Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations: Pros, Cons and Best Alternatives

Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营:优点,缺点和最佳替代方案

2024-10-15 19:00 project manager


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Project-based businesses have many options for software products that claim to help them do their work more efficiently. Many of those are Microsoft products, such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations. They could have come up with a more efficient name, but, more importantly, does it actually help businesses manage their projects better? There’s only one way to find out. Let’s put Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations to the test and even explore modules of the software, such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Project Service Automation. We’ll detail the key features, advantages and disadvantages of using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations. As with all Microsoft products, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations is no exception, there are critics of the complicated user interface, pricing plans and lack of collaboration. That begs the question: Are there any Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations alternatives? Yes, and it has Microsoft beat, but more on that later. What Is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations? First, let’s define the product we’re testing. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations is software designed to manage and streamline project-based businesses. It does this through the integration of Microsoft Dynamics 365’s suite of applications. These provide a unified approach to project management. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations is a relatively recent addition to Microsoft’s suite of project management software products. It began as Microsoft Dynamics AX, with project management features, but part of a broader enterprise resource planning (ERP) suite. After acquiring Project Service Automation (PSA), the two software products were integrated and evolved into Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Service Automation. It finally transitioned into Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations, which was released in late 2001 or early 2022. Even after all that revision, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations is still complicated to learn. Add to the expense of licensing and, understandably, users would be looking for a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations alternative. ProjectManager is a more flexible project and portfolio management software solution. Our software is easy to use, won’t break the bank and has portfolio management capabilities not found in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations. Organizations run more than one project and need powerful roadmaps to manage resources across multiple projects and real-time portfolio dashboards to monitor resources, costs, progress and more. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations Benefits & Features Yes, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations doesn’t have project portfolio management features, but it does have a comprehensive set of project management tools. It wouldn’t be fair to dismiss the project on this one point. Let’s look at what Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations does right and the tools it has to do that. Project Planning and Management: Gantt charts visualize timelines, tasks and dependencies Resource Management: Allocate resources to projects based on availability and manage resource capacity to avoid overloading Financial Management: Create and manage budgets, including cost estimating and tracking as well as create invoices based on project progress, time entries and expenses Time and Expense Tracking: Record time spent on project tasks, track and manage project-related expenses Collaboration Tools: Integrates with Microsoft Teams for project chat, file sharing and meetings Reporting and Analytics: Has dashboards and customizable reports for project performance Workflow Automation: Set up automated workflows with process standardization Risk Management: Identify, manage and track project risk Cons of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations Those features bring a lot to the table and the benefits are self-evident. But that doesn’t necessarily make it different from other Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations alternatives with robust