Importance of Localization Terminology Management to LSPs


2020-05-17 23:18 daytranslations


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Translation work varies and often, specific terms only occur once or twice in a document. But when it comes to localization, it is vital that the terminology used is consistent throughout the entire project, just like when doing translation for different specializations. We call it localization terminology management. Terminology management in localization and translation in general, helps save time, money and energy, when occurrence of repeated terms is higher than usual. This tool works well together with CAT and translation memory tools. The crux of using terminology management is to create a termbase or a ”database of terms” that can be updated over time. This is a list of company- or industry-specific definitions, synonyms, acronyms and abbreviation of terms in the source and target languages. The purpose of terminology management is to make the business messages standard across all translation projects for a specific client. What is a terminology database? A terminology database or a ”termbase” is a collection of the terms that relates to a particular subject. The terms could be in two languages or several languages, depending on the client. In translation and in localization, it is vital that proper terminology is used to maintain the quality of the translation work. The quality of localization affects user or consumer acceptance. Terminology is important not only to translators but also to companies that compete in the international market. The management of terminology could present a challenge to a translation company with several translation teams located in different countries. A termbase helps to ensure that all the translators across the enterprise consistently use the same terminology. A termbase includes the following: Terms in the source language and in the target languages Description of the terms Explanation on the use of the terms Information related to grammar Termbase and translation memory Localization experts are very familiar with translation memory tool and termbases as they usually use both tools for their translation projects. They have some similarities as well as differences that might not be too obvious to new translators. Translation memory tool A translation memory is a collection of terms that were used in past translations that provide these properties: It automatically learns the new words that are translated The learning process of the tool is in real time It memorizes a saved translation automatically When a translator does another project with similar texts, the translation memory tool suggests the translations it has learned The translation memory tool suggests fuzzy matches and exact matches. A fuzzy match means it is an approximate match based on spelling and meaning. It provides the translator with a starting point to quickly find the right term to use for the document. An exact match means that the term or phrase is 100% exact. With exact matches the translator does not have to do any changes and can work faster on the translation project. A termbase is the main asset in the management of terminology. It is a centralized collection of technical, product or company related and industry specific terms. It is typically shared with the members of the translation team. It needs constant updating and contains source terms and texts, approved translations and the clarifications, definitions and descriptions of each term. It also includes terms that should not be translated such as company, product or brand names. Using a translation memory tool When doing localization projects, a language services provider (LSP) could create a translation memory that is specific to the client. This helps the translation team when there are repeat projects from the same client. It helps minimize the cost of translation as the terms are reused. It also reduces the time spent on