4 Free & Open-Source Microsoft Project Alternatives: Ranked

4免费和开源的Microsoft Project替代品:排名

2024-10-08 19:00 project manager


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Microsoft Project has its critics. The project management software is expensive, complicated and not collaborative. No wonder project teams look for open-source Microsoft Project alternatives. For one thing, it’s (mostly) free. But these products also give Microsoft products a run for their money in terms of features. Let’s look at several open-source Microsoft Project alternatives and see what they have to offer, where they succeed as project management software and where they fall short. Sometimes a consumer gets what they paid for, which is why we’ll also review a commercial Microsoft Project alternative and see how it stands up against Microsoft Project open source alternatives. What Is an Open-Source Microsoft Project Alternative? Because Microsoft Project can be such a pain to use, project managers and their teams seek alternatives. The more technical teams, working in IT and other departments, are familiar with open source and the Linux operating system. They know open-source Microsoft Project alternatives are freely available for anyone to use, modify and distribute. Many reasons besides Microsoft Project open source alternatives being cost-effective drive the interest in using these tools. They can be easily customizable, modifying source code to fit one’s needs. There’s community support from other users and developers who help improve the product and provide help to resolve issues. That doesn’t mean it’s a perfect solution for those seeking Microsoft Project open-source alternatives. There are many challenges to consider before leaping into the unknown. The tools have a user interface that isn’t as polished as those found in commercial products. There are limited features. Open-source Microsoft Project alternatives often lack advanced reporting and integrations and aren’t fit for multiple project methodologies. Installation and maintenance can be time-consuming and require technical expertise. There are issues with data security that will worry companies. ProjectManager Is Better Than an Open-Source Alternative That’s just a few of the issues that drive users away from Microsoft Project open source alternatives toward commercial project management software. ProjectManager is award-winning project and portfolio management software that can import and export Microsoft Project files (MPP). It’s a collaborative alternative with the same robust features but comes at an affordable price point and an intuitive user interface. Our software is SOC 2 compliant, providing users with data protection. Many open-source Microsoft Project alternatives can’t handle traditional, agile and hybrid methodologies, but we can. They often don’t have program and portfolio management features, but we do. Our real-time project and portfolio dashboard doesn’t require user setup. It’s ready once users set a baseline on the Gantt chart. Live data is also displayed on easy-to-read graphs and charts showing project metrics, such as time, cost, workload and more. If you’re simply looking for best-in-class features like task and resource management, you’ll find everything you need to keep your projects and schedules running smoothly. Use the team page to balance resources on the fly and add comments in real time to keep your team looped in on progress. