Google Aligns LLM Translation with Human Translation Processes


2024-09-23 11:10 slator


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In a September 10, 2024 paper, researchers from Google introduced a multi-step process aimed at improving the translation quality in large language models (LLMs) by mimicking human translation workflows. They explained that machine translation (MT) has been treated as a “single, monolithic task,” where a source text is simply translated into a target language. The Google researchers argue, however, that translation is a “multi-faceted process encompassing several sub-tasks that navigate a bilingual landscape.” They emphasized that “recent advancements in large language modeling offer promise for re-defining MT to align more closely with human translation processes.” To that end, they proposed a framework that engages LLMs in a multi-turn, step-by-step process consisting of four distinct stages: pre-translation research, drafting, refining, and proofreading. The process starts with the LLM being prompted to conduct background research to identify potential challenges in translating the source text. Next, the drafting phase focuses on creating an initial translation that prioritizes fidelity to the original text. This draft is then revised to enhance its fluency and coherence. Finally, the proofreading phase ensures that the translation is polished and free of errors. By integrating both pre-translation (research) and post-translation (refinement and proofreading) stages into a single framework, the Google researchers aim to “streamline the translation process” while relying solely on the LLM’s internal knowledge, eliminating the need for external resources. The proposed framework draws inspiration from the chain-of-thought prompting technique used in LLMs. By breaking down the translation task into smaller, manageable steps, the model can generate more accurate and contextually appropriate translations. The researchers tested their approach using the Gemini 1.5 Pro model on long-form documents (document-level translation) across ten languages, including Chinese, Ukrainian, Russian, Japanese, Hebrew, Czech, German, Hindi, Icelandic, and Spanish. They compared their method against traditional zero-shot translation techniques — where the model is instructed to translate the source text directly — and earlier human-like LLM-driven approaches using automatic evaluation metrics. They found that the translations generated through the step-by-step process outperformed traditional zero-shot translations, particularly in document-level translations where context is crucial. “Our approach improves translation quality over directly translating the entire document with a single prompt,” they said. The researchers highlighted the importance of both the pre-translation research and post-translation refinement stages, noting that the most substantial quality improvements occurred when these two stages were combined. “Those stages bring complimentary benefits,” they said. “Our findings highlight the potential of LLMs to progressively improve their translations, moving beyond the traditional view of machine translation as a monolithic sequence mapping task,” the researchers concluded. Authors: Eleftheria Briakou, Jiaming Luo, Colin Cherry, Markus Freitag
在2024年9月10日的一篇论文中,谷歌的研究人员介绍了一个多步骤的过程,旨在通过模仿人类翻译工作流程来提高大型语言模型(LLM)的翻译质量。 他们解释说,机器翻译(MT)一直被视为一个“单一的,整体的任务”,其中源文本被简单地翻译成目标语言。然而,谷歌的研究人员认为,翻译是一个“多方面的过程,包括几个子任务,浏览双语景观。” 他们强调,“大型语言建模的最新进展为重新定义机器翻译提供了希望,使其与人类翻译过程更紧密地结合起来。 为此,他们提出了一个框架,使LLM参与一个多回合,一步一步的过程,包括四个不同的阶段:翻译前研究,起草,精炼和校对。 这个过程开始于LLM被提示进行背景研究,以确定翻译源文本的潜在挑战。接下来,起草阶段的重点是创建一个初始翻译,优先考虑忠实于原始文本。然后对草稿进行修订,以提高其流畅性和连贯性。最后,校对阶段确保翻译是抛光和无错误。 通过将翻译前(研究)和翻译后(改进和校对)阶段整合到一个框架中,谷歌研究人员的目标是“简化翻译过程”,同时完全依赖LLM的内部知识,消除对外部资源的需求。 拟议的框架从LLM中使用的思想链提示技术中汲取灵感。通过将翻译任务分解为更小的、可管理的步骤,该模型可以生成更准确、更适合上下文的翻译。 研究人员使用Gemini 1.5 Pro模型对10种语言的长格式文档(文档级翻译)进行了测试,包括中文,乌克兰语,俄语,日语,希伯来语,捷克语,德语,印地语,冰岛语和西班牙语。他们将他们的方法与传统的零镜头翻译技术(其中模型被指示直接翻译源文本)以及早期使用自动评估指标的类人LLM驱动方法进行了比较。 他们发现,通过逐步过程生成的翻译优于传统的零镜头翻译,特别是在上下文至关重要的文档级翻译中。“与通过单个提示直接翻译整个文档相比,我们的方法提高了翻译质量,”他们说。 研究人员强调了翻译前研究和翻译后改进阶段的重要性,并指出,当这两个阶段结合起来时,质量的提高最为显著。“这些阶段带来了额外的好处,”他们说。 “我们的研究结果强调了LLM逐步改进其翻译的潜力,超越了传统的机器翻译作为单一序列映射任务的观点,”研究人员总结道。 作者:Eleftheria Briakou,Jiaming Luo,Colin Cherry,Markus Freitag

