Lionbridge Language Services for Section 1557 Compliance Under the Affordable Care Act


2024-10-15 17:08 lionbridge


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If you’re a healthcare provider or insurer, language services, including interpretation, translation, and eLearning, are instrumental in your efforts to comply with a new federal rule implementing Section 1557 under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Enacted on July 5, 2024, the final regulations issued by the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services require virtually all U.S. health insurance companies, hospitals, and medical practices to provide translation and language assistance services to promote health equity. Are you equipped to comply with the final rule? We can support you in this undertaking with our expert language services. What Is Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act? Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act prohibits discrimination against people based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. The federal rule protects immigrants, women, people with disabilities, members of the LGBTQI+ community, people of color, and people of all ages. What Does the Final Rule Do? The final rule restores some of the regulatory provisions repealed in 2020 and strengthens Section 1557’s nondiscrimination requirements by expanding its scope. It now covers all health programs and activities administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, including those administered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. For the first time, the Department will consider Medicare Part B payments as a form of federal financial assistance, with all Medicare Part B providers subject to the Affordable Care Act civil rights law. Among its strengthened patient protections, the final rule specifically addresses the needs of people with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). It requires health insurance companies and health care providers to remove language access barriers and render meaningful access to real-time communications regarding decisions about insurance coverage, health care, and informed consent. Which Language Services Promote Compliance? Lionbridge can help covered entities achieve compliance with numerous language services. Let’s explore these services. Effective communication between patients and medical providers is critical for optimal care. Whether a person with a hearing disability or Limited English Proficiency (LEP) wants to communicate with a provider during an in-person appointment, via a telehealth appointment, or a follow-up phone call, or speak with their health plan, the patient is afforded this right under the law. Healthcare providers and insurers covered by the rule must reduce language barriers, including providing interpretation language assistance services. Lionbridge’s over-the-phone interpretation services enable health care entities to facilitate meaningful health-related conversations on demand 24/7 — whether to discuss a diagnosis or a medication. Lionbridge’s service connects medical providers and patients to professional linguists with health expertise over the phone within seconds. Our pool of over 20,000 linguists is fluent in over 380 languages, including rare languages. Importantly, we have a quality system with industry-leading connection times and telephony support that enables interpreters to do their job well and satisfy users. Over-the-phone interpretation is highly cost-effective as it removes the need for health providers to hire full-time, on-site interpreters. Instead, they may use an on-demand, self-service platform to receive services only when needed and without having to wait for an interpreter to arrive on site. Getting