IATE Food Term of the Week: Friarielli

I · ATE 本周食物术语: Frarielli

2020-03-28 17:10 terminology Coordination


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I·ATE Food Term of the Week: Friarielli Italy offers a wide range of vegetables throughout its twenty regions and many of them can have a different name according to their region of origin. This is the case, for example, with friarielli, as we call it in Campania. It is a green cruciferous vegetable characterised by its bitter tasting stem and leaves. In other regions people call it rapini (Tuscany), cime di rapa (Apulia), broccoletti (Rome), mazzareddi (Sicily) or pulezze (Valdichiana). However, never try to compare it to any other kind of similar greens, because “friarielli is just friarielli!” In Naples this food is actually very widespread and beloved; recently even a hymn of praise has been written by Francesco Andoli, deputy editor of the online newspaper Identità Insorgenti. In this short dialogue someone tries to define friarielli by comparing it to something else, but every definition turns out to be unsatisfactory to the other speaker who concludes with a sort of personification of “the friariello” (singular for friarielli): “The friariello doesn’t look like anybody. The friariello doesn’t speak Italian. The friariello is native and self-sufficient. The friariello is Neapolitan and the sausage… knows it all!” (translated from Neapolitan). This reference to the familiarity between friarielli and sausages is not random, for if it is true that friarielli can be cooked and eaten with meat in general, the combination sausages-friarielli is considered to be a perfect culinary marriage, something almost sacred. Indeed, as a traditional Neapolitan saying goes, “’a sasiccia è ‘a mort’ d’e friarielli” (literally meaning “sausage would die without friarielli”), which underlines that they are meant for each other. For the reader’s sake, here follows a traditional recipe reported in The New York Times, which shows the extent to which this typically Mediterranean food is now also well known overseas: Broccoli Rabe (Friarielli) Time: 20 minutes 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil;2 or 3 garlic cloves, peeled and slivered;3 or 4 dried chilies;2 pounds broccoli rabe, trimmed of stalks over 1/8 inch thick, washed and left wet;Salt and pepper. Put oil in a skillet over medium-low heat and add garlic and chilies. When they sizzle and garlic begins to color, add broccoli rabe all at once. 2. Cook, stirring occasionally, until broccoli rabe is very tender, 10 to 15 minutes; if stalks are thick, you may have to add a few tablespoons of water to let them cook all the way through, but keep this to a minimum. Remove chilies before serving, if you like. Yield: 4 to 6 servings. (The New York Times, Aug. 29, 2007) Among the other European countries, friarielli (or something like it) can be also found in Portugal (grelos de nabo) and in the Galicia region of northwestern Spain, in particular in the town of As Ponte where every February the so-called Feira dos grelos is celebrated. Even in China,  kai-lan (芥兰) could be considered the brother or the sister of friarielli. Well… ok, maybe its cousin! As for the etymology of friarielli, there are two different schools of thought. On the one hand, the term could derive from the Castilian expression frio-grelos (winter broccoli); on the other one, it could simply stem from the Neapolitan verb frijere (to fry). The latter is very likely to be true, also because, even though some national and international recipes tell us to boil or blanch it, the only possible way to cook friarielli is just by sizzling it! But be careful, because just this aspect, linked to the verb “to fry” (friggere in Italian), leads many people to confuse friarielli with friggitelli. The latter refers to small sweet peppers which are generally fried and eaten with meat or pasta; whereas friarielli …is just friarielli. So the Friariello, almost