Reader Polls: Post-Editing, Interactive Prediction, Translation Devices, and M&A


2019-07-24 05:00 slator


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Despite rapid progress in machine translation (MT) over the past few years, it remains what many language technologists call a “hard problem” — but that does not seem to deter translation device-makers. Slator has covered how these translation gadgets have consistently over-promised and underdelivered, yet their novelty and (limited) usefulness seem attractive to the general public, and more of them have entered the market in the last couple of years. In a January 2019 reader poll, 80% of respondents provided negative feedback on these Star Trek earpieces, but perhaps results were skewed by the fact that poll-takers were mostly either working within the language industry or were familiar with it. After all, some translation devices are actually selling (e.g., ONE Mini, Timekettle WT2). In an April 26, 2019 poll, Slator asked readers if they actually knew anyone who bought a translation device. A little over 21% of poll-takers actually did know someone who bought a translation device. As a B2C endeavor, many of these devices are marketed as convenient travel companions with limited use for seamless translation, while others are touted as useful for casual multilingual conversation. Demand for devices that speak in many tongues seem to be on the rise, if Google adding Interpretation Mode to its smart assistants (as other big tech companies are doing) is any indication. Speaking of MT, since neural MT became the industry standard in 2018, MT post-editing has also been rapidly adopted by both buy- and sell-sides within their localization workflows. Straker Translations, for instance, has gone on record stating that with post-edited MT (PEMT), their English to French translators average 1,000 words per hour. On May 3, 2019, Slator newsletter subscribers were asked what was a realistic PEMT per-hour output. Majority of poll-takers were split between 500–800 words (28%) and 800–1,000 words (30%). So maybe Straker is on to something. A recent study conducted by PhD student Clara Ginovart from the Pompeu Fabra University, Spain also focused on PEMT, asking both businesses and post-editors to take part in a survey. The study found that LSPs and post-editors observed a productivity increase using PEMT, with post-editors generally reporting higher levels of productivity based on words post-edited per hour. A similar percentage of respondents reported outputs of 1,000 words per hour and between 1,000 and 3,000 words hourly using PEMT. When it comes to PEMT, 1,000 words per hour seems to be the sweet spot. For now. PEMT is not the only promising method of integrating a human-in-the-loop, MT-based localization workflow. Another method, called Interactive Translation Prediction (ITP), is also leaving the statistical era and joining the neural movement. ITP is the approach pioneered by Silicon Valley-based Lilt, launched in 2015 as an ITP-powered translation productivity tool. It has since pivoted into more of a managed-service. A research paper published on May 2, 2019 put a neural MT engine into an ITP environment and invited eight professional translators to put it to the test against PEMT. A quick breakdown of PEMT versus ITP per that previous coverage: “While translation productivity tools used with PEMT pre-populate target translation segments with raw MT output, which a linguist would then review and edit, ITP acts more like an auto-complete feature that suggests target translations below the segment as the linguist works in an empty target segment. Additionally, ITP dynamically takes the linguist’s partial translations into account and suggest better translations for the rest of the sentence.” Long story short, neural ITP proved to be a contender against the long-standing PEMT approach. At least in that particular study. But what do Slator readers think? It is a nearly-even split, again reflecting that ITP is a contender to the PEMT approach. The human-machine interaction debate will continue to evolve as the technology itself develops. For now, however, it seems neither PEMT nor ITP is poised to become the leading, human-in-the-loop method for MT-based localization workflows. Finally, before the first half of 2019 is even over, Slator has covered close to 20 M&As. There have been three or four companies buying or merging into other companies since February, not counting two stories from January. It seems like 2019 is going to be busy in terms of language industry consolidation, and poll-takers agree. Nearly 90% of Slator readers polled said M&A activity in the language industry will either remain elevated (55.2%) or will actually accelerate (34.5%), with the rest expecting a slow-down. Slator’s 2017 M&A report included 38 M&A entries and, a year later, the 2018 M&A report contained 48 deals. It remains to be seen how 2019 will turn out. Will the M&A scene, like NMT, reach a plateau of sorts? Or will it continue to gain even more speed?