translation as it eliminates redundancy in translating similar texts repeatedly. With translation memory, the quality of the text increases leading to translations of higher quality. The linguistic quality is maintained for future projects even if another translator handles the work. Using a termbase A good termbase should have the key terminology used by the client. It should include source text, approved translations of specific terms and well-researched texts and terms specific to the industry the client is engaged in. It is better if the termbase is provided by the client. Using a termbase helps rule out ambiguities. All concerned parties on the client side and the translators can use the termbase as their guide to ensure that everyone uses the same terms. It ensures that spelling and usage of corporate terminology is correct. It speeds up the translation process because searching for specific terminology is eliminated. Technical fields typically use their specific language. They often have specialized and uncommon terms. Without a termbase, it is difficult and time consuming to localize long content, as the translators need to keep track of all the terms used and their translation in order to be consistent. Major benefits of terminology management 1. Consistency The most prominent benefit from terminology management is the consistency of the terms to be used across all the translation work for each language. When the termbase is built conscientiously and updated regularly, it ensures that the message your business wants to impart will be the same when the content is localized for different markets. Because it is important to all the parties involved, most LSPs will accept the termbases, style guides and glossaries of their clients, to ensure consistency and accuracy. 2. Money and time saving It is common for LSPs to charge translation work per word. When a client provides a well-built termbase, it helps translators and proofreaders to save time, because they do not have to build their own terminology database. It speeds up the work, lowers stress and provides a smoother flow of work. This results in a lower number of new words to be charged and reduced working hours. 3. Control in quality of translation work The source material’s linguistic quality has a big effect on the quality of the localization and translation work. The termbase becomes a tool to determine the quality of the translation from the beginning and through the entire process of translating the source material. 4. Better and quicker proofreading An LSP’s quality control process includes proofreading. The process ensures that inconsistencies and errors that might have occurred during the actual translation are fixed. A translation memory tool as well as a termbase will help locate these minor inconsistencies to speed up the proofreading as well as the validation process that would be done by people involved in the project. This could include native speakers of all the target languages, project managers and other proofreaders. Benefits to clients Localization and translation helps clients improve their brand identity and corporate image in the new foreign markets they want to explore. These benefits are the result of having consistency in translation and localization. Before translators achieve consistency, they need to have a good terminology management tool. Clients should place high importance and value to translation consistency and good quality localization of all corporate materials for foreign markets. It helps make a company maintain an image of a corporation that knows how to handle its business, knows how to respect cultures and new customers and knows how to seamlessly adapt to the linguistic needs of their new markets. Defining terminology management Terminology management is the process of collating company and industry specific terms systematically. It lists all the terms that appear in all of the client’s content together with their translations in other languages. It