feature sets. It also doesn’t mean that there aren’t some things that need to be recorded for a more realistic view of the product. Here are some of the disadvantages of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations. Complicated setup and configuration, plus there’s a steep learning curve that might require comprehensive training and onboarding High licensing costs, especially for small to mid-sized organizations, along with additional fees for premium features or add-ons, plus implementation and customization can be costly Customization can be challenging and resource-intensive with integration outside of the Microsoft product suite is difficult No project program or portfolio management features make it a deal-breaker for organizations that need to manage multiple projects at the same time Performance issues when handling large volumes of data have been reported and there have also been scalability issues User interface isn’t intuitive and, though there’s a mobile version, it isn’t as robust and can be a drawback for users who rely on mobile access Support varies as it’s based on the service plan and getting effective support can be a challenge Limited advanced features, such as portfolio management, but also there’s no detailed critical path analysis, which requires additional tools and integrations with added costs Risk management is also limited, not allowing for the depth of analysis users might expect from the feature Overly reliant on Microsoft Ecosystem making it harder to integrate with other non-Microsoft tools and platforms Doesn’t have built-in version control, to get it users have to integrate with other Microsoft tools, such as SharePoint, which adds further expense Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations Pricing As with most Microsoft products, the pricing for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations is byzantine. It’s a subscription-based licensing plan based on users per month with functional tiers, depending on the feature set offered. However, there are added costs for add-ons and integrations. The following are examples of typical pricing plans. Project Operations Essentials: With core project management features, starts around $120-$150 per user, per month Project Operations Premium: Includes advanced features with plans starting around $150-$200 per user, per month Custom Plans: Tailored solutions for larger organizations, speak to sales There are additional costs to consider, such as implementation and consulting. Deployment costs could involve spending more on training, support and maintenance. ProjectManager can deliver the features project managers need at a price that won’t break their budgets. Best Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations Alternatives Sticker shock? That happens when you try to untangle the knot of payment plans for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations. Thankfully, there are choices out there. Let’s take a moment to explore a couple of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations alternatives. 1. ProjectManager ProjectManager is award-winning project and portfolio management software that is a strong contender for the best Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations alternative. It has all the features and more found in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations but at a fraction of the price. For those looking at the bottom line, that’s all the information they need, but there’s more. Just like Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations, our software has a powerful Gantt chart that can link all four types of task dependencies to avoid costly delays, filter for the critical path to identify essential tasks and set a baseline to track project variance in real time. Our tool also has custom and automated workloads to streamline processes, with task approvals to ensure quality deliverables. Risk management features identify risks and track issues until they’re mitigated to reduce the negative impact on the project. Plus, all this is in a standalone project management tool, rather than part of a suite of add-ons and integrations. Unlike Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations, our software has version control to revert to a previous project plan if necessary. Monitor Progress, Costs and More in Real Time Yes, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations has dashboards, but users have to build them. Busy project managers don’t want to waste time doing what superior project management software can do for them. That’s why they choose ProjectManager. Once a baseline is set on the Gantt chart, a real-time project dashboard is automatically up and running, collecting live data and displaying it on easy-to-read graphs and charts that track time, cost, workload and more. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations doesn’t even have portfolio features, but we have a portfolio dashboard so program and portfolio managers can monitor multiple projects in one place. Manage Resources and Balance Workload Resources can be planned when the project manager schedules the project tasks on the Gantt chart or roadmap. When onboarding teams, their availability can be set, such as PTO, holidays and vacation time, which makes it easier to assign tasks. Then project managers can view their live resource utilization on the team page or color-coded workload charts. They can see at a glance who is overallocated or underutilized and balance the team’s workload right then and there to keep everyone working at capacity. ProjectManager is a more flexible solution than Microsoft Dynamic 365 Project Operations, which is only for larger, complex projects. Our software can handle small to large, simple to complex projects, from waterfall to agile and hybrid methodologies. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. 2. Microsoft Project Online Viewer Those who are looking for a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations alternative in the Microsoft product line will do well with Microsoft Project Online Viewer. This tool allows users to view Microsoft Project files without having to use the full Microsoft Project application. It’s especially helpful for those who need to access and review project plans and schedules, but don’t have the full MS Project software installed. While not a full project management software solution, it can be an affordable choice for those who need to view project plans, interact with the data and access project details. This tool requires access to a Microsoft 365 subscription that includes Project Online. How to Import MS Project Files into ProjectManager Another advantage of using ProjectManager is that the project team doesn’t have to pay for expensive Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations licenses. They can import Microsoft files (MPP) and edit them in our collaborative software, then export them back to Microsoft, saving all the changes. First, take a free 30-day trial of ProjectManager and then follow these steps. 1. Import MPP File Go to the Gantt chart view and click on the import option on the menu bar, which looks like a box with an arrow piercing its top. 2. Select MPP File At this point, a popup window will instruct the users to choose a file. Pick the MPP file and to begin importing, select “Next.” 3. Make Import Options Now, choose to import the file as a new project or part of an existing project. If the import is for an existing project, choose to either update or replace the existing data. 4. Import Everything or Just a Task List The next step is to decide whether to import all the MPP file data or just the task list. If all the data is chosen, then users will be allowed to view and edit the file just as one would in Microsoft Project. 5. Finish & See Your Microsoft Project Plan Online A popup window should now appear announcing, “Success!” This means, the import is complete and one can start editing the project online, see data across multiple views and share data with stakeholders and teams. More Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations Alternatives As mentioned above, there are many Microsoft products to choose from. Let’s take a moment to review a few more. They tend to have the same issues of complexity, excess cost and collaborative problems, but they are all worth exploring as Microsoft Dynamic 365 Project Operations alternatives. 1. Microsoft Project Desktop Versions Microsoft is probably best known in the project management software field because of its widely used and criticized Microsoft Project. The Microsoft Project desktop application can be used as a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations alternative. There are different editions. Microsoft Project Standard is best suited for individuals or small teams, while Microsoft Project Professional is for larger teams that need more advanced project management features. 2. Project for the Web Microsoft Project for the Web was released in response to the desktop applications above, which are not collaborative. MS Project for the Web is part of the Microsoft 365 suite and requires a subscription, unlike MS Project it’s cloud-based, collaborative and focuses on a streamlined, user-friendly interface for individual users and teams. 