尽管机器翻译( MT )在过去几年取得了快速的进展,但它仍然是许多语言技术专家所称的“难题”,但这似乎并不能阻止翻译设备制造商。 Slator 已经报道了这些翻译小工具是如何一直承诺过高和交付不足,但它们的新颖性和(有限的)实用性似乎吸引了公众,其中更多的已经进入市场在过去几年。 在2019年1月的一次读者调查中,80%的受访者对《星际迷航》的耳机给出了负面的反馈,但调查结果可能受到了一个事实的扭曲,那就是大多数人要么在语言行业工作,要么熟悉该行业。毕竟,有些翻译设备实际上是在销售(例如,一个 Mini , Timekett2)。 在2019年4月26日的一次民意调查中, Slator 询问读者,他们是否真正了解购买翻译设备的人。 超过21%的民意调查人员确实知道有人购买了翻译设备。作为一项 B2C 的努力,这些设备中的许多被营销为方便的旅游伙伴,有限的用于无缝翻译,而其他被吹捧为有用的休闲多语言对话。 如果谷歌( Google )向智能助手添加口译模式(就像其他大型科技公司所做的那样),对使用多种语言的设备的需求似乎正在上升。 谈到 MT ,自2018年神经 MT 成为行业标准以来, MT 的后期编辑也在其本地化工作流程中被买卖双方迅速采用。 例如, Straker Translations 的记录显示,经过编辑后的 MT (平均每小时1,000字),他们的英语对法语翻译。 2019年5月3日, Slator 时事通讯订阅者被问到什么是实际的 PEMT 每小时的输出。 大多数参加投票的人被分为500-800字(28%)和800-1000字(30%)。所以,也许 Straker 正在做一些事情。西班牙庞贝·法布拉大学的博士生克拉拉·吉诺瓦最近进行的一项研究也集中在 PEMT 上,要求企业和编辑参与一项调查。 研究发现, LSP 和后编辑使用 PEMT 观察到生产率的提高,而后编辑通常根据每小时后编辑的单词报告更高的生产率水平。同样的百分比的受访者报告说,使用 PEMT ,每小时产出1000字,每小时产出1000至3000字。 谈到 PEMT ,每小时1000个单词似乎是最好的选择。目前为止。 PEMT 并不是集成基于 MT 的人性化本地化工作流的唯一有前途的方法。另一种方法,称为交互式翻译预测( ITP ),也即将离开统计时代,加入神经运动。 ITP 是由硅谷的 Lilt 率先提出的方法,于2015年作为 ITP 驱动的翻译生产力工具推出。从那以后,它变成了更多的托管服务。 2019年5月2日发表的一篇研究论文将神经 MT 引擎置于 ITP 环境中,并邀请了8名专业翻译员对 PEMT 进行测试。 根据以前的报道,快速细分 PEMT 与 ITP :“尽管与 PEMT 一起使用的翻译生产力工具使用原始 MT 输出预填充目标翻译部分,语言学家随后将对其进行审查和编辑。ITP 的作用更像一个自动完成的功能,建议目标翻译低于部分,因为语言学家在一个空的目标部分工作。此外, ITP 动态地考虑了语言学家的部分翻译,并为句子的其余部分提供了更好的翻译建议。” 长故事短,神经 ITP 证明是一个竞争对手长期的 PEMT 方法。至少在那个特别的研究中。但是 Slator 的读者怎么看呢? 这是一个近乎均匀的分裂,再次反映了 ITP 是 PEMT 方法的竞争者。随着技术本身的发展,人机交互的争论将继续发展。然而,目前看来 PEMT 和 ITP 都没有准备好成为基于 MT 的本地化工作流的领先的人工循环方法。 最后,在2019年上半年结束之前, Slator 已经覆盖了近20家并购公司。自今年2月以来,已有3至4家公司收购或合并其他公司,而不包括1月份以来的两篇报道。 看起来2019年在语言行业整合方面将会很忙,而民意调查人员也同意这一点。 近90%的《 Slator 》读者表示,语言行业的并购活动要么仍将保持高位(55.2%),要么将实际加速(34.5%),其余预期将放缓。 Slator 的2017年并购报告包括38个并购项目,一年后,2018年并购报告包含48笔交易。2019年的结局还有待观察。像 NMT 这样的并购场景会达到某种程度的高原吗?还是会继续提高速度?