contains the examples, definitions, spelling conventions and equivalent of terms. It should also include explanations on which texts should not be translated, such as trademarked terms, proprietary names, proper names and company names. Terminology management should start before a client requests for translation or localization, particularly when it involves technical text. In short, you could say that terminology management is a collection of the rules that translators and other users must follow. It is of critical importance to the translation process and a very valuable tool to maintain consistency and high quality of the project. It eliminates guesswork, confusion, and wasting time in going back and forth between client and linguists. A good terminology management involves the input of selected members of each department in the client’s company. They should be responsible in creating the terminology database and in updating it. The database should be carefully checked to ensure that all entries are accurate, particularly the spelling and translation in other languages. The database should have key concepts. Terms should be between 1 and 4 words without articles and prepositions. There should not be duplicate entries but include terms in singular and plural forms, as well as compound word and terms. It is important for LSPs to have localization terminology management, as this is a great tool to assist subject matter experts in their localization work.
翻译工作千差万别,而且通常,特定的术语在一个文档中只出现一到两次。但是当涉及到本地化时,使用的术语在整个项目中保持一致是至关重要的,就像为不同的专业做翻译时一样。我们称之为本地化术语管理。 本地化和翻译中的术语管理通常有助于在重复术语出现较多的情况下节省时间、金钱和精力。该工具与CAT和翻译记忆工具一起使用效果更佳。 使用术语管理的关键是创建一个术语库或一个可以随时间更新的“术语数据库”。这是源语言和目标语言中特定于公司或行业的定义、同义词、首字母缩略词和术语缩写的列表。术语管理的目的是使业务消息标准适用于特定客户的所有翻译项目。 什么是术语数据库? 术语数据库或“术语库”是与特定主题相关的术语的集合。这些术语可以是两种语言,也可以是几种语言,这取决于客户。 在翻译和本地化中,使用适当的术语以保持翻译工作的质量是至关重要的。本地化的质量影响用户或消费者的接受程度。 术语不仅对翻译人员很重要,对在国际市场上竞争的公司也很重要。对于一个在不同国家有多个翻译小组的翻译公司来说,术语的管理可能是一个挑战。术语库有助于确保整个企业的所有翻译人员一致地使用相同的术语。 术语库包括以下内容: 源语言和目标语言中的术语 术语说明 术语使用说明 与语法有关的信息 术语库与翻译记忆 本地化专家非常熟悉翻译记忆工具和术语库,因为他们通常在翻译项目中使用这两种工具。它们既有相同之处,也有不同之处,这对新译者来说可能不太明显。 翻译记忆工具 翻译记忆库是过去翻译中使用的术语的集合,这些术语具有以下属性: 它会自动学习被翻译的新词 该工具的学习过程是实时的 它自动记忆保存的翻译 当译者用相似的文本做另一个项目时,翻译记忆工具会提示它所学到的译文 翻译记忆工具建议模糊匹配和精确匹配。模糊匹配是指基于拼写和意义的近似匹配。它为翻译人员提供了一个起点,以便快速找到用于文档的正确术语。 精确匹配意味着术语或短语是100%精确的。一旦精确匹配,译者不需要做任何更改,可以在翻译项目更快地工作。 术语库是管理术语的主要资产。它是一个技术、产品或公司相关和行业特定术语的集中收集。它通常与翻译小组的成员共享。它需要不断更新,并载有来源术语和文本,经核准的译文以及每个术语的阐释、定义和说明。它还包括公司、产品或品牌名称等不应翻译的术语。 使用翻译记忆工具 在进行本地化项目时,语言服务提供商(LSP)可以创建特定于客户的翻译记忆库。当有来自同一客户的重复项目时,这会帮助到翻译团队。它有助于最小化翻译成本,因为术语是重复使用的。它也减少了花费在翻译上的时间,因为它省去了重复翻译类似文本的麻烦。有了翻译记忆,文本的质量就提高了,翻译质量也就提高了。即使由另一名译者处理这项工作,语言质量也会在将来的项目中继续保持。 使用术语库 好的术语库应该具有客户使用的关键术语。它应该包括源文本,特定术语已获批准的翻译和经过充分研究的文本和特定于客户所从事的行业的术语。最好是由客户提供术语库。使用术语库有助于排除歧义。客户的所有相关方和翻译人员都可以使用术语库作为他们的指南,以确保每个人都使用相同的术语。它确保公司术语的拼写和使用是正确的。它加快了翻译过程,因为减少了对特定术语的搜索。 技术领域通常使用其特定的语言。它们往往有专门的、不常见的术语。如果没有术语库,很难对长内容进行本地化,也很费时,因为翻译人员需要跟踪使用的所有术语及其翻译,以便保持一致。 术语管理的主要好处 1.一致性 术语管理最显著的好处是每种语言的所有翻译工作中所使用的术语的一致性。当认真构建术语库并定期更新时,它可以确保当内容针对不同市场进行本地化时,您的企业想要传递的信息将是相同的。由于它对所有参与方都很重要,大多数LSP会接受其客户的术语库、风格指南和词汇表,以确保一致性和准确性。 2.节省金钱和时间 LSP对每个单词的翻译工作收费是很常见的。当客户提供一个构建良好的术语库时,它帮助翻译和校对人员节省时间,因为他们不必构建自己的术语库。它能加快工作速度,减轻压力,使工作更顺畅。从而使收费的新词数量减少,工作时间减少。 3.翻译质量控制 原文的语言质量对本地化和翻译工作的质量有很大的影响。术语库从一开始就确定翻译质量,并贯穿翻译源材料的整个过程。 4.更好更快的校对 LSP的质量控制过程包括校对。该过程确保在实际翻译过程中可能出现的不一致和错误得到修复。翻译记忆工具和术语库将帮助定位这些微小的不一致,以加快校对和验证过程,这将由参与项目的人员完成。这可能包括所有目标语言的母语使用者、项目经理和其他校对人员。 对客户的好处 本地化和翻译帮助客户在他们想要开拓的新的国外市场中提高他们的品牌形象和企业形象。这些好处是翻译和本地化具有的一致性结果。在翻译人员实现一致性之前,他们需要有一个好的术语管理工具。客户应高度重视所有外国市场公司资料的翻译一致性和高质量本地化。它有助于使一个公司保持这样一个形象:它知道如何处理自己的业务,知道如何尊重文化和新客户,知道如何天衣无缝地适应新市场的语言需求。 定义术语管理 术语管理是系统地整理公司和行业特定术语的过程。它列出了出现在客户所有内容中的所有术语,以及它们在其他语言中的翻译。它包含示例、定义、拼写惯例和对等的术语。它还应包括关于哪些文本不应翻译的说明,如商标术语、专有名称和公司名称。 术语管理应在客户要求翻译或本地化之前开始进行,特别是涉及技术文本时。 简而言之,可以说术语管理是翻译人员和其他用户必须遵循的规则的集合。 它对翻译过程至关重要,是保持项目一致性和高质量的一个非常宝贵的工具。它消除了猜测、混淆,减少了在客户和语言学家之间来回奔波所浪费的时间。 一个好的术语管理涉及客户公司每个部门的选定成员的输入。它们应负责建立和更新术语数据库。应仔细检查数据库,以确保所有条目都是准确的,特别是其他语言的拼写和翻译。 数据库应该有关键的概念。术语应该在1到4个单词之间,没有冠词和介词。不应有重复条目,但应包括单数和复数形式的术语,以及复合词和术语。 对于LSP来说,拥有本地化术语管理是很重要的,因为这是一个很好的工具,可以帮助主题专家进行本地化工作。

