Terminology: an Introduction


2020-05-11 17:20 terminology Coordination


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Terminology: an Introduction There has been a lot of terminology talk in here, which makes sense considering that we are the European Parliament’s Terminology Coordination Unit. But for all of you who are yet to discover what terminology is all about, we have prepared a short introduction into this comprehensive discipline. Words are used in everyday language. They are not specific, they have synonyms and they belong to the common language (e.g. house, dog, school, pen). While terms are used in specialized languages (in this case, by “language” we do not mean English, Spanish, French, Chinese, but the language of medicine, politics, chemistry, law, maths, physics, engineering, linguistics, etc.), they have a single meaning which is described by a single and precise definition; they belong to the specialized languages. There are a lot of specialized languages because there are lots of domains of specialization. Basically, terms are “specialized words”. Terms mainly derive from Latin and ancient Greek, but they can also be invented when a language does not have a term to express a concept yet. In this case, they are called “new terms”, which in linguistics turns to be neologism. Since in the last decades we have been facing unprecedented situations and several scientific discoveries, neologisms are quite common (e.g. computer, social network, covidiot, data protection). Terms are strictly connected to concepts because each concept, in a specialized language, should be expressed by a term. If more than one term can express the same concept or if the same concept can be expressed by more than one term, then we do not have terms, but words. Uniqueness (concept > term) is at the core of terminology. In terminology, it is important to define the domain, which is the area of knowledge we are talking about. For example, profiling can have three different meanings, depending on the domain. It can describe a technique to identify criminals used in criminology, or a comparison between consumers in economics, or a specific operation in the mechanic sector. In order to avoid ambiguities, it is fundamental to specify to which domain the term belongs to. Since terms are special words, and these words are in texts, they can be found in texts and retrieved from them through a process called terminology extraction. In the past, this process was carried out manually, but now we have software that can do part of the job automatically because it relies on algorithm recognition. We usually need to find a lot of terms, so we need to verify a lot of texts. Thus we can collect several texts about a specific topic and extract the terminology. In this case, we extract terms from a corpora of texts (corpus in the singular form). Once we have the terms, we can organize them according to their function and meaning and we can map the relations between the concepts, as we did in the Covid-19 event. Terminology is useful to make the language clear, to enable people to express their thoughts clearly and to communicate efficiently. A clear communication avoids misunderstandings and, in the worst cases, frauds, tricks, and circumventions. Written by Elisa Callegari. Translator and linguist, she has a great interest in terminology and formation of neologisms.
术语:绪论 对于欧洲议会术语协调部来说,与术语相关的讨论很有意义。 针对那些对术语了解不多的人,我们准备了有关这一综合学科的简短介绍。 人们在日常用语中都会使用到词汇。 它们不具有特定性,有同义词,属于共同语(如房子、狗、学校、笔等等)。 而术语则在专业语言中使用(这里的“语言”并非指英语、西班牙语、法语、汉语,而是医学、政治、化学、法律、数学、物理、工程、语言学等领域的语言),它们具有单一的含义,并由单一和精确的定义来描述,属于专业语言。 专业语言种类繁多,其原因在于专业领域具有多样性。 总体而言,术语都是“专业词汇”。 术语主要来源于拉丁语和古希腊语,但在一种语言还没有特定术语来表达一个概念的情况下,也可以创造术语。 在这种情况下,它们被称为“新名词”,在语言学里即为新词。 由于过去几十年我们处于前所未有的环境,科学发现也取得了进步,因此新词相当普遍(例如计算机、社交网络、新冠白痴、数据保护)。 术语与概念联系紧密,因为在专业语言中,每一个概念都应该用一个术语来表达。 如果一个以上的术语可以表达同一个概念,或者同一个概念可以用一个以上的术语表达,那么这些就不叫做术语,而是词语。 唯一性是术语学的核心。 在术语学中,定义领域很重要,也就是我们所说的知识领域。 例如,根据领域的不同,“profiling”一词可以有三种不同的含义。 该词可以描述犯罪学里一种识别罪犯的技术,也可以描述经济学中对消费者进行的比较,还可以描述机械部门中的一种具体操作。 为了歧义,明确术语属于哪个领域至关重要。 由于术语是特殊的词汇,而这些词汇存在于文本中,因此可以在文本中术语,并通过一个名为“术语抽取”的过程从中检索术语。 过去这个过程由人工进行,但现在软件可以自动完成部分工作,因为这个过程依赖于算法识别。 通常我们需要查找大量术语,因此需要验证大量文本。 因此,我们可以收集特定主题的多个文本并从中提取术语。 在这种情况下,我们从文本语料库中提取术语。 一旦有了术语,就可以根据其功能和意义对术语进行组织,从而整理出不同概念之间的关系,就像我们在疫情期间所做的那样。 术语能够使语言变得清晰,使人们能够清楚地表达他们的思想并进行有效交流。 清晰的沟通可以避免误解,在极端情况下,良好的沟通还可以避免欺诈、伎俩和手段。 作者:Elisa Callegari。 Elisa是一位翻译和语言学家,对术语学和新词的形成有着浓厚兴趣。