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. Why Use an Open-Source Microsoft Project Alternative? For those who aren’t convinced that there’s a need for a Microsoft Project open-source alternative, let’s look at all the issues surrounding project management software solutions. One issue is the steep learning curve. Whether new to project management or a seasoned professional, the highly technical nature of the software is difficult to use. Then some users want the flexibility of a mobile application. They’ll have to look elsewhere. Microsoft Project has no mobile application, not for Android or iOS. Yes, even in this day and age where everyone’s on their phone and workers are often required to log hours from the job site, Microsoft Project doesn’t see a need for a mobile application. Projects rely on communication, but Microsoft Project seems to have forgotten this. They have no collaborative tools. To collaborate, team members must pay for add-ons, such as Teams, Outlook or Slack. It’s not the most elegant way to work together, especially as one must leave Microsoft Project and their work to collaborate with other team members. Microsoft Project isn’t only expensive, but its pricing plans are confusing. Users have to pay for multiple licenses, which adds up. Then there are the various plans that are hard to understand. That alone will send users to a Microsoft Project open-source alternative. Additionally, the software is incompatible with Apple products and most throw their hands up and seek an open-source Microsoft Project alternative. Benefits of Using a Microsoft Project Open-Source Alternative We touched on the advantages of open-source Microsoft Project alternatives, but now that we’ve beaten up Microsoft Project, it makes sense to get back to the benefits of a Microsoft Project open-source alternative to understand its popularity. Most open-source Microsoft Project alternatives are free, though some require a fee for more advanced project management tools Flexible and customizable open-source software allows users to modify code to fit one’s workflow and requirements, which gives one greater control than Microsoft Project offers Support comes from a community of developers and users who upgrade the software and respond to issues, though this can be spotty and not as reliable as commercial product support No vendor lock-in tying users to a specific vendor, allowing for greater independence and the ability to switch tools or host solutions as needed Transparency allows users to review code for security vulnerabilities Frequently updated and the product incorporates innovations regularly Open standards make it easier to integrate with other systems and tools without the constraints of proprietary formats Collaborative features facilitate teams working together Disadvantages of Using a Microsoft Project Open-Source Alternative That doesn’t mean open-source Microsoft Project alternatives are perfect. Far from it. One reason users find themselves migrating from it to ProjectManager is that there are many disadvantages to open-source Microsoft Project alternatives. Here are just a few. Limited advanced features, such as built-in reports, resource and portfolio management features. Microsoft Project just gets more expensive to use as it forces one to integrate with other tools, such as SharePoint, Teams, etc. Security concerns as users are responsible for data security and compliance, which can lead to vulnerabilities Data ownership and control means organizations must manage data hosting and server infrastructure and exporting data from one tool to another can be complicated Compatibility and integration issues with other enterprise software suites like Microsoft 365, which are often part of a company’s corporate tools Steep learning curve, just like Microsoft Project, but Microsoft Project open source alternatives require a greater technical knowledge to configure or fully use Support is community-based, which can be slow and less reliable in addressing critical issues User interface is less polished and modern than those found in commercial products Installation and maintenance require technical expertise and users are responsible for ongoing maintenance, such as software updates, security patches and backups Lack of integrations with popular tools and platforms and if available might require custom development, adding complexity and cost Scalability issues with larger, more complex projects Resource intensive when setting up and an ongoing investment in time and resources to keep software functional and secure 4 Best Free Open-Source Microsoft Project Alternatives That said, several Microsoft Project open-source alternatives might be attractive to users looking for a cheaper project management tool. We tested the four most popular brands of open-source Microsoft Project alternatives to help one make an informed decision. 