immediate access to interpretation is especially critical during emergencies and enables busy healthcare departments to provide services without delays from language barriers. Our Video Remote Interpretation (VRI) service provides a face-to-face solution for people with hearing disabilities and Limited English Proficiency (LEP), enabling both sign language and spoken language interpretation to be administered virtually. The new anti-discrimination rule requires written information to be provided in other languages for people with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and in other formats, such as audio, as part of a reasonable accommodation for people with disabilities. Lionbridge has you covered. Not only can Lionbridge translate written material into any language, but it can also translate written material from the source and convert it into audio of any language. When appropriate, Lionbridge can provide cost-saving measures by using synthetic voices and still meet the stringent quality standards set forth by the new federal rule with human oversight. Translation services can help covered entities comply with two notification requirements that must be provided in English and a minimum of 15 other languages spoken by people with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) in the state served: A notice informing people of nondiscrimination requirements by November 2, 2024. A notice informing people of the availability of language assistance services and auxiliary aids and services free of charge by July 5, 2025. While the OCR, the federal agency enforcing the rule, has provided some sample communications resources in some languages on its website, Lionbridge can translate templates into any desired language — or help you to create your own notifications — to meet the needs of all people in your service area with Limited English Proficiency (LEP), disabilities, and others covered by the rule, no matter what their native tongue is. Lionbridge eLearning services can help covered entities meet the required annual staff training on policies and procedures related to language assistance for people with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and special measures for people with disabilities. Lionbridge offers end-to-end training and eLearning development. Whether you want written materials, quizzes, games, or instructional videos, we can help develop custom solutions that are appropriate, memorable, and compelling. Why Lionbridge? While it may be tempting for those covered by the new federal rule to assign an internal staff member who speaks another language to address necessary language requirements, you’re not likely to meet compliance with this approach. The rule states explicitly that a qualified interpreter must provide language services. A human-in-the-loop approach is necessary when using technology like Machine Translation (MT) and other AI. As one of the largest Language Service Providers (LSPs) in the industry, with over 25 years of experience, Lionbridge knows how to cultivate a top-notch community that can meet our customers’ unique needs. Our language experts are just that — skilled experts who are vetted and have the right subject matter domain expertise. Furthermore, our account managers can help guide you to comply cost-effectively. What’s at Stake if There’s Non-Compliance? Compliance is the right thing to do; it is also necessary to avoid patient complaints and potentially costly agency penalties. Individuals who believe they have been discriminated against may file a complaint via the OCR’s complaint portal. How Else Can My Organization Promote Equity? The OCR’s final rule sets a minimum threshold for covered entities to promote equity in health delivery. Providers wanting to uphold the