into the to-do column. Then, when someone is ready to work on that task, they drag the kanban card into “doing” so that everyone on the team can see the task-in-progress. However, kanban boards can also be used to build more complex processes in the form of custom workflows. This is done by creating custom columns for each stage of the work process. Related: Project Management for Startups & Entrepreneurs For example, let’s imagine your startup does marketing for clients, and you need a good way to manage all of the work requests that clients send in. You could create a kanban board with the following columns: New Work Requests Information Gathering Doing Client Approval Done Each column represents a step in the workflow or process. When a new work request comes in from a client, the employee who received the request creates a task in the “New Work Requests” column, and assigns it to an account manager. When the account manager is ready, they move the task into “Information Gathering” and contact the client to get all of the information needed in order to start work. They then re-assign the task to the marketing team and move it to “Doing.” The marketing team now works on the client request. When finished, they move the task to “Client Approval” and re-assign the task to the account manager. With a new task in “Client Approval”, the account manager now knows the work is ready to send to the client for final approval. Once the client gives their approval, the task is finally moved into “Done” to indicate the process is finished. As you can see, the kanban board is used to build a step-by-step process for work requests. Since the whole team has access to the board, everyone knows the status of all of the work that is happening. Kanban boards are a great way to eliminate questions and confusion by giving the team a blueprint for how work should flow through the team. 3. Project Management Dashboards As mentioned previously, visibility into your employee’s work is crucial to successfully managing your company. This is why savvy entrepreneurs choose to implement key performance indicators (KPIs) across their companies. The motto of “measure everything” is useful in early-stage companies because data allows the company to pivot quickly when things aren’t working—and to double down on things that are. There are many different types of dashboards a startup company can implement across the business, but the most important one is the project management dashboard. Project management dashboards passively collect data from your project management platform, turning the information into helpful charts and graphs. The dashboard will update in real time, giving you all of the information you need to make decisions across the business. Project management dashboards can quickly tell you information about several project metrics. Workload: see which employees and teams are over or under worked Project Progress: see how specific projects are progressing Time Tracking: monitor where and how employee time is being spent Budgets: learn the real cost of employee time and resources to make smarter budgeting decisions Implementing Project Management Tools for Startup Companies Startup companies are dynamic, exciting and always growing. And as a company grows, it’s needs to change over time. However, establishing the right project management tools and processes early on will give your startup a solid foundation to build upon. This is why we recommend that every startup company implement a work management platform, kanban boards for building workflows