1. ProjectLibre ProjectLibre is a Microsoft Project open-source alternative that is a desktop application with multiple project views, resource, task and cost management features. It can also import and export MPP files as well as XML and CSV files. Works with Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems Gantt chart links dependencies, does critical path analysis and can set a baseline Creates, assigns and tracks tasks Allocates resources No advanced reporting or sophisticated resource leveling Basic software is free, but more advanced features and support come at a cost Lacks real-time collaboration Performance issues with larger, complex projects Lacks version control No cloud features for storage G2: 4.2 Capterra: 4.4 2. OpenProject OpenProject is an open-source Microsoft Project alternative designed for traditional, agile or hybrid project management methodologies. It’s a collaborative tool that has project tracking and features Gantt charts, task lists and kanban boards. Features include task management, timelines, Gantt charts, time tracking and reporting Collaborative platform with messaging, document sharing and project forums Works in a multitude of project management methodologies Has scrum boards and flexible workflow management Free tier, but other subscriptions with robust tools are expensive Complex and hard to set up Performance issues with larger projects Poor or missing resource and portfolio management features Buggy mobile application Resource intensive for self-hosted deployment G2: 3.8 Caterra: 4.5 3. GanttProject GanttProject is a Microsoft Project open-source alternative that focuses on making and managing Gantt charts. Its Gantt charts can identify task dependencies and support critical path analysis and baseline comparison. Robust Gantt charts Task management features Tracks resource availability and workload Export and print Gantt charts to PDF, PNG and CSV formats, including MPP Limited resource, financial and risk management features Limited integration with other tools No mobile access for this desktop-only application Lacks advanced security to safeguard data No built-in collaboration tools Learning curve for those unfamiliar with the Gantt chart G2: 4.3 Capterra: 4.2 4. Redmine Redmine is an open-source Microsoft Project alternative with issue tracking. It’s a web-based tool that facilitates collaboration and has features, such as Gantt charts, calendars and more. It can be used for general project management or software development projects. Create, assign and manage tasks or issues Rich reporting and tracking of issues, tasks and project progress Time tracking on tasks for better resource management Email notifications about changes, updates and deadlines Limited built-in features lacking without paying for plug-ins Setup requires technical knowledge, web server configurations, database management, etc. Reporting limitations, again requiring buying plug-ins to close the gap with commercial products Lacks advanced resource management features, such as capacity planning and workload balancing No mobile application Kanban boards only exist as plug-ins, which still aren’t fully functional G2: 4.0 Capterra: 4.1 ProjectManager Is Better Than Open-Source Microsoft Project Alternatives When it comes down to open-source Microsoft Project alternatives, they’re not as free as they seem to be. Users either have to pay for add-ons or a higher-tier subscription to get the features they want. Some of those features are good, but others fall short. Unless a user is a big-time techie who wants to get under the hood and customize their software, a better solution is ProjectManager. Our software works with Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems, can import