intended outcome further may promote inclusivity in their multilingual content, such as newsletters, websites, and other marketing collateral. Lionbridge addresses bias in localization with automation tools and the input of experts who understand cultural differences. Lionbridge Aurora AI™, our content orchestration platform, utilizes our Smart Content™ language AI, which checks for 120+ content insights — including bias — to produce engaging and resonant content for diverse groups of people. Get in touch Ready to ensure compliance with the OCR’s final rule under Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act and further promote inclusivity among the populations you serve? Deadlines are in place for the required actions, and the language assistance and disability accommodation mandates are now in effect. Reach out today to get started. Fill out our contact form to start a conversation with us. We’re eager to understand your needs and share how our innovative capabilities can empower you to break barriers and expand your global reach. Ready to explore the possibilities? We can’t wait to help. To find out how we process your personal information, consult our Privacy Policy.
如果您是医疗保健提供商或保险公司,语言服务(包括口译、笔译和电子学习)有助于您遵守实施患者保护与平价医疗法案(ACA)第1557节的新联邦规则。 美国民权办公室(OCR)发布的最终法规于2024年7月5日颁布。卫生与公众服务部要求几乎所有美国健康保险公司、医院和医疗机构提供翻译和语言援助服务,以促进健康公平。 你准备好遵守最终规则了吗?我们可以通过专业的语言服务为您提供支持。 患者保护与平价医疗法案第1557条是什么? 患者保护与平价医疗法案第1557条禁止基于种族、肤色、国籍、性别、年龄或残疾的歧视。 联邦规则保护移民、妇女、残疾人、LGBTQI+群体成员、有色人种和所有年龄段的人。 最终规则是做什么的? 最终规则恢复了2020年废除的一些监管条款,并通过扩大其范围加强了第1557条的非歧视要求。 它现在涵盖了美国管理的所有健康项目和活动。卫生与公众服务部,包括由医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心管理的部门。该部门将首次将医疗保险B部分付款视为联邦财政援助的一种形式,所有医疗保险B部分提供者都受患者保护与平价医疗法案民权法的约束。 在其加强的患者保护中,最终规则专门解决了英语水平有限的人(LEP)的需求。它要求健康保险公司和医疗保健提供商消除语言障碍,并提供有意义的关于保险范围、医疗保健和知情同意决策的实时通信。 哪些语言服务促进合规性? Lionbridge可以帮助所涵盖的实体实现对众多语言服务的合规性。让我们来探索一下这些服务。 患者和医疗提供者之间的有效沟通对于最佳护理至关重要。无论听力残疾或英语水平有限(LEP)的人希望在面对面预约、通过远程医疗预约或后续电话与提供者沟通,还是与他们的健康计划交谈,法律都赋予患者这一权利。 该规则涵盖的医疗保健提供商和保险公司必须减少语言障碍,包括提供口译语言援助服务。 Lionbridge的电话口译服务使医疗保健实体能够全天候按需促进有意义的健康相关对话,无论是讨论诊断还是药物治疗。Lionbridge的服务可在几秒钟内通过电话将医疗提供者和患者与具有健康专业知识的专业语言学家联系起来。我们的20,000多名语言学家精通380多种语言,包括稀有语言。重要的是,我们拥有行业领先的连接时间和电话支持的质量体系,使口译员能够很好地完成工作并让用户满意。 电话口译具有很高的成本效益,因为它消除了医疗服务提供者雇用全职现场口译员的需要。相反,他们可以使用按需自助服务平台,仅在需要时接受服务,而不必等待口译员到达现场。 在紧急情况下,立即获得翻译尤为重要,使繁忙的医疗保健部门能够提供服务,而不会因语言障碍而造成延误。 我们的视频远程口译(VRI)服务为听力障碍和英语水平有限(LEP)的人提供面对面的解决方案,使手语和口语口译能够虚拟进行。 新的反歧视规则要求为英语水平有限的人(LEP)提供其他语言的书面信息,并以音频等其他格式提供书面信息,作为为残疾人提供合理便利的一部分。 Lionbridge为您提供保障。Lionbridge不仅可以将书面材料翻译成任何语言,还可以将源中的书面材料翻译成任何语言的音频。在适当的时候,Lionbridge可以通过使用合成语音来提供节省成本的措施,并且在人工监督下仍然符合新联邦法规规定的严格质量标准。 翻译服务可以帮助所涵盖的实体遵守两项通知要求,这两项通知要求必须以英语和至少15种其他语言提供,这些语言由所服务的州英语水平有限(LEP)的人使用: 在2024年11月2日之前通知人们非歧视要求的通知。 通知人们在2025年7月5日之前免费提供语言援助服务和辅助设备和服务。 虽然执行该规则的联邦机构OCR在其网站上提供了一些语言的示例通信资源,但Lionbridge可以将模板翻译成任何所需的语言,或帮助您创建自己的通知,以满足您服务区域内英语水平有限(LEP)、残疾和规则涵盖的其他人的需求,无论他们的母语是什么。 Lionbridge eLearning services可帮助所涵盖的实体满足所需的年度员工培训,内容涉及为英语能力有限的人提供语言援助(LEP)以及为残疾人提供特殊措施的相关政策和程序。 Lionbridge提供端到端培训和电子学习开发。无论您想要书面材料、测验、游戏还是教学视频,我们都可以帮助您开发合适、令人难忘且引人注目的定制解决方案。 为什么选择Lionbridge? 虽然对于新联邦规则所涵盖的人员来说,指派一名会说另一种语言的内部员工来满足必要的语言要求可能很有诱惑力,但您不太可能遵守这种方法。该规则明确规定,合格的口译员必须提供语言服务。当使用机器翻译(MT)和其他人工智能等技术时,人在回路方法是必要的。 作为业内最大的语言服务提供商(LSP)之一,拥有超过25年的经验,Lionbridge深谙如何培养能够满足客户独特需求的一流社区。我们的语言专家就是这样——经过审查并拥有正确主题领域专业知识的熟练专家。此外,我们的客户经理可以帮助指导您经济高效地合规。 如果存在违规行为,会有什么风险? 合规是正确的做法;还需要避免患者投诉和潜在昂贵的机构处罚。认为自己受到歧视的个人可以通过OCR的投诉门户网站提出投诉。 我的组织还能如何促进公平? OCR的最终规则为所涵盖的实体设定了最低门槛,以促进医疗服务的公平性。希望进一步维护预期结果的提供商可以在其多语言内容(如时事通讯、网站和其他营销宣传材料)中促进包容性。 Lionbridge通过自动化工具和了解文化差异的专家的意见来解决本地化偏见。我们的内容编排平台Lionbridge Aurora AI™利用我们的智能内容™语言AI,它可以检查120多种内容见解(包括偏见),为不同的人群制作引人入胜且引起共鸣的内容。 取得联系 准备好确保遵守患者保护与平价医疗法案第1557节下的OCR最终规则,并进一步促进您所服务人群的包容性了吗?所需行动的最后期限已经到位,语言援助和残疾人便利任务现已生效。今天就开始吧。 填写我们的联系表格,开始与我们对话。 我们渴望了解您的需求,并分享我们的创新能力如何帮助您打破障碍并扩大您的全球影响力。准备好探索可能性了吗?我们迫不及待地想帮忙。 要了解我们如何处理您的个人信息,请查阅我们的隐私政策。