and dashboards for measuring everything across the business, all as soon as possible. Implementation of these startup project management tools might sound like a lot of work, but it’s well worth it. Plus, there are plenty of software suites that gives you all of the tools we’ve discussed with zero coding or training needed. ProjectManager.com is a project management platform used by thousands of teams around the world, from small startups to global companies like Volvo and Bank of America. The cloud-based software is easily accessed via web browser, so no on-site implementation is needed. In fact, you can have your new tools set up and running in under five minutes. Click here to sign up for a free 30-day trial today. 3 Easy Project Management Tools Anyone Can Use How Data Visualization Tools Can Improve Your Project Management Kanban Inventory Management: How to Run a Kanban System Best Construction Project Management Software of 2020
开一家新公司或者在初创公司工作是件既令人兴奋又让人伤脑筋的事情。 创业过程中,预算通常会很紧张,而一些维持公司运转的必要流程往往会因此省略。 在这样一个充满不定因素的工作环境下,即使是经验丰富的员工也会感到焦头烂额,因为新问题层出不穷,而解决这些问题的资源却很有限。 大多数入门书籍都会提到,创业公司要想获得成功,必须具备优秀的员工、不懈的奋斗以及充足的资金。 但这些书大多都忽略了一点,那就是世界上那些卓越的企业家们究竟是用什么项目管理工具来组织和管理他们公司的呢? 因此我们列出了这份创业项目管理工具清单,所有初出茅庐的创业公司都可以运用这些工具,做到高效运转。 1.工作管理/任务管理软件 关于合作,有句老话说得好:“一人独行走得快;与人同行走得远” 这一道理在初创企业中尤为适用,对于创业公司来说成功的关键在于拥有致力于团队合作的优秀企业文化。 一个团队要想取得成功,所有员工都需要朝着同一个方向努力,向着同一个目标迈进。 聪明的企业家们已然发现,要做到这一点,利用好协同工作管理平台是关键。 什么是工作管理软件? “工作管理(软件)”是一种相对较新的软件类型,其设计目的是为团队提供在线上协作与共同工作的中央平台。 工作管理软件将项目管理、任务管理、文档管理和沟通整合到一起,所有员工都能在同一个工作页面上。 使用工作管理软件的好处 : 在混乱中做到有条不紊:对创业公司而言,发展动态多变且节奏快,所以总有一些新的东西需要关注。 如果没有一个中央协作工具,员工们就只能按各自的节奏处理事务,这就会导致任务无法完成并造成混乱。 中央协作平台便能有效解决这一问题。 提高知名度:创业公司的员工总是忙于工作,通常没有时间与管理层交流,让管理层及时了解情况。 但当所有工作都在一个地方进行管理和跟踪时,管理人员就能看到员工正在进行的所有工作,减少不断汇报的需要。 改善问责制:一个中央工作管理平台确保所有员工对其工作负责。一旦管理人员能及时看到员工的工作动态,懈怠的员工便无所遁形,管理人员却能通过这一方式发现效率最高的最佳员工。 2.构建工作流程的看板 对于创业公司而言,创建可视化流程至关重要,它能在员工成功完成任务过程中发挥指引作用。而建立可视化流程的最佳方式之一便是使用看板软件 。 看板软件是一个简单的创业项目管理工具,使用该软件能看到并跟踪公司或团队中正在进行的所有任务。 每个任务都被创建为一张“卡片”,可以将其拖放到屏幕的不同区域中,显示任务的状态。 员工们看到看板便能知道接下来需要开展的工作、正在进行的工作以及最近完成的工作。 使用看板最简单的方式是创建三栏:to-do(待完成)、doing(正在进行)和done(完成)栏。 新任务添加后会直接进入to-do(待完成)栏。 然后,当有人准备好处理该任务时,可以将“任务卡”拖入“Doing”(正在进行)栏,如此一来,团队中的每个人都可以看到正在进行的任务。 然而,看板也可以用于以自定义工作流程的形式构建的更为复杂的工作进程中,通过为工作流程的每个阶段创建自定义栏目来实现。 相关文章:初创企业和创业者的项目管理 例如,我们假设你的初创公司为客户做营销,你需要一个好方法来管理客户发送的所有工作请求。 你创建的看板可以包括以下栏目: 新建工作要求 信息采集 正在进行 客户批准 已完成 每一栏代表工作进程中的一个步骤。 从客户那收到新的工作请求后,收到该请求的员工会在“new work Requests(新建工作要求)”栏中创建一个任务,并将其分配给客户经理。 客户经理准备就绪后,他们将任务移到“Information Gathering(信息采集)”中,并联系客户以获得开始工作所需的所有信息。 然后,他们将任务重新分配给营销团队,并将其移到“Doing(正在进行)”一栏。 营销团队现在处理客户要求。 完成后,他们将任务移至“Client Approval(客户批准)”,并将任务重新分配给客户经理。 看到“Client Approval(客户批准)”中的新任务,客户经理就明白工作已经准备好发送给客户进行最终批准。 一旦客户批准通过,任务就最终被移到“Done(已完成)”中,表示工作流程结束。 如您所见,看板用于构建工作任务的分步流程。 由于整个团队都能看到看板,每个人都能知道正在进行的所有工作的状态。 看板是解决问题和混乱的好方法,它为团队构建一个蓝图,很好地显示了工作任务在团队中进行的过程。 3.项目管理仪表板 如前所述,对员工工作的了解对于成功管理公司至关重要。 这就是为什么精明的企业家选择在他们的公司中实施关键绩效指标(KPIs)。 “按数据说话”对于刚刚成立的公司来说很适用,有了数据,公司出现异常,员工们便能迅速作出调整,若运转正常时则能加倍努力。 创业公司可以在业务中建立许多不同类型的仪表板,但最重要的是项目管理仪表板。 项目管理仪表板从项目管理平台收集数据,将信息转化为有用的图表和图形。 仪表板会实时更新,为您提供在开展业务过程中做出决策所需的所有信息。 您可以通过项目管理仪表板快速得知项目数据信息。 工作量:查看哪些员工和团队工作过多或不足 项目进展:查看具体项目进展情况 时间跟踪:监控员工将时间花在那些地方以及花费时间长短 预算:了解员工时间和资源的真实成本,以便做出更明智的预算决策 创业公司项目管理工具的运用 创业公司充满活力,令人兴奋的而且不断发展。 随着公司的成长,也需要适时做出改变。 然而,早使用正确的项目管理工具和流程将为你的创业提供坚实的基础。 这就是为什么我们建议每个创业公司尽快建立一个工作管理平台、能创建工作流程的看板以及衡量业务数据的仪表板。 使用这些创业项目管理工具听起来可能需要进行大量的工作,但是却是物有所值。 另外,有很多软件组件可以为您提供我们讨论过的所有工具,无需进行编码或培训。 ProjectManager.com是一个项目管理平台,从小型创业公司到沃尔沃和美国银行这样的全球性公司,世界上数以千计的公司团队都在使用。 基于云的软件通过浏览器就能访问,轻而易举,不需要开展线下工作。 事实上,您五分钟内就能设置和运行新工具。 点击这里注册免费,今天开始免费试用30天。 3个任何人都可以使用的简易项目管理工具 数据可视化工具如何改进项目管理 看板库存管理:如何运行看板系统 2020年度最佳建设项目管理软件