and export MPP files if the organization is wedded to Microsoft and has a more robust feature set than any of the reviewed Microsoft Project open-source alternatives. Do they have task, resource, risk and portfolio management all in one tool with a mobile device that works on iOS and Android? We do. Are they SOC 2 compliant to ensure project data is safe? We are. We’re as collaborative as they are, with email and in-app notifications. Plan, Execute and Manage Projects With Multiple Views Our Gantt charts are just as powerful as open-source Microsoft Project alternatives, linking all four task dependencies, filtering for the critical path and setting a baseline to track project variance in real time. Project managers can organize tasks and resources and set costs, but teams don’t need all those bells and whistles. That’s why we have kanban boards to visualize workflow, plan sprints and manage backlogs. Task lists allow team members to manage their work and the calendar view provides an overview for stakeholders. Manage Resources and Labor Costs While many of the open-source Microsoft Project alternatives have some degree of resource management, they pale in comparison to our software. The benefits begin when onboarding the team. Project managers can set their availability, including PTO, vacation and global holidays for remote workers. Once the team has been assigned tasks, managers can get a live overview of the resource utilization on the team page or the color-coded workload chart. This makes it easy to see at a glance who is overallocated and who is underutilized. Then managers can balance their workload to keep them productive. Secure timesheets do more than streamline payroll, they provide a window into labor costs and the percentage complete for each team member’s tasks. Related Microsoft Project Content Sticking with Microsoft Project? That’s understandable. It’s a popular project management software. However, its faults outweigh the benefits. Check out these recent posts that look into Microsoft Project and other Microsoft products as well as alternatives to them. What Is Microsoft Project? Uses, Features and Pricing 20 Best Microsoft Project Alternatives: Free & Paid Options Microsoft Project Viewer – View & Edit MPP Files Online Microsoft Project Online: Pros, Cons and Best Alternatives Microsoft Project Gantt Chart: A How-to Guide ProjectManager is online project and portfolio management software that connects teams whether they’re in the office, out in the field or anywhere in the world. They can share files, comment at the task level and stay updated with email and in-app notifications. Join teams at Avis, Nestle and Siemens who use our software to deliver successful projects. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.
微软项目有批评者。项目管理软件是昂贵的,复杂的,不协作。难怪项目团队会寻找开源的Microsoft Project替代品。首先,它(大部分)是免费的。但这些产品在功能方面也与微软产品展开了竞争。 让我们来看看几个开源的Microsoft Project替代品,看看它们能提供什么,它们作为项目管理软件的成功之处和不足之处。有时消费者会得到他们所支付的,这就是为什么我们还将审查商业Microsoft Project替代品,看看它如何与Microsoft Project开源替代品竞争。 什么是开源的Microsoft Project替代品? 由于Microsoft Project使用起来非常痛苦,项目经理和他们的团队寻求替代方案。在IT和其他部门工作的技术团队更熟悉开源和Linux操作系统。他们知道开源的Microsoft Project替代品可供任何人免费使用,修改和分发。 除了Microsoft Project开源替代品具有成本效益之外,还有许多原因促使人们对使用这些工具感兴趣。他们可以很容易地定制,修改源代码,以适应自己的需要。还有来自其他用户和开发人员的社区支持,他们帮助改进产品并提供帮助来解决问题。 这并不意味着对于那些寻求Microsoft Project开源替代品的人来说,它是一个完美的解决方案。在进入未知领域之前,有许多挑战需要考虑。这些工具的用户界面不像商业产品中的那样精致。功能有限。开源的Microsoft Project替代方案通常缺乏高级报告和集成,并且不适合多种项目方法。安装和维护可能非常耗时,并且需要专业技术知识。数据安全问题会让企业感到担忧。 ProjectManager比开源替代品更好 这只是促使用户远离Microsoft Project开源替代品转向商业项目管理软件的一些问题。ProjectManager是屡获殊荣的项目和投资组合管理软件,可以导入和导出Microsoft Project文件(MPP)。这是一个具有相同功能的协作替代方案,但价格实惠,用户界面直观。 我们的软件符合SOC 2标准,为用户提供数据保护。许多开源的Microsoft Project替代品无法处理传统的、敏捷的和混合的方法,但我们可以。他们通常没有程序和投资组合管理功能,但我们有。我们的实时项目和投资组合仪表板不需要用户设置。用户在甘特图上设置基线后,它就准备好了。实时数据还显示在易于阅读的图形和图表上,显示项目指标,如时间,成本,工作量等。 如果您只是在寻找同类最佳的功能,如任务和资源管理,您会发现您需要的一切,以保持您的项目和计划顺利运行。使用团队页面动态平衡资源,并实时添加评论,让您的团队随时了解进度。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 为什么要使用开源的Microsoft Project替代方案? 对于那些不相信需要Microsoft Project开源替代方案的人,让我们看看围绕项目管理软件解决方案的所有问题。