5 Best Practices for Software Localization [Infographic]

软件本地化的 5 个最佳实践

2019-10-10 22:50 lionbridge


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These are five integral best practices taken from our ebook, The Developer’s Dozen: 12 Best Practices for Software Localization. To learn more about software localization and see additional requirements for global success, download the free ebook here. Localization is complex work—involving not just translation, but many other processes for adapting content to linguistic and cultural conventions—which by no means happens overnight. Nevertheless, Gartner predicts that mobile apps alone will generate more than 268 billion downloads and $77 billion worldwide this year. Clearly, the effort needed to go global pays off. If you’re reading this before writing your software, great. The most economical way to approach the project is to plan for localization from the very beginning. If you intend to take existing software global, on the other hand, its source language and UI may require some groundwork. All you need are the right tools to simplify the process. First up: knowing how to approach localization, plan smart, and avoid functional failures. The following software localization best practices are a good starting point. Localization is the process of adapting a product or content to a specific locale or market. Creating “global-ready” software ensures that key functional features—interface, metric units, graphics, and navigation, for example—were designed specifically for the target market, regardless of language, culture, or location. In short, localization is a key factor for user satisfaction. User involvement is 23% of the true cost of an IT project 20% of features and functions provide the true value of the project In today’s competitive software landscape, localizing increases market relevance, delivers greater value to more users, and improves ROI without added risk. The global software market is valued at almost half a trillion dollars and growing across all sectors. A number of considerations come under the localization umbrella—some of which might not be top of mind. Yet, each is just as important as the next. Adapting graphics to meet target markets Modifying content to suit the tastes and consumption habits of other markets Adapting design and layout to properly display translated text Converting to local requirements (such as currencies and units of measure) Using proper local formats for dates, addresses, and phone numbers Addressing local regulations and legal requirements To minimize schedule delays and cost overruns, develop a localization-friendly design from the start. Your design should feature source code and structure that helps prevent common localization and translation errors. When translated into other languages, words and phrases can grow longer (English – German) or shrink (English – Asian languages). At a minimum, plan for 30% expansion. Icons require less translation and can reduce cost. However, not all symbols are universal or neutral. For example, a U.S.-style mailbox doesn’t translate to many other cultures. Pseudo-localization is a localizability testing technique that replaces localizable text with automatically generated “dummy” translations. This helps to reveal potential problems before you invest in translation services. Your localization service provider (LSP) can provide you with insights and optimized processes that will save you time, money, and rework. Reach out with questions early in the process to ensure your development is localization-ready. From the simplest mobile app to complex multi-user systems, all software can benefit from the fundamentals of localization. But there are a few additional details every developer should know before getting a strategy started. For more useful software localization tips and best practices—as well as a key term glossary, a breakdown of language considerations, and an actionable checklist—download the complete ebook, The Developer’s Dozen: 12 Best Practices for Software Localization.
这些是从我们的电子书《开发者的 Dozen :12软件本地化最佳实践》中获得的五个完整的最佳实践。要了解有关软件本地化的更多信息,并了解全球成功的其他要求,请在这里下载免费电子书。 本地化是一项复杂的工作,不仅涉及翻译,还涉及许多其他过程,以适应语言和文化习俗的内容,这绝不会在一夜之间发生。不过, Gartner 预计,仅移动应用程序一项,今年全球的下载量就将超过2680亿次,达到770亿美元。很明显,实现全球目标所需的努力是有回报的。 如果你在写软件之前读过这本书,很好。最经济的方法接近项目是计划本地化从一开始。另一方面,如果您打算将现有的软件全球化,那么它的源语言和 UI 可能需要一些基础工作。您所需要的是简化流程的正确工具。 首先,了解如何进行本地化,规划智能,并避免功能故障。以下软件本地化最佳实践是一个良好的起点。 本地化是将产品或内容适应特定地区或市场的过程。创建“全球就绪”软件可确保关键的功能特性(例如接口、度量单位、图形和导航)是专门为目标市场设计的,而不考虑语言、文化或位置。 总之,本地化是用户满意的关键因素。 用户参与是 IT 项目真实成本的23 20%的特性和功能提供了项目的真正价值 在当今竞争激烈的软件环境中,本地化可以提高市场相关性,为更多用户带来更大的价值,并在不增加风险的情况下提高 ROI 。 全球软件市场价值近5000亿美元,并且在所有行业都在增长。 一些考虑是在本地化的保护伞下进行的,其中一些可能不是最重要的。然而,每一个都和下一个一样重要。 调整图形以满足目标市场 修改内容以适应其他市场的口味和消费习惯 调整设计和布局以正确显示翻译文本 转换为当地要求(如货币和计量单位) 使用适当的本地格式获取日期、地址和电话号码 处理当地法规和法律要求 为了最大限度地减少进度延迟和成本超支,从一开始就开发一种本地化友好的设计。您的设计应该具有源代码和结构,这有助于防止常见的本地化和翻译错误。 当翻译成其他语言时,单词和短语会变得更长(英语-德语)或收缩(英语-亚洲语言)。至少,计划30%的扩张。 图标需要更少的翻译,可以降低成本。然而,并非所有的符号都是通用的或中性的。例如,美国风格的邮箱不能翻译成许多其他文化。 伪本地化是一种本地化测试技术,它用自动生成的“虚拟”翻译代替本地化文本。这有助于在您投资翻译服务之前发现潜在的问题。 您的本地化服务提供商( LSP )可以为您提供洞察和优化流程,从而节省您的时间、金钱和返工。在过程的早期就提出问题,以确保您的开发准备就绪。 从最简单的移动应用到复杂的多用户系统,所有软件都可以从本地化的基本原理中受益。但是在开始策略之前,每个开发人员都应该知道一些额外的细节。 有关更有用的软件本地化技巧和最佳实践,以及关键术语词汇表、语言考虑的详细信息和可操作的检查表,请下载完整的电子书“开发者的 Dozen :12软件本地化的最佳实践”。