always accompanied by its faithful consort the Sausage, is definitely the king (or the queen, if you want) of the Two Sicilies’ vegetables. However, despite its irresistible and unique flavour, the Friariello has a spiteful disposition and very often it is ready to sneak into our teeth and ruin our best smiles! But we can forgive it, because friarielli… is friarielli. Sources: https://www.napolifilmfestival.com/nff/it/node/4480 https://fiumiamare.home.blog/2019/03/12/elogio-breve-al-friariello/ https://www.finedininglovers.com/article/what-are-friarielli-how-do-i-cook-them http://www.bellanapoli.fr/decouvrir/societe-art-de-vivre/gastronomie/friarielli/ https://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/29/dining/292mrex.html Russo Roberto, Fioretto Natale, Che cavolo vuoi?: Ricette del cavolo, Graphe.it edizioni, Perugia, 2015. https://afoodobsessionblog.wordpress.com/tag/friarielli/ https://www.the-pasta-project.com/pasta-with-friggitelli-peppers-pancetta/ https://elisabethscotto.com/2016/03/17/les-friarielli-toute-mon-enfance-dans-un-bouquet/ https://www.sbs.com.au/food/recipes/orecchiette-broccoli-rabe-orecchiette-con-cime-di-rapa https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/jun/21/sausages-and-greens-recipe-napoli-style-from-rachel-roddy-kitchen-in-rome Written by Antonio Leo, PhD student in “European Languages and Specialized Terminology” at the University of Naples “Parthenope”.
I · ATE 食物周: Frarielli 意大利在其20个地区提供广泛的蔬菜,其中许多可以根据其原产地名称不同。例如,就像我们在坎帕尼亚所说的, frarielli 就是这样。它是一种绿色的十字花科蔬菜,以其苦味茎和叶子为特征。在其他地区,人们称它为雷帕尼(托斯卡纳)、西梅迪·拉帕(阿普利亚)、西兰花(罗马)、马扎勒迪(西西里岛)或普列兹兹(巴尔迪西亚纳)。然而,不要试图将它与任何其他类似的绿色相比,因为“ frarielli 只是 frarielli !'" 在那不勒斯,这种食物实际上是非常普遍和受人喜爱的;最近,在线报纸 Identit à Insorgantine 的副编辑 Francesco Andoli 也写了一首赞美的赞美诗。在这个简短的对话中,有人试图通过比较来定义 frarielli ,但是每个定义都不能满足于另一位发言者,他的结尾是“ frariello ”( frarielli 的单数形式):“ frariello 看起来不像任何人。frariello 不会说意大利语。frariello 是本地的,自给自足。弗里亚雷罗是尼波利特和香肠…知道一切!"(译自尼波利坦)。这一说法并不是随意提及 frarielli 和 sages 之间的熟悉程度,因为如果说 frarielli 可以被煮熟并与一般肉类一起食用,那么组合香肠- frarielli 被认为是完美的烹饪婚姻,这几乎是神圣的。事实上,正如一句传统的尼波利特语所说的,“ sasicia è a mort ’ d ’ e frarielli ”(字面意思是“香肠在没有 frarielli 的情况下会死去”),这说明它们是彼此的意思。 为了读者的利益,下面是《纽约时报》报道的一种传统食谱,它展示了这种典型的地中海食品在海外的知名度: Broccoli Rabe ( Frarielli ) 时间:20分钟 4汤匙额外的初榨橄榄油;2或3个大蒜丁香,剥落和剥落;3或4个干辣椒;2磅花椰菜,修剪超过1/8英寸厚,清洗和留下湿;盐和胡椒。 将油放入平底锅中加热,加入大蒜和辣椒。当它们开始变色时,立即加入西兰花。2.煮,搅拌偶尔,直到花椰菜很嫩,10到15分钟;如果茎很厚,你可能需要加几汤匙的水,让他们一直煮,但这是最小的。如果你愿意,在上菜前把辣椒去掉。 产量:4至6份。 (纽约时报,2007年第29期) 在其他欧洲国家中,在葡萄牙( grelos de nabo )和西班牙西北部的加利西亚地区,特别是在每年二月庆祝所谓的 Feira dos grelos 的 As Pote 镇,也可以找到 frarielli (或类似的东西)。即使在中国,凯兰(333445;_20848)也可以被认为是弗里亚利的兄弟或姐妹。好吧,也许是它的表哥! 关于费拉里里的词源,有两种不同的思想流派。一方面,这个词可以从 Castilian 的短语 frio-grelos (冬青花椰菜)中派生出来;另一方面,它可以简单地从 Nepolitan 动词 friejere (炸)中派生出来。后者很可能是真的,也是因为,即使一些国家和国际的食谱告诉我们煮开或煮开它,唯一可能的烹饪方法就是烧开它!但是要小心,因为仅仅这个方面与动词“ to fry ”(意大利语中的 shgere )联系在一起,就导致许多人把 frarielli 和 scrugitelli 混为一谈。后者指的是小甜椒,通常用肉或面食油炸,而 frarielli …只是 frarielli 。 因此,弗里亚雷罗,几乎总是伴随着它忠实的配偶香肠,绝对是国王(或女王,如果你想的话)的两个西西里的蔬菜。然而,尽管其不可抗拒和独特的味道,弗里亚雷罗有一个恶意的性格,而且经常是准备潜入我们的牙齿,破坏我们最好的微笑!但我们可以原谅它,因为 frarielli …是 frarielli 。 来源: https://www.napolifiliafestival.com/nff/it/node/4480 https://fiumamare 。home 。blog /2019/03/12/ elogio-breve-al-frariello / https://www.findiningfers.com/article/who-is-frarielli-how-do-i-cook-these http://www.bellaanapoli.fr/decuvrir/societe-art-de-vivre/gasnomie/frarielli/ https://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/29/footing/292mrex 。html 罗索·罗伯托,菲奥莱托·纳塔莱,车卡沃洛·沃伊?: Ricette del cavolo , Graphe 。它是 edizioni , Perugia ,2015。 https://afoodobsession blog 。wordpress 。com / tag / frarielli / https://www.the-pasa-project 。com / pasta-with-curgitelli-peppers-panetta / https://elisabetscotto 。com /2016/03/17/ les-frarielli-tout-mon-enfance-dans-un-bouquet / https://www.sbs.com.au/food/recipes/orecchiette-broccoli-rabe-orecchiette-con-cime-di-rapa https://www.theguardian.com/lifand style/2017/ jun /21/sausages-and-greens-recipe-napoli-style-from-rachel-roddy-cheng-in Rome 由 Antonio Leo 博士撰写,他是那不勒斯大学“帕泰诺普”的“欧洲语言和专业术语”博士生。