3. Project Server Microsoft Project Server is designed to manage, collaborate on and track projects and portfolios. It has resource management features that can be used across multiple projects and offers reporting and custom workflows, with approval settings. It is typically deployed on-premises and requires server infrastructure and IT support for setup and maintenance. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations FAQ For those who want a quick rundown on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations, the following are some of the frequently asked questions about the product. Is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations the same as Microsoft Project? No. These are related products, but they have distinct offerings within the Microsoft Project ecosystem. Is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations Free? No. This product requires a subscription and the price depends on various factors. Is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations in Microsoft 365? No. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations is not included in a Microsoft 365 subscription. It is part of the broader Dynamics 365 suite, which is separate. Related Microsoft Content As we’ve been saying, Microsoft has many products, even a lot of project management software products. For those looking to get deeper into what they offer and if there are better alternatives, here are some recently posted articles to our site. Best Microsoft Project Alternatives Best Microsoft Planner Alternatives Microsoft Project Online: Pros, Cons and Free Alternatives Microsoft Project Viewer – How to View & Edit MPP Files Online MPP File Extension: What Is It & How to Open It Microsoft Project for Mac: How to Run MS Project Files on Your Mac What Is Microsoft Lists? Uses, Features and Pricing ProjectManager is online project and portfolio management software that connects teams whether they’re in the office or out in the field. They can share files, comment at the task level and stay updated with email and in-app notifications. Joins teams at Avis, Nestle and Siemens who are using our software to deliver successful projects. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.
基于项目的企业有许多软件产品的选择,声称可以帮助他们更有效地完成工作。其中许多是微软的产品,例如Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营。他们本可以想出一个更有效的名字,但更重要的是,它真的能帮助企业更好地管理他们的项目吗? 只有一个办法能知道。让我们测试Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营,甚至探索软件的模块,例如Microsoft Dynamics 365项目服务自动化。我们将详细介绍使用Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations的主要功能、优点和缺点。 与所有微软产品一样,微软Dynamics 365项目运营也不例外,人们对复杂的用户界面、定价计划和缺乏协作提出了批评。这就引出了一个问题:是否有任何Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营的替代方案?是的,它击败了微软,但稍后会有更多的内容。 什么是Microsoft Dynamics 365项目? 首先,让我们定义我们正在测试的产品。Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations是一款旨在管理和简化基于项目的业务的软件。它通过集成Microsoft Dynamics 365的应用程序套件来实现这一点。这为项目管理提供了统一的方法。 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations是Microsoft项目管理软件产品套件中相对较新的产品。它最初是Microsoft Dynamics AX,具有项目管理功能,但属于更广泛的企业资源规划(ERP)套件的一部分。在收购项目服务自动化(PSA)后,这两个软件产品被集成并演变为Microsoft Dynamics 365项目服务自动化。它最终过渡到Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations,于2001年底或2022年初发布。 即使经过所有这些修订,Microsoft Dynamics 365项目操作仍然很难学习。再加上许可费用,可以理解的是,用户将寻找Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营的替代方案。ProjectManager是一个更灵活的项目和投资组合管理软件解决方案。我们的软件易于使用,不会花太多钱,并且具有Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营中没有的投资组合管理功能。组织运行多个项目,需要强大的路线图来管理多个项目中的资源,并需要实时组合仪表板来监控资源、成本、进度等。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营优势和功能 是的,Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营没有项目组合管理功能,但它有一套全面的项目管理工具。在这一点上放弃这个项目是不公平的。让我们来看看Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营的正确之处,以及它必须使用的工具。 项目规划和管理:可视化时间表、任务和依赖关系 资源管理:根据可用性将资源分配给项目,并管理资源容量以避免过载 财务管理:创建和管理预算,包括成本估算和跟踪,以及根据项目进度,时间条目和费用创建发票 时间和费用跟踪:记录项目任务所花费的时间,跟踪和管理项目相关费用 协作工具:与Microsoft Teams集成,用于项目聊天、文件共享和会议 报告和分析:具有仪表板和可定制的项目绩效报告 工作流程自动化:通过流程标准化设置自动化工作流程 风险管理:识别、管理和跟踪项目风险 Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营的缺点 这些功能带来了很多好处,好处是不言而喻的。但这并不一定使它不同于其他具有强大功能集的Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营替代方案。这也并不意味着没有一些东西需要记录,以获得更真实的产品视图。以下是Microsoft Dynamics 365项目操作的一些缺点。 