7 Things You Should Know about Professional Medical Translation Services


2020-03-25 11:59 morningtrans


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Many types of life sciences documentation require translation as outlined by each country’s governing medical agency. Some examples of content that may need to be translated include clinical trial instructions, medical device IFUs (instructions for use), software that runs surgical equipment, medical textbooks and more. If you’re responsible for procuring professional medical translation services in this unique and highly regulated industry, here are seven things you should know: 1) Absolute accuracy Medical translations are a specialization, and they require high-quality work. There is zero tolerance for errors in medical translation and editing—even an accidental numerical error on a pharmaceutical document could cause harm or death. 2) Subject matter expertise Given the nature of the content, medical translations can’t be done by just anyone. Medical translations require translators, editors and proofreaders to be highly experienced subject matter experts in the specific medical field. 3) National translation requirements The international medical industry is highly regulated, so be sure you work with a language services provider (LSP) that specializes in medical translations. In most countries, clinical trial documentation and medical labels (on containers, packaging and/or inserts) must be translated, however the requirements for translations in each country vary and are regulated by local agencies. For example, countries in the European Union follow the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC, which defines translation requirements based on the type of content and user type, and also outlines requirements for countries that have more than one official language. An LSP that specializes in medical translations will know what’s required in each country and can help you successfully navigate the requirements. 4) Proper documentation Within the medical field, the pharmaceutical industry may be the most specialized. This industry requires detailed documentation of all processes and products, with regulatory requirements requiring translated content to advance between stages. Translators should come from the pharmaceutical industry with experience translating a range of pharmaceutical content & documentation. 5) Cost considerations High quality medical translations need to be performed and proofread by subject matter experts in the relevant medical field. Some translations must undergo the additional step of linguistic validation, depending on their use. Don’t compromise on quality by selecting the cheapest translator – when it comes to medical translation, quality has to be perfect. 6) Confidential information Depending on the confidential nature of your content, you may need to ask your LSP to secure confidentiality agreements from the team members working on your project. An LSP should be able to accommodate this request. 7) Terminology management Using correct, consistent terminology is a critical part of producing high-quality translations. If you don’t have one already, your LSP can help you develop a glossary of terms that will be used throughout your translation project/s. Establishing these terms before translations begin increases translation consistency while also saving time and money.
许多类型的生命科学文档都需要翻译,具体取决于每个国家或地区的主管医疗机构。 可能需要翻译的内容示例包括临床试验说明,医疗设备使用说明(IFU),运行手术设备的软件,医疗教科书等。 如果您负责在这个独特且受到严格监管的行业中购买专业的医学翻译服务,那么您应了解以下七件事: 1.绝对准确 医学翻译是专业领域,需要高质量的工作。医学翻译和编辑对错误零容忍——即使药品文书上偶然的数字错误也可能导致伤害或死亡。 2.学科知识专长 考虑到翻译内容的性质,医学翻译不是任何人都能胜任的。医学翻译要求译者,编辑和校对人员必须是在特定医学领域经验丰富的主题专家。 3.国家翻译要求 国际医疗行业受到严格管制,因此请确保与专门从事医疗翻译的语言服务提供商(LSP)合作。在大多数国家或地区,临床试验文档和医疗标签(在容器,包装和/或插入物上)是必须翻译的,但每个国家或地区的翻译要求各不相同,且受当地机构的监管。例如,欧盟国家遵循医疗器械指令93/42/EEC,该指令根据内容类型和用户类型定义翻译要求,并概述了使用多种官方语言的国家的翻译要求。专门从事医学翻译的LSP将了解每个国家或地区的要求,并可以帮助您成功检索翻译要求。 4.正确的文档 在医学领域,制药业可能是最专业的。该行业需要制药过程和产品所有的详细文档,法规要求,各个过程和产品内容都需翻译。译者应来自制药行业,具有翻译各种药物内容和文档的经验。 5.成本考量 相关医学领域的主题专家需要保证高质量的医学翻译和校对。根据译文用途,某些翻译还必须进行语言验证。不要为选择最要价最低的译者而牺牲译文质量,医疗翻译质量必须是完美的。 6.机密信息 根据您翻译内容的机密性,您可能需要让LSP与您项目团队的成员签署保密协议。LSP应该能够满足这一请求。 7.术语管理 使用正确、一致的术语是产生高质量翻译的关键。如果您还没有术语表,您的LSP可以帮助您建立,翻译项目的整个过程都将使用术语表中的术语。在翻译开始之前建立术语表,可以提高译文一致性,同时还可以节省时间和金钱。 译后编辑:吴晨昱(中山大学)

