Steps to Achieve Software Localization


2020-03-10 16:08 Lingual Consultancy


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Modern business and service providers are open to the global audience of several billion. But there is a barrier in the form of language, culture, and ethnicity between them. Here comes the role of localization. According to modern surveys, 71.4% of Fortune 500 companies today localize their software to reach a massive audience in the market. Why do they localize software? The simple answer to this is that approximately 72.1% of people spend time on the internet surfing in their native language. Moreover, 52.6% of the population has a mindset that accepts information in the local language irrespective of price. Facts say that every dollar you invest in software localization returns you $25 as an outcome to your efforts. Now, the question here is how exactly is one to achieve software localization? Have a look at the following steps to get the answer: 1. Plan and research for localizing your software: Research is the key to software localization. Do not dive into foreign waters without knowing their depth. Estimate the cost of localization of your software and match it with your budget. Do not forget the ROI of better localization. Coming to the coding part of the software, always make sure that you leave extra space in your software. Make your original software flexible for localization into other languages. Avoid cutting corners when it comes to the content on your website. Keep an eye on the Content Delivery Network (CDN) of your software because site speed will contribute to your ranking and visibility on the search engine. 2. Choose your team for working on this task: Build a rock-solid localization team for your software. Choose the professionals with correct sets of skills that include knowledge of the subject, slangs and local vocabulary of the target language as well as the source language. Include the translators with primary technical and computer language-related expertise in your team. Further, you will also need marketing advisors, responsible project manager, skilled technicians, etc. The best way to find a perfect team is to approach any professional translation company that provides localization services. 3. Decide the appropriate Translation Management software: After selecting the team, have a look at your Translation Management Software (TMS). Perfect software will get your work done in a limited time. Automation is the primary purpose of such software. Choose a TMS with an inbuilt API that gives accurate and quick localization through automation. Moreover, the TMS is a platform for collaboration of your team members as they can leave messages, tags, pictures, screenshots and share problems and progress related to the software localization over TMS. TMS also plays the role of project manager for you. Therefore, select the best TMS. 4. Get your software localized: Now comes the actual work, i.e. localization of your software. Keep an eye on the preferences of the target audience and their local language as well as culture. Set proper codes for the local preferences while designing your software. This will make changing the dates and time, measurements, currencies, and number formats easier. Also, ask your programmer if they have added Unicode (UTF-8) to your entire software. This helps to provide a unique symbol to all the characters that can be applied to most languages throughout the world. 5. Plan and implement SEO strategies: Your software ultimately serves your business marketing. And this statement describes the importance of SEO for your software. ASO (App Store Optimization) strategy is also essential in case you are planning for the app version of your software. Research about the best search engines as well as app stores and SEO & ASO strategies for these platforms. Ask your localization team to incorporate these strategies to get higher rankings and visibility on their SERP. 6. Quality Assurance: Never miss this step at the end of this whole full-length process of localization. Test your software for localization and linguistics by hiring local testers who test your software entirely, right from vocabulary to SEO as well as ASO strategies. This step ensures that your localized software gives the best experience to the users. Takeaway Software localization is a time-consuming process and requires a lot of brain-storming. But never think of missing the steps mentioned above when you are targeting the international market. It adds value to your firm and brings valuable customers to your business. Get your software localized by one of the leading translation companies, Lingual Consultancy. We offer translation, transcription, software localization, website localization, etc in over 250 languages covering all the major Indian, Asian, European, Latin American and African Languages.
现代商业和服务提供商面对着全球数十亿用户。但他们之间存在着语言、文化和种族方面的障碍。于是本地化就派上了用场。根据现代多项调查,当今,71.4%的《财富》500强公司选择将他们的软件本地化,以在市场上获得大量的用户。他们为什么要将软件本地化?答案很简单,用母语上网的人高达约72.1%。 此外,52.6%的人不论成本都习惯使用本地语言接受信息。事实表明,公司在软件本地化上每投资一美元,就会收益25美元。现在,问题是如何实现软件本地化?下文会给你答案: 1. 为软件本地化制定计划并进行研究: 研究是软件本地化的关键。陌生领域,不知深浅,不要深潜。你要同时考虑本地化软件的成本和已有预算。要记住,本地化做得越好,投资回报就越高。软件的编码一定要为软件留出额外的空间,确保最初版本能灵活地本地化为其他语言。至于网站内容,要避免偷工减料。还要密切关注软件的内容分发网络(CDN),因为网站速度会影响你在搜索引擎上的排名和可见度。 2. 选择工作团队: 为你的软件建立坚实可靠的本地化团队,所选的专业人士要熟悉该领域,对译语和原语的俚语和本地词汇十分了解。在你的团队中,还需包括具备初级技术和计算机语言相关专业知识的翻译人员。此外,你还需要市场顾问、负责任的项目经理、熟练的技术人员等。想要找到完美的团队,最好的方法就是联系任何提供本地化服务的专业翻译公司。 3.选择合适的翻译管理软件: 选择团队后,你需要选择翻译管理软件(TMS)。优秀的软件可以让你在有限的时间内完成工作。这类软件的主要提供自动化服务。有内置应用程序接口(API)的翻译管理软件能通过自动化提供准确、快速的本地化。 此外,翻译管理软件还是团队成员协作的平台,他们可以通过该软件留言、插入标签、图片、截图并共享与软件本地化相关的问题和进展。翻译管理软件还能担任项目经理的角色。因此,你需要选择最佳的翻译管理软件。 4. 软件本地化: 这个环节涉及实际工作,即软件本地化。你要密切关注目标受众的喜好,以及当地的语言和文化。在设计软件时,为当地习惯设置合适的代码。这使更改日期和时间、度量、货币和数字格式变得更为容易。另外,你要询问程序员,是否在整个软件中添加了Unicode码(UTF-8),该码为世界上大多数语言的所有字符提供独特编码。 5. 为搜索引擎优化(SEO)制定计划并实施: 你的软件最终是要服务于营销业务的。这就决定了搜索引擎优化对软件的重要性。如果你还在规划手机客户端版本,那么应用商店搜索优化(ASO)战略也是必不可少的一环。所以为了这些软件,你要研究最好的搜索引擎及应用商店,还要研究搜索引擎优化和应用商店搜索优化战略。本地化团队必须整合这些策略,提高搜索引擎结果页面(SERP)上的排名和可见性。 6. 质量保证: 本地化过程结束时,千万不要遗漏这一步。雇佣本地测试人员测试软件的本地化和语言系统,这些测试人员会对你的软件进行全面的测试,包括词汇、搜索引擎优化以及应用商店搜索优化策略,这将确保本地化软件能为用户提供最佳体验。 结论 软件本地化是个耗时耗力的过程。但是,当你瞄准国际市场时,千万不要遗漏上述步骤。它能为你的公司增值,为你的企业带来有价值的客户。 软件本地化,请选择翻译行业领军者Lingual Consultancy(语言咨询)。我们提供超过250种语言的翻译、转录、软件本地化、网站本地化等,涵盖所有印度、亚洲、欧洲、拉丁美洲和非洲的主要语言。 译后编辑:孔越怡(中山大学)

