10 Translation & Localization Acronyms You Need to Know


2020-02-27 20:10 lionbridge


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If you need something translated into another language, you know you can count on Lionbridge. But can you “speak” translation and localization? The translation and localization industry has a language all its own. This language is filled with acronyms and terms that translators, interpreters, and project managers use every day. How do you decode the language of translation providers? Here’s our cheat sheet: 10 translation and localization acronyms you need to know. A language service provider is a company that offers a wide variety of translation and linguistic services. These services differ by agency and can include translation, localization, interpretation, testing, staffing, marketing, and many more. A top-quality LSP like Lionbridge can add value anywhere along your company’s content journey: from content creation to translation and more. A single-language vendor provides translation and linguistic services in a particular language combination. SLVs are most often freelance translators with specialty in a specific language pair (English to Spanish, for example). SLVs can work independently or as part of a larger LSP. Multi-language vendors offer translation and linguistic services in multiple languages. Lionbridge is an example of an MLV that offers services that extend past translation. A source language is the language in which an original piece of content is written, and the target language is the language into which a translator is translating that original content. In the following example, the SL is English, and the TL is French: Machine translation is AI-driven automated translation. It relies on computers to produce translations more quickly, so it’s one of the most powerful tools LSPs have for producing high-quality translations more efficiently. A Translation Management System is a customizable tool LSPs use to automate the translation process and eliminate manual repetitive tasks. A translation memory is a customizable database of translations. LSPs store definitions of recurring text segments in a TM, and this improves both efficiency and consistency of translations for a given client. Over-the-phone interpretation is exactly what it sounds like: a service that bridges a speaker of one language to a speaker of another by including an interpreter on their phone call. At Lionbridge, our OPIs are linguist experts, connected 24/7, cost-effective, and available anywhere. A content management system is the tool by which companies create, manage, and modify their digital content. When selecting a CMS, global companies should consider its ability integrate with translation and localization services, so they can easily translate and localize content and connect with global customers more quickly. Search Engine Optimization is the process of creating and structuring a company’s digital assets so they can be found more easily when users make a search using an online search engine. Good SEO results in increased traffic to your website from users who are more likely to be interested in the product, service, or message you are providing. SEO is an important process that’s complicated enough in one language, let alone multiple languages for a multilingual, multi-national site. Reach out to us to get started on your next translation and localization project.
如果你把东西译为另一种语言,你可以使用Lionbridge。但是你会“说”翻译和本地化吗? 翻译和本地化行业各自有着专属的语言,这里面包含了口笔译员和项目经理日常使用的缩略词和术语。 如何解码翻译服务人员的语言?下面是我们的“小抄”: 10个关于翻译和本地化的英文缩写 语言服务提供商是一家提供多种翻译和语言服务的公司。这些服务因代理而异,包括翻译、本地化、口译、测试、人员配置、市场营销等。像 Lionbridge 这样顶级的语言解决方案提供商(LSP)可以为您公司在文案创作、翻译等各个阶段增添价值。 单一语言供应商(SLV)针对特定的语言组合提供翻译和语言服务,他们通常是精通两种特定语言的自由职业者。(例如,英语到西班牙语)单一语言供应商可以单独工作或也可作为规模较大的语言解决方案提供商(LSP)的一员 多语言服务商(MLV)提供多语种的翻译和语言服务。Lionbridge便是一个例子,它提供的服务拓宽了过去翻译行业的业务。 源语是原文本所使用的语言,目标语是译者翻译原文本所使用的语言。在以下示例中, 源语(SL)是英语,目标语(TL)是法语: 机器翻译是由人工智能驱动的自动翻译,依靠计算机来更快地生成翻译,因此它是语言解决方案提供商(LSP)更高效产出高质量译文的最有力的工具之一。 翻译管理系统是语言解决方案提供商(LSP)使用的定制工具,可使翻译过程自动化,并减少重复的手动工作。 翻译记忆是可定制的翻译数据库。语言解决方案提供商(LSP)可储存翻译记忆(TM)中重复文段的定义,这能为特定客户提供更高效和一致的翻译。 电话口译就是如此:让译员参与通话,为说两种不同语言的通话者架起桥梁。在Lionbridge,我们的电话口译员(OPI)是语言专家,提供全天候服务,价格优惠,无论何地,触手可得。 内容管理系统是公司创建、管理和修改其数位内容的工具。在选择内容管理系统(CMS) 时,跨国公司应考虑其与翻译和本地化服务的整合能力,以便能够轻松地翻译和本地化内容,并更快地与全球客户建立联系。 搜索引擎优化(SEO)是创建和构建公司数字资产的过程,当用户使用在线搜索引擎进行搜索时,能更轻易地获得。良好的搜索引擎优化(SEO) 会增加用户对您网站的访问量,因为这些用户更可能对您提供的产品、服务或消息感兴趣。搜索引擎优化(SEO) 是一个重要的过程,其在单一语言中就足够复杂,更不用说在多国、多语种站点上的多种语言中了 联系我们开始您的下一个翻译和本地化项目。 译后编辑: 杨安训 (中山大学)