一个问题是陡峭的学习曲线。无论是项目管理新手还是经验丰富的专业人士,软件的高度技术性都很难使用。 然后,一些用户想要移动应用程序的灵活性。他们得另寻他处了。Microsoft Project没有移动应用程序,不适用于Android或iOS。是的,即使在这个时代,每个人都在他们的手机和工人往往需要从工作现场记录小时,微软项目没有看到一个移动应用程序的需要。 项目依赖于沟通,但Microsoft Project似乎忘记了这一点。他们没有合作工具。要进行协作,团队成员必须支付附加组件的费用,例如Teams、Outlook或Slack。这不是最优雅的合作方式,特别是当一个人必须离开Microsoft Project和他们的工作才能与其他团队成员合作时。 Microsoft Project不仅价格昂贵,而且其定价计划令人困惑。用户必须支付多个许可证,这加起来。然后是各种难以理解的计划。仅这一点就将把用户送到Microsoft Project开源替代品。此外,该软件与苹果产品不兼容,大多数人都举手投降,寻求开源的Microsoft Project替代品。 使用Microsoft Project开源替代方案的好处 我们谈到了开源Microsoft Project替代品的优势,但现在我们已经击败了Microsoft Project,回到Microsoft Project开源替代品的好处来了解其受欢迎程度是有意义的。 大多数开源的MicrosoftProject替代品都是免费的,尽管有些更高级的项目管理工具需要付费 灵活和可定制的开源软件允许用户修改代码以适应自己的工作流程和要求,这比Microsoft Project提供了更大的控制权 支持来自一个由开发人员和用户组成的社区,他们升级软件并对问题做出响应,尽管这可能是断断续续的,不像商业产品支持那样可靠 没有供应商锁定,将用户绑定到特定供应商,允许更大的独立性以及根据需要切换工具或主机解决方案的能力 透明度允许用户审查代码的安全漏洞 经常更新,产品定期创新 开放标准使其更容易与其他系统和工具集成,而不受专有格式的限制 协作功能有助于团队协同工作 使用Microsoft Project开源替代方案的缺点 这并不意味着开源的Microsoft Project替代品是完美的。用户发现自己从它迁移到ProjectManager的一个原因是,开源的Microsoft Project替代品有许多缺点。这里有一些。 有限的高级功能,例如内置报告、资源和项目组合管理功能。微软项目只是变得更昂贵的使用,因为它迫使一个与其他工具,如SharePoint,团队等集成。 安全问题,因为用户负责数据安全和合规性,这可能导致漏洞 数据所有权和控制权意味着组织必须管理数据托管和服务器基础设施,并且将数据从一个工具导出到另一个工具可能非常复杂 与其他企业软件套件(如Microsoft 365)的兼容性和集成问题,这些软件套件通常是公司企业工具的一部分 陡峭的学习曲线,就像Microsoft Project一样,但Microsoft Project开源替代品需要更多的技术知识来配置或充分使用 支持是以社区为基础的,在解决关键问题方面可能缓慢且不太可靠 用户界面不如商业产品那么精致和现代 安装和维护需要技术专业知识,用户负责持续维护,例如软件更新、安全补丁和备份 缺乏与流行工具和平台的集成,如果可用,可能需要定制开发,从而增加复杂性和成本 更大、更复杂的项目的可扩展性问题 设置时需要大量资源,并且需要持续投入时间和资源来保持软件的功能和安全 4最好的免费开源Microsoft Project替代品 也就是说,几个Microsoft Project开源替代品可能对寻找更便宜的项目管理工具的用户有吸引力。我们测试了四个最受欢迎的开源Microsoft Project替代品品牌,以帮助您做出明智的决定。 1.自由项目 ProjectLibre是一个Microsoft Project开源替代品,是一个具有多个项目视图,资源,任务和成本管理功能的桌面应用程序。它还可以导入和导出MPP文件以及XML和CSV文件。 适用于Windows、Mac和Linux操作系统 图表链接依赖关系,进行关键路径分析,并可以设置基线 创建、分配和跟踪任务 分配资源 没有高级报告或复杂的资源调配 基本的软件是免费的,但更高级的功能和支持是有成本的 缺乏实时协作 大型复杂项目的性能问题 缺乏版本控制 无云存储功能 G2:4.2 Capterra:4.4 2. OpenProject OpenProject是一个开源的Microsoft Project替代方案,专为传统、敏捷或混合项目管理方法而设计。这是一个协作工具,具有项目跟踪和功能图表,任务列表和看板。 功能包括任务管理、时间表、图表、时间跟踪和报告 具有消息传递、文档共享和项目论坛的协作平台 适用于多种项目管理方法 具有多功能板和灵活的工作流管理 免费层,但其他具有强大工具的订阅价格昂贵 复杂且难以设置 大型项目的绩效问题 资源和项目组合管理特性不佳或缺失 有缺陷的移动应用 自托管部署需要大量资源 G2:3.8 Caterra:4.5 3. GanttProject GanttProject是Microsoft Project的开源替代品,专注于制作和管理图表。它的流程图可以识别任务依赖关系,并支持关键路径分析和基线比较。 鲁棒性图表 任务管理功能 跟踪资源可用性和工作负载 导出并打印PDF、PNG和CSV格式的电子海图,包括MPP 有限的资源、财务和风险管理功能 与其他工具的集成有限 此仅限桌面的应用程序无法进行移动访问 缺乏高级安全性来保护数据 无内置协作工具 不熟悉图表的人的学习曲线 G2:4.3 Capterra:4.2 4. Redmine Redmine是一个开源的Microsoft Project替代品,具有问题跟踪功能。这是一个基于Web的工具,可以促进协作,并具有图表,日历等功能。它可以用于一般的项目管理或软件开发项目。 创建、分配和管理任务或问题 丰富的问题、任务和项目进度报告和跟踪功能 对任务进行时间跟踪,以更好地管理资源 有关更改、更新和截止日期的电子邮件通知 有限的内置功能缺乏没有支付插件 安装程序需要技术知识、Web服务器配置、数据库管理等。 报告的局限性,再次需要购买插件来缩小与商业产品的差距 缺乏高级资源管理功能,如容量规划和工作负载平衡 无移动应用程序 看板板只作为插件存在,仍然不能完全发挥作用 G2:4.0 Capterra:4.1 ProjectManager比开源的Microsoft Project替代品更好 当涉及到开源的Microsoft Project替代品时,它们并不像看起来那样自由。用户要么必须支付附加组件或更高层次的订阅,以获得他们想要的功能。其中一些功能是好的,但其他功能则不足。除非用户是一个想要深入了解并定制他们的软件的一流技术人员,否则ProjectManager是一个更好的解决方案。 我们的软件适用于Windows,Mac和Linux操作系统,如果组织与Microsoft结合,则可以导入和导出MPP文件,并且具有比任何经过审查的Microsoft Project开源替代品更强大的功能集。他们是否在iOS和Android上使用移动终端,在一个工具中实现了任务、资源、风险和投资组合管理?我们有.他们是否符合SOC 2以确保项目数据安全?我们到了我们和他们一样协作,通过电子邮件和应用内通知。 计划、执行和管理具有多个视图的项目 我们的工作流程图与开源的Microsoft Project替代品一样强大,链接所有四个任务依赖关系,过滤关键路径并设置基线以实时跟踪项目差异。项目经理可以组织任务和资源并设定成本,但团队不需要所有这些花里胡哨的东西。这就是为什么我们有看板来可视化工作流程,计划冲刺和管理积压。任务列表允许团队成员管理他们的工作,日历视图为利益相关者提供概述。 管理资源和人工成本 虽然许多开源的Microsoft Project替代品都有一定程度的资源管理,但与我们的软件相比,它们相形见绌。好处从加入团队开始。项目经理可以设置其可用性,包括PTO、假期和远程工作人员的全球假期。一旦团队被分配了任务,经理就可以在团队页面或彩色编码的工作负载图表上获得资源利用率的实时概览。这使得很容易一眼看出谁被过度分配,谁被利用不足。然后,管理者可以平衡他们的工作量,以保持他们的生产力。安全的时间表不仅仅是简化工资单,它们还提供了一个了解劳动力成本和每个团队成员任务完成百分比的窗口。 Microsoft Project相关内容 使用Microsoft Project?这可以理解这是一个流行的项目管理软件。然而,它的缺点大于好处。看看这些最近的帖子,看看微软项目和其他微软产品以及替代品。 什么是Microsoft Project?用途、功能和价格 20个最佳Microsoft Project替代品:免费和付费选项 Microsoft Project Viewer -在线查看和编辑MPP文件 Microsoft Project Online:优点,缺点和最佳替代品 Microsoft Project图表:操作指南 ProjectManager是一款在线项目和投资组合管理软件,无论团队在办公室、现场还是世界任何地方,它都可以将他们联系起来。他们可以共享文件,在任务级别发表评论,并通过电子邮件和应用内通知保持更新。加入安飞士、雀巢和西门子的团队,使用我们的软件交付成功的项目。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。

