The Gaming Industry is a growing opportunity for Language Service Providers


2020-04-15 19:33 lingualconsultancy


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Logically, any business working on a global level cannot avoid the need of a translator, interpreter, and other such linguistic professionals. And as gaming is one such industry, LSPs are in high demand here. Also, when you hear the word “gaming”, you might be thinking of all the online gaming sites and mobile apps available on the internet. But in general, gaming includes both online and offline gaming, and language service providers are equally crucial for both types. Maybe it is translation, localization or interpretation, LSPs are an integral part of the gaming industry as it goes on to be more and more global. Language service providers are useful in following aspects of the gaming industry: Game localization Many of the gaming platforms outsource their gaming software from reputed software providers. Such providers are well established and possess already localized versions of their games. However, if you use a proprietary gaming software, you need to localize the game according to the region where your software will be used. And this applies to both webs based as well as client-based (desktop and mobile) games. Translation and interpretation for live dealer gaming sites Owing to an unbelievable rise in the per capita income of many countries and exponentially increasing interest of people in online gaming, the gaming industry has seen a sudden growth in its popularity all over the world. Now, as there are a lot of live-dealer gaming sites making their place in the industry, they need to hire language service providers to facilitate the localization. Also, when it comes to live-dealer gaming sites, most of them prefer to hire interpreters, especially when a high-end live dealer site is involved. Offline gaming houses: why they need LSPs? Now, as we come to offline gaming, there are numerous gaming houses famous across the globe. Such gaming houses attract a lot of players from foreign countries. Most of these tourists are VIP players, and the gaming houses prefer hiring language service providers like translators and interpreters. Translation vs Localization There has been a peak increase in the adoption rates of gaming platforms (more so in the mobile apps), and hence LSPs are going to be in demand for the long term. Translation might seem to be a cheaper option, and it might also give you an okay experience of gaming. Still, localization is one thing that would provide you with the best experience of gaming in terms of emotion and the actual intent of the game. In the end, the progress of LSPs goes hand in hand with the rise of the gaming industry as LSPs help in increasing the reach of the game by facilitating its customization to the targeted audience. Leave all your game localization requirements to an expert localizing company, Lingual Consultancy (LC). We are a leading LSP offering translation, transcription, website localization, game localization, etc in over 250 languages covering all the major Indian, Asian, European, Latin American and African Languages.
从逻辑上讲,任何跨国企业都无法缺少笔译员、口译员和其他此类语言专业人员。由于游戏行业涵盖全球,所以其对语言服务提供商(LSP)的需求很大。 此外,当你听到“游戏”这个词时,你可能会想到互联网上所有的在线游戏网站和移动应用程序。 但总体而言,游戏既包括线上游戏,也包括线下游戏,而LSP对这两类游戏而言都至关重要。由于游戏行业的全球化程度越来越高,无论是翻译、本地化还是口译,LSP都是游戏产业的一大组成部分。LSP在游戏行业的以下方面大有用处: 游戏本地化 许多游戏平台将外包其游戏软件至著名的软件提供商处。这些提供商已建立了良好的本地化基础,并拥有他们游戏的本地化版本。 但是,如果您使用的是专有游戏软件,则需要根据软件使用的地区对游戏进行本地化。 这既适用于基于网络的游戏,也适用于基于客户端(桌面和移动)的游戏。 现场庄家游戏网站的笔译和口译 由于许多国家人均收入实现惊人增长,且人们对在线游戏的兴趣呈指数级增长,游戏产业在全世界的普及程度突飞猛进。 现在,由于有很多在线庄家游戏网站在游戏行业中占据一席之地,他们需要聘请语言服务提供商来实现本地化。此外,当涉及到在线庄家游戏网站,尤其是高端庄家游戏网站时,大多数网站偏向于雇佣口译员。 离线游戏公司:他们为什么需要LSP? 我们提及离线游戏,就得说现在全球有无数著名的离线游戏厅。这类游戏厅吸引了很多外国玩家,且这些外国玩家大多是VIP玩家。游戏厅更喜欢雇佣像笔译员和口译员这样的语言服务提供商。 翻译vs本地化 游戏平台采用率已经达到了一个高峰(尤其是在移动应用程序中),因此LSP将是一个长期的需求。 翻译似乎是一个比较实惠的选择,它也可能为您提供不错的游戏体验。 然而,在游戏的情感体验和实际意图体验上,本地化是一将为您带来最佳效果。 最后,LSP的进步与游戏产业的崛起是并行不悖的,因为LSP通过针对目标受众来定制游戏,来协助扩大游戏的覆盖范围。 将您所有的游戏本地化需求交给本地化的专家公司Lingual Consultancy(LC)。 我们是领先的LSP,可为250多种语言提供翻译、转录、网站本地化和游戏本地化等服务,涵盖所有主要的印第安语系、亚洲、欧洲、拉丁美洲和非洲语系。