复杂的设置和配置,加上陡峭的学习曲线,可能需要全面的培训和入职 高昂的许可成本(尤其是对于中小型组织),以及高级功能或附加组件的额外费用,再加上实施和自定义,成本可能很高 自定义可能具有挑战性,并且很难在Microsoft产品套件之外进行资源密集型集成 对于需要同时管理多个项目的组织来说,没有项目计划或项目组合管理功能使其成为交易破坏者 处理大量数据时的性能问题已被报告,并且还存在可伸缩性问题 用户界面并不直观,虽然有移动版本,但它并不健壮,对于依赖移动访问的用户来说可能是一个缺点 支持因服务计划而异,获得有效的支持可能是一项挑战 有限的高级功能,如项目组合管理,但也没有详细的关键路径分析,这需要额外的工具和集成,增加了成本 风险管理也是有限的,不允许用户可能期望从功能中获得的分析深度 过度依赖Microsoft生态系统,难以与其他非Microsoft工具和平台集成 没有内置的版本控制,要获得它,用户必须与其他Microsoft工具(如SharePoint)集成,这进一步增加了费用 Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营定价 与大多数Microsoft产品一样,Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营的定价也很昂贵。这是一个基于订阅的许可计划,基于每月的用户数和功能层,具体取决于提供的功能集。然而,附加组件和集成会增加成本。以下是典型定价计划的示例。 项目运营基本要素:具有核心项目管理功能,每个用户每月约120 - 150美元 项目运营高级版:包括高级功能,计划每月每位用户150 - 200美元 定制计划:为大型组织量身定制的解决方案,与销售人员沟通 还有额外的成本需要考虑,例如实施和咨询。部署成本可能涉及在培训、支持和维护方面的更多支出。ProjectManager可以提供项目经理所需的功能,价格不会超出他们的预算。 最佳Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营替代方案 贴纸休克?当您尝试解开Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营的付款计划难题时,就会发生这种情况。幸运的是,外面有选择。让我们花一点时间来探索几个Microsoft Dynamics 365项目操作替代方案。 1.项目经理 ProjectManager是屡获殊荣的项目和投资组合管理软件,是最佳Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营替代方案的有力竞争者。它具有Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations中的所有功能和更多功能,但价格仅为其一小部分。对于那些关注底线的人来说,这就是他们需要的所有信息,但还有更多。 就像Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营一样,我们的软件有一个功能强大的图表,可以链接所有四种类型的任务依赖关系,以避免代价高昂的延迟,过滤关键路径以识别基本任务,并设置基线以实时跟踪项目差异。我们的工具还具有自定义和自动化的工作负载,以简化流程,并通过任务审批来确保高质量的可交付成果。 风险管理功能识别风险并跟踪问题,直到它们被缓解,以减少对项目的负面影响。此外,所有这些都在一个独立的项目管理工具中,而不是一套附加组件和集成的一部分。与Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营不同,我们的软件具有版本控制功能,可以在必要时恢复到以前的项目计划。 实时监控进度、成本等 是的,Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营有仪表板,但用户必须构建它们。忙碌的项目经理不想浪费时间去做高级项目管理软件可以为他们做的事情。这就是为什么他们选择项目经理。一旦在项目管理图上设置了基线,实时项目仪表板就会自动启动并运行,收集实时数据并将其显示在易于阅读的图形和图表上,这些图形和图表可以跟踪时间、成本、工作量等。Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营甚至没有投资组合功能,但我们有一个投资组合仪表板,以便项目和投资组合经理可以在一个地方监控多个项目。 管理资源并平衡工作负载 当项目经理在计划图或路线图上安排项目任务时,就可以计划资源。在加入团队时,可以设置他们的可用性,例如PTO,假期和休假时间,这使得分配任务变得更容易。然后,项目经理可以在团队页面或彩色编码的工作负载图表上查看他们的实时资源利用率。他们可以一眼看出谁被过度分配或未被充分利用,并立即平衡团队的工作量,以保持每个人都能充分工作。 ProjectManager是一个比Microsoft Dynamic 365 Project Operations更灵活的解决方案,后者仅适用于大型复杂项目。我们的软件可以处理从小到大,从简单到复杂的项目,从瀑布到敏捷和混合方法。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 2. Microsoft Project Online查看器 那些在Microsoft产品线中寻找Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations替代品的人将很好地使用Microsoft Project Online Viewer。此工具允许用户查看Microsoft Project文件,而无需使用完整的Microsoft Project应用程序。对于那些需要访问和查看项目计划和时间表,但没有安装完整的MS Project软件的人来说,它特别有帮助。 虽然不是一个完整的项目管理软件解决方案,但对于那些需要查看项目计划,与数据交互和访问项目详细信息的人来说,它是一个负担得起的选择。该工具需要访问包含Project Online的Microsoft 365订阅。 如何将MS Project文件导入ProjectManager 使用ProjectManager的另一个优点是,项目团队不必支付昂贵的Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营许可证。他们可以导入Microsoft文件(MPP)并在我们的协作软件中编辑它们,然后将它们导出回Microsoft,保存所有更改。首先,免费试用ProjectManager 30天,然后按照以下步骤操作。 1.导入MPP文件 转到“图表”视图,单击菜单栏上的导入选项,该选项看起来像一个顶部有箭头的框。 2.选择MPP文件 此时,弹出窗口将指示用户选择文件。选择MPP文件并开始导入,选择“下一步”。 3.创建导入选项 现在,选择将文件导入为新项目或现有项目的一部分。如果导入的是现有项目,请选择更新或替换现有数据。 4.导入所有内容或仅导入任务列表 下一步是决定是否导入所有MPP文件数据或仅导入任务列表。如果选择了所有数据,则允许用户查看和编辑文件,就像在Microsoft Project中一样。 5.完成并在线查看您的Microsoft Project计划 现在应该出现一个弹出窗口,宣布“成功!”这意味着,导入完成,可以开始在线编辑项目,跨多个视图查看数据,并与利益相关者和团队共享数据。 更多Microsoft Dynamics 365项目操作替代方案 如上所述,有许多Microsoft产品可供选择。让我们花点时间再回顾一下。它们往往具有相同的复杂性,超额成本和协作问题,但它们都值得作为Microsoft Dynamic 365 Project Operations的替代品进行探索。 1. Microsoft Project桌面版本 微软在项目管理软件领域最出名的可能是其广泛使用和饱受批评的Microsoft Project。Microsoft Project桌面应用程序可用作Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations的替代方案。有不同的版本。Microsoft Project Standard最适合个人或小型团队,而Microsoft Project Professional则适合需要更高级项目管理功能的大型团队。 2.网站地图 Microsoft Project for the Web是为了响应上述桌面应用程序而发布的,这些应用程序不是协作的。MS Project for the Web是Microsoft 365套件的一部分,需要订阅,与MS Project不同的是,它基于云计算,具有协作性,并专注于为个人用户和团队提供简化的用户友好界面。 3. Project Server Microsoft Project Server旨在管理、协作和跟踪项目和项目组合。它具有可跨多个项目使用的资源管理功能,并提供报告和自定义工作流以及审批设置。它通常部署在本地,需要服务器基础设施和IT支持进行设置和维护。 Microsoft Dynamics 365项目操作常见问题解答 对于那些想要快速了解Microsoft Dynamics 365项目运营的人,以下是有关该产品的一些常见问题。 Microsoft Dynamics 365项目操作与Microsoft Project相同吗? 不。这些是相关的产品,但它们在Microsoft Project生态系统中有不同的产品。 Microsoft Dynamics 365项目操作是否免费? 不可以。此产品需要订阅,价格取决于各种因素。 Microsoft Dynamics 365项目是否在Microsoft 365中运行? Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations不包含在Microsoft 365订阅中。它是更广泛的Dynamics 365套件的一部分,该套件是独立的。 Microsoft相关内容 正如我们一直在说的,微软有很多产品,甚至有很多项目管理软件产品。对于那些希望深入了解他们提供的内容,如果有更好的替代品,这里有一些最近发布到我们网站的文章。 最佳Microsoft Project替代品 最佳Microsoft Planner替代品 Microsoft Project Online:优点、缺点和免费替代品 Microsoft Project Viewer -如何在线查看和编辑MPP文件 MPP文件扩展名:它是什么以及如何打开它 Microsoft Project for Mac:如何在Mac上运行MS Project文件 什么是Microsoft Lists?用途、功能和价格 ProjectManager是一款在线项目和投资组合管理软件,无论团队是在办公室还是在现场,它都能将团队联系起来。他们可以共享文件,在任务级别发表评论,并通过电子邮件和应用内通知保持更新。加入安飞士、雀巢和西门子的团队,使用我们的软件交付成功的项目。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。

